174 research outputs found

    La creación de la imagen artística con medios digitales en Primaria

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    El área de Educación Plástica es una asignatura muy importante para el desarrollo integral del alumnado, sentimos la necesidad de expresar su importancia como materia lúdico-creativa. Durante años ha sido utilizada sólo para desarrollar las habilidades y destrezas manuales restringiendo su amplio abanico de posibilidades creativas. Las nuevas tecnologías tienen una gran repercusión para nuestro alumnado, y esto ofrece una gran oportunidad al área de Plástica para su educación en las TIC y sobre todo, el desarrollo de su creatividad mediante éstos innovadores instrumentos. La incorporación de éste nuevo marco didáctico contribuye a la adaptación, participación e integración de un gran número de actividades innovadoras y significativas que otorgan un gran protagonismo al área de Educación Plástica dentro del contexto del currículo establecido.Grado en Educación Primari

    The effect of overeducation on job content innovation and career-enhancing strategies amoung young Spanish employees

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    The increase of education in younger people and the relative scarcity of qualified jobs available for them make the overeducation of young workers a social issue. We explored the relationships between overeducation and extra-role behaviors (job content innovation and career-enhancing strategies) as well as the direct and moderating role of personal initiative and intrinsic work values in these relationships. We collected data from a sample of 638 young Spanish employees. As expected, there were negative relationships between overeducation and content innovation and career-enhancing strategies. Personal initiative and intrinsic work values related positively to extra-role behaviors. Moreover, high levels of intrinsic work values and personal initiative emerged as moderating factors that buffered the negative effect of overeducation on extra-role behavior

    Efectos moduladores de la autoeficacia en el estrés laboral

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    Referencia de la publicación original: Grau Gumbau, R., Salanova Soria, M., & Peiró Silla, J.M. (2000). Efectos moduladores de la autoeficacia en el estrés laboral. Apuntes de Psicología, 18 (1), 57-75.Este trabajo analiza el rol modulador de las creencias de eficacia en el proceso de estrés laboral. En concreto se pretende estudiar la complementariedad entre dos medidas de autoeficacia: una generalizada y otra específica para el ámbito laboral. La hipótesis de partida es que la autoeficacia específica modulará más relaciones del estrés laboral y sus consecuencias que la autoeficacia generalizada. A partir de los datos obtenidos de 140 trabajadores que utilizan nuevas tecnologías en sus puestos, se constata que, en general, la autoeficacia modula las relaciones entre los estresores y sus consecuencias, en el sentido de que bajos niveles de autoeficacia están asociados a mayores niveles de estrés experimentado. Los resultados de los análisis de regresión múltiple jerárquica señalan que, aunque encontramos más efectos de interacción en el caso de la autoeficacia profesional, ambos tipos de autoeficacia son complementarias en cuanto a su rol modulador en los procesos de estrés, dependiendo su modulación del tipo de estresor y de la consecuencia de estrés específica considerada. En concreto encontramos que los trabajadores bajos en autoeficacia generalizada manifiestan mayor agotamiento emocional cuando la autonomía laboral es mayor; mientras que los trabajadores bajos en autoeficacia profesional manifiestan mayores niveles de cinismo cuando la rutina y el conflicto de rol son altos, y menores niveles de compromiso organizacional cuando tienen niveles elevados de conflicto de rol. Para los trabajadores altos en niveles de autoeficacia, tanto generalizada como específica. valores altos de los estresores no están asociado con consecuencias negativas del estrés. Finalmente se analizan la limitaciones de este estudio y las implicaciones que se derivan de los resultados.This paper analyses the self-efficacy as a moderator in the occupational stress process. Specifically it is analyzing the complementarily between two self-efficacy measures: the generalised and the specific at work. The initial hypothesis is that specific self-efficacy will moderate more stress-strain relationship than the generalised self-efficacy. Based on data collected from 140 workers, who use new technology in their jobs, we have found that the self-efficacy moderales the relationship stress-strain in general. in the sense that low levels of self-efficacy are related to high levels of occupational stress. The results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses show that both general and professional self-efficacy are complementary as a moderators in the stress processes, depending on the specific strain studied. However, it is found that professional self-efficacy has more iteration effects. Concretely, il is found that the individuals with low levels of generalised self-efficacy express more emotional exhaustion when is higher his/her autonomy; while individuals with low levels of professional self-efficacy show greater cynicism when the routine and lhe role conflict are high and who have low levels of organizalional commitment when the level of role confl icl is high. The increase of stressors it is not associated with train for workers with high levels of self-efficacy. Finally, limitations of the sludy and implications of these findings are discussed.Universidad Jaume I 8I119Bancaixa 8I11

    Comparativa de los efectos especiales visuales utilizados en el cine entre los siglos XX y XXI a través de la saga Star Wars

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    This project will consist in a comparison of the visual special effects between the twentieth and twenty-first century, using the Stars Wars saga as an example. The history of how visual effects has been used in film will also be studied, determining the most important techniques used in the twentieth century, and how they have evolved in the XXI century. Moreover, an analysis of the visual effects of the Star Wars saga will take place, conducting a study of its evolution from the first films to date.En este proyecto se realizará una comparativa de los efectos especiales visuales entre el siglo XX y XXI, utilizando la saga Stars Wars como ejemplo. También se estudiará la historia de la utilización de los efectos visuales en el cine, determinando las técnicas más importantes empleadas para realizar efectos visuales en el cine en el siglo XX, y cómo han evolucionado en el siglo XXI. Por otra parte, se realizará un análisis de los efectos visuales de la saga Star Wars, realizando un estudio de su evolución desde las primeras películas hasta la actualidad.Peiró Altur, MR. (2016). Comparativa de los efectos especiales visuales utilizados en el cine entre los siglos XX y XXI a través de la saga Star Wars. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/75329TFG

    Cristal·loquímica de perovskites complexes de coure i titani : relació entre síntesi, estructura i propietats superconductores /

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaLa tesi constitueix un estudi de diverses perovskites mixtes de coure i titani, entre les quals cal citar La2CuTiO6 (estructura tridimensional amb els ions Cu(II) i Ti (IV) desordenats) i Ln2Ba2Cu2Ti2O11 (estructura laminar amb Cu(II) i Ti(IV) ordenats). El treball aprofondeix en les relacions entre mètodes de síntesis, estructura i possibilitat de presentar propietats superconductores en els òxids del sistema Ln-A-Cu-Ti-O (A=Ba, Sr). Ambdós tipus d'òxid han estat sintetitzats tant pel mètode ceràmic com via sol-gel i s'ha estudiat el camí de reacció en tots els casos. Com a resultats més significatius cal destacar la inducció de bidimensionalitat i ordre en sistemes originalment desordenats, que ha donat lloc a l'aïllament d'un nou tipus de perovskites laminars (Ln2Ba2Cu2Ti2O11). Cal destacar també els diferents intents d'obtenció d'òxids de fórmula Ln1+xA2-xCu2TiO8- (Ln= lantànid, A=alcal·linoterri) que han donat lloc a la síntesi d'un òxid superconductor de la mateixa família (YSr2Cu2.7Ti0.3O7.06) amb una temperatura crítica de 26K. Hom duu a terme una caracterització en profunditat dels òxids esmentats (anàlisi de l'estequiometria catiònica i el contingut en oxigen, caracterització estructural mitjançant difracció de raigs X i neutrons sobre pols, difracció d'electrons i microscòpia electrònica de transmissió i mesura de les propietats magnètiques i de transport). Es realitza també un estudi de les possibilitats de dopatge de Ln2Ba2Cu2Ti2O11, preparant-ne un gran nombre de derivats amb substitució catiònica. L'oxigenació d'aquests derivats substituïts ha estat assajada per diferents mètodes entre els quals cal esmentar l'electroquímica i l'alta pressió d'oxigen. La caracterització acurada dels diferents òxids obtinguts permet d'establir correlacions estructurals significatives que ajuden a la comprensió dels factors que determinen la superconductivitat en aquest tipus d'òxid. Es duu a terme també una discussió dels factors que afecten l'ordre (tant de cations com de vacants d'oxigen) i la dimensionalitat estructural en perovskites mixtes.La tesis constituye un estudio de diversas perovsquitas mixtas de cobre y titanio, de entre las cuales cabe destacar La2CuTiO6 (estructura tridimensional que presenta los iones Cu(II) y Ti (IV) desordenados) y Ln2Ba2Cu2Ti2O11 (estructura laminar con Cu(II) y Ti(IV) ordenados). El trabajo profundiza en las relaciones entre métodos de síntesis, estructura y posibilidad de presentar propiedades superconductoras de los óxidos del sistema Ln-A-Cu-Ti-O (A=Ba, Sr). Ambos tipos de óxidos se han sintetizado tanto por el método cerámico como vía sol-gel y en todos los casos se ha estudiado el camino de reacción. Como resultados más significativos cabe citar la inducción de bidimensionalidad y orden en sistemas originalmente desordenados, que ha dado lugar al aislamiento de un nuevo tipo de perovsquitas laminares (Ln2Ba2Cu2Ti2O11). Es necesario destacar también los distintos intentos de obtención de óxidos de fórmula Ln1+xA2-xCu2TiO8- (Ln= lantánido, A=alcalinotérreo) que han dado lugar a la síntesis de un óxido superconductor de la misma familia (YSr2Cu2.7Ti0.3O7.06) con una temperatura crítica de 26K. Se ha llevado a cabo una caracterización en profundidad de los citados óxidos (análisis de la estequiometría catiónica y el contenido de oxígeno, caracterización estructural mediante difracción de rayos X y neutrones sobre polvo, difracción de electrones y microscopía electrónica de transmisión y medida de las propiedades magnéticas y de transporte). Se ha realizado también un estudio de las posibilidades de dopaje de Ln2Ba2Cu2Ti2O11, preparando un gran número de derivados de estas fases con sustituciones catiónicas. La oxigenación de dichos derivados se ha ensayado también utilizando diferentes métodos entre los que cabe destacar los electroquímicos y el tratamiento bajo alta presión de oxígeno. La caracterización cuidadosa de los compuestos obtenidos permite establecer correlaciones estructurales significativas que ayudan a la comprensión de los factores que determinan la superconductividad en este tipo de óxidos. Se discuten también los factores que afectan el orden (tanto de cationes como de vacantes de oxígeno) y la dimensionalidad estructural en perovsquitas mixtas.The thesis is a study of different mixed copper-titanium perovskites, like La2CuTiO6 (three-dimensional structure with Cu (II) and Ti (IV) disordered in the octahedral positions) and Ln2Ba2Cu2Ti2O11 (layered structure with ordering of Cu(II) and Ti(IV)). The work gives an insight in the relationship among the synthetic methods, the structure and the possibility of becoming superconductor, in the system Ln-A-Cu-Ti-O (A=Ba, Sr). Both types of oxides have been synthesized by the ceramic and sol-gel methods and a study of the reaction path has been made as well. The most significant results are: the induction of bidimensionality and order in systems originally disordered (which has led to the isolation of the new type of layered perovskites Ln2Ba2Cu2Ti2O11), and also the several attempts made to synthesize oxides with the general formula Ln1+xA2-xCu2TiO8- (Ln= lanthanide, A=alkaline earth) which have led to the obtaining of a superconducting oxide with a critical temperature of 26 K (YSr2Cu2.7Ti0.3O7.06). A detailed characterization of the above oxides is made: cationic stoichiometry and oxygen content analices, structural characterization by means of x-ray and neutron powder diffraction, electron diffraction and electron microscopy, and magnetic and transport properties. A study of the doping possibilities in Ln2Ba2Cu2Ti2O11 has also been made, and several derivatives of these oxides with cationic substitution have been prepared. The oxigenation of these substituted derivatives has been attempted by different methods such as electrochemistry and high oxygen pressure. The study of the structure and properties of the oxides synthesized yields significant structural correlations which help to understand the factors that determine superconductivity in these oxides. A discussion is also made concerning the factors that affect cationic and/or oxygen vacancy ordering and bidimensionality in mixed perovskites

    Halophilic Carotenoids and Breast Cancer: From Salt Marshes to Biomedicine

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    Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women worldwide. Over the years, oxidative stress has been linked to the onset and progression of cancer. In addition to the classical histological classification, breast carcinomas are classified into phenotypes according to hormone receptors (estrogen receptor—RE—/progesterone receptor—PR) and growth factor receptor (human epidermal growth factor receptor—HER2) expression. Luminal tumors (ER/PR-positive/HER2-negative) are present in older patients with a better outcome. However, patients with HER2-positive or triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) (ER/PR/HER2-negative) subtypes still represent highly aggressive behavior, metastasis, poor prognosis, and drug resistance. Therefore, new alternative therapies have become an urgent clinical need. In recent years, anticancer agents based on natural products have been receiving huge interest. In particular, carotenoids are natural compounds present in fruits and vegetables, but algae, bacteria, and archaea also produce them. The antioxidant properties of carotenoids have been studied during the last years due to their potential in preventing and treating multiple diseases, including cancer. Although the effect of carotenoids on breast cancer during in vitro and in vivo studies is promising, clinical trials are still inconclusive. The haloarchaeal carotenoid bacterioruberin holds great promise to the future of biomedicine due to its particular structure, and antioxidant activity. However, much work remains to be performed to draw firm conclusions. This review summarizes the current knowledge on pre-clinical and clinical analysis on the use of carotenoids as chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agents in breast cancer, highlighting the most recent results regarding the use of bacterioruberin from haloarchaea.This work was funded by a research grant from MINECO Spain (RTI2018-099860-B-I00), Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2021/055;A) and VIGROB-309 (University of Alicante)

    Relationship between Prenatal Characteristics and Body Condition and Endocrine Profile in Rabbits

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    [EN] Litter size is an essential trait in rabbit production, and it depends on ovulation rate and embryonic and foetal survival. The period between 8 and 18 d of gestation is critical for foetal survival, as the placenta controls foetal nutrition during this period. Ovulation rate and foetal survival at 12 d of gestation are affected by body condition and metabolic and hormonal profile. Higher foetal survival is related to a higher number of vessels arriving at the implantation site, and may be due to higher available space for the foetus. This study evaluated the relationship between prenatal characteristics and body condition and endocrine profile. A total of 25 non-lactating multiparous females were used. Body condition, measured as body weight and perirenal fat thickness, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), leptin, progesterone and 17 beta-estradiol were recorded at mating and 12 d of gestation. Ovulation rate, number of foetuses, ovary and foetal weight, length and weight of uterine horn, available space per foetus and maternal and foetal placental morphometry were recorded at 12 d of gestation. Ovulation rate showed a positive linear relationship with number of foetuses, ovary weight and NEFA. A negative linear relationship between ovulation rate and perirenal fat thickness and leptin was obtained. Ovulation rate was maximum when body weight and 17 beta-estradiol were 4.4 kg and 22.7 pg/mL, respectively. Foetal weight showed a positive relationship with perirenal fat thickness and a negative relationship with leptin. An increase in progesterone and NEFA concentration was related to a positive linear increase in number of foetuses and in uterine horn weight. Space available per foetus was affected both by the number of vessels that reach the implantation site and by position of the foetus in the uterine horn. In conclusion, body condition during mating and early gestation should be maintained within an optimal range to ensure the best prenatal characteristics. While 17 beta-estradiol, NEFA and leptin affected the ovulation rate, progesterone and NEFA affected foetal development. The number of vessels that reach the implantation site determines early foetal survival.This research was funded by Generalitat Valenciana, grant number GVPRE/2008/145.García, M.; Muelas, R.; Argente, M.; Peiró Barber, RM. (2021). Relationship between Prenatal Characteristics and Body Condition and Endocrine Profile in Rabbits. Animals. 11(1):1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11010095S11311

    Correlated Response on Growth Traits and Their Variabilities to Selection for Ovulation Rate in Rabbits Using Genetic Trends and a Cryopreserved Control Population

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    [EN] Simple Summary A successful response was obtained after selection for ovulation rate during 10 generations in rabbits. However, no correlated response in litter size was observed due to an increase in prenatal mortality. This increase could be due to the reduction in fetus weights and/or an increase in variable asynchrony among fetus weights. Therefore, the consequences of the selection procedure on weight at 28 and 63 days old (weaning and commercial time, respectively) and its variability are unknown. Using genetic trends and a cryopreserved control population for estimating correlated responses to selection, no relevant response on weight at 28 and 63 days old was observed. Similar results have been obtained for the variability of growth traits. The aim of this work was to estimate correlated responses in growth traits and their variabilities in an experiment of selection for ovulation rate during 10 generations in rabbits. Individual weight at 28 days old (IW28, kg) and at 63 days old (IW63, kg) was analyzed, as well as individual growth rate (IGR = IW63 - IW28, kg). The variability of each growth trait was calculated as the absolute value of the difference between the individual value and the mean value of their litter. Data were analyzed using Bayesian methodology. The estimated heritabilities of IW28, IW63 and IGR were low, whereas negligible heritabilities were obtained for growth variability traits. The common litter effect was high for all growth traits, around 30% of the phenotypic variance, whereas low maternal effect for all growth traits was obtained. Low genetic correlations between ovulation rate and growth traits were found, and also between ovulation rate and the variability of growth traits. Therefore, genetic trends methods did not show correlated responses in growth traits. A similar result was also obtained using a cryopreserved control population.This research was funded by Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia, grant number PID2020-115558GB-C21, and by Generalitat Valenciana research program (Prometeo 2009/125). Celia Quirino was supported by a fellowship of the CoordenacAo de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior-Brasil (CAPES)-Finance Code 001.Peiró Barber, RM.; Quirino, C.; Blasco Mateu, A.; Santacreu, M. (2021). Correlated Response on Growth Traits and Their Variabilities to Selection for Ovulation Rate in Rabbits Using Genetic Trends and a Cryopreserved Control Population. Animals. 11(9):1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11092591S11311

    Methodological Frameworks and Dimensions to Be Taken Into Consideration in Digital Health Technology Assessment: protocol for a Scoping Review

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    Salut digital; eSalut; Intel·ligència artificial; Avaluació de tecnologies sanitàriesSalud digital; eSalud; Inteligencia artificial; Evaluación de tecnologias sanitariasDigital health; eHealth; Artificial intelligence; Health technology assessmentBackground: Health technology assessment (HTA) is one of the main tools that health systems have to appraise evidence and determine the value of a given health technology. Although the existing HTA frameworks are useful tools for the evaluation of a wide range of health technologies, more and more experts, organizations across the world, and HTA agencies are highlighting the need to update or develop specific methodological frameworks for the evaluation of digital health technologies in order to take into account additional domains that cover these technologies’ intrinsic characteristics. Objective: The purpose of our scoping review is to identify the methodological frameworks that are used worldwide for the assessment of digital health technologies; determine what dimensions and aspects are being considered; and generate, through a thematic analysis, a proposal for a methodological framework that is based on the most frequently described dimensions in the literature. Methods: The scoping review will be performed in accordance with the guidelines established in the updated statement of the PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews). We will search for peer-reviewed and grey literature published between 2011 and the date of the search execution. The retrieved references will be reviewed in a single-blind manner by 2 independent authors, and their quality will be assessed by using the Critical Appraisal Skills Program tool. The ATLAS.ti software (Scientific Software Development GmbH) will be used for data extraction and to perform the thematic analysis. Results: The scoping review is currently (May 2022) in progress. It is expected to be completed in October 2022, and the final results of the research will be presented and published by November 2022. Conclusions: To our knowledge, no studies have been published to date that identify the existing methodological frameworks for digital HTA, determine which dimensions must be evaluated for correct decision-making, and serve as a basis for the development of a methodological framework of reference that health care systems can use to carry out this kind of assessment. This work is intended to address this knowledge gap of key relevance for the field of HTA.This research is framed within the budget of the work plan of the Spanish Network of Health Technology Assessment Agencies and Benefits of the National Health System