126 research outputs found
Abstrak Keterampilan menulis adalah salah satu kompetensi yang wajib dipelajari di setiap jenjang pendidikan. Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah adalah satu-satunya pesantren yang ada di Kabupaten Fakfak dengan tingkat pendidikan setara SMP/MTs. Namun, santri masih mengalami kesulitan dalam menuangkan gagasannya ke dalam bentuk paragraf serta masih terdapat kesalahan penulisan dari segi penggunaan tanda baca, huruf kapital, dan penyusunan gagasan yang tidak runtut. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada santri tentang cara menulis paragraf dengan benar dan cara menuangkan tulisan ke dalam blog. Pelatihan dilaksanakan dalam bentuk paparan materi/ceramah, tanya jawab dan juga praktik. Setelah mengikuti kegiatan, terdapat peningkatan keterampilan menulis bagi santri (80%) ditinjau dari berbagai aspek penulisan. Berdasarkan hasil angket yang diberikan, sebagian besar santri (91%) menyatakan puas dan sangat antusias dengan kegiatan tersebut karena bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan keterampilan menulis melalui penggunaan Blog. Selain itu, santri juga menyukai metode blog yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini (93 %) dan menarik minat mereka dalam belajar menulis.Abstract: Writing skill is one of the competencies that must be learned at every level of education. The development of writing skills needs serious attention from the most basic level of education, because writing skills are formed through the teaching and learning process. Hidayatullah Islamic Boarding School is the only Islamic boarding school in Fakfak Regency with an education level equivalent to SMP/MTs. However, students still experience difficulties in pouring their ideas into paragraph form and there are still writing errors in terms of the use of punctuation marks, capital letters, and the arrangement of ideas that are not coherent. By participating in the Writing Skill Improvement activities through Blog Creation and Management, it provides knowledge to students about how to write correctly and also utilizes technology in learning. A total of 23 students took part in this activity. Based on the results of the questionnaire given, the majority of students (91%) stated that they were satisfied and very enthusiastic about this activity because it was useful in improving writing skills through the use of blog. In addition, the students also liked the blog method used in this activity (93%) and it attracted their interest in learning to write
Peran Lembaga Perlindungan Saksi Dan Korban Dalam Memberikan Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Korban Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual
Abstract: A criminal act is an act that is prohibited by a rule of law, which prohibition is accompanied by threats or sanctions in the form of certain crimes, for anyone who violates the prohibition. It can also be said that a criminal act is an act which is prohibited by a rule of law and is punishable by punishment, as long as it is kept in mind that the prohibition is aimed at an act, namely a situation or an event caused by a person’s behavior, while the criminal threat is directed at a person who causes a crime. that incident. Between prohibition and punishment there is a close relationship, because between the incident and the person who caused the incident there is also a close relationship, which cannot be separated from the others. Sexual intercourse is any act that ranges from sexual harassment to the act of forcing someone to have sexual intercourse without the victim’s consent or when the victim does not want it, and/or having sexual intercourse in ways that are unnatural or not liked by the victim and distances him from his sexual needs. Article 5 of Law Number 31 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 13 of 2006 concerning Protection of Witnesses and Victims. Witnesses and Victims are entitled to: obtain protection for personal safety, family. Keywords: Crime, Sexual Violence, Witnes
Analisis Kebijakan Pengenaan Pajak atas Bahan Bakar Minyak Bersubsidi Minyak Solar
The purpose of this research is to analyze the tax policy on subsidized fuel of diesel oil in Indonesia. Currently, subsidized fuel in Indonesia are taxed Value Added Tax (VAT) by central government and Vehicle Fuel Tax by local government. This research is using post positivist approach with qualitative method of research. The results of this research conclude tax on subsidized fuel oil are taken by goverment with the purpose of revenue productivity for both central governement and local government. Besides, to control the consumption of subsidized fuel in the public. By taxing 2 kind of taxes on subsidized fuel diesel oil incurring the double taxation and resulting those taxes are not neutral for economic since the subsidized fuel are the vital public needs. Government should evaluate the tax policy on subsidized fuel diesel oil by exempting the VAT on subsidized fuel in order to maintain the economic stability and make a strict policy on controlling the consumption on subsidized fuel diesel oil only for them who reserve to get the subsidy
The study of slurry recirculation to increase biogas productivity from Jatropha curcas Linn. capsule husk in two phase digestion
The purpose of this study was to obtain the best slurry recirculation treatment for two-phase digester system which produced the highest biogas production in the DH-JcL substrate. The study was conducted in the laboratory using 750 mL and 2 L of plasticdigester and biofilter plastic as growth immobilize. The slurry recirculation treatment consisted of the recirculation of 50 %slurry to methanogenesis digester, 50 % slurry to hydrolysis digester, and 25 % slurry to hydrolysis digester combined with 25 %
to methanogenesis digester. The highest daily biogas production was obtained from the recirculation of 50 % slurry to hydrolysis digester. However, the best slurry recirculation treatment, which was more stable in longer period, was 50 % slurry to methanogenesis digester
Optimization of Concentration and EM4 Augmentation for Improving Bio-Gas Productivity From Jatropha Curcas Linn Capsule Husk
Most literature suggests that two-phase digestion is more efficient than single-phase. The series of two-phase digestion studies have been conducted from 2011 to 2013 at the research farm of PT Bumimas Ekapersada, West Java, Indonesia. This paper reports on a research on optimation of concentration and augmentation of EM-4 (effective microorganism-4), a local commercial decomposer, as efforts to stabilize a biogas technology which made from husk capsules of Jatropha curcas Linn (DH-JcL). The studies of increasing organic loading rate (OLR) for the two-phase digestion was conducted to improve efficiency. The concentration variable studied was 1: 8 (1 part DH-JCL and 8 parts water), compared to 1: 12 as a control. The augmentation treatment is the addition of EM-4 by 5% (v/v). It was also examined the augmentation of F2-EM4 (150 times duplication of EM-4) due to cost consideration. The studies were conducted in the laboratory which using a liter and two liters of glass digester and glass wool as immobilized growth. The results of this study support the previous studies: the optimum concentration was 1: 8, EM-4 was able to increase biogas production in two-phase digestion, yet biogas production decrease at single-phase. F2-EM4's ability to support production of biogas were equivalent to that of EM-4
Direct correction of haemoglobin E β-thalassaemia using base editors
Haemoglobin E (HbE) β-thalassaemia causes approximately 50% of all severe thalassaemia worldwide; equating to around 30,000 births per year. HbE β-thalassaemia is due to a point mutation in codon 26 of the human HBB gene on one allele (GAG; glutamatic acid → AAG; lysine, E26K), and any mutation causing severe β-thalassaemia on the other. When inherited together in compound heterozygosity these mutations can cause a severe thalassaemic phenotype. However, if only one allele is mutated individuals are carriers for the respective mutation and have an asymptomatic phenotype (β-thalassaemia trait). Here we describe a base editing strategy which corrects the HbE mutation either to wildtype (WT) or a normal variant haemoglobin (E26G) known as Hb Aubenas and thereby recreates the asymptomatic trait phenotype. We have achieved editing efficiencies in excess of 90% in primary human CD34 + cells. We demonstrate editing of long-term repopulating haematopoietic stem cells (LT-HSCs) using serial xenotransplantation in NSG mice. We have profiled the off-target effects using a combination of circularization for in vitro reporting of cleavage effects by sequencing (CIRCLE-seq) and deep targeted capture and have developed machine-learning based methods to predict functional effects of candidate off-target mutations
Habituation based synaptic plasticity and organismic learning in a quantum perovskite
A central characteristic of living beings is the ability to learn from and respond to their environment leading to habit formation and decision making. This behavior, known as habituation, is universal among all forms of life with a central nervous system, and is also observed in single-cell organisms that do not possess a brain. Here, we report the discovery of habituation-based plasticity utilizing a perovskite quantum system by dynamical modulation of electron localization. Microscopic mechanisms and pathways that enable this organismic collective charge-lattice interaction are elucidated by first-principles theory, synchrotron investigations, ab initio molecular dynamics simulations, and in situ environmental breathing studies. We implement a learning algorithm inspired by the conductance relaxation behavior of perovskites that naturally incorporates habituation, and demonstrate learning to forget: A key feature of animal and human brains. Incorporating this elementary skill in learning boosts the capability of neural computing in a sequential, dynamic environment.United States. Army Research Office (Grant W911NF-16-1-0289)United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Grant FA9550-16-1-0159)United States. Army Research Office (Grant W911NF-16-1-0042
How Do I Look? Body Image Perceptions among University Students from England and Denmark
This study examined differences in body image perception between university students in two European countries, United Kingdom and Denmark. A total of 816 British and 548 Danish university students participated in a cross-sectional survey. A self-administered questionnaire assessed socio-demographic information, body image perception (as “too thin”, “just right” or “too fat”), and the association of related factors with body image perception (nutrition behaviour, social support, perceived stressors and quality of life). The proportions of students who perceived themselves as “too thin”, “just right”, or “too fat” were 8.6%, 37.7%, and 53.7% respectively. Multi-factorial logistic regression analysis showed that students who perceived themselves as “too fat” were more likely to be from the British university, to be females, to be older than 30 years, to report stress due to their financial situation and were less likely to have a high quality of life. The findings highlight the need for interventions with focus on healthy food choices whilst acknowledging financial stressors and quality of life
Translating discoveries in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder genomics to an outpatient child and adolescent psychiatric cohort
Genomic discoveries should be investigated in generalizable child psychiatric samples to justify and inform studies that will evaluate their use for specific clinical purposes. In youth consecutively referred for neuropsychiatric evaluation, we examined: 1) the convergent and discriminant validity of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) polygenic risk scores (PRS) in relation to DSM-based ADHD phenotypes; 2) the association of ADHD PRS with phenotypes beyond ADHD that share its liability and have implications for outcome; and 3) the extent to which youth with high ADHD PRS manifest a distinctive clinical profile.
Participants were 433 youth, ages 7 to 18, from the Longitudinal Study of Genetic Influences on Cognition. We used logistic/linear regression and mixed effects models to examine associations with ADHD-related polygenic variation from the largest ADHD GWAS to date. We replicated key findings in 5140 adult patients from a local health system biobank.
Among referred youth, ADHD PRS associated with ADHD diagnoses, cross-diagnostic ADHD symptoms and academic impairment (OR’s ∼1.4; R2‘s ∼2-3%) as well as cross-diagnostic variation in aggression and working memory. In adults, ADHD PRS associated with ADHD and phenotypes beyond the condition that have public health implications. Finally, youth with a high ADHD polygenic burden showed a more severe clinical profile than those with low burden (beta’s∼.2).
Among child and adolescent outpatients, ADHD polygenic risk associated with ADHD and related phenotypes as well as clinical severity. Results extend the scientific foundation for studies of ADHD polygenic risk in the clinical setting and highlight directions for further research
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