1,284 research outputs found

    Spectral Properties and Quantum Phase Transitions in Superconducting Junctions with a Ferromagnetic Link

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    We study theoretically the spectral and transport properties of a superconducting wire with a magnetic defect. We start by modelling the system as a one dimensional magnetic Josephson junction and derive the equation determining the full subgap spectrum in terms of the normal-state transfer matrix for arbitrary length and exchange field of the magnetic region. We demonstrate that the quantum phase transition predicted for a short-range magnetic impurity, and associated with a change of the total spin of the system, also occurs in junctions of finite length. Specifically, we find that the total spin changes discontinuously by integer jumps when bounds states cross the Fermi level. The spin can be calculated by using a generalization of Friedel sum rule for the superconducting state, which we also derive. With these tools, we analyze the subgap spectrum of a junction with the length of the magnetic region smaller than the superconducting coherence length and demonstrate how phase transitions also manifest as change of the sign of the supercurrent.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    The effects of mixing on the evolution of intermediate-mass stars of different metallicities

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    We study the evolution of solar (Z = 0.016) and metal-poor stars (Z = 0.001) of initial masses corresponding to 2M⊙, and 4M⊙, from the main sequence until the formation of degenerate carbon-oxygen cores. We explore the nucleosynthesis during the core hydrogen burning phase through the CNO cycle and during the core helium burning phase through the 3α reaction. We determine the combined effects of the nucleosynthesis and of the convective mixing episodes on the surface composition of the considered stars. This work is intended to be a starting point to analyze the effects of more sophisticated treatments of mixing by convection, making special emphasis in the case of metal-poor stars

    Relaciones Iglesia-Estado en la España del siglo XXI

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    Conscious marketing plan for Artis Naturae online marketplace

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    This project consists of developing a marketing plan for an online market place under the brand name of Artis Natura e that commercializes Spanish hand crafts and artisan products at a national and international level. The main objective of the marketing plan is to safeguard the future oft he artisan men and women behind these products, as well as their artistic and cultural contribution. Ensuring the financial sustainability of this online marketplace is necessary to support its social mission: preserving the intangible culture of artisans and hand crafts. For this purpose, recommendations are going to be made to Artis Natura e with the aim to engage younger generations(as consumers)into this market and industry, captivate older consumers towards purchasing artisan products online, increase awareness regarding the value of hand crafts and artisan products to society and increase the current level of sales. This study will first analyze the current context of the crafts and artisan industry in the Spanish market. Then, an evaluation of the social purpose of Artis Natura e will be done in order to design an adequate and adjusted marketing plan. The proposed marketing plan is done in the context of my masters Work Project and I will assume the hypothetic al role of being a consultant whileArtisNaturae1will have the hypothetical role of my client

    Estudio de materiais compostos usando cáscara de mexillón para a impresión 3D

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    [Abstract]: This work focuses on the study of a type of composite material, formed by a mortar and mussel shell sand (as aggregate) in its composition, in order to investigate if it accomplishes the requirements to be 3D printable by extrusion for use in the field of construction. The mussel shell was chosen due to the large amount of this type of waste generated in Galicia, which cannot be easily used for other applications. The present work contains a bibliographic revision of each of the components of the mortar, the reactions that take place in the formation of the mortar and the characteristics necessary to have a 3D printable mortar. Besides, a revision about the composition, morphology and microstructure of mussel shell, as well as previous experiments related to the introduction of mussel shells into building materials, was realized. The design and preparation of a series of mixes of i) conventional mortar and ii) mortar incorporating mussel shell as aggregate, were part of the experimental work. The characterization of the mussel shell used in these mixtures was carried out and, finally, different mechanical tests were carried out comparing both types of mortars. Comparing the prepared conventional and mussel shell mortars, it is concluded that both present a similar behavior for 3D printing. Therefore, mussel shell can be used in future mortar 3D printing experiments, although the presence of organic matter and the shape of the mussel shell particles cause the mortar to have slightly lower flowability and green strength.[Resumen]: Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de un tipo de material compuesto (composite), formado por un mortero y arena de concha de mejillón (como árido) en su composición, con el fin de investigar si cumple los requisitos para ser imprimible en 3D por extrusión para su uso en el campo de la construcción. La elección de la concha de mejillón se debe a la gran cantidad de este tipo de residuos que se generan en Galicia y que no pueden ser fácilmente aprovechados para otras aplicaciones. El presente trabajo contiene una revisión bibliográfica de cada uno de los componentes del mortero, las reacciones que tienen lugar en la formación del mismo y las características necesarias para disponer de un mortero imprimible en 3D. Además, se ha realizado una revisión sobre la composición, morfología y microestructura de la concha de mejillón, así como experimentos previos relacionados con la introducción de la concha de mejillón en los materiales de construcción. El diseño y la preparación de una serie de mezclas de i) mortero convencional y ii) mortero que incorpora concha de mejillón como agregado, formaron parte del trabajo experimental. Se llevó a cabo la caracterización de la concha de mejillón utilizada en estas mezclas y, finalmente, se realizaron diferentes ensayos mecánicos comparando ambos tipos de mortero. Comparando los morteros preparados, convencionales y con concha de mejillón, se concluye que ambos presentan un comportamiento similar para la impresión 3D. Por lo tanto, la concha de mejillón puede ser utilizada en futuros experimentos de impresión 3D de morteros, aunque la presencia de materia orgánica y la forma de las partículas de la concha de mejillón hacen que el mortero tenga una fluidez y una resistencia en fresco ligeramente inferiores.[Resumo]: Este traballo céntrase no estudo dun tipo de material composto (composite), formado por morteiro e cuncha de mexillón (como agregado) na súa composición, co fin de investigar se cumpre os requisitos para ser imprimible en 3D mediante extrusión para o seu uso no campo da construción. A elección da cuncha de mexillón débese á gran cantidade deste tipo de residuos que se xeran en Galicia e que non se poden empregar facilmente para outras aplicacións. Este traballo contén unha revisión bibliográfica de cada un dos compoñentes do morteiro, as reaccións que teñen lugar na súa formación e as características necesarias para ter un morteiro imprimible en 3D. Ademais, realizouse unha revisión da composición, morfoloxía e microestrutura da cuncha de mexillón, así como experimentos previos relacionados coa introdución da cuncha de mexillón en materiais de construción. O deseño e preparación dunha serie de mesturas de i) morteiro convencional e ii) morteiro que incorpora cuncha de mexillón como agregado, formou parte do traballo experimental. Realizouse a caracterización da cuncha de mexillón empregada nestas mesturas e, finalmente, realizáronse diferentes ensaios mecánicos comparando ambos tipos de morteiros. Comparando os morteiros preparados (os morteiros convencionais e os morteiros que incorporan cuncha de mexillón), conclúese que ambos presentan un comportamento similar para a impresión 3D. Polo tanto, a cuncha de mexillón pódese usar en futuros experimentos con morteiros para impresión 3D, aínda que a presenza de materia orgánica e a forma das partículas de cuncha de mexillón fan que este morteiro teña unha fluidez e unha resistencia en fresco lixeiramente inferiores.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Química. Curso 2020/202

    Iglesia universal - Iglesia particular

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    Quality-by-design approach for the development of lipid-based nanosystems for anti-mycobacterial therapy

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    In this work, we rationally developed a lipid-based nanotechnological platform for hydrophobic anti-mycobacterial drugs. For this purpose, Artificial Intelligence tools were employed to assist formulation development, from the initial design to its conversion into a solid dosage form. Reproducible nanocarriers exhibiting suitable properties were achieved through a simple and robust procedure. Furthermore, the analysis of their in vitro performance revealed promising results in terms of permeability, cell uptake and selective intracellular release. Thus demonstrating the potential of these nanosystems to treat intestinal intracellular infections, increasingly related with Crohn´s disease development

    Concrete as a surface in space

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    [EN] Throughout history there are notorious examples showing alternatives, not only to the conventional architecture of supporting and supported elements, but also to the characteristic rationalist dissociation between inhabiting and circulation. Its properties can be isolated and analysed in order to define the basis of a new paradigm, thanks to the progress of reinforced concrete and its capability to materialise as a continuous surface in space. This paper compares and contrast three approaches –Kiesler, Parent, SANAA– that question the Cartesian directions oriented by gravity in the Euclidean space.[ES] Existen ejemplos notables a lo largo de la historia que muestran alternativas a la arquitectura convencional de soportes y elementos soportados, también a la disociación entre el habitar y la circulación tan característica de la arquitectura racionalista. Sus propiedades pueden ser aisladas y analizadas para definir las bases de un nuevo paradigma gracias a los avances en el hormigón armado y a su capacidad de materializarse como superficie continua en el espacio. Este artículo compara tres acercamientos –Kiesler, parent, SAnAA– que cuestionan las direcciones cartesianas orientadas por la gravedad en el espacio euclídeo.Carrasco Rouco, D. (2015). El hormigón como superficie en el espacio. EN BLANCO. Revista de Arquitectura. 7(18):84-90. doi:10.4995/eb.2015.4505SWORD8490718- BALLESTEROS RAGA, José Alfonso. Frederic Kiesler: La casa sin fin = Endless house, 1950-59. Ministerio de Vivienda: Colección arquitecturas ausentes del siglo XX. Madrid: Rueda, 2004.- FULLAONDO BUIGAS DE DALMAU, Diego. Tesis doctoral "La invención de La Fonction Oblique". Directora: María Teresa Mu-oz. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, E.T.S de Arquitectura, Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos, 2011.- FULLAONDO ERRAZU, Juan Daniel. "Claude Parent: ¿Le Corbusier o Sant'Elia?" Claude Parent, Paul Virilo: arquitectos. 1955-1968. Publicación de fascículos en los números 28, 27, 26 y 25 de la revista Nueva Forma. Madrid-Barcelona: Alfaguara, 1968.- KIESLER, Frederick. Friedrich Kiesler: Endless house 1947-1961. Friedrich Kiesler-Zentrum Wien. Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main. Ostfildern-Ruit, Deutschland: Hatje Cantz, 2003.- LUQUE BLANCO, José Luis. Contínuum cósmico: Frederick Kiesler (1890-1965). Barcelona: Fundación Caja de Arquitectos, 2012