1,680 research outputs found

    Dark matter spikes in the vicinity of Kerr black holes

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    The growth of a massive black hole will steepen the cold dark matter density at the center of a galaxy into a dense spike, enhancing the prospects for indirect detection. We study the impact of black hole spin on the density profile using the exact Kerr geometry of the black whole in a fully relativistic adiabatic growth framework. We find that, despite the transfer of angular momentum from the hole to the halo, rotation increases significantly the dark matter density close to the black hole. The gravitational effects are still dominated by the black hole within its influence radius, but the larger dark matter annihilation fluxes might be relevant for indirect detection estimates.Comment: Published version plus corrected typo in Fig 1

    Three-structured smooth transition regression models based on CART algorithm

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    In the present work, a tree-based model that combines aspects of CART (Classification and Regression Trees) and STR (Smooth Transition Regression) is proposed. The main idea relies on specifying a parametric nonlinear model through a tree-growing procedure. The resulting model can be analysed either as a fuzzy regression or as a smooth transition regression with multiple regimes. Decisions about splits are entirely based on statistical tests of hypotheses and confidence intervals are constructed for the parameters within the terminal nodes as well as the final predictions. A Monte Carlo Experiment shows the estimators’ properties and the ability of the proposed algorithm to identify correctly several tree architectures. An application to the famous Boston Housing dataset shows that the proposed model provides better explanation with the same number of leaves as the one obtained with the CART algorithm.

    Laparoscopic Approach of a Unicornuate Uterus with Noncommunicating Rudimentary Horns

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    Background. Müllerian duct malformations delineate a miscellaneous group of congenital anomalies that result from arrested development, abnormal formation, or incomplete fusion of the mesonephric ducts. Case. This paper describes the diagnosis and management of a noncommunicating rudimentary horn complicated by severe pelvic pain and associated endometriosis. Conclusion. This condition was diagnosed by laparoscopy and hysteroscopy examination. Operative videolaparoscopy proved to be a successful approach for the treatment of this congenital Müllerian anomaly

    O papel da mulher na agricultura familiar: dois estudos de caso

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    This articles discusses aspects of female labour in the strategies developed by farming families from Minas so as to ensure both access to and permanence in farmlands. Case studies have been carried out in two communities- one of which being an old constitution, Boa Vista, in Itaguara, MG, the other being a newly consituted unit, Assentamento Dom Orione, in Betim, MG- where it was possible to observe the importance of women’s role with their struggle and labor in the composition of family strategies. The Boa Vista community has been experiencing changes in the families’ production dynamics due to the decline in income from farming activities, causing handcraft work to gain greater and greater economic importance. Such activity involves all family members, but it is the women who outstand for coordinating the related activities and for being, themselves, the artisans, the connoisseurs of the office. The new importance of handcraft work done in loomshas redefined gender relations in and out of the family nucleus. However, that does not bring deeper changes in cultural patterns. In spite of modifying men and women, they not only keep, but also reaffirm gender relations, female subordination included. As for the life history of the families from Assentamento Dom Orione brings to light aspects of alterations in women’s bahaviour patterns and roles. Of rural origin, these families have undergone intense migratory processes, motivated by the search for land and work. Women stood for labour force of communitary organization and played a fundamental role in children raising and family care. It is important to mention that the community in question is located in the metropolitan boundaries of Belo Horizonte, and the families are devoted mainly to farming activities, the non-farming activities performed by them not being the chief ones. Thus, female farm work becomes auxiliary and subordinated to men’s. Besides, women’s participation in the gestion of the community is of secondary importance, occupying positions of smaller political strength. The farming environment in this rural space which lies next to the urban space strongly controls the role played by women.family farming, female labour, rural woman.,

    Oral magnesium supplementation improves endothelial function and attenuates subclinical atherosclerosis in thiazide-treated hypertensive women

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    Background: Epidemiological studies demonstrate an inverse association between serum magnesium and incidence of cardiovascular disease. Diuretics commonly cause hypomagneseamia. Method: We evaluated effects of magnesium supplementation on blood pressure (BP) and vascular function in thiazide-treated hypertensive women in a randomized, double-blind, clinical trial. Hypertensive women (40–65 years) on hydrochlorothiazide and mean 24-h BP at least 130/80 mmHg were divided into placebo and supplementation (magnesium chelate 600 mg/day) groups. Patients were evaluated for nutritional and biochemical parameters, office and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, brachial flow-mediated dilatation (FMD), peripheral arterial tonometry, assessment of carotid intima–media thickness, central hemodynamic parameters and pulse wave velocity at inclusion and after 6-month follow-up. Results: The magnesium group had a significant reduction in SBP (144 ± 17 vs. 134 ± 14 mmHg, P = 0.036) and DBP (88 ± 9 vs. 81 ± 8 mmHg, P = 0.005) at 6 months, without effect on plasma glucose, lipids, or arterial stiffness parameters. The placebo group showed a significant increase in carotid intima-media thickness (0.78 ± 0.13 vs. 0.89 ± 0.14 mm, P = 0.033) without change in the magnesium group (0.79 ± 0.16 vs. 0.79 ± 0.19 mm, P = 0.716) after 6 months. The magnesium group demonstrated a significant increase in variation of FMD vs. the placebo group (+3.7 ± 2.1 vs. 2.4 ± 1.2%, P = 0.015). There was a significant correlation between the intracellular magnesium variation and FMD (r = 0.44, P = 0.011). Conclusion: Magnesium supplementation was associated with better BP control, improved endothelial function and amelioration of subclinical atherosclerosis in these thiazide-treated hypertensive women


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    Foi levado a efeito um estudo sobre a permeação eritrocitária da glicose e sua compartimentalização sangüínea em peixes. Para tanto fez-se um estudo comparativo de parâmetros sangüíneos de peixes adaptados a diferentes ambientes aquáticos: mares antárticos, mares subtropicais e águas continentais tropicais. Para tanto foi estudado um peixe antártico, Notothenia neglecta, duas espécies de peixes marinhos subtropicais, Rhinobatus percellen e Netuma barba e duas espécies de peixes de águas tropicais continentais, Prochilodus scropha e Piaractus mesopotamicus. Foram estabelecidos, também, os valores para hematócrito, hemoglobina e para glicose plasmática e do sangue total das espécies estudadas. Abstract With the aim to study the problem of erythrocyte glucose permeation and blood compartmentalization in fish, a comparative study has been carried out on blood parameters from fish adapted to different aquatic environments: Antarctic seas, marine subtropical seas and continental tropical waters. One Antarctic fish, Notothenia neglecta, four marine subtropical fish species, Menticirrhus litoralis, Rhinobatus percellens, Netuma barba and Mugil spp, and two tropical fish species, Prochilodus scropha and Piaractus mesopotamicus, were de fish studied. Values for hematocrite, hemoglobin and plasma and whole blood glucose were assayed

    Fotografias de Identidade: Interobjetividade, Nostalgia e Criatividade

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    Faz parte desta tese um ficheiro video que só pode ser consultado na Biblioteca Mário Sottomayor CardiaImagem impressa em papel fotográfico, 3,5 x 4cm. Neste retângulo de papel perdido figura a imagem do busto reto e grave do desconhecido. Houve algo que me chamou à atenção. A primeira vez que encontrei uma fotografia de identidade perdida, tive o instinto imediato de a guardar. Havia um estranho sentimento de reconhecimento e empatia pelo sujeito representado: não o conhecia, mas era como se conhecesse. Tão invisíveis quando omnipresentes, que fotografias são estas que povoam o imaginário contemporâneo? O que nos dizem sobre a relação entre o indivíduo e o estado? Sobre a relação das pessoas com a representação delas próprias e com das outras? Pode-se reclamar a fotografia de identidade, desviando-a da finalidade institucional? O objeto fotografia, tal como a imagem, não é jamais liberto das condicionantes espácio-temporais que determinam a sua existência. Num momento de transição da fotografia de identidade em papel para a completa automatização e computadorização do processo de identificação, o que é que muda?Small print, photographic paper: the image of a serious and rigid figure is represented on this lost object. Somehow, this picture caught my attention. The first time I found a lost ID picture, I kept it by instinct. Recognition and empathy towards the represented individual: I didn’t know him, but I recognized the convention. Ubiquitous as much as unnoticed, what are these photographs so present in our contemporary imagery? What do they tell us about the relationship between the state and individuals? About the representation of one’s own, and of others? Can one claim to himself this particular type of photographs, altering its institutional goal of production? The object as well as the image is determined by the temporal and spatial conditions of its existence. In a moment of transition from paper to digital, what can we say about old Id photos

    La abundancia y la ecología del comportamiento del blenny Ophioblennius trinitatis (Teleostei: Blenniidae) en un archipiélago oceánico de Brasil (Atlántico)

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    Local patterns of fish density, microhabitat use, feeding behaviour, bite rate, territory area and agonistic interactions were recorded for Ophioblennius trinitatis at an oceanic archipelago (southwestern Atlantic). Rugosity, number of crevices and benthic diversity positively predicted the distribution of O. trinitatis. Turf algae was the preferred food item at all sites, but given its high availability inside and outside territory boundaries, it did not seem to be a limiting factor on the density of this blenny, as opposed to substrate heterogeneity. Bite rate was higher in the afternoon and for smaller individuals (juveniles). Territory size showed local variation and, although larger territories may be an effect of density-dependent conditions (more available space in low-density areas), we propose that individuals expand territories to compensate for residing in areas of lower quality (i.e. of low structural complexity). Larger individuals defended larger territories and residents responded differently to intruders, with higher rates of agonistic interactions towards potential competitors. Higher agonistic rates were also observed in larger territories and at low-complexity sites.En este trabajo se han estudiado las pautas en la densidad, la utilización del micro hábitat, el comportamiento alimentario, las tasas de mordisqueo, la superficie del territorio y las interacciones agonísticas de Ophioblennius trinitatis en un archipiélago oceánico del SO Atlántico. Los mejores predictores de la distribución de O. trinitatus fueron la rugosidad, el número de grietas y la diversidad bentónica. El turf algal es el alimento preferido de este pez en todos los lugares, pero dada su elevada disponibilidad, dentro y fuera de los territorios, no pareció ser un factor limitante para este blénido como lo fue la heterogeneidad del substrato. La tasa de mordisqueo resultó ser más elevada entre los peces pequeños (juveniles) y especialmente por la tarde. La superficie del territorio presentó notables variaciones locales y, a pesar de que los territorios mayores pueden ser el resultado de un efecto denso-dependiente (al haber más espacio disponible en la zonas con densidades bajas), proponemos que los individuos expanden su territorio para compensar la baja calidad ambiental de ciertas zonas (una baja complejidad estructural). Los ejemplares mayores defendían territorios más extensos y respondían de manera diferente ante los intrusos, con una mayor tasa de interacciones agonísticas hacia los potenciales intrusos. Las interacciones agonísticas también fueron más elevadas en los territorios más amplios y con una baja complejidad

    Adaptive Service Composition Based on Runtime Verification of Formal Properties

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    Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) has been used in business environments in order to integrate heterogeneous systems. The dynamic nature of these environments causes \ changes in the application requirements. As a result, service composition must be flexible, dynamic and adaptive, which motivate the need to ensure the service composition behavior \ at runtime. The development of adaptive service compositions is still an opportunity due to the complexity of dealing with adaptation issues, for example, how to provide runtime verification \ and automatic adaptation. Formal description techniques can be used to detect runtime undesirable behaviors that help in adaptation process. However, formal techniques have been \ used only at design-time. In this paper, we propose an adaptive service composition approach based on the lightweight use of formal methods. The aim is detecting undesirable behaviors in \ the execution trace. Once an undesirable behavior is detected during the execution of a service composition, our approach triggers an adequate reconfiguration plan for the problem at \ runtime. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposal, we illustrate it with a running example