149 research outputs found

    The Evolution of Dust Opacity in Galaxies

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    (Abridged) We investigate the evolution of the opacity of galaxies as a function of redshift, using simple assumptions about the metal and dust enrichment of the gas and the distribution of dust in galaxies. We use an iterative procedure to reconstruct the intrinsic Star Formation Rate (SFR) density of galaxies with redshift, by applying dust obscuration corrections to the observed UV emission. The iterative procedure converges to multiple solutions for the intrinsic SFR density, divided into two basic classes. The first class of solutions predicts relatively large UV attenuation at high redshift, with A(1500 A)=1.9 mag at z~3, and smaller attenuations at z<1, with A(2800 A)=1.25 mag. The SFR density of this set of solutions is constant for z>~1.2 and declines for z<1.2; it resembles in shape the ``monolithic collapse'' scenario for star formation. The second class of solutions predicts relatively low UV attenuations at high redshift, with A(1500 A)=0.75 mag at z~3, and larger attenuations at z<1, with A(2800 A)=1.50 mag. The SFR density in this case has a peak at z~1.2. The advantages and shortcomings of both classes are analyzed in the light of available observational constraints, including the opacity of galaxies at 0<z<1 and the intensity and spectral energy distribution of the cosmic infrared background from the COBE DIRBE and FIRAS data. We conclude that both classes of models are acceptable within the current uncertainties, but the ``monolithic collapse'' class matches the available observations better than the other one. We also investigate the dependence of our solutions on the different model assumptions.Comment: 54 pages, includes 1 embedded postscript Table and 22 embedded postscript Figures, Latex, uses AAS Latex macro. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The trypanocidal benzoxaborole AN7973 inhibits trypanosome mRNA processing

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    Kinetoplastid parasites—trypanosomes and leishmanias—infect millions of humans and cause economically devastating diseases of livestock, and the few existing drugs have serious deficiencies. Benzoxaborole-based compounds are very promising potential novel anti-trypanosomal therapies, with candidates already in human and animal clinical trials. We investigated the mechanism of action of several benzoxaboroles, including AN7973, an early candidate for veterinary trypanosomosis. In all kinetoplastids, transcription is polycistronic. Individual mRNA 5'-ends are created by trans splicing of a short leader sequence, with coupled polyadenylation of the preceding mRNA. Treatment of Trypanosoma brucei with AN7973 inhibited trans splicing within 1h, as judged by loss of the Y-structure splicing intermediate, reduced levels of mRNA, and accumulation of peri-nuclear granules. Methylation of the spliced leader precursor RNA was not affected, but more prolonged AN7973 treatment caused an increase in S-adenosyl methionine and methylated lysine. Together, the results indicate that mRNA processing is a primary target of AN7973. Polyadenylation is required for kinetoplastid trans splicing, and the EC50 for AN7973 in T. brucei was increased three-fold by over-expression of the T. brucei cleavage and polyadenylation factor CPSF3, identifying CPSF3 as a potential molecular target. Molecular modeling results suggested that inhibition of CPSF3 by AN7973 is feasible. Our results thus chemically validate mRNA processing as a viable drug target in trypanosomes. Several other benzoxaboroles showed metabolomic and splicing effects that were similar to those of AN7973, identifying splicing inhibition as a common mode of action and suggesting that it might be linked to subsequent changes in methylated metabolites. Granule formation, splicing inhibition and resistance after CPSF3 expression did not, however, always correlate and prolonged selection of trypanosomes in AN7973 resulted in only 1.5-fold resistance. It is therefore possible that the modes of action of oxaboroles that target trypanosome mRNA processing might extend beyond CPSF3 inhibition

    Increased upconversion performance for thin film solar cells: A trimolecular composition

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    Photochemical upconversion based on triplet-triplet annihilation (TTA-UC) is employed to enhance the short-circuit currents generated by two varieties of thin-film solar cells, a hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) solar cell and a dye-sensitized solar cell (DSC). TTA-UC is exploited to harvest transmitted sub-bandgap photons, combine their energies and re-radiate upconverted photons back towards the solar cells. In the present study we employ a dual-emitter TTA-UC system which allows for significantly improved UC quantum yields as compared to the previously used single-emitter TTA systems. In doing so we achieve record photo-current enhancement values for both the a-Si:H device and the DSC, surpassing 10-3 mA cm-2 sun-2 for the first time for a TTA-UC system and marking a record for upconversion-enhanced solar cells in general. We discuss pertinent challenges of the TTA-UC technology which need to be addressed in order to achieve its viable device application

    a trimolecular composition

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    Photochemical upconversion based on triplet–triplet annihilation (TTA-UC) is employed to enhance the short-circuit currents generated by two varieties of thin-film solar cells, a hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) solar cell and a dye-sensitized solar cell (DSC). TTA-UC is exploited to harvest transmitted sub-bandgap photons, combine their energies and re-radiate upconverted photons back towards the solar cells. In the present study we employ a dual-emitter TTA-UC system which allows for significantly improved UC quantum yields as compared to the previously used single-emitter TTA systems. In doing so we achieve record photo-current enhancement values for both the a-Si:H device and the DSC, surpassing 10−3 mA cm−2 sun−2 for the first time for a TTA-UC system and marking a record for upconversion-enhanced solar cells in general. We discuss pertinent challenges of the TTA-UC technology which need to be addressed in order to achieve its viable device application

    Improving the light-harvesting of amorphous silicon solar cells with photochemical upconversion

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    Single-threshold solar cells are fundamentally limited by their ability to harvest only those photons above a certain energy. Harvesting below-threshold photons and re-radiating this energy at a shorter wavelength would thus boost the efficiency of such devices. We report an increase in light harvesting efficiency of a hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin-film solar cell due to a rear upconvertor based on sensitized triplet–triplet-annihilation in organic molecules. Low energy light in the range 600–750 nm is converted to 550–600 nm light due to the incoherent photochemical process. A peak efficiency enhancement of (1.0 ± 0.2)% at 720 nm is measured under irradiation equivalent to (48 ± 3) suns (AM1.5). We discuss the pathways to be explored in adapting photochemical UC for application in various single threshold devices

    Introgression across evolutionary scales suggests reticulation contributes to Amazonian tree diversity

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    This is the final version. Available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.The data that support the findings of this study are openly available from online repositories. All raw reads generated with the targeted bait capture and ddRADseq methods are available on the NCBI Sequence Read Archive with the Accession nos SAMN13439069‐SAMN13439140 and SAMN13441804‐SAMN13441974, respectively, under the BioProject number PRJNA592723. All full phylogenomic sequence alignments, single‐accession‐per‐species alignments and tree files, bgc input files, Stacks output files and the Detarioideae bait kit sequence file are found on Dryad (https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.k3j9kd53w). Data are under embargo until publication, and any further data required are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.Hybridization has the potential to generate or homogenize biodiversity and is a particularly common phenomenon in plants, with an estimated 25% of plant species undergoing interspecific gene flow. However, hybridization in Amazonia's megadiverse tree flora was assumed to be extremely rare despite extensive sympatry between closely related species, and its role in diversification remains enigmatic because it has not yet been examined empirically. Using members of a dominant Amazonian tree family (Brownea, Fabaceae) as a model to address this knowledge gap, our study recovered extensive evidence of hybridization among multiple lineages across phylogenetic scales. More specifically, using targeted sequence capture our results uncovered several historical introgression events between Brownea lineages and indicated that gene tree incongruence in Brownea is best explained by reticulation, rather than solely by incomplete lineage sorting. Furthermore, investigation of recent hybridization using ~19,000 ddRAD loci recovered a high degree of shared variation between two Brownea species that co-occur in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Our analyses also showed that these sympatric lineages exhibit homogeneous rates of introgression among loci relative to the genome-wide average, implying a lack of selection against hybrid genotypes and persistent hybridization. Our results demonstrate that gene flow between multiple Amazonian tree species has occurred across temporal scales, and contrasts with the prevailing view of hybridization's rarity in Amazonia. Overall, our results provide novel evidence that reticulate evolution influenced diversification in part of the Amazonian tree flora, which is the most diverse on Earth.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)Genetics Societ

    Improving the light-harvesting of second generation solar cells with photochemical upconversion

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    Photovoltaics (PV) offer a solution for the development of sustainable energy sources, relying on the sheer abundance of sunlight: More sunlight falls on the Earth’s surface in one hour than is required by its inhabitants in a year. However, it is imperative to manage the wide distribution of photon energies available in order to generate more cost efficient PV devices because single threshold PV devices are fundamentally limited to a maximum conversion efficiency, the Shockley-Queisser (SQ) limit. Recent progress has enabled the production of c-Si cells with efficiencies as high as 25%,1 close to the limiting efficiency of ∌30%. But these cells are rather expensive, and ultimately the cost of energy is determined by the ratio of system cost and efficiency of the PV device. A strategy to radically decrease this ratio is to circumvent the SQ limit in cheaper, second generation PV devices. One promising approach is the use of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H), where film thicknesses on the order of several 100nm are sufficient. Unfortunately, the optical threshold of a-Si:H is rather high (1.7-1.8 eV) and the material suffers from light-induced degradation. Thinner absorber layers in a-Si:H devices are generally more stable than thicker films due to the better charge carrier extraction, but at the expense of reduced conversion efficiencies, especially in the red part of the solar spectrum (absorption losses). Hence for higher bandgap materials, which includes a-Si as well as organic and dye-sensitized cells, the major loss mechanism is the inability to harvest low energy photons

    Trial of early, goal-directed resuscitation for septic shock.

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    BACKGROUND: Early, goal-directed therapy (EGDT) is recommended in international guidelines for the resuscitation of patients presenting with early septic shock. However, adoption has been limited, and uncertainty about its effectiveness remains. METHODS: We conducted a pragmatic randomized trial with an integrated cost-effectiveness analysis in 56 hospitals in England. Patients were randomly assigned to receive either EGDT (a 6-hour resuscitation protocol) or usual care. The primary clinical outcome was all-cause mortality at 90 days. RESULTS: We enrolled 1260 patients, with 630 assigned to EGDT and 630 to usual care. By 90 days, 184 of 623 patients (29.5%) in the EGDT group and 181 of 620 patients (29.2%) in the usual-care group had died (relative risk in the EGDT group, 1.01; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.85 to 1.20; P=0.90), for an absolute risk reduction in the EGDT group of -0.3 percentage points (95% CI, -5.4 to 4.7). Increased treatment intensity in the EGDT group was indicated by increased use of intravenous fluids, vasoactive drugs, and red-cell transfusions and reflected by significantly worse organ-failure scores, more days receiving advanced cardiovascular support, and longer stays in the intensive care unit. There were no significant differences in any other secondary outcomes, including health-related quality of life, or in rates of serious adverse events. On average, EGDT increased costs, and the probability that it was cost-effective was below 20%. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with septic shock who were identified early and received intravenous antibiotics and adequate fluid resuscitation, hemodynamic management according to a strict EGDT protocol did not lead to an improvement in outcome. (Funded by the United Kingdom National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment Programme; ProMISe Current Controlled Trials number, ISRCTN36307479.)
