3,062 research outputs found

    SERS study of thiocarbonyl compounds adsorbed on metal nanoparticles

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    Thiocarbonyl compounds have been reported to exhibit interesting biological and pharmacological properties but they are many often characterized by their toxicological effects. However the chemistry of thiobenzoic acid (TBA) and thiobenzamide (TB) has not been fully studied yet. Some of the biological studies of TBA are related to the tautomerism of thiocarboxylic acids and the important role that the -C(=O)-S and -C(=S)-O functional groups play in the catalytic activities of enzymes such as cysteine or serine proteases.1 On the other hand, TB and derivatives are well known hepatotoxins and have been used as inhibitor in enzymatic reactions and in pharmacy due to their microbial activity.2 From a chemical point of view, thiocarboxylates are an interesting type of molecules having two different donor atoms, a soft sulfur donor atom and a hard oxygen donor one. The presence of these unlike groups can lead to the bonding with metal surfaces. Likewise the interaction of thiobenzamide and their derivatives with metals is of great interest because both the sulfur and nitrogen atoms are also able to coordinate with the surface. Therefore the high affinity of these molecules for metal surfaces makes them suitable SERS target adsorbates. Taking advantage of the fact that SERS spectroscopy is both surface selective and highly sensitive we have attempted to determine the molecular structure of TBA and TB once they are adsorbed on the metal. The main objective of this work is focussed on discussing the observed vibrational wavenumber shifts of TBA and TB upon adsorption on silver nanoparticles. In this work the SERS substrates have been prepared by using different colloidal silver solutions according to the method described by Creighton et al.3 and Leopold and Lendl.4 The analysis of the vibrational wavenumbers shifts of the Raman and SERS spectra allow us to know the adsorption process (Figure 1). In the case of TBA, the wavenumber of the SERS band assigned to (C=O) vibrational mode shows an important blue shift up to 40 cm-1 with respect to the Raman whereas the (C-S) band undergoes a red shift up to 40 cm-1. These results suggest a unidentate coordination of TBA to the silver surface through the sulfur atom. On the other hand, the SERS band assigned in the case of TB to Amide III (mainly (CN)) exhibits a significant blueshift up to 41 cm-1, and the SERS band assigned to Amide I (mainly (CS)) shows a red shift up to 11 cm-1. These wavenumber shifts indicate that TB interacts to the silver surface through the sulfur atom. Interestingly, in previous SERS studies of pyridinecarboxamides and benzamide we have observed that some SERS bands assigned to 1;ring, Amide I (mainly (C=O)) and Amide III (mainly C-N)) show wavenumber shifts of +50, -50 and +10 cm-1, respectively, which were attributed to the deprotonation of carboxamide group.5,6 Finally, in order to verify experimental results DFT calculations have been carried out for different silver complexes of TBA and TB concluding that the unidentate coordination is the most likely interaction of both of them.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Surface topography of hydroxyapatite affects ROS17/2.8 cells response

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    Hydroxyapatite (HA) has been used in orthopedic, dental, and maxillofacial surgery as a bone substitute. The aim of this investigation was to study the effect of surface topography produced by the presence of microporosity on cell response, evaluating: cell attachment, cell morphology, cell proliferation, total protein content, and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity. HA discs with different percentages of microporosity (< 5%, 15%, and 30%) were confected by means of the combination of uniaxial powder pressing and different sintering conditions. ROS17/2.8 cells were cultured on HA discs. For the evaluation of attachment, cells were cultured for two hours. Cell morphology was evaluated after seven days. After seven and fourteen days, cell proliferation, total protein content, and ALP activity were measured. Data were compared by means of ANOVA and Duncan’s multiple range test, when appropriate. Cell attachment (p = 0.11) and total protein content (p = 0.31) were not affected by surface topography. Proliferation after 7 and 14 days (p = 0.0007 and p = 0.003, respectively), and ALP activity (p = 0.0007) were both significantly decreased by the most irregular surface (HA30). These results suggest that initial cell events were not affected by surface topography, while surfaces with more regular topography, as those present in HA with 15% or less of microporosity, favored intermediary and final events such as cell proliferation and ALP activity

    Importance Sampling for Objetive Funtion Estimations in Neural Detector Traing Driven by Genetic Algorithms

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    To train Neural Networks (NNs) in a supervised way, estimations of an objective function must be carried out. The value of this function decreases as the training progresses and so, the number of test observations necessary for an accurate estimation has to be increased. Consequently, the training computational cost is unaffordable for very low objective function value estimations, and the use of Importance Sampling (IS) techniques becomes convenient. The study of three different objective functions is considered, which implies the proposal of estimators of the objective function using IS techniques: the Mean-Square error, the Cross Entropy error and the Misclassification error criteria. The values of these functions are estimated by IS techniques, and the results are used to train NNs by the application of Genetic Algorithms. Results for a binary detection in Gaussian noise are provided. These results show the evolution of the parameters during the training and the performances of the proposed detectors in terms of error probability and Receiver Operating Characteristics curves. At the end of the study, the obtained results justify the convenience of using IS in the training

    Incidence trends of lung and gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms in Switzerland

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    The incidence of neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) seems to increase worldwide. Long-term, population-based series that consider tumor differentiation are, however, sparse. We assessed the incidence trend of lung and gastroenteropancreatic (GEP) NENs according to the latest International Agency for Research on Cancer/World Health Organization classification over a 41-year time period in two Swiss regions. All cases of lung and GEP NENs recorded in the Vaud and Neuch\ue2tel Cancer Registries from 1976 to 2016 were included. NENs were stratified into well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) and poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs). Changes in annual age-standardized incidence rates were calculated for lung and GEP NETs and NECs by sex. Of 4,141 patients diagnosed with NENs, 65% were men. The incidence of lung NETs among men and women increased by 3.9%/year (95% CI: -5.3, 14.1%) and 4.9%/year (0.1, 9.9%), respectively, between 1976 and 2016. The incidence of lung NECs decreased by 2.6%/year (-3.1,-1.8%) in men from 1985 to 2016 whereas it increased in women between 1976 and 1998 by 6%/year (4.2, 7.9%). For GEP NETs, a steady annual increase in incidence occurred between 1976 and 2016 with a magnitude of 1.7% (0.7, 2.7%) in men and 1.3% (0.5, 2.1%) in women. No significant trend in incidence of GEP NECs was found for both sexes. The incidence trends of lung NECs in men and women parallel changes in smoking prevalence in the population. Causes of the increase in incidence of GEP NETs are likely multifactorial. Our study supports the importance of evaluating the epidemiology of NENs by tumor differentiation

    Retest reliability of individual p3 topography assessed by high density electroencephalography

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    Background: Some controversy remains about the potential applicability of cognitive potentials for evaluating the cerebral activity associated with cognitive capacity. A fundamental requirement is that these neurophysiological parameters show a high level of stability over time. Previous studies have shown that the reliability of diverse parameters of the P3 component (latency and amplitude) ranges between moderate and high. However, few studies have paid attention to the retest reliability of the P3 topography in groups or individuals. Considering that changes in P3 topography have been related to different pathologies and healthy aging, the main objective of this article was to evaluate in a longitudinal study (two sessions) the reliability of P3 topography in a group and at the individual level. Results: The correlation between sessions for P3 topography in the grand average of groups was high (r = 0.977, p<0.001). The within-subject correlation values ranged from 0.626 to 0.981 (mean: 0.888). In the between-subjects topography comparisons, the correlation was always lower for comparisons between different subjects than for within-subjects correlations in the first session but not in the second session. Conclusions: The present study shows that P3 topography is highly reliable for group analysis (comprising the same subjects) in different sessions. The results also confirmed that retest reliability for individual P3 maps is suitable for follow-up studies for a particular subject. Moreover, P3 topography appears to be a specific marker considering that the between-subjects correlations were lower than the within-subject correlations. However, P3 topography appears more similar between subjects in the second session, demonstrating that is modulated by experience. Possible clinical applications of all these results are discussed.8(5):e62523; pags: 1-8 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.006252

    Environmental Costs of Government-Sponsored Agrarian Settlements in Brazilian Amazonia

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    Brazil has presided over the most comprehensive agrarian reform frontier colonization program on Earth, in which ~1.2 million settlers have been translocated by successive governments since the 1970's, mostly into forested hinterlands of Brazilian Amazonia. These settlements encompass 5.3% of this ~5 million km2 region, but have contributed with 13.5% of all land conversion into agropastoral land uses. The Brazilian Federal Agrarian Agency (INCRA) has repeatedly claimed that deforestation in these areas largely predates the sanctioned arrival of new settlers. Here, we quantify rates of natural vegetation conversion across 1911 agrarian settlements allocated to 568 Amazonian counties and compare fire incidence and deforestation rates before and after the official occupation of settlements by migrant farmers. The timing and spatial distribution of deforestation and fires in our analysis provides irrefutable chronological and spatially explicit evidence of agropastoral conversion both inside and immediately outside agrarian settlements over the last decade. Deforestation rates are strongly related to local human population density and road access to regional markets. Agrarian settlements consistently accelerated rates of deforestation and fires, compared to neighboring areas outside settlements, but within the same counties. Relocated smallholders allocated to forest areas undoubtedly operate as pivotal agents of deforestation, and most of the forest clearance occurs in the aftermath of government-induced migration

    Effective silencing of ENaC by siRNA delivered with epithelial-targeted nanocomplexes in human cystic fibrosis cells and in mouse lung

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    Introduction Loss of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator in cystic fibrosis (CF) leads to hyperabsorption of sodium and fluid from the airway due to upregulation of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). Thickened mucus and depleted airway surface liquid (ASL) then lead to impaired mucociliary clearance. ENaC regulation is thus a promising target for CF therapy. Our aim was to develop siRNA nanocomplexes that mediate effective silencing of airway epithelial ENaC in vitro and in vivo with functional correction of epithelial ion and fluid transport. Methods We investigated translocation of nanocomplexes through mucus and their transfection efficiency in primary CF epithelial cells grown at air–liquid interface (ALI).Short interfering RNA (SiRNA)-mediated silencing was examined by quantitative RT-PCR and western analysis of ENaC. Transepithelial potential (Vt), short circuit current (Isc), ASL depth and ciliary beat frequency (CBF) were measured for functional analysis. Inflammation was analysed by histological analysis of normal mouse lung tissue sections. Results Nanocomplexes translocated more rapidly than siRNA alone through mucus. Transfections of primary CF epithelial cells with nanocomplexes targeting αENaC siRNA, reduced αENaC and βENaC mRNA by 30%. Transfections reduced Vt, the amiloride-sensitive Isc and mucus protein concentration while increasing ASL depth and CBF to normal levels. A single dose of siRNA in mouse lung silenced ENaC by approximately 30%, which persisted for at least 7 days. Three doses of siRNA increased silencing to approximately 50%. Conclusion Nanoparticle-mediated delivery of ENaCsiRNA to ALI cultures corrected aspects of the mucociliary defect in human CF cells and offers effective delivery and silencing in vivo
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