1,275 research outputs found

    Origen y desarrollos actuales de la predicción meteorológica

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    La Meteorología es una ciencia relativamente moderna si la comparamos con otras disciplinas científicas. Sus principales bases teóricas no quedaron establecidas hasta las primeras décadas del siglo XX, gracias a la labor de un grupo de brillantes meteorólogos suecos y noruegos, con Vilhem Bjerknes a la cabeza. Sin embargo, no fue hasta la década de 1950 cuando la Meteorología dio su gran salto cualitativo, gracias a la llegada de los ordenadores, lo que permitió el desarrollo y la puesta en marcha de las predicciones meteorológicas. Desde entonces, paralelamente al aumento exponencial de la capacidad de cálculo computacional, su desarrollo ha sido imparable, alcanzando en la actualidad un alto nivel de confianz

    NRT2.5 a putative sodium dependent high affinity nitrate trasnporter of zostera marina l.

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    Seagrasses are the only group of vascular plants that recolonized the marine environment, possibly the most severe habitat shift ever accomplished by flowering plants. These plants have regained functions enabling them to thrive in liquid medium with an extremely high salinity (0.5 M Na+), high alkaline conditions (pH 8.2) and very low concentration of essential nutrients as NO3- or Pi. Despite this, seagrasses form one of the highest productive and widespread ecosystems of the planet (Larkum et al., 2006). Zostera marina was the first seagrass fully sequenced and its genome reveals important insights about this secondary adaption. Comparison with land plants indicates that less than 20 % of the genes families are specific in the genome of seagrasses. Thus, adaptation to marine environment seems to be due to molecular changes of the same family genes rather that the speciation of pre-existing genes. This appears to be the case of the high affinity nitrate transporter belonging to the NRT family. In contrast to terrestrial vascular plants, where NRT2 encode high affinity NO3- transporters that operate as H+ symporters, our electrophysiological analysis indicate that in Z. marina high affinity NO3- uptake is mediated by a Na+-dependent mechanism. A detailed analysis of the Z. marina genome indicates the presence of only one gene encoding for this type of transporter: Zosma70g00300.1. Phylogenetic analysis shows that this high affinity nitrate transporter is more related to NRT2.5 than to NTRT2.1, sharing a common ancestor with both, monocot and dicot plants. We have cloned Zosma70g00300.1 and the high-affinity nitrate transporter accessory protein NAR2 (Zosma63g00220.1) in order to characterize the specific transport mechanism mediated by these proteins in Z. marina. Thus, the putative Z. marina NRT2.5 transporter could have evolved to use Na+ as a driving ion, which might be an essential adaptation of seagrasses to colonize the marine environment.MICINN (BFU2017-85117-R; BIO2016-81957-REDT) Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Números enormes pero no infinitos

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    La final de la XXVI Olimpiada Matemática Aragonesa de 2º de la ESO tuvo lugar en el aula magna de ciencias el día 6 de mayo el 2017. En ella, participaron 102 alumnos de los IES de la comunidad autónoma de Aragón, que intentaron resolver, como todos estos años, seis problemas usando conocimientos matemáticos e intuición. El problema que voy a analizar en esta ocasión es el número seis que llevaba por título, «Números enormes pero no infinitos»

    El lado oscuro del octógono

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    La final de la XXV Olimpiada Matemática Aragonesa de 2º de la ESO tuvo lugar en el aula magna de la facultad de ciencias el día 21 de mayo del 2016. En ella, 109 alumnos matriculados en los IES de la comunidad autónoma de Aragón, intentaron resolver de la mejor forma posible 6 problemas. El problema que vamos analizar en esta ocasión es el problema número 2 entregado en la primera parte de la prueba

    Use of scalable fuzzy time series methods to predict electrical demand

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    Electric power is one of the main engines of humanity since the late eighteenth century, therefore, understanding the behavior of the demand of this corresponds to a very important study. Within this field, electricity demand prediction has been one of the most developed activities in several researches, where the use of fuzzy time series models has had good results. This paper presents the use of scalable fuzzy time series methods, which were developed by Petronio Silva [1] to predict the Spanish electricity demand collected by the Spanish TSO, whose computational implementation uses a Mamdani fuzzy inference system, which directly processes a time series containing the demand data and its register. It should be noted that the database also includes forecasts made by the same Spanish TSO, so comparisons are made with these forecasts.Facultad de Informátic

    Pixel Features for Self-organizing Map Based Detection of Foreground Objects in Dynamic Environments

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    Among current foreground detection algorithms for video sequences, methods based on self-organizing maps are obtaining a greater relevance. In this work we propose a probabilistic self-organising map based model, which uses a uniform distribution to represent the foreground. A suitable set of characteristic pixel features is chosen to train the probabilistic model. Our approach has been compared to some competing methods on a test set of benchmark videos, with favorable results.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Reflexiones sobre la belleza de la atmósfera

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    Comportamiento del Empleo en el Sector Fundacional: Actuaciones Contraciclicas y Derivaciones de Politica Economica para el Sector.

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    La Asociación Española de Fundaciones ha publicado en 2013 un estudio pionero sobre los datos de empleo en el sector fundacional español registrados hasta 2012.La investigación, desarrollada a través del Instituto de Análisis Estratégico de Fundaciones (INAEF), tiene como objetivo conocer cuál es la evolución y situación del empleo en el sector fundacional para poder proponer medidas de actuación en este ámbito que afectarían positivamente no solo a las fundaciones sino indirectamente al resto de la sociedad en términos económicos y de bienestar social.________________This book reports about the foundation sector in Spain and more specifically from the point of view of the employment, on the basis of data collected in 2012

    Pedraza y el don de la palabra

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