72 research outputs found

    Pitch angle distribution in solar energetic particle events

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2020, Tutora: Maria dels Àngels Aran SensatThe transport of solar energetic particles (SEPs) in the interplanetary space is mainly described by the competition between two processes: adiabatic focusing and pitch-angle scattering off irregularities of the mean large-scale interplanetary magnetic field. The purpose of this work is the analysis of the particle directional intensities measured during 2011 November 3 and 2010 August 14 SEP events in order to extract information of the transport processes undergone by the particles. This work involves the use of in-situ particle and solar wind plasma measurements from the Wind spacecraft

    Eliminació de gasos NOx en un bioreactors de partició bifàsica (TPPB)

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    El present treball de fi de grau consisteix en realitzar un estudi per determinar la viabilitat d’utilitzar un bioreactor de partició bifàsica (TPPB) amb dissolvents de fase no aquosa (NAPs) per al procés d'absorció de monòxid de nitrogen.The study outlined in this grade thesis was conducted in order to determine the feasibility of using a biphasic partition bioreactor (TPPB) with non-aqueous phase solvents (NAPs) for the nitrogen monoxide absorption process

    EcoSea. Joc 2D de plataformes sobre ecologia marina: crea el teu propi nivell

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2021, Director: Anna Puig Puig i Inmaculada Rodríguez Santiago[en] People assimilate the most when they interact with what they are learning, that’s why this Final Degree Project aims to design a game where grown up kids can learn and become aware about marine ecology, the ways in which humans harm it and some small-scale measures that they can take themselves, as well as other medium and large-scale measures that should be taken in general. We will try to teach and entertain at the same time, so the game will be a 2D platformer mixed with dialogues that may or may not require player interaction, as well as quests of different types. The game will try and adapt to every player, since some of them find comfort in helping others, getting high scores or freely creating, among many others. This project will be shared with another student, Manuel Ernesto Martínez Martín, who will design all the game basis. I will be focusing on the game design and on designing a ’sandbox’ or ’do it yourself’ mode that will allow teachers and even students to freely create their own level that follows the base game rules. This will allow the game to go much further, since you will be able to create a level that perfectly fits your needs in case you find the base levels not complete enough. You could add something new, treat some aspects differently or even adapt it to a specific student or group of students

    Diseño del control de una moldeadora y troqueladora

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    Esta memoria recoge todo lo realizado en el proyecto final de grado llevado a cabo en la empresa donde he realizado las prácticas que es Electro Muntatges Egara S.L.U., situada en Terrassa. El proyecto ha consistido en el diseño y el control para automatizar una celda de producción en la que hay una moldeadora y una troqueladora. Con el fin de lograr los objetivos marcados al inicio del proyecto, primeramente he tenido que familiarizarme con todo el software y hardware que tendría que utilizar en cada etapa del proyecto. La primera etapa del proyecto ha consistido en entender cuál tenía que ser el ciclo de funcionamiento de cada máquina para hacer el diseño de los esquemas de potencia de cada máquina utilizando el programa Eplan Electric. En la segunda etapa he realizado la programación de los PLC's con el Step 7 v5.5 para controlar cada máquina. En la última etapa he llevado a cabo el diseño de los HMI (Interfaz hombre-máquina) para poder supervisar en todo momento y a tiempo real el estado de cada máquina, ya sea para visualizar solamente los estados o para interaccionar con ella

    On Greedy Routing in Dynamic UAV Networks

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, are becoming increasingly popular for various applications. Freely flying drones create highly dynamic environments, where conventional routing algorithms which rely on stationary network contact graphs fail to perform efficiently. Also, link establishment through exploring optimal paths using hello messages (as is used in AODV algorithm) deems extremely inefficient and costly for rapidly changing network topologies. In this paper, we present a distance-based greedy routing algorithm for UAV networks solely based on UAVs' local observations of their surrounding subnetwork. Thereby, neither a central decision maker nor a time-consuming route setup and maintenance mechanism are required. To evaluate the proposed method, we derive an analytical bound for the expected number of hops that a packet traverses. Also, we find the expected end-to-end distance traveled by each packet as well as the probability of successful delivery. The simulation results verify the accuracy of the developed analytical expressions and show considerable improvement compared to centralized shortest path routing algorithms.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted in IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON), Workshop on Communications, Data Processing and Control for Unmanned Autonomous Systems (CPC-UAV

    L'Arqueologia serà feminista o no serà

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    Aquest article s'inicia amb un breu repàs sobre alguns dels moviments polítics feministes occidentals, per tal de contextualitzar i argumentar la pràctica arqueològica feminista. Posteriorment es pretén justificar la politització com un fet intrínsec en la vida social i per tant, en el desplegament científic, afirmant que no va en detriment de la objectivitat i la cientificitat. Finalment es presenta una proposta d'anàlisi de la materialitat arqueològica, per tal de detectar les pràctiques sexistes. La finalitat d'aquest article és remarcar la utilitat de l'Arqueologia com a eina de transformació social

    One-shot domain adaptation in multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation using convolutional neural networks

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    In recent years, several convolutional neural network (CNN) methods have been proposed for the automated white matter lesion segmentation of multiple sclerosis (MS) patient images, due to their superior performance compared with those of other state-of-the-art methods. However, the accuracies of CNN methods tend to decrease significantly when evaluated on different image domains compared with those used for training, which demonstrates the lack of adaptability of CNNs to unseen imaging data. In this study, we analyzed the effect of intensity domain adaptation on our recently proposed CNN-based MS lesion segmentation method. Given a source model trained on two public MS datasets, we investigated the transferability of the CNN model when applied to other MRI scanners and protocols, evaluating the minimum number of annotated images needed from the new domain and the minimum number of layers needed to re-train to obtain comparable accuracy. Our analysis comprised MS patient data from both a clinical center and the public ISBI2015 challenge database, which permitted us to compare the domain adaptation capability of our model to that of other state-of-the-art methods. For the ISBI2015 challenge, our one-shot domain adaptation model trained using only a single image showed a performance similar to that of other CNN methods that were fully trained using the entire available training set, yielding a comparable human expert rater performance. We believe that our experiments will encourage the MS community to incorporate its use in different clinical settings with reduced amounts of annotated data. This approach could be meaningful not only in terms of the accuracy in delineating MS lesions but also in the related reductions in time and economic costs derived from manual lesion labeling

    The photoperiodic response of hypocotyl elongation involves regulation of CDF1 and CDF5 activity

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    Hypocotyl elongation relies on directional cell expansion, a process under light and circadian clock control. Under short photoperiods (SD), hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana follows a rhythmic pattern, a process in which circadian morning-to-midnight waves of the transcriptional repressors PSEUDO-RESPONSE REGULATORS (PRRs) jointly gate PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR (PIF) activity to dawn. Previously, we described CYCLING DOF FACTOR 5 (CDF5) as a target of this antagonistic PRR/PIF dynamic interplay. Under SD, PIFs induce CDF5 accumulation specifically at dawn, when it promotes the expression of positive cell elongation regulators such as YUCCA8 to induce growth. In contrast to SD, hypocotyl elongation under long days (LD) is largely reduced. Here, we examine whether CDF5 is an actor in this photoperiod specific regulation. We report that transcription of CDF5 is robustly induced in SD compared to LD, in accordance with PIFs accumulating to higher levels in SD, and in contrast to other members of the CDF family, whose expression is mainly clock regulated and have similar waveforms in SD and LD. Notably, when CDF5 was constitutively expressed under LD, CDF5 protein accumulated to levels comparable to SD but was inactive in promoting cell elongation. Similar results were observed for CDF1. Our findings indicate that both CDFs can promote cell elongation specifically in shorter photoperiods, however, their activity in LD is inhibited at the post-translational level. These data not only expand our understanding of the biological role of CDF transcription factors, but also identify a previously unrecognized regulatory layer in the photoperiodic response of hypocotyl elongation
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