50 research outputs found

    New dynamical pair breaking effect

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    A dynamical pair breaking effect is evidenced at very low excitation energies. For this purpose, a new set of time-dependent coupled channel equations for pair-breaking in superfluid systems are deduced from the variational principle. These equations give the probability to destroy or to create a Cooper pair under the action of some perturbations or when the mean field varies in time. The odd-even effect in fission is investigated within the model as an example. For this purpose, the time-dependent probability to find the system in a seniority-one or in a seniority-two state is restricted in the sense that the perturbations are considered only in the avoided crossing regions.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Highly versatile atomic micro traps generated by multifrequency magnetic field modulation

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    We propose the realization of custom-designed adiabatic potentials for cold atoms based on multimode radio frequency radiation in combination with static inhomogeneous magnetic fields. For example, the use of radio frequency combs gives rise to periodic potentials acting as gratings for cold atoms. In strong magnetic field gradients the lattice constant can be well below 1 micrometer. By changing the frequencies of the comb in time the gratings can easily be propagated in space, which may prove useful for Bragg scattering atomic matter waves. Furthermore, almost arbitrarily shaped potential are possible such as disordered potentials on a scale of several 100 nm or lattices with a spatially varying lattice constant. The potentials can be made state selective and, in the case of atomic mixtures, also species selective. This opens new perspectives for generating tailored quantum systems based on ultra cold single atoms or degenerate atomic and molecular quantum gases.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Accurate spectroscopy of Sr atoms

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    We report the frequency measurement with an accuracy in the 100 kHz range of several optical transitions of atomic Sr : 1S0−3P1^1S_0- ^3P_1 at 689 nm, 3P1−3S1^3P_1- ^3S_1 at 688 nm and 3P0−3S1^3P_0- ^3S_1 at 679 nm. Measurements are performed with a frequency chain based on a femtosecond laser referenced to primary frequency standards. They allowed the indirect determination with a 70 kHz uncertainty of the frequency of the doubly forbidden 5s^2^1S_0- 5s5p^3P_0 transition of 87^{87}Sr at 698 nm and in a second step its direct observation. Frequency measurements are performed for 88^{88}Sr and 87^{87}Sr, allowing the determination of 3P0^3P_0, 3P1^3P_1 and 3S1^3S_1 isotope shifts, as well as the 3S1^3S_1 hyperfine constants.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figure

    Landau-Zener transitions in qubits controlled by electromagnetic fields

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    We investigate the influence of a dipole interaction with a classical radiation field on a qubit during a continuous change of a control parameter. In particular, we explore the non-adiabatic transitions that occur when the qubit is swept with linear speed through resonances with the time-dependent interaction. Two classical problems come together in this model: the Landau-Zener and the Rabi problem. The probability of Landau-Zener transitions now depends sensitively on the amplitude, the frequency and the phase of the Rabi interaction. The influence of the static phase turns out to be particularly strong, since this parameter controls the time-reversal symmetry of the Hamiltonian. In the limits of large and small frequencies, analytical results obtained within a rotating-wave approximation compare favourably with a numerically exact solution. Some physical realizations of the model are discussed, both in microwave optics and in magnetic systems.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Microscopic Dynamics in a Strongly Interacting Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    An initially stable 85Rb Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) was subjected to a carefully controlled magnetic field pulse in the vicinity of a Feshbach resonance. This pulse probed the strongly interacting regime for the condensate, with calculated values for the diluteness parameter (na^3) ranging from 0.01 to 0.5. The field pulse was observed to cause loss of atoms from the condensate on remarkably short time scales (>=10 microsec). The dependence of this loss on magnetic field pulse shape and amplitude was measured. For triangular pulses shorter than 1 ms, decreasing the pulse length actually increased the loss, until extremely short time scales (a few tens of microseconds) were reached. Such time scales and dependencies are very different from those expected in traditional condensate inelastic loss processes, suggesting the presence of new microscopic BEC physics.Comment: 4 pages in latex2E, 4 eps figures; revised Fig.1, revised scatt.lengths, added discussion, new refs., resubmitted to PR

    Optics with an Atom Laser Beam

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    We report on the atom optical manipulation of an atom laser beam. Reflection, focusing and its storage in a resonator are demonstrated. Precise and versatile mechanical control over an atom laser beam propagating in an inhomogeneous magnetic field is achieved by optically inducing spin-flips between atomic ground states with different magnetic moment. The magnetic force acting on the atoms can thereby be effectively switched on and off. The surface of the atom optical element is determined by the resonance condition for the spin-flip in the inhomogeneous magnetic field. A mirror reflectivity of more than 98% is measured

    Social pÄverkan vid trycksÄr hos ryggmÀrgsskadade personer

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    Bakgrund: trycksĂ„r Ă€r ett stort problem bland ryggmĂ€rgsskadade (SCI, spinal cord injury) personer och orsakar stort lidande. Studier har visat att SCI personer med trycksĂ„r upplever minskad livskvalitet samt att tillstĂ„ndet hindrar dem att Ă„terfĂ„ sjĂ€lvstĂ€ndighet och normalitet efter SCI. De upplevde Ă€ven att trycksĂ„r begrĂ€nsade dem i sociala sammanhang men ocksĂ„ att socialt stöd bidrog till minskat kĂ€nslomĂ€ssigt lidande. Syfte: beskriva hur trycksĂ„r pĂ„verkar SCI personer i sociala sammanhang. Metod: studien var en litteraturstudie. Litteratursökningarna gjordes i databaserna CINAHL, PubMed och PSYCinfo. Artiklarna granskades utifrĂ„n bedömningsmall för kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier. Resultat: fyra teman ligger till grund för resultatet; begrĂ€nsningar i socialt deltagande, pĂ„verkan pĂ„ arbetssituationen, att fungera som familj, intima relationer. Fynden frĂ„n artiklarna visade att trycksĂ„r överlag pĂ„verkar SCI personer i sociala sammanhang pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt, vare sig det gĂ€ller i interaktion med vĂ€nner, familj eller i relationer. Det gĂ„r i den hĂ€r studien att se att personers sociala nĂ€tverk blir lidande tillexempel pĂ„ grund av trycksĂ„rsprevention, sjukhusbehandling och den psykiska inverkan som trycksĂ„r har pĂ„ dessa personer. Slutsats: det finns en tydlig vilja hos SCI personer att bevara det sociala livet. De försöker leva ett liv som inte pĂ„verkas av de begrĂ€nsningar som trycksĂ„r medför. Sjuksköterskans roll Ă€r att aktivt delta i vĂ„rden med att finna yttre resurser samt att lyfta fram inre resurser hos personen. Detta leder till ökad sjĂ€lvstĂ€ndighet och kunskap som i sin tur ökar vĂ€lbefinnandet.Background: pressure ulcers are a major problem among spinal cord injured (SCI, spinal cord injury) individuals and causes great suffering. Studies have shown that SCI persons with pressure ulcers experience a reduced quality of life and the condition prevents them to regain independence and normality after SCI. They also felt that pressure ulcers confined them in a social context, but also that social support contributed to decreased emotional distress. Objective: The objective is to describe how pressure ulcers effects SCI individuals in social contexts. Method: the study was a literature review. The literature searches were made in the databases CINAHL, PubMed and PsycINFO. Articles were reviewed by the assessment model for qualitative and quantitative studies. Results: the result is based on four themes; restrictions in social participation, impact on the work situation, to act as family, intimate relationships. The overall findings from the study shows that pressure ulcers generally effects SCI individuals in social contexts in different ways, whether it’s in interaction with friends, family or in relationships. It is possible in this study to ensure that people's social networks are suffering, for example, because of pressure ulcer prevention, hospital treatment and the psychological impact that pressure ulcers have on these people. Conclusion: there is a clear desire to preserve social life. SCI people are trying to live a life that is not affected by the restrictions sores causes. The nurse's role is to actively participate in the care of finding external resources and to highlight inner resources of the person. This leads to increased independence and knowledge, which in turn improves well-being

    Social pÄverkan vid trycksÄr hos ryggmÀrgsskadade personer

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    Bakgrund: trycksĂ„r Ă€r ett stort problem bland ryggmĂ€rgsskadade (SCI, spinal cord injury) personer och orsakar stort lidande. Studier har visat att SCI personer med trycksĂ„r upplever minskad livskvalitet samt att tillstĂ„ndet hindrar dem att Ă„terfĂ„ sjĂ€lvstĂ€ndighet och normalitet efter SCI. De upplevde Ă€ven att trycksĂ„r begrĂ€nsade dem i sociala sammanhang men ocksĂ„ att socialt stöd bidrog till minskat kĂ€nslomĂ€ssigt lidande. Syfte: beskriva hur trycksĂ„r pĂ„verkar SCI personer i sociala sammanhang. Metod: studien var en litteraturstudie. Litteratursökningarna gjordes i databaserna CINAHL, PubMed och PSYCinfo. Artiklarna granskades utifrĂ„n bedömningsmall för kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier. Resultat: fyra teman ligger till grund för resultatet; begrĂ€nsningar i socialt deltagande, pĂ„verkan pĂ„ arbetssituationen, att fungera som familj, intima relationer. Fynden frĂ„n artiklarna visade att trycksĂ„r överlag pĂ„verkar SCI personer i sociala sammanhang pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt, vare sig det gĂ€ller i interaktion med vĂ€nner, familj eller i relationer. Det gĂ„r i den hĂ€r studien att se att personers sociala nĂ€tverk blir lidande tillexempel pĂ„ grund av trycksĂ„rsprevention, sjukhusbehandling och den psykiska inverkan som trycksĂ„r har pĂ„ dessa personer. Slutsats: det finns en tydlig vilja hos SCI personer att bevara det sociala livet. De försöker leva ett liv som inte pĂ„verkas av de begrĂ€nsningar som trycksĂ„r medför. Sjuksköterskans roll Ă€r att aktivt delta i vĂ„rden med att finna yttre resurser samt att lyfta fram inre resurser hos personen. Detta leder till ökad sjĂ€lvstĂ€ndighet och kunskap som i sin tur ökar vĂ€lbefinnandet.Background: pressure ulcers are a major problem among spinal cord injured (SCI, spinal cord injury) individuals and causes great suffering. Studies have shown that SCI persons with pressure ulcers experience a reduced quality of life and the condition prevents them to regain independence and normality after SCI. They also felt that pressure ulcers confined them in a social context, but also that social support contributed to decreased emotional distress. Objective: The objective is to describe how pressure ulcers effects SCI individuals in social contexts. Method: the study was a literature review. The literature searches were made in the databases CINAHL, PubMed and PsycINFO. Articles were reviewed by the assessment model for qualitative and quantitative studies. Results: the result is based on four themes; restrictions in social participation, impact on the work situation, to act as family, intimate relationships. The overall findings from the study shows that pressure ulcers generally effects SCI individuals in social contexts in different ways, whether it’s in interaction with friends, family or in relationships. It is possible in this study to ensure that people's social networks are suffering, for example, because of pressure ulcer prevention, hospital treatment and the psychological impact that pressure ulcers have on these people. Conclusion: there is a clear desire to preserve social life. SCI people are trying to live a life that is not affected by the restrictions sores causes. The nurse's role is to actively participate in the care of finding external resources and to highlight inner resources of the person. This leads to increased independence and knowledge, which in turn improves well-being

    Reads of Sequenced Mock Samples

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    raw data of Mock Samples sequenced on the Illumina MiSeq Plattform. Split by Mock Sample Pool, Primers Used, Library Preparation Protocol, and Replicate numbe