318 research outputs found

    Translation of the L-species dsRNA genome of the killer-associated virus-like particles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Virus-like particles containing the L (P1)-species of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) were isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and the translational activity of the virus-like particle-derived dsRNA was analyzed in the wheat germ cell-free system. Denaturation of the dsRNA immediately prior to in vitro translation resulted in the synthesis of one major and at least three minor polypeptides, whereas undenatured dsRNA, as expected, did not stimulate [35S]methionine incorporation into polypeptides, but actually slightly inhibited endogenous activity. The major in vitro translation product of the denatured L-dsRNA was shown to be identical with the major L-dsRNA containing virus-like particle capsid polypeptide on the basis of three criteria: co-electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels, immunoprecipitation, and tryptic peptide analysis. We have therefore established that the L-dsRNA genome encodes the major virus-like particle capsid polypeptide. This result adds considerable support to the hypothesis that the L-dsRNA genome acts as a helper genome to the smaller (1.6 x 10(6) dalton) M-dsRNA genome in killer strains of yeast by providing the M-dsRNA containing virus-like particles with their major coat protein

    Anterior temporal lobe is necessary for efficient lateralised processing of spoken word identity.

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    In the healthy human brain, the processing of language is strongly lateralised, usually to the left hemisphere, while the processing of complex non-linguistic sounds recruits brain regions bilaterally. Here we asked whether the anterior temporal lobes, strongly implicated in semantic processing, are critical to this special treatment of spoken words. Nine patients with semantic dementia (SD) and fourteen age-matched controls underwent magnetoencephalography and structural MRI. Voxel based morphometry demonstrated the stereotypical pattern of SD: severe grey matter loss restricted to the anterior temporal lobes, with the left side more affected. During magnetoencephalography, participants listened to word sets in which identity and meaning were ambiguous until word completion, for example PLAYED versus PLATE. Whereas left-hemispheric responses were similar across groups, patients demonstrated increased right hemisphere activity 174-294 msec after stimulus disambiguation. Source reconstructions confirmed recruitment of right-sided analogues of language regions in SD: atrophy of anterior temporal lobes was associated with increased activity in right temporal pole, middle temporal gyrus, inferior frontal gyrus and supramarginal gyrus. Overall, the results indicate that anterior temporal lobes are necessary for normal and efficient lateralised processing of word identity by the language network.The study was primarily funded by the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit with additional support from the Cambridge NIHR Biomedical Research Centre (the views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care). TEC was supported by the Association of British Neurologists, the Patrick Berthoud Charitable trust, and the NIHR. YS was supported by the Medical Research Council (MC-A060-5PQ90), Lundbeck Foundation (R164-2013-15801, project 18690), Danish Council for Independent Research (6110-00486, project 23776), HSE Basic Research Program and the RF Academic Excellence Project '5-100'. JBR was supported by the Wellcome Trust (103838), and the Medical Research Council (MC-A060-5PQ30 & SUAG/004 RG91365)

    Attitudes and adherence to changes in nutrition and physical activity following surgery for prostate cancer:a qualitative study

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    OBJECTIVES: Interventions designed to improve men’s diet and physical activity (PA) have been recommended as methods of cancer prevention. However, little is known about specific factors that support men’s adherence to these health behaviour changes, which could inform theory-led diet and PA interventions. We aimed to explore these factors in men following prostatectomy for prostate cancer (PCa). DESIGN, SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: A qualitative study using semistructured interviews with men, who made changes to their diet and/or PA as part of a factorial randomised controlled trial conducted at a single hospital in South West England. Participants were 17 men aged 66 years, diagnosed with localised PCa and underwent prostatectomy. Interview transcripts underwent thematic analysis. RESULTS: Men were ambivalent about the relationship of nutrition and PA with PCa risk. They believed their diet and level of PA were reasonable before being randomised to their interventions. Men identified several barriers and facilitators to performing these new behaviours. Barriers included tolerance to dietary changes, PA limitations and external obstacles. Facilitators included partner involvement in diet, habit formation and brisk walking as an individual activity. Men discussed positive effects associated with brisk walking, such as feeling healthier, but not with nutrition interventions. CONCLUSIONS: The facilitators to behaviour change suggest that adherence to trial interventions can be supported using well-established behaviour change models. Future studies may benefit from theory-based interventions to support adherence to diet and PA behaviour changes in men diagnosed with PCa

    KOI 1224, a Fourth Bloated Hot White Dwarf Companion Found With Kepler

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    We present an analysis and interpretation of the Kepler binary system KOI 1224. This is the fourth binary found with Kepler that consists of a thermally bloated, hot white dwarf in a close orbit with a more or less normal star of spectral class A or F. As we show, KOI 1224 contains a white dwarf with Teff = 14400 +/- 1100 K, mass = 0.20 +/- 0.02 Msun, and radius = 0.103 +/- 0.004 Rsun, and an F-star companion of mass = 1.59 +/- 0.07 Msun that is somewhat beyond its terminal-age main sequence. The orbital period is quite short at 2.69802 days. The ingredients that are used in the analysis are the Kepler binary light curve, including the detection of the Doppler boosting effect; the NUV and FUV fluxes from the Galex images of this object; an estimate of the spectral type of the F-star companion; and evolutionary models of the companion designed to match its effective temperature and mean density. The light curve is modelled with a new code named Icarus which we describe in detail. Its features include the full treatment of orbital phase-resolved spectroscopy, Doppler boosting, irradiation effects and transits/eclipses, which are particularly suited to irradiated eclipsing binaries. We interpret the KOI 1224 system in terms of its likely evolutionary history. We infer that this type of system, containing a bloated hot white dwarf, is the direct descendant of an Algol-type binary. In spite of this basic understanding of the origin of KOI 1224, we discuss a number of problems associated with producing this type of system with this short of an short orbital period.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, submitted to Ap

    Factors Affecting the Radii of Close-in Transiting Exoplanets

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    The radius of an exoplanet may be affected by various factors, including irradiation, planet mass and heavy element content. A significant number of transiting exoplanets have now been discovered for which the mass, radius, semi-major axis, host star metallicity and stellar effective temperature are known. We use multivariate regression models to determine the dependence of planetary radius on planetary equilibrium temperature T_eq, planetary mass M_p, stellar metallicity [Fe/H], orbital semi-major axis a, and tidal heating rate H_tidal, for 119 transiting planets in three distinct mass regimes. We determine that heating leads to larger planet radii, as expected, increasing mass leads to increased or decreased radii of low-mass (<0.5R_J) and high-mass (>2.0R_J) planets, respectively (with no mass effect on Jupiter-mass planets), and increased host-star metallicity leads to smaller planetary radii, indicating a relationship between host-star metallicity and planet heavy element content. For Saturn-mass planets, a good fit to the radii may be obtained from log(R_p/R_J)=-0.077+0.450 log(M_p/M_J)-0.314[Fe/H]+0.671 log(a/AU)+0.398 log(T_eq/K). The radii of Jupiter-mass planets may be fit by log(R_p/R_J)=-2.217+0.856 log(T_eq/K)+0.291 log(a/AU). High-mass planets' radii are best fit by log(R_p/R_J)=-1.067+0.380 log(T_eq/K)-0.093 log(M_p/M_J)-0.057[Fe/H]+0.019 log(H_tidal/1x10^{20}). These equations produce a very good fit to the observed radii, with a mean absolute difference between fitted and observed radius of 0.11R_J. A clear distinction is seen between the core-dominated Saturn-mass (0.1-0.5M_J) planets, whose radii are determined almost exclusively by their mass and heavy element content, and the gaseous envelope-dominated Jupiter-mass (0.5-2.0M_J) planets, whose radii increase strongly with irradiating flux, partially offset by a power-law dependence on orbital separation.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, accepted in A&

    Carboxyhaemoglobin levels and their determinants in older British men

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    Background: Although there has been concern about the levels of carbon monoxide exposure, particularly among older people, little is known about COHb levels and their determinants in the general population. We examined these issues in a study of older British men.Methods: Cross-sectional study of 4252 men aged 60-79 years selected from one socially representative general practice in each of 24 British towns and who attended for examination between 1998 and 2000. Blood samples were measured for COHb and information on social, household and individual factors assessed by questionnaire. Analyses were based on 3603 men measured in or close to (< 10 miles) their place of residence.Results: The COHb distribution was positively skewed. Geometric mean COHb level was 0.46% and the median 0.50%; 9.2% of men had a COHb level of 2.5% or more and 0.1% of subjects had a level of 7.5% or more. Factors which were independently related to mean COHb level included season (highest in autumn and winter), region (highest in Northern England), gas cooking (slight increase) and central heating (slight decrease) and active smoking, the strongest determinant. Mean COHb levels were more than ten times greater in men smoking more than 20 cigarettes a day (3.29%) compared with non-smokers (0.32%); almost all subjects with COHb levels of 2.5% and above were smokers (93%). Pipe and cigar smoking was associated with more modest increases in COHb level. Passive cigarette smoking exposure had no independent association with COHb after adjustment for other factors. Active smoking accounted for 41% of variance in COHb level and all factors together for 47%.Conclusion: An appreciable proportion of men have COHb levels of 2.5% or more at which symptomatic effects may occur, though very high levels are uncommon. The results confirm that smoking (particularly cigarette smoking) is the dominant influence on COHb levels
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