359 research outputs found

    Erosión y crisis de la vida universitaria. Palabras e imágenes de las y los estudiantes sobre su formación en el Grado de Maestro/a

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    El texto describe parte del desarrollo de un proyecto de investigación que indaga en las imágenes y percepciones que las y los estudiantes de Grado de Maestro/a proyectan de la Universidad a partir de su experiencia formativa. Analiza la relación entre institución universitaria y vida universitaria atendiendo al modo en que las y los estudiantes hablan de cómo experimentan su relación con el saber, con el aprendizaje y de cómo viven y han vivido las relaciones humanas e institucionales

    The design of a Teaching-Learning Sequence on simple machines in elementary education and its benefit on creativity and self-regulation

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    In this study, the process of design, implementation, evaluation, and redesign of a TeachingLearning Sequence (TLS) on simple machines for students of 9-12 years old is shown according to the principles of Design Based Research. The aim is to create a TLS that satisfactorily addresses the conceptual difficulties inherent to the object of study and that succeeds in fostering selfregulation skills and creativity. Both qualitative (focus group, semi-structured interviews, students’ reports, and teacher’s class notes) and quantitative instruments (a validated questionnaire and an ad hoc one with content validation by experts) are used. The statistical analysis of the questionnaires and the narrative analysis of the qualitative instruments have been triangulated. The results show that students manage to address the conceptual and procedural difficulties of the object of study while developing emotional (enjoyment and self-efficacy) and cognitive (metacognition) self-regulation skills, as well as creativity related to the scientific and artisan domains.En este estudio se muestra el proceso de diseño, implementación, evaluación y rediseño de una Secuencia de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje (TLS) en máquinas simples para estudiantes de 9 a 12 años de acuerdo a los principios de la Investigación Basada en Diseño. El objetivo es crear un TLS que aborde satisfactoriamente las dificultades conceptuales inherentes al objeto de estudio y que logre fomentar las habilidades de autorregulación y la creatividad. Se utilizan tanto instrumentos cualitativos (focus group, entrevistas semiestructuradas, informes de alumnos y notas de clase del profesor) como cuantitativos (un cuestionario validado y uno ad hoc con validación de contenido por expertos). Se ha triangulado el análisis estadístico de los cuestionarios y el análisis narrativo de los instrumentos cualitativos

    Paleoclimatic records from the Fuente Nueva 1 section (Orce, Guadix-Baza Basin, NE Granada, Spain): preliminary mineralogical data

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    The mineralogical study of 45 samples collected from the Fuente Nueva 1 (FN1) section (Orce, NE Granada, Spain) has been carried out using X-ray diffraction data on bulk powder and <2 m fraction to the establishment the paleoclimatic record and the origin of the inputs into the basin. The FN1 section is located in the central sector of the Betic Cordillera. During the Pliocene and Pleistocene, the Baza sub-basin was dominated by lacustrine deposits. The FN1 section (in Baza sub-basin) comprises a lower unit of Pliocene age consisting of lacustrine limestones and marls. Discordant on it, the Pleistocene is characterized by an alternation of two alluvial and two lacustrine episodes. In the first lacustrine episode is located the paleontological site of FN1 (approx. 2.3 Ma), which represents the oldest Pleistocene macrovertebrate site of Baza sub-basin. Moreover, this basin preserves some of the earliest evidences of human presence in Europe in several archaeo-paleontological sites correlated with the second Pleistocene lacustrine episode of FN1 section. The climate during the deposition of FN1 section was temperate to warm-subarid with seasonal contrast as suggested the high occurrence of 2:1 layer phyllosilicates. The subarid conditions were more remarkable in the first Pleistocene alluvial episode as attested by an increase in palygorskite and precipitation of gypsum. Whereas, at the end of the second alluvial episode, the humid conditions were established as showed by lack in palygorskite and increase in illite and kaolinite. The variable quartz/phyllosilicate (Qz/Phy) and occurrence of muscovite and paragonite in samples at the end of the second Pleistocene lacustrine episode indicate a high detrital input from the Internal Zone outcrop in the south of the basin. Further studies include a precise characterization of morphology and geochemistry of the clay minerals in order to provide better paleoclimatical and paleoenvironmental characterization of basin.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Bicarbonate is required for migration of sperm epididymal protein DE/CRISP-1 to the equatorial segment and expression of rat sperm fusion ability

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    Numerous studies have demonstrated that sperm capacitation is a bicarbonate-dependent process. In the rat, capacitation has not been studied as much as in other species, mainly because of the difficulties in carrying out functional assays with this animal model. In the present study, we have examined the influence of bicarbonate in the overall rat sperm capacitation process by analyzing involvement of the anion in 1) protein tyrosine phosphorylation, 2) migration of epididymal protein DE (also known as CRISP-1) from the dorsal region to the equatorial segment of the sperm head that occurs during capacitation, and 3) ability of sperm to fuse with the egg. Incubation of sperm under capacitating conditions produced a time-dependent increase in protein tyrosine phosphorylation. This phosphorylation did not occur in the absence of HCO3- and rapidly increased by either exposure of sperm to HCO3- or replacement of the anion by a cAMP analog (dibutyryl-cAMP) and a phosphodiesterase inhibitor (pentoxifylline). The absence of HCO3- also produced a significant decrease in the percentage of cells showing migration of DE to the equatorial segment. This parameter was completely restored by addition of the anion, but dibutyryl-cAMP and pentoxifylline were not sufficient to overcome the decrease in DE migration. Sperm capacitated in the absence of HCO3- were unable to penetrate zona-free eggs independent of the presence of the anion during gamete coincubation. Exposure of these sperm to bicarbonate, or replacement of the anion by dibutyryl-cAMP and pentoxifylline, only partially restored the sperm fusion ability. Altogether, these results indicate that, in addition to its influence on protein tyrosine phosphorylation, bicarbonate is required to support other rat sperm capacitation- associated events, such as migration of DE to the equatorial segment, and expression of the ability of sperm to fuse with the egg.Fil: Da Ros, Vanina Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Munuce, María José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Cohen, Debora Juana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Marin Briggiler, Clara Isabel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Busso, Dolores. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Visconti, Pablo E.. University of Massachussets; Estados UnidosFil: Cuasnicu, Patricia Sara. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; Argentin

    Using gamification in a teaching innovation project at the University of Alcala: a new approach to experimental science practices

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    Pre-service teachers frequently express negative prejudices towards science and the methodologies traditionally used during their training. Gamification is a booming technology based on combining the psychological aspects, mechanics and dynamics of a game in non-ludic environments. The use of gamification has shown good outcomes in terms of increasing students&#180; motivation towards the sciences. In this study, new laboratory practices were developed under the umbrella of gamification methodology for pre-service teachers. The general objectives were to eliminate negative prejudices, fear and rejection attitudes towards science, to foster the conceptual and procedural learning of science among students and to provide students with real-life examples and an experience of applying gamification themselves. First, the theoretical basis of the main components and dynamics of gamification in the Education context are summarized. Secondly, their application in a specific subject from the curriculum for the Teaching Training in Primary Education degree (Didactics of Natural Science (DNS), 3rd year) are presented. The methodology was applied twice in laboratory practice in two consecutive academic years: 2017/2018 (5 groups, 150 students ) and 2018/2019 (6 groups, 183 students) . The steps, dynamics, components and the tools used for the gamification experience are described (i.e. Kahoot, Class Dojo). Several pre and post-tests were carried out to explore: (i) the students' relationship with games; (ii) their preferred role as players; (iii) their assessment of the different elements involved in the gamification methodology; (iv) their motivation towards science laboratories attitude and (v) their self-perception with regards to their newly acquired skills to put gamification into practice in their professional future.Universidad de Alcal

    Annual evolution of the number of hotel squares offered in the city of Seville. An empirical analysis with support econometric

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    Con el correspondiente “pico” en 1992, por razones obvias, y unproceso suavemente creciente en la última década,se analiza la evolución histórica del número de plazas hoteleras ofertadas por la ciudad de Sevilla en hoteles de tres, cuatro y cinco estrellas, en el periodo comprendido entre 1988 y 2011. En primer lugar, los análisis gráficos son bastante elocuentes de la evolución delas series y del cambio estructural que se produce en 1992. Modelos de regresión, tanto en escala de nivel como logarítmica, corrigiendo el efecto de la autocorrelación,propio de datos longitudinales, con estimaciones de tipo Prais-Winsten o Cochrane-Orcutt, son empleados para medir el grado de influencia de algunas magnitudes macroeconómicas de nuestro país o de los países del entorno que más visitantes proporcionan a la ciudad, sobre esa evolución temporal. También, modelos autorregresivos de orden 1 y modelos con tendencia definida describen bastante bien el fenómeno estudiado

    Urban regeneration as population health intervention: a health impact assessment in the Bay of Pasaia (Spain)

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    Background: An important health issue in urban areas is how changes arising from the regeneration of city-areas affect social determinants of health and equity. This paper examines the impacts attributable to a new fish market and to delays in the regeneration of a port area in a deteriorated region of the Bay of Pasaia (Spain). Potential differential impacts on local residents and socially vulnerable groups were evaluated to determine health inequalities. Methods: An in-depth, prospective and concurrent Health-Impact-Assessment (HIA) focused on equity was conducted by the regional Public Health Department, following the Merseyside guidelines. Data from different sources was triangulated and impacts were identified using qualitative and quantitative methods. Results: The intervention area is characterised by poor social, environmental, and health indicators. The distinctness of the two projects generates contrasting health and inequality impacts: generally positive for the new fish market and negative for the port area. The former creates recreational spaces and improves urban quality and social cohesion. By contrast, inaction and stagnation of the project in the port area perpetuates deterioration, a lack of safety, and poor health, as well as increased social frustration. Conclusions: In addition to assessing the health impacts of both projects this HIA promoted intersectoral partnerships, boosted a holistic and positive view of health and incorporated health and equity into the political discourse. Community-level participatory action enabled public health institutions to respond to new urban planning challenges and responsibilities in a more democratic manner.This research was funded by the Basque Government's Department of Health (Ref. n. 2011111051)

    Herramientas y métodos de la docencia virtual en asignaturas extinguidas

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    La puesta en marcha de los nuevos planes de estudio conducentes a la obtención de los títulos de Grado se ha planteado como una gran oportunidad para docentes y discentes, ya que la preparación de nuevas asignaturas supone un cambio en los métodos docentes, en una implicación más activa del alumnado o en el uso de nuevas herramientas didácticas. Este proceso se está llevando a cabo de forma paulatina y en paralelo a la extinción de asignaturas consolidadas en todos los planes de estudio anteriores. Muchas de estas asignaturas han finalizado su docencia con una matrícula elevada de alumnos que todavía no las han superado; sin embargo, la comunicación entre el profesorado y el alumnado de estas asignaturas en la práctica se ha reducido drásticamente al espacio presencial o virtual de las tutorías, lo que sin duda tiene una influencia importante en las posibilidades del alumnado para superarla. En este marco de trabajo, resulta posible agilizar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje por medio de herramientas virtuales que faciliten la comunicación entre los alumnos y sus profesores. Por ese motivo, en esta comunicación hemos realizado un estudio a alumnos de dos asignaturas de la Diplomatura de Maestro de Educación Física y de la Diplomatura de Maestro de Educación Infantil, una de ellas ya extinguida y otra en proceso de extinción, para conocer las preferencias que tienen respecto a las herramientas docentes virtuales y las posibilidades de superar la asignatura con ellas que el alumnado les otorga

    Photosensitivity to Triflusal: Formation of a Photoadduct with Ubiquitin Demonstrated by Photophysical and Proteomic Techniques

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    [EN] Triflusal is a platelet aggregation inhibitor chemically related to acetylsalicylic acid, which is used for the prevention and/or treatment of vascular thromboembolisms, which acts as a prodrug. Actually, after oral administration it is absorbed primarily in the small intestine, binds to plasma proteins (99%) and is rapidly biotransformed in the liver into its deacetylated active metabolite 2-hydroxy-4-trifluoromethylbenzoic acid (HTB). In healthy humans, the half-life of triflusal is ca. 0.5 h, whereas for HTB it is ca. 35 h. From a pharmacological point of view, it is interesting to note that HTB is itself highly active as a platelet anti-aggregant agent. Indeed, studies on the clinical profile of both drug and metabolite have shown no significant differences between them. It has been evidenced that HTB displays ability to induce photoallergy in humans. This phenomenon involves a cell-mediated immune response, which is initiated by covalent binding of a light-activated photosensitizer (or a species derived therefrom) to a protein. In this context, small proteins like ubiquitin could be appropriate models for investigating covalent binding by means of MS/MS and peptide fingerprint analysis. In previous work, it was shown that HTB forms covalent photoadducts with isolated lysine. Interestingly, ubiquitin contains seven lysine residues that could be modified by a similar reaction. With this background, the aim of the present work is to explore adduct formation between the triflusal metabolite and ubiquitin as model protein upon sunlight irradiation, combining proteomic and photophysical (fluorescence and laser flash photolysis) techniques. Photophysical and proteomic analysis demonstrates monoadduct formation as the major outcome of the reaction. Interestingly, addition can take place at any of the E-amino groups of the lysine residues of the protein and involves replacement of the trifluoromethyl moiety with a new amide function. This process can in principle occur with other trifluoroaromatic compounds and may be responsible for the appearance of undesired photoallergic side effects.Financial support from the Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeo Program), the Spanish Government (MINECO CTQ2015-70164-P to VL-V and SAF2012-36519 to DP-S) and the Carlos III Institute of Health (Grant RIRAAF, RETICS program, RD12/0013/0009 to MM and RD12/0013/0008 to DP-S, and Miguel Servet Contract CP11/00154 for IA) is gratefully acknowledged.Nuin Pla, NE.; Pérez-Sala, D.; Lhiaubet-Vallet, VL.; Andreu Ros, MI.; Miranda Alonso, MÁ. (2016). Photosensitivity to Triflusal: Formation of a Photoadduct with Ubiquitin Demonstrated by Photophysical and Proteomic Techniques. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 7(277). https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2016.00277S727