101 research outputs found

    Non-obstructed subcanonical space curves

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    Recall that a closed subscheme X C P is non-obstructed if the corresponding point x of the Hilbert scheme Hilb'm is non-singular . A geometric characterization of non-obstructedness is not known even for smooth space curves . The goal of this work is to prove that subcanonical k-Buchsbaum, k _< 2, space curves are nonobstructed . As a main tool, we use Serre's correspondence between subcanonical curves and vector bundl

    Families of determinantal schemes

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    Given integers a_0 \le a_1 \le ... \le a_{t+c-2} and b_1 \le ... \le b_t, we denote by W(b;a) \subset Hilb^p(\PP^{n}) the locus of good determinantal schemes X \subset \PP^{n} of codimension c defined by the maximal minors of a t x (t+c-1) homogeneous matrix with entries homogeneous polynomials of degree a_j-b_i. The goal of this short note is to extend and complete the results given by the authors in [10] and determine under weakened numerical assumptions the dimension of W(b;a), as well as whether the closure of W(b;a) is a generically smooth irreducible component of the Hilbert scheme Hilb^p(\PP^{n}).Comment: The non-emptiness of W(b;a) is restated as (2.2) in this version; the codimension c=2 case in (2.5)-(2.6) is reconsidered, and c > 2 (c > 3) is now an assumption in (2.16)-(2.17). 13 page

    On the existence of generically smooth components for moduli spaces of rank 2 stable reflexive sheaves on P3

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    AbstractThe goal of this work is to prove that for almost all possible triples (c1, c2, c3) ϵ Z3 the moduli scheme M(2; c1, c2, c3), which parametrizes isomorphism classes of rank 2 stable reflexive sheaves on P3 with Chern classes c1, c2 and c3, has a generically smooth component. In order to obtain these results we construct a wide range of non-obstructed, m-normal curves with suitable degree and genus. We conclude this paper by adding some examples and remarks

    Rank 2 stable vector bundles on Fano 3-folds of index 2

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    AbstractLet X be a Fano 3-fold of the first kind with index 2. In this paper, we characterize the chern classes of rank 2 stable vector bundles on X and we find a bound for the least twist of a rank 2 reflexive sheaf on X which has a global section

    Dimension of families of determinantal schemes

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    A scheme XPn+cX\subset \mathbb{P} ^{n+c} of codimension cc is called standard determinantal if its homogeneous saturated ideal can be generated by the maximal minors of a homogeneous t×(t+c1)t \times (t+c-1) matrix and XX is said to be good determinantal if it is standard determinantal and a generic complete intersection. Given integers a0,a1,...,at+c2a_0,a_1,...,a_{t+c-2} and b1,...,btb_1,...,b_t we denote by W(b;a)Hilbp(Pn+c)W(\underline{b};\underline{a})\subset \operatorname{Hilb} ^p(\mathbb{P} ^{n+c})(resp. Ws(b;a)W_s(\underline{b};\underline{a})) the locus of good (resp. standard) determinantal schemes XPn+cX\subset \mathbb{P} ^{n+c} of codimension cc defined by the maximal minors of a t×(t+c1)t\times (t+c-1) matrix (fij)j=0,...,t+c2i=1,...,t(f_{ij})^{i=1,...,t}_{j=0,...,t+c-2} where fijk[x0,x1,...,xn+c]f_{ij}\in k[x_0,x_1,...,x_{n+c}] is a homogeneous polynomial of degree ajbia_j-b_i. In this paper we address the following three fundamental problems: To determine (1) the dimension of W(b;a)W(\underline{b};\underline{a}) (resp. Ws(b;a)W_s(\underline{b};\underline{a})) in terms of aja_j and bib_i, (2) whether the closure of W(b;a)W(\underline{b};\underline{a}) is an irreducible component of Hilbp(Pn+c)\operatorname{Hilb} ^p(\mathbb{P} ^{n+c}), and (3) when Hilbp(Pn+c)\operatorname{Hilb} ^p(\mathbb{P} ^{n+c}) is generically smooth along W(b;a)W(\underline{b};\underline{a}). Concerning question (1) we give an upper bound for the dimension of W(b;a)W(\underline{b};\underline{a}) (resp. Ws(b;a)W_s(\underline{b};\underline{a})) which works for all integers a0,a1,...,at+c2a_0,a_1,...,a_{t+c-2} and b1,...,btb_1,...,b_t, and we conjecture that this bound is sharp. The conjecture is proved for 2c52\le c\le 5, and for c6c\ge 6 under some restriction on a0,a1,...,at+c2a_0,a_1,...,a_{t+c-2}and b1,...,btb_1,...,b_t. For questions (2) and (3) we have an affirmative answer for 2c42\le c \le 4 and n2n\ge 2, and for c5c\ge 5 under certain numerical assumptions

    A lower bound for the number of components of the moduli schemes of stable rank 2 vector bundles on projective 3-folds

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    Fix a smooth projective 3-fold X, c1, H ∈ Pic(X) with H ample, and d ∈ Z. Assume the existence of integers a, b with a ≠ 0 such that ac1 is numerically equivalent to bH. Let M(X, 2, c1, d, H) be the moduli scheme of H-stable rank 2 vector bundles, E, on X with c1(E) = c1 and c2(E) · H = d. Let m(X, 2, c1, d, H) be the number of its irreducible components. Then lim supd→ ∞m(X, 2, c1, d, H) = +∞