813 research outputs found

    Application of the impedance model of de Levie for the characterization of porous electrodes

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    From the de Levie's theory for a porous electrode, the impedance can be expressed in function of the cylindrical pore characteristics: the pore length, the pore radius and the number of pores. If the pores have a finite length, these parameters can be regressed from the experimental impedance diagrams. In the case of a semi-infinite pore length, only the product r3/2n can be obtained. In this paper, two practical examples of porous electrodes were presented: the corrosion of cast iron in drinking water and the electrodissolution of copper in 1 M hydrochloric acid solution. In each case, the pore parameters were assessed

    Molekulargenetische Untersuchungen zur systemischen Progression maligner Melanome

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    Die Metastasierung des Melanoms in den ersten drainierenden Lymphknoten, den so genannten Wächterlymphknoten, beeinflusst das Überleben von Patienten mit klinisch lokalisierter Melanomerkrankung entscheidend (Balch et al., 2001; Ulmer et al., 2005). Der Prozess der Metastasierung, gerade in der frühen Phase, ist beim malignen Melanom noch unzureichend verstanden. Die Frage, auf welche Art frühe genomische Veränderungen maligner Zellen identifiziert werden können, ist somit von großer Wichtigkeit. Das Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit war die Identifizierung wichtiger Genomveränderungen, die für die Entstehung und die systemische Progression des malignen Melanoms verantwortlich sein könnten. Ebenso war das Auftreten wichtiger genomischer Veränderungen in einen zeitlichen Bezug zur Ausbreitung des malignen Melanoms zu setzen. Dabei lag der Gedanke zugrunde, dass Veränderungen nach Absiedelung der Zellen zwischen Primärtumor (PT) und disseminierten Melanomeinzelzellen (DTC) vom selben Patienten divergieren. Gemeinsame Veränderungen hingegen sollten vor der Absiedelung entstanden sein. Zur Identifizierung der chromosomalen Veränderungen sollte mit Hilfe der vergleichenden Genomhybridisierung (CGH) analysiert werden. Bekannt ist, dass beim malignem Melanom sowohl der RAS-RAF-MAPK- als auch der PI3K-AKT-Signaltransduktionsweg über mehrere Mechanismen konstitutiv aktiviert sind und haben daher Schlüsselfunktionen bei der Melanomentwicklung und -progression (Meier et al., 2005). Aus diesem Grund sollte der Mutationsstatus in den bekannten Onkogenen B-RAF und N-RAS (mittels SSCP-PCR) und Cyclin D1 (quantitativen PCR) in den unterschiedlichen Tumortypen definiert werden

    Hydrochanges Gibraltar Campaign - characterization of Mediterranean Outflow through the Strait of Gibraltar

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    The precise characterization of the Mediterranean outflow through the Strait of Gibraltar is a very well know issue although a question rather far to be resolved completely. Many scientific efforts have been invested to try to define the exact composition and evolution of the Mediterranean waters (MWs) raising at the entrance of the strait and crossing one of the most dynamically active site of the worldwide oceans. In the framework of the Hydrochanges European programme, the “Gibraltar International Campaign” was carried out onboard the R/V Tethys II by the French Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (MIO) in June 2012, with the chance to perform a series of highresolution CTD meridional transects. The instrument used is a Moving Vessel Profiler (MVP), a towed free-falling CTD, which enables a very high spatial resolution semi-autonomous monitoring of the column water. This work presents the hydrological data set retrieved in the campaign and proposes their usage as tool for the characterization of the composition and the evolution of the Mediterranean outflow along the strait. Two main assumptions are discussed: the generally accepted hypothesis of only two main Mediterranean waters crossing the strait, the Levantine IntermediateWater (LIW) and theWestern Mediterranean DeepWater (WMDW), and the novel theory, principally supported by the MIO group since last years, of the presence of up to four Mediterranean waters raising at the strait entrance: two intermediate waters, the LIW and the Winter Intermediate Water (WIW) and a further dense water, the Tyrrhenian Deep Water (TDW) flanking the WMDW. In both cases the mixing within these MWs and between them and the Atlantic inflowing waters, namely the Surface Atlantic Water (SAW) and the North Atlantic Central Water (NACW), are analyzed and discussed. A classical mixing triangle approach is proposed for the first assumption, with the definition of a third vertex as a general Atlantic water, and a novel approach based on a simplified cluster analysis of the Temperature/Salinity/Density diagrams of the transects, is applied to the six water masses considered in the second assumption. The latter is also applied to the GIBEX2 (Gibraltar Experiment) dataset in order to confirm, by a completely subjective approach, the rather arbitrary definition of the MWs accepted so far. A clear differentiation of the MWs along the cross-strait direction is observed, with intermediate waters laying on the northern Spanish slope and the denser ones flowing along the southern slope. However, this structure is deeply modified by the very strong mixing occurring in the strait and it ends to nearly disappear at west of the Camarinal Sill. The temporal variability, strictly related to the tidal dynamics, is very high, inducing strong changes in this structure throughout the strait, up to substantially modify it. In order to investigate this temporal variability, the recent series of current and thermohaline characteristics of the MWs, sampled simultaneously at Espartel and in two (north and south) extremes of the Camarinal Sill by the Physical Oceanography Group of the University of Málaga, have also been examined with interesting results on the characterization of the outflow evolution along the strait.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Impacto das redes sociais no comportamento de compra do consumidor no segmento de moda

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    A crescente das redes sociais e seu forte papel na indústria da moda originou em uma necessidade de mudanças estratégicas por parte das empresas. Este artigo tem como objetivo compreender o impacto, motivação e influência das plataformas sociais em relação ao comportamento de compra dos consumidores do segmento de moda, além de analisar a importância do marketing por trás desse consumo. A metodologia foi realizada a partir de uma pesquisa exploratória de amostra não probabilística, no qual, o questionário busca entender o nível de impacto que diferentes ferramentas conseguem influenciar no comportamento de compra do consumidor deste segmento em específico. Os dados foram coletados a partir de um survey online, contendo 23 questões, e ficou disponível por 7 dias, totalizando 355 respondentes. Para a análise dos resultados houve auxílio das ferramentas do Excel, além da geração de gráficos e porcentagens por meio do Google Forms. Identificou-se o maior nível de concordância em questões como: redes sociais são plataformas capazes de criar desejo pelos produtos, além disso, é um local onde os usuários buscam informações sobre uma loja ou produto e por fim, fatores como, economia de tempo, variedade de produtos e possibilitar de checar opinião dos demais demonstraram ser grandes incentivos para a compra online

    Highly correlated ab initio study of the far infrared spectra of methyl acetate

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    Highly correlated ab initio calculations (CCSD(T)) are used to compute gas phase spectroscopic parameters of three isotopologues of the methyl acetate (CH3COOCH3, CD3COOCH3, and CH3COOCD3), searching to help experimental assignments and astrophysical detections. The molecule shows two conformers cis and trans separated by a barrier of 4457 cm−1. The potential energy surface presents 18 minima that intertransform through three internal rotation motions. To analyze the far infrared spectrum at low temperatures, a three-dimensional Hamiltonian is solved variationally. The two methyl torsion barriers are calculated to be 99.2 cm−1 (C–CH3) and 413.1 cm−1 (O–CH3), for the cis-conformer. The three fundamental torsional band centers of CH3COOCH3 are predicted to lie at 63.7 cm−1 (C–CH3), 136.1 cm−1 (O–CH3), and 175.8 cm−1 (C–O torsion) providing torsional state separations. For the 27 vibrational modes, anharmonic fundamentals and rovibrational parameters are provided. Computed parameters are compared with those fitted using experimental data

    Salicylic acid is involved in the Nb-mediated defense responses to Potato virus X in Solanum tuberosum

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    To evaluate the role of salicylic acid (SA) in Nb-mediated hypersensitive resistance to Potato virus X (PVX) avirulent strain ROTH1 in Solanum tuberosum, we have constructed SA-deficient transgenic potato plant lines by overexpressing the bacterial enzyme salicylate hydroxylase (NahG), which degrades SA. Evaluation of these transgenic lines revealed hydrogen peroxide accumulation and spontaneous lesion formation in an age- and light-dependent manner. In concordance, NahG potato plants were more sensitive to treatment with methyl viologen, a reactive oxygen species--generating compound. In addition, when challenged with PVX ROTH1, NahG transgenic lines showed a decreased disease-resistance response to infection and were unable to induce systemic acquired resistance. However, the avirulent viral effector, the PVX 25-kDa protein, does induce expression of the pathogenesis-related gene PR-1a in NahG potato plants. Taken together, our data indicate that SA is involved in local and systemic defense responses mediated by the Nb gene in Solanum tuberosum. This is the first report to show that basal levels of SA correlate with hypersensitive resistance to PVX.EEA San PedroFil: Sánchez, Gerardo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Pedro; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas; Argentina.Fil: Gerhardt, Nadia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas; Argentina.Fil: Siciliano, Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas; ArgentinaFil: Vojnov, Adrián. Fundación Pablo Cassará; ArgentinaFil: Malcuit, Isabelle. Algentech Limited; Reino Unido. Institute of Food Research; Reino UnidoFil: Marano, María Rosa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas; Argentin

    Estudos em Gramática, Texto e Discurso: uma introdução ao número especial

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    Meditarranean waters along and across the Strait of Gibraltar, characterization and zonal modification.

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    Hydrological data collected in the Strait of Gibraltar have been used to examine the distribution and spatial–temporal evolution of the water masses in the area. The spatial variability has been addressed by means of a clustering method that determines the affinity of a collection of temperature–salinity samples to one of the water masses involved in the exchange. The method, which has been applied to a nearly-synoptic data set, highlights the clear evolution of the Mediterranean Waters as they flow westward through the Strait. While up to four different Mediterranean Waters are spatially distinguishable east of the main sill of Camarinal in the Strait, most of their differentiating characteristics are eroded after flowing over this restrictive topography due to mixing. West of the sill, therefore, speaking of a unique Mediterranean Water seems more appropriate. The same applies to the North Atlantic Central Water flowing in the opposite direction, which is noticeably modified along its path to the Mediterranean Sea, most of its transformation taking place in the Camarinal sill surroundings. A series of repeated transects carried out in the eastern and western sides of the Strait, provided a temporal analysis of the water masses evolution: the temporal variability manifests seasonality in the surface waters, while interannual signal is mainly detected in the deeper water masses. It is worth remarking the statistically significant positive trend of Western Mediterranean Deep Water (0.009 °C/year) and Winter Intermediate Water (0.03 °C/year), with the latter showing also intermittent occurrence in the Strait.This work is a Spanish contribution funded by the National Project INGRES 3 (CTM2010-21229), a French contribution to the HyMeX and MOOSE programmes funded by MISTRALS, and to the CIESM HYDROCHANGES Programme (ciesm.org/marine/programs/hydrochanges.htm). Cristina Naranjo acknowledges the fellowship BES-2011-043421 from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness – Spain, and M. Jesús Bellanco acknowledges the pre-doc fellowship IEO-FPI 2011/10. We are also grateful to the crews of the R/V Angeles Alvariño and the R/V TETHYS II, and to G. Rougier (MIO) and Deny Malengros (SAM/MIO) who operated the MVP. The MVP has been funded through the CETSM project

    Uneven HAK/KUP/KT Protein Diversity Among Angiosperms: Species Distribution and Perspectives

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    HAK/KUP/KT K+ transporters have been widely associated with K+ transport across membranes in bacteria, fungi, and plants. Indeed some members of the plant HAK/KUP/KT family contribute to root K+ uptake, notably at low external concentrations. Besides such role in acquisition, several studies carried out in Arabidopsis have shown that other members are also involved in developmental processes. With the publication of new plant genomes, a growing interest on plant species other than Arabidopsis has become evident. In order to understand HAK/KUP/KT diversity in these new plant genomes, we discuss the evolutionary trends of 913 HAK/KUP/KT sequences identified in 46 genomes revealing five major groups with an uneven distribution among angiosperms, notably between dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous species. This information evidenced the richness of crop genomes in HAK/KUP/KT transporters and supports their study for unraveling novel physiological roles of such transporters in plants.This work was funded by grant AGL2012-33504 from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain. RR is recipient of an FPU predoctoral contract from Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Spain.Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe