508 research outputs found

    Exergy cost of mineral resources

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    Mineral deposits are considered as natural capital whose value can be assessed in exergy terms. Historical industry experience provides evidence that exploitation of mineral deposits and the beneficiation of ores are essentially energy intensive. The persisting decline of the grade of the developed deposits demands increasing exergy replacement and processing costs. The results demonstrate how far processed ores and concentrates are from ideal behaviour, and technologies from reversibility conditions. The exploitation of mineral resources of declining quality for mineral commodities imply a long time trend of increasing mass and exergy inputs spent per unit product output, in line with a law of ‘diminishing returns’ on invested exergy

    Future challenges in cephalopod research

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    We thank Anto´nio M. de Frias Martins, past President of the Unitas Malacologica and Peter Marko, President of the American Malacological Society for organizing the 2013 World Congress of Malacology, and the Cephalopod International Advisory Committee for endorsing a symposium held in honour of Malcolm R. Clarke. In particular, we would like to thank the many professional staff from the University of the Azores for their hospitality, organization, troubleshooting and warm welcome to the Azores. We also thank Malcolm Clarke’s widow, Dorothy, his daughter Zoe¨, Jose´ N. Gomes-Pereira and numerous colleagues and friends of Malcolm’s from around the world for joining us at Ponta Delgada. We are grateful to Lyndsey Claro (Princeton University Press) for granting copyright permissions.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Dosimetric quality control at the radiotherapy department from Hospital CUF-Descobertas (HCD): the importance of quality control from the physics' sector and results of the auditorship ESTRO-EQUAL

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    A calibração e o controlo da qualidade de um acelerador linear são passos muito importantes num serviço de Radioterapia, para garantir a qualidade dos tratamentos prestados. O sector da Física da Unidade de Radioterapia do Hospital Cuf Descobertas implementou um rigoroso Programa de controlo de qualidade ao equipamento produtor de radiação e aos equipamentos medidores de radiação, de acordo com o Dec-Lei 180/2002 e com os protocolos internacionais. Para tal, foram implementados procedimentos, criadas folhas de cálculo, instruções de trabalho e impressos. Foram ainda implementados testes aos equipamentos com periodicidade definida: controlo de qualidade diário e controlo de qualidade após intervenções (manutenções preventivas e correctivas). No decorrer do ano de 2005, o sector da Física colaborou activamente com toda a equipa da Radioterapia na implementação da Norma ISO 9001:2000 no serviço, contribuindo com o seu know how na implementação desta, numa área tão importante como a da garantia da qualidade dos feixes de radiação e das respectivas calibrações em dose. Numa procura de melhoria contínua da qualidade dos serviços prestados aos pacientes, decorre ainda uma auditoria externa da EQUAL-ESTRO*, intercomparação postal com dosímetros termoluminescentes. A qualidade dos feixes de energias utilizados diariamente é analisada, tanto ao nível das calibrações absolutas de cada um dos feixes de fotões e de electrões, como ao nível dos cálculos de dose obtidos com o sistema de planimetria XiO da CMS. Os resultados das duas primeiras fases da intercomparação, relativa aos dois feixes de fotões de 6 MV e 15 MV e feixes de electrões de 4 MeV, 8 MeV e 12 MeV, foram considerados pela EQUAL-ESTRO num nível óptimo (desvio máximo na dose medida em relação à dose de referência |d| ≤ 3%).ABSTRACT - The calibration and the quality control of a linear accelerator are very important steps in a radiotherapy department, since they both guarantee the quality of patient treatment. In accordance with Dec-Law 180/2002 and with international protocols, the Physics’ sector of the Radiotherapy unit/department from Hospital Cuf-Descobertas implemented a rigorous program of quality control to the equipment that produces radiation as well as, to the measuring equipment of radiation. For that purpose, worksheets and instructions of work had been created. Still, tests to the equipment with definite regularity had been implemented such as: daily quality control and, quality control after interventions (preventive and corrective maintenances). In the year of 2005, in collaboration with the remainder Radiotherapy department the Norm ISO 9001:2000 was implemented. During this process the Physics’ sector contributed with its know how, in a so important area as is the one of quality control of radiation beams and, respective dose calibration. For the continuous improvement of the supplied services to the patients, an external auditorship of the EQUAL-ESTRO by postal intercomparison with thermoluminescents dosimeters, still elapses. The quality of the radiation beams that are daily used, are analysed in both fronts: absolute calibrations for all energies of photon and electron beams and, dose calculations with the treatment planning system XiO from CMS. The results of the two first phases of this intercomparison, two beams of photons of 6 MV and 15 MV and three beams of electrons of 4MeV, 8MeV and 12MeV, had been considered by the EQUAL-ESTRO in an excellent level (maximum deviation for the measured dose in relation to the dose of reference: |d| ≤ 3 %)

    Preliminary management strategy evaluation for blue shark in the Indian Ocean using a data-limited approach

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    In tuna-RFMOs there has been an effort to move to quantitative stock assessments for pelagic sharks, especially for the main species such as blue shark Prionace glauca. In IOTC, blue shark was last assessed in 2017 with the use of an integrated length-based age-structured model (SS3). This paper now presents a preliminary exercise with data-limited Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) to test options for different potential management procedures (MPs), using the data-limited methods toolkit (DLMtool). Reference points have not yet been adopted for sharks in IOTC, so for this exercise we set some tentative reference points noting that those can be updated in the future as needed. Eighty-nine MPs were evaluated with 9 considered potentially acceptable. Options and tradeoffs between those MPs are shown and described in the paper. We have focused mainly on trade-offs between biomass and yield, but according to the management objectives agreed other performance metrics can be applied. Even thought this is a preliminary exercise at this point, we hope that it provides initial thoughts and opens the discussion for the advancement of the blue shark management and conservation in the Indian Ocean

    Writing 3D In vitro models of human tendon within a biomimetic fibrillar support platform

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    Tendinopathies are poorly understood diseases for which treatment remains challenging. Relevant in vitro models to study human tendon physiology and pathophysiology are therefore highly needed. Here we propose the automated 3D writing of tendon microphysiological systems (MPSs) embedded in a biomimetic fibrillar support platform based on cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) self-assembly. Tendon decellularized extracellular matrix (dECM) was used to formulate bioinks that closely recapitulate the biochemical signature of tendon niche. A monoculture system recreating the cellular patterns and phenotype of the tendon core was first developed and characterized. This system was then incorporated with a vascular compartment to study the crosstalk between the two cell populations. The combined biophysical and biochemical cues of the printed pattern and dECM hydrogel were revealed to be effective in inducing human-adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs) differentiation toward the tenogenic lineage. In the multicellular system, chemotactic effects promoted endothelial cells migration toward the direction of the tendon core compartment, while the established cellular crosstalk boosted hASCs tenogenesis, emulating the tendon development stages. Overall, the proposed concept is a promising strategy for the automated fabrication of humanized organotypic tendon-on-chip models that will be a valuable new tool for the study of tendon physiology and pathogenesis mechanisms and for testing new tendinopathy treatments.The authors thank Hospital da Prelada (Porto, Portugal) for providing adipose tissue samples. The authors acknowledge the financial support from Project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER 000021 supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Program (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation HORIZON 2020, under the Twinning Grant Agreement 810850-Achilles, and European Research Council Grant Agreement 772817 and 101069302, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia for the Ph.D. grant PD/BD/129403/2017 (to S.M.B.) financed through the doctoral program in Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells (TERM&SC), for Contract 2020.03410.CEECIND and 2022.05526.PTDC (to R.M.A.D.). The authors acknowledge Doctor Alberto Pardo for performing the rheology measurements of the PL bioink. The schematics in Figures 1, 2A, 4A, and 6A and Table of Contents graphic were created with BioRender.com

    Elasmobranch responses to experimental warming, acidification, and oxygen loss—a meta-analysis

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    Despite the long evolutionary history of this group, the challenges brought by the Anthropocene have been inflicting an extensive pressure over sharks and their relatives. Overexploitation has been driving a worldwide decline in elasmobranch populations, and rapid environmental change, triggered by anthropogenic activities, may further test this group's resilience. In this context, we searched the literature for peer-reviewed studies featuring a sustained (>24 h) and controlled exposure of elasmobranch species to warming, acidification, and/or deoxygenation: three of the most pressing symptoms of change in the ocean. In a standardized comparative framework, we conducted an array of mixed-model meta-analyses (based on 368 control-treatment contrasts from 53 studies) to evaluate the effects of these factors and their combination as experimental treatments. We further compared these effects across different attributes (lineages, climates, lifestyles, reproductive modes, and life stages) and assessed the direction of impact over a comprehensive set of biological responses (survival, development, growth, aerobic metabolism, anaerobic metabolism, oxygen transport, feeding, behavior, acid-base status, thermal tolerance, hypoxia tolerance, and cell stress). Based on the present findings, warming appears as the most influential factor, with clear directional effects, namely decreasing development time and increasing aerobic metabolism, feeding, and thermal tolerance. While warming influence was pervasive across attributes, acidification effects appear to be more context-specific, with no perceivable directional trends across biological responses apart from the necessary to achieve acid-base balance. Meanwhile, despite its potential for steep impacts, deoxygenation has been the most neglected factor, with data paucity ultimately precluding sound conclusions. Likewise, the implementation of multi-factor treatments has been mostly restricted to the combination of warming and acidification, with effects approximately matching those of warming. Despite considerable progress over recent years, research regarding the impact of these drivers on elasmobranchs lags behind other taxa, with more research required to disentangle many of the observed effects. Given the current levels of extinction risk and the quick pace of global change, it is further crucial that we integrate the knowledge accumulated through different scientific approaches into a holistic perspective to better understand how this group may fare in a changing ocean

    Biochemical and histopathological impacts of rutile and anatase (TiO2 forms) in Mytilus galloprovincialis

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    Titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles have been widely used in various industrial applications and consumer products. Due to their large production and use, they will eventually enter into aquatic environments. Once in the aquatic environment TiO2 particles may interact with the organisms and induce toxic effects. Since the most common crystallographic forms of TiO2 are rutile and anatase, the present study evaluated the effect of these two forms of TiO2 particles in Mytilus galloprovincialis. For this, mussels were exposed to different concentrations of rutile and anatase particles (0, 5, 50, 100 µg/L) for twenty-eight days. Ti concentrations, histopathological alterations and biochemical effects were evaluated. Similar Ti concentrations were found in mussels exposed to rutile and anatase, with the highest values in mussels exposed to the highest exposure concentration. Histopathological results demonstrated that both forms of TiO2 induced alterations on gills and digestive glands along the increasing exposure gradient. Biochemical markers showed that mussels exposed to rutile maintained their metabolic capacity (assessed by the activity of the Electron Transport System, ETS), while anatase increased the metabolism of mussels. Mussels exposed to rutile increased their detoxifying defences which, due to the low tested concentrations, were sufficient to avoid cellular damage. On the other hand, mussels exposed to anatase suffered cellular damages despite the increase of the antioxidant defences which may be related to the high ETS activity. Both rutile and anatase particles were toxic to M. galloprovincialis, being the highest oxidative stress exerted by the crystalline form anatase.publishe

    Reproduction and respiration of a climate change indicator species: effect of temperature and variable food in the copepod Centropages chierchiae

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    The abundance of the calanoid copepod Centropages chierchiae has increased at the northern limits of its distribution in recent decades, mainly due to oceanic climate forcing, suggesting this as a key species in monitoring climate change. Laboratory experiments were conducted to study the combined effect of temperature, food type and concentration on the egg production rate (EPR) and hatching success (HS) of C. chierchiae. Females were fed on two monoalgal diets (Gymnodinium sp. and Phaeodactylum tricornutum) at two food concentrations and at three different temperatures (13, 19, 24C). Respiration rates of both genders were measured at four different temperatures (8, 13, 19, 24C). EPR was significantly different between temperatures and food concentrations, the maximum EPR being attained when the copepods were exposed to high food levels and at 19C. Prey type significantly influenced EPR; feeding on P. tricornutum resulted in higher egg production than Gymnodinium sp. HS was significantly lower at 13C than at 19 and 24C and higher with Gymnodinium sp. Respiration rates were sex independent and increased exponentially with temperature. To maintain basal metabolism, the minimum food intake of P. tricornutum ranged between 0.4 and 1.8 g C and for Gymnodinium sp. between 0.03 and 0.13 g C. Food intake was always higher than the metabolic demands, except for the highest temperature tested (24C). The present results confirm the sensitivity of C. chierchiae to temperature variations and may help in understanding the successful expansion of its distribution towards northern latitudes.Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) [PTDC/MAR/098643/2008, PTDC/MAR/111304/2009, PTDC/MAR/0908066/2008]; FCT [SFRH/BD/28198/2006]; [SFRH/BPD/38332/2007