1,970 research outputs found

    Mistakes To Avoid In Attacking The Moral/Conventional Distinction

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    In an experimental critique of the moral/conventional (M/C) distinction, Kelly et al. (2007) present new experimental data about responses to transgressions involving harm, where the novelty is that transgressors are grown-ups, rather than children. Their data do not support the moral/conventional distinction. The contrast between grown-up and schoolyard transgressions does not seem, however, to explain their results: they also use two schoolyard transgressions with similar negative results for the M/C distinction.I here attempt to explain away their results by calling attention to two mistakes in their experimental design. One refers to the use of questionnaire-items of the type that Turiel and collaborators have called mixed-domain situations, which extend over both a moral and a conventional domain. Participants respond to these cases differently than to prototypical moral situations, because some allow the authority rule to override the moral rule. The second mistake emerges in the grown-up transgressions labeled as Whipping/temporal, Whipping/Authority, Spanking/Authority, Prisoner abuse/Authority. These are not the typical transgressions unambiguously “involving a victim who has been harmed, whose rights have been violated, or who has been subject to an injustice”. The victims are also transgressors and harm is inflicted on them as punishment. Plausibly, rules about corporal punishment depend on authority in a way that rules about harming the innocent do not

    Las series numéricas infinitas en la India en los siglos VI al XVI

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    En la historia de las matemáticas se hace un gran énfasis en el desarrollo logrado por los matemáticos europeos, desde los griegos hasta el presente. A manera de anécdota se describen los avances de algunos pueblos no europeos como los egipcios, chinos, hindúes, mayas, etc., pero siempre indicando el avance inferior logrado en sus matemáticas en comparación con los pueblos europeos. En este trabajo se muestran algunos de los avances de los matemáticos de la antigua India, y en particular los avances alcanzados en la expansión de funciones en series de funciones así como sus aplicaciones para el cálculo de tablas de funciones trigonométricas y las aproximaciones del valor de pi con hasta 12 decimales exactos

    Una señal para morir : cuento

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    1 archivo PDF (3 páginas) tyvlxxxix"Sergio tuvo que apechugar ante la brutal sequía que acosaba al pueblo. Su hermano mayor, como vidente de malos presagios, ya la había imaginado años atrás; así que cogió un morral de ixtle con sus arreos y marchó al norte, donde disfrutaba de una prosperidad restringida, una felicidad acotada dentro del anonimato. Pero Sergio sabía que él no era de otra parte, tenía la certeza de que abandonar su tierra significaba morir de soledad, y prefirió envalentonarse ante el ya marcado futuro del pueblo ...

    La inmediatez del subalterno

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    1 archivo PDF (15 páginas). tyvlxliiiEl presente ensayo es una reflexión acerca de cómo la vertiginosa modernidad deja de lado una parte esencial del ser humano: la espiritualidad y lo simbólico. Dentro de este escrito se lleva a cabo una analogía entre ciertas prácticas socioculturales –las procesiones religiosas– y algunos aspectos literarios, esto con la intención de observar la inmediatez que, tanto dichas prácticas como la literatura indígena, tienen con los símbolos de corte sagrado. ABSTRACT: The present essay is a reflection on how dizzying modernism ignores the essential parts of the human being- the spiritual and symbolic. This text makes an analogy between certain sociocultural practices, such as religious processions and certain literary practices, with the intention of showing the connection that these elements have with the symbols of a sacred nature. PALABRAS CLAVE: Prácticas socioculturales. Modernidad. Espiritualidad. Inmediatez. Religión. Símbolos. Subalterno. KEY WORDS: Socio-cultural practices. Modern. Spirituality. Immediacy. Religion. Symbols. Subalter

    Advanced tomographic image reconstruction algorithms for Diffuse Optical Imaging

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    Diffuse Optical Imaging is relatively new set of imaging modality that use infrared and near infrared light to characterize the optical properties of biological tissue. The technology used is less expensive than other imaging modalities such as X-ray mammography, it is portable and can be used to monitor brain activation and cancer diagnosis, besides to aid to other imaging modalities and therapy treatments in the characterization of diseased tissue, i. e. X-ray, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Radio Frequency Ablation. Due the optical properties of biological tissue near-infrared light is highly scattered, as a consequence, a limited amount of light is propagated thus making the image reconstruction process very challenging. Typically, diffuse optical image reconstructions require from several minutes to hours to produce an accurate image from the interaction of the photons and the chormophores of the studied medium. To this day, this limitation is still under investigation and there are several approaches that are close to the real-time image reconstruction operation. Diffuse Optical Imaging includes a variety of techniques such as functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS), Diffuse Optical Tomography (DOT), Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography (FDOT) and Spatial Frequency Domain imaging (SFDI). These emerging image reconstruction modalities aim to become routine modalities for clinical applications. Each technique presents their own advantages and limitations, but they have been successfully used in clinical trials such as brain activation analysis and breast cancer diagnosis by mapping the response of the vascularity within the tissue through the use of models that relate the interaction between the tissue and the path followed by the photons. One way to perform the image reconstruction process is by separating it in two stages: the forward problem and the inverse problem; the former is used to describe light propagation inside a medium and the latter is related to the reconstruction of the spatio-temporal distribution of the photons through the tissue. Iterative methods are used to solve both problems but the intrinsic complexity of photon transport in biological tissue makes the problem time-consuming and computationally expensive. The aim of this research is to apply a fast-forward solver based on reduced order models to Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography and Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging to contribute to these modalities in their application of clinical trials. Previous work showed the capabilities of the reduced order models for real-time reconstruction of the absorption parameters in the brain of mice. Results demonstrated insignificant loss of quantitative and qualitative accuracy and the reconstruction was performed in a fraction of the time normally required on this kind of studies. The forward models proposed in this work, offer the capability to run three-dimensional image reconstructions in CPU-based computational systems in a fraction of the time required by image reconstructions methods that use meshes generated using the Finite Element Method. In the case of SFMI, the proposed approach is fused with the approach of the virtual sensor for CCD cameras to reduce the computational burden and to generate a three-dimensional map of the distribution of tissue optical properties. In this work, the use case of FDOT focused on the thorax of a mouse model with tumors in the lungs as the medium under investigation. The mouse model was studied under two- and three- dimension conditions. The two-dimensional case is presented to explain the process of creating the Reduced-Order Models. In this case, there is not a significant improvement in the reconstruction considering NIRFAST as the reference. The proposed approach reduced the reconstruction time to a quarter of the time required by NIRFAST, but the last one performed it in a couple of seconds. In contrast, the three-dimensional case exploited the capabilities of the Reduced-Order Models by reducing the time of the reconstruction from a couple of hours to several seconds, thus allowing a closer real-time reconstruction of the fluorescent properties of the interrogated medium. In the case of Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging, the use case considered a three-dimensional section of a human head that is analysed using a CCD camera and a spatially modulated light source that illuminates the mentioned head section. Using the principle of the virtual sensor, different regions of the CCD camera are clustered and then Reduced Order Models are generated to perform the image reconstruction of the absorption distribution in a fraction of the time required by the algorithm implemented on NIRFAST. The ultimate goal of this research is to contribute to the field of Diffuse Optical Imaging and propose an alternative solution to be used in the reconstruction process to those models already used in three-dimensional reconstructions of Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography and Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging, thus offering the possibility to continuously monitor tissue obtaining results in a matter of seconds

    Is a bad will a weak will? Cognitive dispositions modulate folk attributions of weakness of will

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    In line with recent efforts to empirically study the folk concept of weakness of will, we examine two issues in this paper: (1) How is weakness of will attribution [WWA] influenced by an agent’s violations of best judgment and/or resolution, and by the moral valence of the agent’s action? (2) Do any of these influences depend on the cognitive dispositions of the judging individual? We implemented a factorial 2x2x2 between–subjects design with judgment violation, resolution violation, and action valence as independent variables, and measured participants’ cognitive dispositions using Frederick’s Cognitive Reflection Test [CRT]. We conclude that intuitive and reflective individuals have two different concepts of weakness of will. The study supports this claim by showing that: a) the WWA of intuitive subjects is influenced by the action’s (and probably also the commitment’s) moral valence, while the WWA of reflective subjects is not; b) judgment violation plays a small role in the WWA of intuitive subjects, while reflective subjects treat resolution violation as the only relevant trait. Data were collected among students at two different universities. All subjects (N=710) answered the CRT. A three-way ANOVA was first conducted on the whole sample and then on the intuitive and reflective groups separately. This study suggests that differences in cognitive dispositions can significantly impact the folk understanding of philosophical concepts, and thus suggests that analysis of folk concepts should take cognitive dispositions into account

    Secretos del abuelo, la historia del niño que aprendió a soñar

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    1 archivo PDF (10 páginas)El trabajo plantea un análisis, desde la perspectiva mitocrítica, de una obra que bien podría inscribirse dentro del género de la literatura indígena. El texto: en cuestión se titula Secretos del abuelo de Jorge Miguel Cocom Pech, no son otra cosa que una serie de ritos iniciáticos, con los cuales la figura del adolescente es encaminado hacia la madurez, todo esto desde la cosmovisión indígena. Uno de los presupuestos de este escrito es que, a pesar de la ya aludida cosmovisión indígena, la obra no puede evadir tópicos ni arquetipos universales: iniciación, transición y aprendizaje; el héroe, el guía y el viaje del primero. The study attempts to analyze, from an anthropological semiotics perspective, a book that might well be considered within the genre of indigenous literature. The text in question is titled: The Grandfather’s Secrets”by Jorge Miguel Cocom Pech, are nothing other than a series of adolescence initiation rituals that lead the adolescent on the road to maturity. All this is based on an indian weltanschauung. One of the motives of this work, in spite of the aforementioned Indian weltanschauung, is to underscore the inherent universal topics and archetypes it contains: initiation, transition, and knowledge-through the use of the hero, the guide, and the hero’s journey. Palabras clave Arquetipo, mitocrítica, héroe, cosmovisión indígena, ritos iniciáticos. Key words Archetype, myth critical, hero, Indian weltanschauung, adolescent initiation rituals. tyvlxl

    A New Approach to the Middle Stone Age from Continental Equatorial Guinea: A Preliminary Fieldwork Report

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    As starting activity for the Uoro Rift-Wele River Project, a 20-day exploratory trip to Equatorial Guinea was made in May 2014. During this time, the existing agreement between UNAM and the National University of Equatorial Guinea was renewed, a provisional exploration permit from the National Institute for Forest Development (INDEFOR) was obtained, and an exploration survey was made in the Niefang region at the Uoro Rift. In these few weeks, eight new surface sites with diagnostic archaeological materials from the Middle Stone Age (MSA) were reported, and several large-format tools not previously described in existing publications were identified, extending the typological variability range of the local MSA, including artifacts from the Sangoan-Lupemban period. The results show that the present institutional and geographic conditions are ideal for a long-term archaeological project in Equatorial Guinea.Part of the travel expenses is included in the development of the CGL2012-36682 project (Government of Spain).Peer reviewe

    Depth of field simulation for still digital images using a 3D camera

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    Resumen: En un mundo donde la fotografía digital es casi omnipresente, el tamaño de los dispositivos de captura de imagen y sus lentes limitan sus capacidades para alcanzar profundidades menores de campo para fines estéticos. Este trabajo propone un enfoque novedoso para simular este efecto usando el color e imágenes profundas de una cámara 3D. Las pruebas comparativas dieron resultados similares a los de una lente regular. Palabras clave: bokeh; profundidad de campo; simulación

    Los valores de papantla y la trigonometría

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    En este trabajo abordamos el diseño de una actividad didáctica cuya finalidad involucra el uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para ser lo que llamamos una actividad didáctica en línea. Basados en la teoría de las situaciones didácticas proponemos la creación de situaciones a-didácticas que permitan a los estudiantes crear conceptos relacionados con la trigonometría utilizando actividades didácticas en línea que exploten las características de internet. Los diseños están dirigidos a estudiantes de escuelas secundarias (12 a 15 años) del sistema educativo del estado de Veracruz en México