134 research outputs found

    Dalla siderurgia al turismo. Un'analisi empirica sull'area di Piombino.

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    Scopo della ricerca: lo scopo di questa dissertazione è quello di indagare sulla possibilità di far coesistere turismo e industria nella città di Piombino, nota principalmente come polo siderurgico e come punto di partenza per l’Isola d’Elba. Si può trasformare un territorio come Piombino in città turistica? Ha un futuro l’industria siderurgica? Qual è l’opinione dei cittadini al riguardo? Come si può combattere la mentalità operaia di questo paese? Quali sono le iniziative proposte dagli opinion leaders? Che tipo di turismo si può sviluppare? Queste sono solo alcune delle domande cui daremo risposta nel corso della trattazione. Metodologia: la ricerca è stata effettuata tramite analisi sia di tipo quantitativo, con l’utilizzo di questionari auto – somministrati ai cittadini, sia attraverso analisi qualitative, con interviste face to face a esponenti del Comune, ristoratori, albergatori e proprietari di strutture extra – alberghiere. In questo modo si è potuto analizzare quello che è il pensiero degli abitanti, direttamente coinvolti in questa diatriba, ma anche il pensiero di coloro che impiegano tempo e risorse nell’attività turistica e di chi ha fatto del turismo il proprio lavoro. Risultati: analizzando i dati è emerso come la possibilità di far diventare Piombino città turistica abbia un effetto positivo sui giovani in cerca di un lavoro dinamico e non scandito dai turni dell’industria. Tuttavia, nonostante le elevate potenzialità della città, si pongono degli ostacoli dovuti alla mentalità dei più anziani, abituati ad avere l’utilizzo esclusivo del territorio (il turismo a Piombino è nato solo agli inizi degli anni ’90), nonché delle poche risorse messe a disposizione dei Comuni per poter investire in un settore in crescita come il turismo. Limitazioni della ricerca: non avendo a disposizione gli strumenti di marketing di cui dispone una società di ricerche di mercato, ho cercato di svolgere il mio lavoro nel modo più accurato possibile, cercando di tener conto di tutti i soggetti coinvolti in questa delicata tematica. Il tema dell’industria a Piombino è sempre più spesso al centro dei dibattiti, per cui ho cercato di sviluppare l’argomento in tutta la sua essenza, senza farmi coinvolgere in opinioni politiche che avrebbero potuto deviare lo scopo per cui la ricerca è stata condotta. Implicazioni pratiche: i risultati ci suggeriscono che la cosa migliore per il territorio di Piombino sia quella di far coesistere turismo e industria, far diventare Piombino anche città turistica, non solo città – fabbrica. Questo è però un processo che si andrà delineando nel corso degli anni, e di certo non di facile attuazione. Il consiglio finale dato alla fine di questa trattazione è quello di puntare sul turismo sostenibile e sulla tutela dell’ambiente. Siamo tutti fiduciosi nelle potenzialità di questa città, che potrebbe offrire molto di più ai suoi visitatori e ai cittadini stessi

    The human iron-proteome

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    Prostate Cancer Gene 3 and Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Can Reduce Unnecessary Biopsies: Decision Curve Analysis to Evaluate Predictive Models

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    OBJECTIVE To overcome the well-known prostate-specific antigen limits, several new biomarkers have been proposed. Since its introduction in clinical practice, the urinary prostate cancer gene 3 (PCA3) assay has shown promising results for prostate cancer (PC) detection. Furthermore, multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mMRI) has the ability to better describe several aspects of PC. METHODS A prospective study of 171 patients with negative prostate biopsy findings and a persistent high prostate-specific antigen level was conducted to assess the role of mMRI and PCA3 in identifying PC. All patients underwent the PCA3 test and mMRI before a second transrectal ultrasoundguided prostate biopsy. The accuracy and reliability of PCA3 (3 different cutoff points) and mMRI were evaluated. Four multivariate logistic regression models were analyzed, in terms of discrimination and the cost benefit, to assess the clinical role of PCA3 and mMRI in predicting the biopsy outcome. A decision curve analysis was also plotted. RESULTS Repeated transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy identified 68 new cases (41.7%) of PC. The sensitivity and specificity of the PCA3 test and mMRI was 68% and 49% and 74% and 90%, respectively. Evaluating the regression models, the best discrimination (area under the curve 0.808) was obtained using the full model (base clinical model plus mMRI and PCA3). The decision curve analysis, to evaluate the cost/benefit ratio, showed good performance in predicting PC with the model that included mMRI and PCA3. CONCLUSION mMRI increased the accuracy and sensitivity of the PCA3 test, and the use of the full model significantly improved the cost/benefit ratio, avoiding unnecessary biopsies

    Serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) subclasses in a cohort of systemic sclerosis patients

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    Objectives: To assess serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) subclasses in a cohort of systemic sclerosis (SSc) patients and to evaluate the influence of IgG subclasses in the main complications of the disease. Methods: The serum level of IgG subclasses was evaluated in 67 SSc patients and 48 healthy controls (HC), matched for sex and age. Serum samples were collected and measured IgG1–4 subclasses by turbidimetry. Results: SSc patients had lower median total IgG [9.88 g/l (IQR 8.18–11.42 g/l) vs. 12.09 g/l (IQR 10.24–13.54 g/l), p < 0.001], IgG1 [5.09 g/l (IQR 4.25–6.38 g/l) vs. 6.03 g/l (IQR 5.39–7.90 g/l), p < 0.001], and IgG3 [0.59 g/l (IQR 0.40–0.77 g/l) vs. 0.80 g/l (IQR 0.46–1 g/l), p < 0.05] serum levels compared to HC. The logistic regression analysis showed IgG3 as the only variable associated with the diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLco) ≤60% of the predicted [OR 9.734 (CI 95%: 1.312–72.221), p < 0.05] and modified Rodnan skin score (mRSS) [OR 1.124 (CI 95%: 1.019–1.240), p < 0.05], anti-topoisomerase I [OR 0.060 (CI 95%: 0.007–0.535), p < 0.05], and IgG3 [OR 14.062 (CI 95%: 1.352–146.229), p < 0.05] as variables associated with radiological interstitial lung disease (ILD). Conclusion: SSc patients have reduced levels of total IgG and an altered IgG subclass distribution compared to HC. Moreover, SSc patients show different serum IgG subclasses profiles according to the main involvement of the disease

    PIEZO1 Hypomorphic Variants in Congenital Lymphatic Dysplasia Cause Shape and Hydration Alterations of Red Blood Cells

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    PIEZO1 is a cation channel activated by mechanical force. It plays an important physiological role in several biological processes such as cardiovascular, renal, endothelial and hematopoietic systems. Two different diseases are associated with alteration in the DNA sequence of PIEZO1: (i) dehydrated hereditary stomatocytosis (DHS1, #194380), an autosomal dominant hemolytic anemia caused by gain-of-function mutations; (ii) lymphatic dysplasia with non-immune fetal hydrops (LMPH3, #616843), an autosomal recessive condition caused by biallelic loss-of-function mutations. We analyzed a 14-year-old boy affected by severe lymphatic dysplasia already present prenatally, with peripheral edema, hydrocele, and chylothoraces. By whole exome sequencing, we identified compound heterozygosity for PIEZO1, with one splicing and one deletion mutation, the latter causing the formation of a premature stop codon that leads to mRNA decay. The functional analysis of the erythrocytes of the patient highlighted altered hydration with the intracellular loss of the potassium content and structural abnormalities with anisopoikolocytosis and presence of both spherocytes and stomatocytes. This novel erythrocyte trait, sharing features with both hereditary spherocytosis and overhydrated hereditary stomatocytosis, complements the clinical features associated with loss-of-function mutations of PIEZO1 in the context of the generalized lymphatic dysplasia of LMPH3 type

    Value of systolic pulmonary arterial pressure as a prognostic factor of death in the systemic sclerosis EUSTAR population.

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    The aim of this study was to assess the prognostic value of systolic pulmonary artery pressure (sPAP) estimated by echocardiography in the multinational European League Against Rheumatism Scleroderma Trial and Research (EUSTAR) cohort.Data for patients with echocardiography documented between 1 January 2005 and 31 December 2011 were extracted from the EUSTAR database. Stepwise forward multivariable statistical Cox pulmonary hypertension analysis was used to examine the independent effect on survival of selected variables.Based on our selection criteria, 1476 patients were included in the analysis; 87\% of patients were female, with a mean age of 56.3 years (s.d. 13.5) and 31\% had diffuse SSc. The mean duration of follow-up was 2.0 years (s.d. 1.2, median 1.9). Taking index sPAP of 50 mmHg. In a multivariable Cox model, sPAP and the diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) were independently associated with the risk of death [HR 1.833 (95\% CI 1.035, 3.247) and HR 0.973 (95\% CI 0.955, 0.991), respectively]. sPAP was an independent risk factor for death with a HR of 3.02 (95\% CI 1.91, 4.78) for sPAP ≥36 mmHg.An estimated sPAP >36 mmHg at baseline echocardiography was significantly and independently associated with reduced survival, regardless of the presence of pulmonary hypertension based on right heart catheterization

    Reprogramming normal cells into tumour precursors requires ECM stiffness and oncogene-mediated changes of cell mechanical properties

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    Defining the interplay between the genetic events and microenvironmental contexts necessary to initiate tumorigenesis in normal cells is a central endeavour in cancer biology. We found that receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)–Ras oncogenes reprogram normal, freshly explanted primary mouse and human cells into tumour precursors, in a process requiring increased force transmission between oncogene-expressing cells and their surrounding extracellular matrix. Microenvironments approximating the normal softness of healthy tissues, or blunting cellular mechanotransduction, prevent oncogene-mediated cell reprogramming and tumour emergence. However, RTK–Ras oncogenes empower a disproportional cellular response to the mechanical properties of the cell’s environment, such that when cells experience even subtle supra-physiological extracellular-matrix rigidity they are converted into tumour-initiating cells. These regulations rely on YAP/TAZ mechanotransduction, and YAP/TAZ target genes account for a large fraction of the transcriptional responses downstream of oncogenic signalling. This work lays the groundwork for exploiting oncogenic mechanosignalling as a vulnerability at the onset of tumorigenesis, including tumour prevention strategies
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