200 research outputs found

    Optimization of the structure and properties of materials for motorcycle parts

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    Cílem této práce je vytvořit aktuální přehled používaných materiálů na vybrané motocyklové komponenty. Předložená bakalářská práce se mimo jiné zabývá srovnáním sériových dílů a jejich alternativních variant pro závodní účely. Popisuje výrobu konkrétních součástí a studuje některé jejich materiálové charakteristiky. Zdůvodňuje také případné použití netradičních výrobních technologií. V jednotlivých kapitolách se věnuje každému sledovanému prvku zvláštní pozornost dle použití během provozu motocyklu. Hlavní náplní experimentální části je testování páček a rozet od různých dodavatelů. V práci je také objasněna volba a použití dvou různých materiálů na jedné komponentě. Dané komponenty jsou podrobeny vybraným materiálovým zkouškám.The aim of this study is to review the materials used on selected motorcycle components. The present bachelor thesis concerned with comparison of serial parts and alternative variants for racing. Describes the production of specific components and studying some of their material characteristics. Justifies the potential use of non-traditional manufacturing technologies. Each chapter is dedicated to elements pursued by the use of special attention during operation of motorcycle. The main part of the experimental testing of levers and sprockets from different suppliers. The work is also illustrated by the choice and use of two different materials on one component. The selected components are subjected to material tests.

    Dynamique sub-picoseconde de l'interaction laser de puissance – agrégats de gaz rare : émission intense de rayons X et production d'ions multichargés.

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    National audienceLors de campagnes d'expériences réalisées sur le Laser Ultra Court Accordable du CEA/Saclay, nous avons étudié le rayonnement X, tant qualitativement (spectroscopie et énergie moyenne des photons) que quantitativement (taux absolus et lois d'évolution), émis lors de l'interaction d'un jet effusif d'agrégats de gaz rare (Ar, Kr, Xe comprenant entre 10^4 et 10^6 atomes/agrégat) avec un laser femtoseconde de puissance (éclairement jusqu'à quelques 10^17 W/cm2). Les résultats présentés dans ce manuscrit sont uniquement dédiés aux agrégats d'Ar pour lesquels nous avons observé un rayonnement X issu d'ions fortement multichargés (jusqu'à l'Ar16+) présentant des lacunes en couches K. La technique de spectroscopie X utilisée a permis de déterminer pour la première fois des taux absolus ainsi que les lois d'évolution de l'émission X en fonction de l'ensemble des paramètres gouvernant l'interaction (intensité, polarisation, longueur d'onde et durée du pulse laser aussi bien que taille, densité et numéro atomique des agrégats)


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    Puseh Kiadan is a temple which store many important archaeological remains. This study aimsto know the form and function of the archaeological remains. The data were collected througharchaeological survey, then analyzed using the methods of iconography, iconoclastic, iconometry, iconology, technology, and contextual. The result of this research are in the forms of ganesha, ancestor figurine, a yoni, and several plates of selonding traditional music instrument. From their forms, it is known that these remains came from Bali Madya period, which are still used as worshipping media by the villagers.Pura Puseh Kiadan merupakan pura yang menyimpan banyak tinggalan arkeologi, yang bernilaipenting. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bentuk dan fungsi tinggalan arkeologidi pura tersebut. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui survei arkeologi, kemudian dianalisissecara ikonografi, ikonoklastik, ikonometri, ikonologi, teknologi dan kontekstual. Hasil penelitian ini berupa tiga buah arca Ganesa, arca Perwujudan, sebuah yoni dan beberapa bilah gamelan selonding. Berdasarkan bentukanya dapat diketahui bahwa tinggalan ini berasal dari periode Bali Madya, yang sejak dahulu sampai sekarang masih dimanfaatkan sebagai media pemujaan bagi masyarakat


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    peer reviewedaudience: researcher, professional, studentAnalytical method’s capability evaluation can be a useful methodology to assess the fitness of purpose of these methods for their future routine application. However, care on how to compute the capability indices has to be made. Indeed, the commonly used formulas to compute capability indices such as Cpk, will highly overestimate the true capability of the methods. Especially during methods validation or transfer, there are only few experiments performed and, using in these situations the commonly applied capability indices to declare a method as valid or as transferable to a receiving laboratory will conduct to inadequate decisions. In this work, an improved capability index, namely Cpk-tol and the corresponding estimator of proportion of non conforming results (tolCpk−π) is proposed. Through Monte-Carlo simulations, they have been shown to greatly increase the estimation of analytical methods capability in particular in low sample size situations as encountered during methods validation or transfer. Additionally, the usefulness of this capability index is illustrated through several case studies

    Stonemasons in St. Jacob\u27s Church in Škofja Loka

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    V zaključni seminarski nalogi skušam opredeliti kamnoseške mojstre pri gradnji cerkve svetega Jakoba v Škofji Loki. Z ikonografsko analizo gotskih sklepnikov v omenjeni cerkvi in s primerjavo drugih sklepnikov v okolici Škofje Loke – cerkev sv. Kancijana v Kranju, sv. Petra v Radovljici, sv. Mihaela v Mengšu ter Marijinega oznanjenja v Crngrobu – podam tezo, kdo je bil glavni kamnoseški mojster v Škofji Loki. Prav tako skušam identificirati, kako so se mojstri med seboj povezovali, in ugotoviti, ali je na tem tako imenovanem loško- -kranjskem območju delovala samo ena kamnoseška delavnica. Skozi opuse kamnoseških mojstrov, ki so omenjeni v umetnostni zgodovinski literaturi ključni za obravnavano temo (Mojster kranjskega ladijskega oboka in Mengeški mojster), se v zaključnem delu seminarske naloge opredelim, kdo je bil v večini oziroma v celoti zaslužen za gradnjo sklepnikov v glavni ladji cerkve sv. Jakoba v Škofji Loki. To bom ugotovila s pomočjo dela, raziskovanja na samem terenu, v omenjenih cerkvah in v sodelovanju z drugim inštitucijami, kot so Loški muzej ter arhivi za območne enote.In my graduation thesis, I attempt to define which stonemasons participated in the construction of St. Jacob’s Church in Škofja Loka. Through an iconographic analysis of the gothic headstones in this church and with a comparison to other headstones near Škofja Loka, i.e. the Church of St. Kancijan in Kranj, St. Peter’s Church in Mengeš and the Church of the Annunciation in Crngrob, I try to discover the main stonemason of Škofia Loka of the time. In addition, I try to identify how these stonemasons were connected and whether only one group worked in the area at the time. By studying the relevant works of art of the putative stonemasons in the literature of Art History, i.e. Master of Kranj, Master of Mengeš, I establish who was the main/sole author of the headstones in the nave of St. Jacob\u27s Church in Škofja Loka. I work and research on the spot at the aforementioned churches, and also cooperate with other institutions, including the Museum of Škofja Loka and the regional units\u27 archives

    Systematic review of cancer research treatments

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    :ntroduction. Given the prevalence and socioeconomic impact of cancer, research in all its aspects is of vital importance, and it requires a prior evaluation of the available scientific information. Methods. A systematic review of information on investigational cancer treatments in Europe over the last ten years was carried out. Results. The investigations included can be classified and analyzed according to the type of study, type of cancer, type of treatment, aspects evaluated, geographic location and language of publication. The methodological quality of the included CTs was assessed according to the Jadad scale. Conclusions. Seven types of scientific investigations were analyzed. The majority were CT with a score ≥3 (out of 5) on the Jadad scale. Most referred to breast and prostate cancers, and pharmacological and immunological treatments. Safety and efficacy were preferably studied. They were carried out mainly in regions of Central, Western and Southern Europe, and they were published in EnglishIntroducción. Dada la prevalencia y el impacto socioeconómico del cáncer, es de vital importancia la investigación en todas sus vertientes, que requiere una evaluación previa de la información científica disponible. Métodos. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la información referente a tratamientos en investigación sobre el cáncer en Europa en los últimos diez años. Resultados. Las investigaciones incluidas pueden clasificarse y analizarse según tipo de estudio, tipo de cáncer, tipo de tratamiento, aspectos evaluados, localización geográfica e idioma de publicación. Se evaluó la calidad metodológica de los EC incluidos de acuerdo con la escala de Jadad. Conclusiones. Se analizaron siete tipos de investigaciones científicas. La mayoría fueron EC con una puntuación ≥3 (sobre 5) en la escala de Jadad. Mayormente se referían a cánceres de mama y próstata, y tratamientos de tipo farmacológico e inmunológico. Se estudió preferentemente seguridad y eficacia. Se llevaron a cabo sobre todo en regiones del centro, oeste y sur de Europa, y se publicaron en inglés

    Design: New Art?

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    Sanatın sonuna dair tartışmalar dünyada uzunca bir zamandır sürüp gidiyor. Sanatın gerekliliği ve geleceği belki de tüm tarihi boyunca hiç bu denli sorgulanmamıştı. Diğer yandan da hayatın her alanında tasarım çok önemli bir hale gelmiş durumda. Bir zamanlar sadece ayrıcalıklı zümreler özel tasarım ürünlerine sahip olabiliyorken, artık her gelir seviyesi ve zevke yönelik tasarımlar yapılmakta. Teknolojik ürünler değişik firmalar tarafından aşağı-yukarı benzer özelliklere sahip olarak piyasa sürülüyor. Görsel tasarımları onları birbirinden farklılaştıran ve tercih sebebi haline getiren özelliklerinden biri haline geldi. Günümüzde tasarım ürünlerinin çok etkileyici bir görsellikle sunulduğunu kabul etmemiz gerekir. Bu durum zaman zaman onlara birer sanat objesi gibi davranılmasına dahi yol açmakta. Peki, günlük kullanıma yönelik, işlevsel bir tasarım ürününün estetik açıdan etkileyiciliği onu bir sanat nesnesi haline getirmeye yeterli midir? Görsel sanatlar arenasında ise işlerin çoğunlukla reklam estetiğinde, grafiksel anlatımın ağırlıkta olduğu bir dille seyirciye sunulduğunu görüyoruz. Bu durumda sanat hala “sanat” sayılabilir mi? Bu bildiride sanat ve tasarım arasındaki bulanıklaşan sınırlar irdelenerek, çağdaş sanatla tasarımın (ya da sanatçıyla tasarımcının) hangi noktalarda buluştuğu ya da ayrıştığı; sanatın ve insanlığın sanata duyduğu ihtiyacın varlığını sürdürüp sürdürmediği incelenecektir. Tarih boyunca sanatın motivasyonları ve içeriği kısaca açıklandıktan sonra, “sanatın sonundan sonra” sanatın geldiği nokta ve çağımızda tasarım alanlarının sanatın yerini alıp alamayacağı sorularına yanıt aranacaktır

    Wilde cichorei (Cichorium intybus L.)

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