25 research outputs found

    Comparação de dois métodos de otimização em modelos hidrológicos do tipo chuva-vazão

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    In the use of conceptual rainfall-runoff models we frequently face difficulties in the estimation of parameters. The automatic calibration using optimization algorithms has been a valuable alternative instrument due to the efficiency in the calibration process and the quality obtained in the performance of present comparative studies of two different conceptual catchment optimization methods. The first method is based on Rosenbrock Modified and the second one is based on Rosen’s Method which is a derivative-based optimization algorithm. For the comparative analysis the conceptual catchment rainfall-runoff, named SMAP modified, and the simple least squares criterion were employed.No uso de modelos hidrológicos determinísticos do tipo chuva-vazão depara-se, muitas vezes, com dificuldades no ajuste dos parâmetros à bacia hidrográfica em questão. O ajuste automático por processos de otimização vem sendo uma ferramenta alternativa de grande valia quer pela rapidez com que se processa a calibração, como também pela qualidade obtida na representação do comportamento hidrológico adequado. Nesse trabalho é apresentada a comparação de duas metodologias diferentes para a rotina de otimização de parâmetros. A primeira metodologia é baseada no Método de Rosenbrock Modificado e a segunda no Método de Rosen, onde além do valor da função objetivo são também consideradas as derivadas parciais da função objetivo em relação aos parâmetros do modelo hidrológico utilizado. Para a análise comparativa, foi utilizada uma modificação do Modelo SMAP e a função objetivo dos Mínimos Quadrados

    Avaliação do Desempenho da Geração de Cenários de Afluências em Reservatórios Utilizando Previsões de Precipitação por Conjunto

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/2179460X16215The electric energy planning of the National Interconnected System - SIN has a close correlation between present stocks of water in the reservoirs of hydroelectric plants and future inflows. For time periods above one month, inflows scenarios are generated without incorporating any kind of climate information. The inclusion of such information can improve the representation of future hydrological conditions. The objective of this study is to evaluate the gain that can be achieved with the use of precipitation information on generating reservoir inflows scenarios. We generated reservoir inflows scenarios to the Grande River basin using univariate autoregressive  modeling  –  AR, which considers only past inflows, and multivariate modeling – ARx, which also considers precipitation information. Statistical indices were calculated to evaluate the performance of the scenarios generated using the two types of autoregressive models by comparing the predicted inflow with the observed inflow. The results highlighted that both the univariate and multivariate modeling represented well the seasonal behavior of the inflows, however the univariate methodology presented difficulties in capturing the corresponding natural variability. Statistical indices showed the best performance of the ARx model, indicating that the inclusion of the precipitation information proved to be an important addition to generate reservoir inflows scenarios.O planejamento eletroenergético do Sistema Interligado Nacional – SIN têm uma estreita correlação entre os estoques de água dos reservatórios das usinas hidrelétricas e suas afluências futuras. Para o horizonte temporal acima de um mês, são gerados cenários de afluência que não incorporam qualquer tipo de informação climática. A inclusão dessas informações pode aperfeiçoar a representação das condições hidrológicas futuras. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o ganho que se pode obter com o uso de informações de precipitação na geração de cenários de afluências. Foram gerados cenários de afluências para a bacia do rio Grande utilizando a modelagem autoregressiva univariada – AR, que considera apenas afluências passadas, e multivariada – ARx, que considera, além das vazões passadas, informações de precipitação. Para avaliar o desempenho dos cenários gerados usando os dois tipos de modelagem, foram calculados índices estatísticos comparando a vazão prevista com a vazão observada. Os resultados mostraram que ambas as modelagens representaram bem o comportamento sazonal da vazão, no entanto a metodologia univariada capturou, de forma limitada,  sua variabilidade natural

    Study of point and diffuse pollution in the Funil reservoir hydropower plant contribution basin using spatially distributed Geographic Information System modeling

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    This study evaluated the potential polluter of the Funil Reservoir Contribution Basin (BCRF), located in the Paraíba do Sul River basin, considering the generation of nutrient loading, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), due to point and diffuse sources from a distributed modeling using Geographic Information System (GIS). Loads and annual average concentrations of these nutrients were generated from the coupling of empirical equations, in GIS, considering spatial information such as land use/cover, population living in the basin and long period average annual flow obtained by equations of rainfall runoff. The results indicated that 80% of the total load of nitrogen was generated from point sources and 20% from diffuse sources, while 89.1% were originated from point sources and 10.9% from diffuse sources for the corresponding total load of phosphorus. The model estimated adequately the concentration when compared to the ​​observed values and it was able to detect the trend of changes in nutrient concentrations along different sections of the BCRF highlighting significant correlations between the observed and simulated concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen with R²=0.96 (p<0.01) and R²=0.70 (p<0.01), respectively.Este estudo avaliou o potencial poluidor da bacia de contribuição do reservatório de Funil (BCRF), localizado na bacia hidrográfica do rio Paraíba do Sul, considerando a geração da carga de nutrientes, nitrogênio (N) e fósforo (P), por fontes pontuais e difusas, a partir de uma modelagem distribuída utilizando Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG). As cargas e concentrações médias anuais desses nutrientes foram geradas a partir do acoplamento de equações empíricas, em SIG, considerando informações espaciais de uso e cobertura do solo, população residente na bacia e vazão média anual de longo período, obtida por equações do tipo chuva vazão. Os resultados indicaram que 80% da carga total de nitrogênio foram provenientes de fontes pontuais e 20% de fontes difusas, enquanto que, da carga total de fósforo, 89,1% foram originadas de fontes pontuais e 10,9% de fontes difusas. As concentrações de nutrientes estimadas pelo modelo empírico apresentaram bons ajustes em relação aos valores observados de fósforo e de nitrogênio no rio Paraíba do Sul, com R²=0,96 (p<0,01) e R²=0,70 (p<0,01), respectivamente. Dessa forma, o modelo foi capaz de detectar, de forma significativa, a tendência das variações nas concentrações de nutrientes ao longo de diferentes trechos da BCRF

    Dinâmica do desmatamento na Amazônia e seus impactos na hidrologia: bacia do Rio Machadinho – Rondônia/Brasil

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    The Machadinho river basin is an example of disorderly occupation present in the Amazon region, where large areas were deforested and consequently the forest was converted into pastures and urban centers. The present work has the objective of analyzing the impacts in hydrology (streamflows, precipitation and evapotranspiration) of the Machadinho river basin due to its dynamics of anthropic occupation. First, the land cover change was analyzed using Landsat 5-TM images for the years 1984, 1997 and 2011. The streamflow variable was evaluated for its sensitivity by using the SWAT model to determine net discharge by setting the weather patterns and by varying the historical land cover scenarios. The precipitation, obtained by data from the CHIRPS for the period from 1981 to 2017, and evapotranspiration, estimated  by the SSEBop data between 2002 and 2017, were treated as distributed geospatial variables in the basin, with behavioral trends of their corresponding historical series measured by means of the Mann-Kendal test. The results showed that the occupation of the basin occurred in a disorderly way, where the pasture area increased from 2.6% in 1984 to 45.9% in 2011, with the highest conversion observed at the spring of the main water body, which accounted for a higher flow production by the SWAT model that adequately described the variable. In addition, trends of rainfall reduction were observed in wetter months, while trends of evapotranspiration elevation were detected in warmer months. Therefore, it is noteworthy to register that deforestation in the region tends to reduce water availability to the basin.A bacia hidrográfica do rio Machadinho é um exemplo de ocupação desordenada presente na região amazônica, na qual foram desmatadas grandes áreas com consequente conversão da floresta em pastagens e em núcleos urbanos. O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar os impactos na hidrologia (vazão, precipitação e evapotranspiração) da bacia do rio Machadinho diante de sua dinâmica de ocupação antrópica. Primeiramente, analisaram-se mudanças na cobertura da terra usando imagens do sensor Landsat 5-TM para os anos 1984, 1997 e 2011. A variável vazão foi avaliada quanto a sua sensibilidade mediante o emprego do modelo SWAT para determinar a descarga líquida fixando-se os padrões climáticos e variando-se os cenários históricos de cobertura da terra. A precipitação, obtida por meio de dados do CHIRPS para o período de 1981 a 2017, e a evapotranspiração, estimada via dados do SSEBop entre os anos de 2002 a 2017, foram tratadas como variáveis geoespaciais distribuídas na bacia, com tendências de comportamento de suas séries históricas aferidas por meio do teste Mann-Kendal. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a ocupação da bacia deu-se de maneira desordenada, cuja área com pastagem passou de 2,6% no ano de 1984 para 45,9% no ano de 2011, sendo a maior conversão observada na nascente do corpo hídrico principal, o que evidenciou uma maior produção de vazão pelo modelo SWAT, que adequadamente captou a variação dessa variável. Adicionalmente, observou-se tendência de redução pluviométrica nos meses mais chuvosos, enquanto detectou-se elevação da evapotranspiração nos meses mais quentes. Nesse sentido, é importante ressaltar que o desmatamento da região tende a reduzir a disponibilidade hídrica para a bacia

    Dinâmica da conversão de floresta e tendências climáticas na bacia do rio Madeira

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    The Madeira River basin is an example of an important portion of the Amazon region that is characterized by a high rate of conversion of forest into pastures and urban centers, evidencing an accelerated transformation in land cover and use with significant anthropic activity over the last three decades, which configures a potential impact in terms of modifying the climate behavior of the region. The present work seeks to analyze, in the Madeira River basin, the hydroclimatic impacts through the study of the variability of the two main components of the water balance and the energy balance at the scale of a watershed, namely precipitation and evapotranspiration, with additional emphasis on the temperature, which has served as a world reference to specify and demarcate changes in climate, given its space-time dynamics of anthropic occupation. More specifically, the occupancy history was initially analyzed using MODIS images for the period 2001-2013. In addition, precipitation data from the CHIRPS satellite product (1981-2017), evapotranspiration data determined by the SSEBop algorithm (2002-2017) via the sensor that produces the MODIS image and surface temperature of the MODIS satellite product (2001-2017) were examined, being such information treated as geospatial variables distributed in the study area. An extensive evaluation study regarding the identification of the presence or not of linear hydroclimatic trends in the Madeira River basin was carried out using the Mann-Kendall test. Although some trends were captured in the analyzed time series, the results obtained also showed that, given the limited database currently available, there is not necessarily a direct and clear relationship between the effect of human occupation and the climate regime of the basin, in contrast to the scientific framework recommended worldwide warning of climate change in the Anthropocene. In part, the high climate variability in the study region imposes limits with respect to clearly understand and separate the signals that can be attributed to the change in land cover and use from the signals associated with climate change that act on broader spatio-temporal scales. In this sense, new studies on monitoring hydrometeorological and hydroclimatic phenomena with corresponding measurements at different scales should be encouraged to better understand the processes of aggregation and disaggregation of the physical mechanisms acting at the scale of a watershed.A bacia do rio Madeira constitui um exemplo de porção importante da região amazônica que se caracteriza por alta taxa de conversão de floresta em pastagens e núcleos urbanos, evidenciando transformação acelerada na cobertura e uso do solo com atividade antrópica significativa ao longo das três últimas décadas, o que configura potencial impacto quanto à modificação do comportamento climático da região. O presente trabalho busca analisar, na bacia do rio Madeira, os impactos hidroclimáticos por meio do estudo da variabilidade dos dois principais componentes do balanço hídrico e do balanço de energia na escala de uma bacia hidrográfica, nomeadamente precipitação e evapotranspiração, com destaque adicional para a temperatura, que tem servido de referência mundial para precisar e demarcar mudanças no clima, perante a sua dinâmica espaço-temporal de ocupação antrópica. Mais especificamente, analisou-se, inicialmente, o histórico de ocupação usando imagens MODIS para o período 2001-2013. Complementarmente, examinaram-se os dados de precipitação do produto satelital CHIRPS (1981-2017), de evapotranspiração determinados por meio do algoritmo SSEBop (2002-2017) via sensor que produz a imagem MODIS e ainda de temperatura de superfície do produto de satélite MODIS (2001-2017), informações tratadas como variáveis geoespaciais distribuídas na área de estudo. Extenso estudo de avaliação no que tange à identificação de existência ou não de tendências hidroclimáticas lineares na bacia do rio Madeira foi conduzido por meio do teste Mann-Kendall. Embora algumas tendências tenham sido captadas nas séries temporais analisadas, os resultados obtidos também mostraram não haver, necessariamente, face à limitada base de dados disponíveis atualmente, uma relação direta e clara entre o efeito da ocupação antrópica e o regime climático da bacia, em contraste com o quadro científico preconizado mundialmente de alerta quanto a mudanças climáticas no Antropoceno. Em parte, a alta variabilidade climática na região de estudo impõe limites para que se consiga claramente apreender e separar os sinais que podem ser atribuídos à alteração na cobertura e uso do solo dos sinais associados a mudanças climáticas que atuam em escalas espaço-temporais mais abrangentes. Nesse sentido, novos estudos sobre monitoramento de fenômenos hidrometeorológicos e hidroclimáticos com correspondentes medições em diferentes escalas devem ser incentivados para melhor compreender os processos de agregação e desagregação dos mecanismos físicos atuantes na escala de uma bacia hidrográfica

    Development and analysis of the Soil Water Infiltration Global database

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    In this paper, we present and analyze a novel global database of soil infiltration measurements, the Soil Water Infiltration Global (SWIG) database. In total, 5023 infiltration curves were collected across all continents in the SWIG database. These data were either provided and quality checked by the scientists who performed the experiments or they were digitized from published articles. Data from 54 different countries were included in the database with major contributions from Iran, China, and the USA. In addition to its extensive geographical coverage, the collected infiltration curves cover research from 1976 to late 2017. Basic information on measurement location and method, soil properties, and land use was gathered along with the infiltration data, making the database valuable for the development of pedotransfer functions (PTFs) for estimating soil hydraulic properties, for the evaluation of infiltration measurement methods, and for developing and validating infiltration models. Soil textural information (clay, silt, and sand content) is available for 3842 out of 5023 infiltration measurements ( ∼ 76%) covering nearly all soil USDA textural classes except for the sandy clay and silt classes. Information on land use is available for 76% of the experimental sites with agricultural land use as the dominant type ( ∼ 40%). We are convinced that the SWIG database will allow for a better parameterization of the infiltration process in land surface models and for testing infiltration models. All collected data and related soil characteristics are provided online in *.xlsx and *.csv formats for reference, and we add a disclaimer that the database is for public domain use only and can be copied freely by referencing it. Supplementary data are available at https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.885492 (Rahmati et al., 2018). Data quality assessment is strongly advised prior to any use of this database. Finally, we would like to encourage scientists to extend and update the SWIG database by uploading new data to it

    The effect of precipitaton forecasts and monitoring on hourly hydrological statistical prediction models

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    Daily and hourly streamflow forecasts are an important tool for the management of Foz do Areia reservoir in the Iguassu River. Foz do Areia is a hydropower reservoir; it is the first along the Igaussu cascade and also the largest, being responsible for regulating all downstream reservoirs. Historically, streamflow forecasts have relied on a conventional network of streamgages, read twice a day. Ever since 1998, an automated network with GOES telemetry has been implemented, so that now hourly precipitation and river flows are available every 3 hours to be used in streamflow forecasts. We have evaluated the performance of the following modes of hourly streamflow forecasts: a) using only daily observed streamflows; b) using only hourly observed streamflows and c) using both hourly observed streamflows and precipitation, and precipitation forecasts. The streamflow forecasts are based on standard ARIMA models and Kalman filters. These are easily implemented and commonly employed by the Brazilian hydropower companies. They also allow a straightforward assessment of two different aspects of streamflow forecasting: (1) the impact of an automated, telemetric network on the quality of the hourly forecasts and (2) the impact of incorporating precipitation forecasts in the streamflow forecasting. Our main results are the following: when daily observed streamflows are used to predict future hourly streamflows by means of standard ARIMA models, the rising limb of the hydrographs are consistently under-predicted, due to the well-known phase difference in these models. After the observed peak, ARIMA models tend to overshoot and over-predict until a recession is well established. When the hourly data from the automated network are used, it is possible the possible to reduce both kinds of error, which however cannot be completely eliminated, leaving ample room for improvement. Even the application of Kalman filters with streamflow data alone is not able to substatianlly change the picture. Hydrologically this can be explained by the fact that steep catchments which contribute directly to the inflow to Foz do Areia have a relatively short response time, so that precipitation occuring very close to this reservoir is key to good hydrological forecasts. Therefore, when in mode (c) we included simulations of predicted rain with varying accuracy levels, the quality of the streamflow forecasts improved substantially. This was improved by applying a dual-mode, dry/wet Kalman filter, based on the knowledge that precipitation started to occur over the catchment. We were thus able to establish the relationship between precipitation forecast accuracy to streamflow forecast accuracy. It turns out that simply achieving a good forecast of the precipitation class (in our case, we simulated 5 classes) is already enough for most hydrological purposes in 24-hour ahead forecasts.Pages: 781-78