499 research outputs found

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    The complexity of environmental education: teaching ideas and strategies from teachers

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    Ponencia de 7th International Conference on Intercultural Education “Education, Health and ICT for a Transcultural World”, EDUHEM 2016The research presented tries to understand and analyze the conceptions that the teachers keep from different levels of education (primary, secondary, and higher education), about the paradigm in which are placed in the treatment of Environmental Education (EE ), as well as methodological strategies used and / or designed for practice. This work argues with the intention of detecting possible reductionism, determinism and fragmentation, in the conceptions of teachers. To do this quantitative techniques have been combined, by using a questionnaire, with qualitative techniques, through the interview in depth; which has allowed us to know and analyze the current situation of the participating teachers in their conceptions of EE, as well as methodological aspects used in its treatment. For this, it conducted an investigation of descriptive-interpretative type with 58 teaching participants, of different educational levels and they teach different subjects and / or disciplines. The results make visible that there is interest in a reflective view closer to the complex thought in the treatment of EE, howev er we check reductionism associated with the difficulties of their practic

    Dibujar para el deleite, el prestigio y el poder. Dos atlas «perdidos» de la Monarquía Hispánica del siglo XVII

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    L’article analitza les figures de Leonardo de Ferrari i Lorenzo Possi, dos cartògrafsitalians al servei de la Monarquia Hispànica, i els atles que van confeccionar, acabats el 1655 i el 1687, respectivament. Ambdues obres formen part de l’anomenada «cartografia perduda» de la Monarquia espanyola, que està sent objecte d’una important recuperació, i se les contextualitza amb unavaloració general del pes de la cartografia en el món dels Àustries espanyols, particularment en el segle XVII. Centrant-se en l’anàlisi i comparació de la vida dels dos autors, en el procés de confecció de les dues obres i en els seus aspectes formals i de contingut, com a instruments altament valorats en termes polítics i també estètics i de reconeixement social, l’article exposa, a partir d’aquests dos exemples, les relacions entre el poder, el cartògraf i el mapaEl artículo analiza las figuras de Leonardo de Ferrari y Lorenzo Possi, dos cartógrafos italianos al servicio de la Monarquía Hispánica, y los atlas queconfeccionaron, finalizados en 1655 y 1687, respectivamente. Ambas obras forman parte de la llamada «cartografía perdida» de la Monarquía española, que está siendo objeto de una importante labor de recuperación, y se las pone en valor con relación a la importancia de la cartografía en el mundo de los Austrias españoles, particularmente en el siglo xvii. Centrándose en el análisis y comparación de la vida de los dos autores, en el proceso de confección de ambas obras y en sus aspectos formales y de contenido —instrumentos altamente valorados en términos políticos y también estéticos, y de reconocimiento social—, el artículo expone, a partir de estos dos ejemplos, las relaciones entre el poder, el cartógrafo y el mapaThis article deals with Leonardo de Ferrari and Lorenzo Possi, two Italian cartographers in the service of the Spanish monarchy, and the atlases theymade in 1655 and 1687, respectively. Both works belong to the so-called “lost cartography” of the Spanish monarchy, which is undergoing an important recovery, and are contextualized by means of a survey of the range achieved by cartography in the world of the Spanish Habsburgs, mostly in the seventeenth century. The article compares the authors’ lives and then covers the preparation of both works and their formal aspect and contents, as the atlases were highly esteemed instruments for political as well as aesthetical and social reasons. Through both examples, the article explores the relations between political power, the cartographers and the map

    Methodology to analyze the effectiveness of ESD in a higher degree in education: a case study

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    This paper presents a methodology to evaluate (1) to what extent students of a higher degree in the field of education acquire sustainability competencies, and (2) to determine whether the subjects that develop Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) achieve their learning objectives. The methodology is applied to a case study. The instruments used are the sustainability survey and the sustainability presence map developed by the EDINSOST project. The survey consists of 18 questions, and has been answered by 104 first-year students and 86 fourth-year students belonging to the Bachelor Degree in Primary Education Teaching at the University of Seville. The Mann-Whitney U test has been used to compare the results of the two students groups, and Cohen’s D has been used to measure the effect size. Students only obtain significant improvements, with 95% confidence, in three questions: Q4 (I know procedures and resources to integrate sustainability in the subjects), Q5 (I analyze the opportunities presented in the subjects to plan educational projects to integrate sustainability) and Q6 (I design educational projects from the perspective of sustainability), all concerning critical thinking and creativity. An improvement is also detected in question Q11 (I know how to develop myself satisfactorily in community educational projects, encouraging participation), with a confidence of 90%. Surprisingly, no subject in the curriculum develops the learning outcomes concerning questions Q4, Q5 and Q6, and only one subject develops the learning outcomes regarding question Q11. However, up to five subjects declare development of the learning outcomes regarding questions in which there is no improvement in student learning. These results suggest that the subjects are failing to reach their ESD learning objectives, and that the students are either trained in sustainability outside the university or the subject learning guides do not reflect the work done by the students throughout their studies.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Plan de negocio de empresa de organización de bodas en Segovia

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    Inicialmente, se trata de un estudio sobre el sector de las bodas y sus tendencias a nivel nacional y también, en Segovia en particular. Además, se realiza un plan de viabilidad para considerar la posibilidad de crear dicha empresa en Segovia.Departamento de Organización de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de MercadosGrado en Turism

    The use of Minor Asia marmora in Ostia Antica

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    Con el presente artículo, mostraremos la localización y el uso de los mármoles de color de Asia Menor en la decoración arquitectónica de Ostia durante su evolución cronológica y edilicia 1 . Esta ciudad cercana a la capital, Roma, y de crucial importancia para la misma, representa el ejemplo más directo en el que puede apreciarse el fenómeno de la imitación de proyectos de decoración arquitectónica2 en los que se trasportaban modelos creados en Roma por parte de la clase dirigente, a otras ciudades. Nuestro estudio muestra, por un lado, dónde y cómo hemos hallado los marmora de color de Asia Menor en las áreas de representación de la ciudad y, por e otro, en qué tipo de espacios, públicos o privados.The aim of this paper is to show the location and the use of the Minor Asia coloured marbles in the architectural decoration of Ostia, during its urban evolution. This city near the capital, Rome, its the best example of the imitatio phenomenon in the architectural decoration. In those projects, we can observe how the models created in Rome are spread by the elites to other cities. Firstly, our study shows where and how we have found the Minor Asia coloured marmora in the representation areas of the city and secondly, how we can find that marble items on public or private spaces

    Instituciones y poderes eclesiásticos en la Extremadura de finales del siglo XVIII

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    En el presente trabajo analizamos algunas de las instituciones y poderes eclesiásticos extremeños, adscribiéndolos a las tres jurisdicciones (realengo, señorío y órdenes militares). Con ello pretendemos hacernos eco del interés y preocupación mostrado por el Departamento de Historia Moderna de esta Universidad en el estudio de la complejidad jurisdiccional de Extremadura.In the present work we analyze some of the institutions and ecclesiastical powers of Extremadura, assigning them to the three jurisdictions (Crown property, lordship and military orders). With this we intend to echo the interest and concern shown by the Department of Modern History of this University in the study of the jurisdictional complexity of Extremadura.peerReviewe