992 research outputs found

    Influence of NiTi wire diameter on cyclic and torsional fatigue resistance of different heat-treated endodontic instruments

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    We compared the mechanical properties of 2Shape mini TS2 (Micro-Mega, Besançon, France) obtained from 1.0 diameter nickel-titanium (NiTi) wires and 2Shape TS2 from 1.2 diameter nickel-titanium (NiTi) wires differently thermally treated at room and body temperature. We used 120 NiTi TS2 1.0 and TS2 1.2 files made from controlled memory (CM) wire and T-wire (n = 10). Cyclic fatigue resistance was tested by recording the number of cycles to fracture (NCF) at room and body temperatures using a customized testing device. Maximum torque and angle of rotation at failure were recorded, according to ISO 3630-1. Data were analyzed by a two-way ANOVA (p < 0.05). The CM-wire files had significantly higher NCFs at both temperatures, independent of wire dimensions. Testing at body temperature negatively affected cyclic fatigue of all files. The 1.0-mm diameter T-wire instruments showed higher NCF than the 1.2-mm diameter, whereas no significant differences emerged between the two CM wires at either temperature. The maximum torque was not significantly different across files. The TS2 CM-wire files showed significantly higher angular rotation to fracture than T-wire files. The TS2 CM-wire prototypes showed higher cyclic fatigue resistance than T-wire prototypes, regardless of wire size, exhibiting suitable torsional properties. Torsional behavior appears to not be affected by NiTi wire size

    Optimizing the use of systemic corticosteroids in severe asthma (ROSA II project): a national Delphi consensus study

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    Although the prevalence of severe asthma is not high (5–10% of patients), it is responsible for a large part of the overall disease burden and costs (50–60% of total costs), especially if the condition remains uncontrolled (which occurs in around 40% of cases). Currently, for patients without disease control or presenting frequent exacerbations despite optimal therapy, add-on treatments, traditionally long-acting anticholinergics, oral corticosteroids (OCS), or biologic agents (monoclonal antibodies) are recommended. Nonetheless, the long-term use of oral/systemic corticosteroids (CS) is significantly associated with adverse effects, acute and chronic complications that may decrease health-related quality of life and worsen prognosis, thus requiring additional monitoring and management. Conversely, target therapies (i.e., omalizumab, mepolizumab, reslizumab, benralizumab, and more recently, dupilumab) have been developed grounded on the different phenotypes and endotypes of severe asthma, and are gradually reducing the reliance on OCS (i.e., greater specificity for achieving disease control by reducing the risk of exacerbations and requirements for rescue medication and OCS, with limited adverse events).This work was supported by AstraZeneca.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Stratum corneum lipids liposomes for the topical delivery of 5-aminolevulinic acid in photodynamic therapy of skin cancer: preparation and in vitro permeation study

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    BACKGROUND: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) using 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) is a skin cancer therapy that still has limitations due to the low penetration of this drug into the skin. We have proposed in this work a delivery system for 5-ALA based on liposomes having lipid composition similar to the mammalian stratum corneum (SCLLs) in order to optimize its skin delivery in Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) of skin cancers. METHODS: SCLLs were obtained by reverse phase evaporation technique and size distribution of the vesicles was determinated by photon correlation spectroscopy. In vitro permeation profile was characterized using hairless mouse skin mounted in modified Franz diffusion cell. RESULTS: Size exclusion chromatography on gel filtration confirmed vesicle formation. SCLLs obtained by presented a degree of encapsulation of 5-ALA around 5.7%. A distribution of vesicle size centering at around 500 nm and 400 nm respectively for SCLLs and SCLLs containing 5-ALA was found. In vitro 5-ALA permeation study showed that SCLLs preparations presented higher skin retention significantly (p < 0.05) on the epidermis without SC + dermis, with a decreasing of skin permeation compared to aqueous solution. CONCLUSIONS: The in vitro delivery performance provided by SCLLs lead to consider this systems adequate for the 5-ALA-PDT of skin cancer, since SCLLs have delivered 5-ALA to the target skin layers (viable epidermis + dermis) to be treated by topical PDT of skin cancer

    Sparse PLS hyper-parameters optimisation for investigating brain-behaviour relationships

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    Unsupervised learning approaches, such as Partial Least Squares, can be used to investigate relationships between multiple sources of data, such as neuroimaging and behavioural data. In cases of high-dimensional datasets with limited number of examples (e.g. neuroimaging data) there is a need for regularisation to enable the solution of the ill-posed problem and prevent overfitting. Different approaches have been proposed to optimise the regularisation parameters in unsupervised models, however, so far, there has been no comparison between the different approaches using the same data. In this work, two optimisation frameworks (i.e. a permutation and a train/test framework) were compared using sparse PLS to investigate associations between brain connectivity and behaviour data. Both frameworks were able to identify at least one brain-behaviour associative effect. A second brain-behaviour effect was only found using the train/test framework. More importantly, the results show that the multivariate associative effects found with the train/test framework generalise better to new data, suggesting that results based on the permutation framework should be carefully interpreted

    A low energy core-collapse supernova without a hydrogen envelope

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    The final fate of massive stars depends on many factors, including mass, rotation rate, magnetic fields and metallicity. Theory suggests that some massive stars (initially greater than 25-30 solar masses) end up as Wolf-Rayet stars which are deficient in hydrogen because of mass loss through strong stellar winds. The most massive of these stars have cores which may form a black hole and theory predicts that the resulting explosion produces ejecta of low kinetic energy, a faint optical display and a small mass fraction of radioactive nickel(1,2,3). An alternative origin for low energy supernovae is the collapse of the oxygen-neon core of a relatively lowmass star (7-9 solar masses) through electron capture(4,5). However no weak, hydrogen deficient, core-collapse supernovae are known. Here we report that such faint, low energy core-collapse supernovae do exist, and show that SN2008ha is the faintest hydrogen poor supernova ever observed. We propose that other similar events have been observed but they have been misclassified as peculiar thermonuclear supernovae (sometimes labelled SN2002cx-like events(6)). This discovery could link these faint supernovae to some long duration gamma-ray bursts. Extremely faint, hydrogen-stripped core-collapse supernovae have been proposed to produce those long gamma-ray bursts whose afterglows do not show evidence of association with supernovae (7,8,9).Comment: Submitted 12 January 2009 - Accepted 24 March 200

    Sedentary subjects have higher PAI-1 and lipoproteins levels than highly trained athletes

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    Physical exercise protects against the development of cardiovascular disease, partly by lowering plasmatic total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and increased HDL-cholesterol levels. In addition, it is now established that reduction plasmatic adiponectin and increased C-reactive protein (CRP) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) levels play a role in the maintenance of an inflammatory state and in the development of cardiovascular disease. This study aimed to examine plasma lipid profile and inflammatory markers levels in individual with sedentary lifestyle and/or highly trained athletes at rest. Methods: Fourteen male subjects (sedentary lifestyle n = 7 and highly trained athletes n = 7) were recruited. Blood samples were collected after an overnight fast (~12 h). The plasmatic lipid profile (Triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, total cholesterol, LDL-oxidized and total cholesterol/HDL-c ratio), glucose, adiponectin, C - reactive protein and PAI-1 levels were determined. Results: Total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, TG and PAI-1 levels were lower in highly trained athletes group in relation to sedentary subjects (p < 0.01). In addition, we observed a positive correlation between PAI-1 and total cholesterol (r = 0.78; p < 0.0009), PAI-1 and LDL-c (r = 0.69; p < 0.006) and PAI-1 and TG levels (r = 0.56; p < 0.03). The plasma concentration of adiponectin, CRP, glucose, HDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol/HDL-c ratio levels were not different. These results indicate that lifestyle associated with high intensity and high volume exercise induces changes favourable in the lipid profile and PAI-1 levels and may reduce risk cardiovascular diseases

    Hypothalamic inflammation is reversed by endurance training in anorectic-cachectic rats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>We tested the effects of a cancer cachexia-anorexia sydrome upon the balance of anti and pro-inflammatory cytokines in the hypothalamus of sedentary or trained tumour-bearing (Walker-256 carcinosarcoma) rats.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Animals were randomly assigned to a sedentary control (SC), sedentary tumour-bearing (ST), and sedentary pair-fed (SPF) groups or, exercised control (EC), exercised tumour-bearing (ET) and exercised pair-fed (EPF) groups. Trained rats ran on a treadmill (60%VO<sub>2max</sub>) for 60 min/d, 5 days/wk, for 8 wks. We evaluated food intake, leptin and cytokine (TNF-α, IL1β) levels in the hypothalamus.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The cumulative food intake and serum leptin concentration were reduced in ST compared to SC. Leptin gene expression in the retroperitoneal adipose tissue (RPAT) was increased in SPF in comparison with SC and ST, and in the mesenteric adipose tissue (MEAT) the same parameter was decreased in ST in relation to SC. Leptin levels in RPAT and MEAT were decreased in ST, when compared with SC. Exercise training was also able to reduce tumour weight when compared to ST group. In the hypothalamus, IL-1β and IL-10 gene expression was higher in ST than in SC and SPF. Cytokine concentration in hypothalamus was higher in ST (TNF-α and IL-1β, p < 0.05), compared with SC and SPF. These pro-inflammatory cytokines concentrations were restored to control values (p < 0.05), when the animals were submitted to endurance training.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Cancer-induced anorexia leads towards a pro-inflammatory state in the hypothalamus, which is prevented by endurance training which induces an anti-inflammatory state, with concomitant decrease of tumour weight.</p