932 research outputs found

    S194-P-FADD as a marker of aggressiveness and poor prognosis in human T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma

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    T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma is a haematological disease with an urgent need for reliable prognostic biomarkers that allow therapeutic stratification and dose adjustment. The scarcity of human samples is responsible for the delayed progress in the study and the clinical management of this disease, especially compared with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, its leukemic counterpart. In the present work, we have determined by immunohistochemistry that S194-P-FADD protein is significantly reduced in a cohort of 22 samples from human T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma. Notably, the extent of such reduction varies significantly among samples and has revealed determinant for the outcome of the tumour. We demonstrate that Fas-associated protein with death domain (FADD) phosphorylation status affects protein stability, subcellular localization and non-apoptotic functions, specifically cell proliferation. Phosphorylated FADD would be more stable and preferentially localized to the cell nucleus; there, it would favour cell proliferation. We show that patients with higher levels of S194-P-FADD exhibit more proliferative tumours and that they present worse clinical characteristics and a significant enrichment to an oncogenic signature. This supports that FADD phosphorylation may serve as a predictor for T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma aggressiveness and clinical status. In summary, we propose FADD phosphorylation as a new biomarker with prognostic value in T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma

    Emotional intelligence vs. general intelligence: Aspects to consider in teaching

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    The main objective of this study was to analyze the way in which emotional competencies (EI) in students are linked to general intelligence (IQ), and how the crossing of the two measurements determines their academic performance. To conduct this research, two tests were applied. First, the TEIQue (Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire) assessment was administered and, secondly, the R scale of the PMA Test (Primary Mental Abilities). The sample consisted of 58 university students between 18 and 51 years old, of which 76% are women and 24% are men. The results show that there is no direct relationship between emotional intelligence and general intelligence. However, it is important to consider the size of the sample, since it presents limitations when interpreting the results. Nonetheless, an interesting finding is the interaction discovered between a performance indicator, such as the selectivity score, and the overall EI score. These results are in line with those found by Schutte et al. (1998). This result is even more significant, if possible, when realizing the selectivity score showed a negative correlation (inverse relationship) with the score on the PMA- R (Reasoning) test.--------------------Inteligencia emocional vs. inteligencia general: Aspectos a considerar en la docenciaResumenLa presente investigación tiene como principal objetivo analizar el modo en el que las competencias emocionales (IE) de los estudiantes se vinculan con su inteligencia general (IQ) y cómo del cruce de ambas medidas determinan su rendimiento académico. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación, se suministraron dos cuestionarios a estudiantes de la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Concretamente, los estudiantes cumplimentaron el cuestionario TEIQue (Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire) para la medición de la Inteligencia emocional y la escala R del Test PMA (Primary Mental Abilities) para la valoración del factor de razonamiento. La muestra está compuesta por 58 alumnos universitarios con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 51 años, de los cuales el 76% son mujeres y el 24% son hombres. Los resultados de esta investigación, aunque no han permitido establecer una vinculación clara entre Inteligencia Emocional e Inteligencia General, han permitido vislumbrar algunas tendencias que relacionan las sub-escalas del cuestionario TEIQue con el factor razonamiento de los estudiantes. A través de esta relación, se han podido establecer perfiles y, a partir de ellos, se han identificado las metodologías docentes más adecuadas para mejorar los resultados académicos de los estudiantes.DOI: 10.18870/hlrc.v4i1.199PDF document contains both the original in Spanish and an English translation

    Expression of p53 Protein and Tumor Angiogenesis as Prognostic Factors in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients.

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the possible prognostic significance of p53 protein overexpression and tumor angiogenesis (TA) in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients, together with other clinicopathological variables. Forty-two NPC patients were evaluated in relation to survival. Nuclear p53 overexpression in neoplastic and endothelial cells was detected by immunohistochemistry (IHC) with the monoclonal antibody DO-7 and the polyclonal antibody against factor VIII-related antigen, respectively. Thereafter, we evaluated p53 cases in order to determine their nuclear immunoreactivity from negative (-) to positive (+, ++, +++). In addition, microvessels were counted in the most active areas of tumor neovascularization or hotspots using an image computer analyzer (MicroImage®). A Cox multiple regression survival analysis was used to determine the best prognostic indicators in NPC patients. As a result, tumor microvessel count, considered as a continuous variable, was the most important independent prognostic indicator in relation to survival (p = 0.0273), with a relative risk of death of 2,4399 [95% confidence interval = 1.1051 ; 5.3871] associated with the highest microvessel counts. Moreover, the only clinicopathological variable that demonstrated prognostic value in a Cox multiple regression survival analysis was histological type (p = 0.05). In addition, we did not observe any statistical association between intratumoral microvessel density (IMD), clinicopathological variables and p53 protein expression. Key words: p53 protein - Angiogenesis - Morphometry - Prognosis - Nasopharyngeal carcinom

    Assessment of static posturography and pedobarography for the detection of unilateral forelimb lameness in ponies

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    Background: Static posturography and pedobarography are based on the detection of postural imbalance and, consequently, the pressure redistribution between limbs in lame subjects. These techniques have proven to be useful for the detection of lameness in humans and dogs. The main objective of this study was to test the suitability of static posturography and pedobarography in diagnosing lameness in ponies. A pressure platform was used to obtain postural data (statokinesiograms, mean X and Y, length, LFS ratio, and mean velocity) from 10 sound ponies and 7 ponies with unilateral forelimb lameness. Static pedobarographic data (pressure distribution, mean pressure, and peak pressure) were also collected and compared with force plate data (peak vertical force and vertical impulse) obtained from the same animals at the walk. Results: Significant differences were seen between lame and sound ponies for almost all evaluated parameters. With this sample size, differences between lame and sound limbs/groups were detected with a statistical power of 90%, except for mean X and Y. Conclusions: Static posturography and pedobarography provide a complementary approach for lameness detection in equids

    Uvbyβ photometry of active-chromosphere binaries .1. The system TZ Coronae Borealis

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    Simultaneous uvby and Hβ photometry of thee noneclipsing double-lined spectroscopic binary TZ CrB, an active binary system with almost unevolved components, is presented. A small amplitude distortion wave (0.012 mag in y) has been found with maximum light at phase ∽0.75. No variations in color or the βindex during the orbital cycle have been detected within the precision of the observations. The resulting color indices in the standard uvby system allow the estimation of some basic stellar parameters, such as the average effective temperature ∽6000 K and the stellar radii of the component stars ∽1.1 R_⨀. These results, together with available spectroscopic data, permit a consistent picture for this interesting binary to be obtained

    Statin pretreatment diminishes the levels of myocardial ischemia markers not only in CABG

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    A response to Ege E, Dereli Y, Kurban S, Sarigul A: Atorvastatin pretreatment diminishes the levels of myocardial ischemia markers early after CABG operation: an observational study. J Cardiothorac Surg 2010, 5:60

    Influence of the soil water content and distribution on both the hydraulic and transpiration performance of 'Manzanilla' olive trees

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    8 páginas, 4 figuras, 20 referencias.-- VI International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops, celebrado del 2-6 de noviembre de 2006 en Viña del Mar, Chile.-- [email protected] work was made with mature 'Manzanilla' olive trees in an orchard of a semi-arid area in southern Spain. Three water treatments were considered: Rainfed, in which the trees had rainfall as the only source of water supply; FAO, in which the trees were under localized irrigation to replace the crop water demand, with some roots left in drying soil; Pond, in which the whole rootzones of the trees were maintained under non-limiting soil water conditions for the whole dry season. Our aim was to obtain information on the mechanisms behind the reduction of transpiration (Ep) in the FAO trees, as compared to the Pond trees. Our results show a near-isohydric behaviour of the FAO trees, i.e. those trees under localized irrigation in which some roots are left in drying showed lower stomatal conductance than the Pond trees in which all roots were in wetted soil. This helped the FAO trees to maintain similar leaf water potentials than the Pond trees. In addition, the FAO trees maintained a constant difference between the water potential of the canopy and that in the soil. This has been described as an isohydrodynamic behaviour, and it is thought to be an improvement over a typically anisohydric behaviour. These mechanisms were behind the similar values of tree hydraulic conductance (K p) found in the FAO and Pond treatments. The Rainfed trees showed lower Kp values because of the low Ep values of those trees, due to the low soil water availability in that treatment. Our results show, however, that the Rainfed trees were able to maintain similar values of Kp all throughout the dry season, which shows that the hydraulic efficiency of the xylem of those trees was little affected by embolism, despite of the high demanding conditions in the area.This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, research project No.AGL2006-04666/AGR, and by the EU, research project ref. STREP 023120.Peer Reviewe

    Comparison of four steady-state models of increasing complexity for assessing the leaching requirement in agricultural salt-threatened soils

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    Irrigation scheduling in salt-threatened soils must include an estimation of the leaching requirement (LR). Many models have been developed over the last 40 years for assessing the LR, and they should be compared on common grounds to guide potential users. The LR for salts (LR gamma), chloride (LRCI) and SAR (LRSAR) and therefore the eventual LR was assessed with simple equations and three steady-state computer models of increasing complexity, WATSUIT, SALSODIMAR and SALTIRSOIL. These models were assessed in 30 scenarios characterised by different crops and water qualities in the irrigated area of the Vega Baja del Segura (SE Spain). The simple equations, WATSUIT and SALTIRSOIL calculated quite similar eventual LRs, which were between 0.99 depending on crop species and water quality. The SALSODIMAR gave remarkably higher eventual LRs (between 0.31 and > 0.99). This occurred because SALSODIMAR uses the hypothesis that the saturation extract is more concentrated than the drainage water, contrary to what is assumed by the simple equations or calculated by WATSUIT and SALTIRSOIL. Rainfall, which is not taken into account by the simple equations and WATSUIT, and soil calcite weathering, which is not taken into account by SALSODIMAR, were revealed, respectively, as important and very important aspects to be included in steady-state models. Although the SALTIRSOIL appears to be the most complete model, the simple equations give acceptably similar irrigation doses for many of the situations considered in this study. Irrigation doses lower than presently used could be profitably applied in the Vega Baja del Segura