296 research outputs found

    New analysis method of the halo phenomenon in finite many-fermion systems. First applications to medium-mass atomic nuclei

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    A new analysis method to investigate halos in finite many-fermion systems is designed, as existing characterization methods are proven to be incomplete/inaccurate. A decomposition of the internal wave-function of the {NN-body} system in terms of overlap functions allows a model-independent analysis of medium-range and asymptotic properties of the internal one-body density. The existence of a spatially decorrelated region in the density profile is related to the existence of three typical energy scales in the excitation spectrum of the {(N−1)(N-1)-body} system. A series of model-independent measures, taking the internal density as the only input, are introduced. The new measures allow a quantification of the potential halo in terms of the average number of fermions participating to it and of its impact on the system extension. Those new "halo factors" are validated through simulations and applied to results obtained through energy density functional calculations of medium-mass nuclei. Performing spherical Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations with state-of-the-art Skyrme plus pairing functionals, a collective halo is predicted in drip-line Cr isotopes, whereas no such effect is seen in Sn isotopes.Comment: 27 Pages, 29 Figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C back-to-back with second part (arXiv:0711.1275

    Modernes pietà

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    Cet article se propose d’étudier une singulière et paradoxale communauté de figures repérée au sein de trois films réalisés dans le contexte politique et révolutionnaire de la deuxième moitié des années soixante : dans Les Enfants désaccordés (P. Garrel, 1964), Acéphale (P. Deval, 1968) et « Les Dieux de la peste (Götter der pest, R. W. Fassbinder, 1970) », survit le modèle plastique, hérité de la peinture chrétienne, d’une pietà. Il s’agit d’abord de s’arrêter sur le potentiel dialectique de ce geste de plainte exemplaire, et de comprendre comment celui-ci peut venir servir de prémices à l’expression d’une prise de position critique et politique. Il s’agit ensuite de s’interroger sur la période de crise anthropologique, notamment décrite par P. P. Pasolini et E. De Martino, qui aurait commandé le remploi de ces symboles religieux, et le rôle qu’ils viennent ainsi jouer au titre de véhicules d’une sauvegarde mémorielle et d’un refuge spirituel. Il s’agit donc enfin de considérer la dimension politique portée par le pathos religieux, lorsqu’il réapparaît au moment où révolution, émancipation et salut doivent être pensés côte-à-côté.This article proposes to study a singular and paradoxical community of figures identified in three films created in the political and revolutionary context of the sixties : in Children Out of Tune (P. Garrel, 1964), Acéphale (P. Deval, 1968), and Gods of the Plague (R. W. Fassbinder, 1970), survives the figurative pattern, inherited from christian painting, of a pietà. The first step is to consider the dialectical potential of this exemplary pathetic gesture, and to understand how it can also serve as a starting point for the expression of a critical and political position. The question then arises of the period of an anthropological crisis, especially described by P. P. Pasolini and E. De Martino, which led to the reinvestment of these religious symbols and the role they thus play as medium of a memorial safeguard and a spiritual shelter. Finally, it is a question of considering the necessary political dimension that the religious pathos may bear when it reappears at times when revolution, emancipation and salvation must be thought together

    Halo phenomenon in finite many-fermion systems. Atom-positron complexes and large-scale study of atomic nuclei

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    The analysis method proposed in Ref. \cite{rotival07a} is applied to characterize halo properties in finite many-fermion systems. First, the versatility of the method is highlighted by applying it to light and medium-mass nuclei as well as to atom-positron and ion-positronium complexes. Second, the dependence of nuclear halo properties on the characteristics of the energy density functional used in self-consistent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations is studied. It is found that (a) the low-density behavior of the pairing functional and the regularization/renormalization scheme must be chosen coherently and with care to provide meaningful predictions, (b) the impact of pairing correlations on halo properties is significant and is the result of two competing effects, (c) the detailed characteristics of the pairing functional has however only little importance, (d) halo properties depend significantly on any ingredient of the energy density functional that influences the location of single-particle levels; i.e. the effective mass, the tensor terms and the saturation density of nuclear matter. The latter dependencies give insights to how experimental data on medium-mass drip-line nuclei can be used in the distant future to constrain some characteristics of the nuclear energy density functional. Last but not least, large scale predictions of halos among all spherical even-even nuclei are performed using specific sets of particle-hole and particle-particle energy functionals. It is shown that halos in the ground state of medium-mass nuclei will only be found at the very limit of neutron stability and for a limited number of elements.Comment: 24 Pages, 32 Figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C back-to back with first part (nucl-th/0702050

    Inline voice commands in word processor

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    Invoking a command in a word processor typically involves a break in the flow of writing. For example, if a user wants to insert a table into a document that she is editing, she has to execute an operation such as pressing a key combination, performing a mouse movement, or a gesture to invoke a command. Such breaks in flow causes a loss of productivity. Further, performing such movements may be difficult for users with motor disabilities. This disclosure describes techniques that enable a user to issue voice commands without a break in the flow of writing

    Genetic Influences on Brain Gene Expression in Rats Selected for Tameness and Aggression

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    Inter-individual differences in many behaviors are partly due to genetic differences, but the identification of the genes and variants that influence behavior remains challenging. Here, we studied an F2 intercross of two outbred lines of rats selected for tame and aggressive behavior towards humans for more than 64 generations. By using a mapping approach that is able to identify genetic loci segregating within the lines, we identified four times more loci influencing tameness and aggression than by an approach that assumes fixation of causative alleles, suggesting that many causative loci were not driven to fixation by the selection. We used RNA sequencing in 150 F2 animals to identify hundreds of loci that influence brain gene expression. Several of these loci colocalize with tameness loci and may reflect the same genetic variants. Through analyses of correlations between allele effects on behavior and gene expression, differential expression between the tame and aggressive rat selection lines, and correlations between gene expression and tameness in F2 animals, we identify the genes Gltscr2, Lgi4, Zfp40 and Slc17a7 as candidate contributors to the strikingly different behavior of the tame and aggressive animals

    Comprehensive determination of the solid state stability of bethanechol chloride active pharmaceutical ingredient using combined analytical tools

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    International audienceThe use of an integrative analytical approach allowed us to establish the intrinsic solid state stability of bethanechol chloride (BC), an active pharmaceutical ingredient used in the treatment of urinary retention. First, the crystal structure of the monoclinic form has been described using single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. Second, thermal analyses revealed that the compound degrades upon melting, with an apparent melting temperature estimated to be 231 °C. No transition from the monoclinic to the orthorhombic form has been observed, suggesting that the monoclinic form is the stable one. Third, the two-step melting–decomposition process has been elucidated by liquid chromatography and thermogravimetry coupled to mass spectrometry. The first step corresponds to the sample liquefaction, which consists of the gradual dissolution of bethanechol chloride in its liquid degradant, i.e. betamethylcholine chloride. This step is in agreement with Bawn kinetics and the activation energy of the reaction has been estimated at 35.5 kcal mol−1. The second step occurs with accelerated degradation in the melt. Elucidation of secondary decomposition pathways evidenced autocatalytic properties conferred by the formation of both isocyanic acid and methyl chloride. Finally, dynamic water vapor sorption analysis showed a substantial hygroscopicity of the drug substance. A deliquescent point has been determined at 56% relative humidity at 25 °C

    JAG1 (jagged 1 (Alagille syndrome))

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    Review on JAG1 (jagged 1 (Alagille syndrome)), with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated

    Integrating Phosphoproteome and Transcriptome Reveals New Determinants of Macrophage Multinucleation

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    This research was originally published in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. Rotival M, Ko JH, Srivastava PK, Kerloc'h A, Montoya A, Mauro C, Faull P, Cutillas PR, Petretto E, Behmoaras J. Integrating phosphoproteome and transcriptome reveals new determinants of macrophage multinucleation. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 2014. Vol:pp-pp. © the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.File embargoed until 22 Dec 2015
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