1,103 research outputs found

    Perceived Competence and Agreeableness Predict Positive Behaviors Toward Mexican Immigrants: Less Acculturated Hispanics are More Welcoming of Immigrants

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    The resettlement of immigrants who have fled their countries because of dire consequences at home and better opportunities elsewhere, has given rise to a range of prejudices toward them in their host countries. We examined prejudices and discrimination toward immigrants, specifically Mexican immigrants, as a function of their perceived competence and warmth within the context of the Stereotype Content Model. We also examined perceiver’s agreeableness, openness to experience, attitudes and acculturation level, and their links with prejudices toward immigrants. We found that an immigrant’s competence elicited strong and more positive feelings and responses than warmth. More competent immigrants were more likely to be liked and welcomed. Of the Big Five variables, Agreeableness was strongly linked with positive sentiments and actions toward immigrants. However, Attitudes toward immigrants showed the strongest correlations with the criterion variables, of how individuals will feel and intend to behave toward immigrants. Finally, acculturation within Latinos correlated negatively with positive feelings and actions toward immigrants. More acculturated Latinos were less welcoming of immigrants. The findings serve to inform policymakers of the varied prejudices held of immigrants and the types of discrimination they are likely to face in order to help them implement humane policy options

    Comportamento sísmico da igreja do Mosteiro dos Jerónimos

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    Para avaliar o comportamento sísmico da Igreja do Mosteiro dos Jerónimos tendo em vista o diagnóstico das suas capacidades e vulnerabilidades estruturais bem como a avaliação da segurança sísmica para cenários de diferente perigosidade, foram realizadas um conjunto de análises numéricas estáticas e dinâmicas, admitindo comportamento não linear material e geométrico, cujos resultados se apresentam. A investigação numérica é antecedida pela caracterização (quantitativa e qualitativa) da construção e pela caracterização da acção sísmica com base em estudos de casualidade e em modelos sismológicos. A realização das análises dinâmicas não lineares, no domínio do tempo, é efectuada para acções sísmicas correspondentes a cenários com 475, 975 e 5000 anos de período de retorno e visa caracterizar o desempenho sísmico da Igreja, nomeadamente das potenciais vulnerabilidades identificadas. Para ao efeito, realiza-se previamente, um conjunto de análises estáticas, lineares e não lineares, e análises dinâmicas modais. As análises dinâmicas modais e as análises estáticas, sob a acção das cargas verticais permanentes, são utilizadas para a calibração/validação do modelo numérico. As análises estáticas lineares equivalentes à acção sísmica são utilizadas para uma estimativa prévia da exigência sísmica (incluindo a localização potencial das incidências não lineares) e das vulnerabilidades virtuais associadas. As análises estáticas não lineares (do tipo “pushover”) são utilizadas para estimar a capacidade da construção sob acções horizontais e para identificar os potenciais mecanismos de colapso. De acordo com os resultados das análises dinâmicas realizadas, para os cenários sísmicos com 475 e 975 anos de período de retorno, a Igreja ficará sob importantes estados de tensão e de fendilhação não sendo expectável a sua ruína parcial ou global. Para os cenários de perigosidade sísmica mais severos, correspondentes a 5000 anos de período de retorno, identificou-se uma potencial incidência de danos nos pilares da nave da Igreja cuja ruína conduz ao colapso da abóbada da nave

    Anderson Localization Of Composite Excitations In Disordered Optomechanical Arrays

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    Optomechanical (OMA) arrays are a promising future platform for studies of transport, many-body dynamics, quantum control and topological effects in systems of coupled photon and phonon modes. We introduce disordered OMA arrays, focusing on features of Anderson localization of hybrid photon-phonon excitations. It turns out that these represent a unique disordered system, where basic parameters can be easily controlled by varying the frequency and the amplitude of an external laser field. We show that the two-species setting leads to a non-trivial frequency dependence of the localization length for intermediate laser intensities. This could serve as a convincing evidence of localization in a non-equilibrium dissipative situation. © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.19

    Ayudando a otros a usar los medios sociales:: Estereotipos de edad al estimar el éxito del alumno

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    Social networking sites (SNS) include online products such as Facebook that allow users to build and maintain large interpersonal Inter net networks. Older adult users have dramatically increased (Duggan & Smith, 2014). This investigation examined how 212 university undergraduate Facebook users estimated success with helping others use Facebook when learner’s age (20, 40, 60 year olds.) and type of acquaintance (friend or kin) was manipulated in hypothetical scenarios. In these scenarios, a person is identified as KW, described as being a college student much like the participant. KW has 20, 40 or 60 year -old acquaintances, a friend or a ki n at each age, all wanting KW’s help learning about social media. This was the only information provided. Qualities and strengths of these interpersonal relationships were not examined. Results from repeated measures 2x3 ANOVA showed a significant main eff ect for age, but no effect for acquaintance type. Results showed no significant interaction. Although the age demographic above 50 years is the fastest growing SNS group, results showed possible age stereotyping among youth when they assist older adults le arning to use SNS. This age effect may be lessened as older adults become more skillful social media users. These findings are limited because of the sample demographics and a lack of identifying qualities of participants’ attributions about the hypothetic al friends or relatives. Future research using multiple items per condition might be able to further elucidate how the type of associations between helper and learner, close or distant, positive or negative, would influence outcomes

    Seismic safety assessment of the church of Monastery of Jerónimos, Portugal

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    Preservation of historical constructions with high cultural heritage value is an actual theme in modern societies as these constructions play an important role in the industry of tourism and culture, and consequently in the economy and in the image of countries and self-esteem of people. The seismic hazard of Portugal and, due to its vicinity, of the Mediterranean basin puts under potential risk of damage and collapse a high number of historical constructions, namely most of the old masonry constructions, particularly vulnerable to seismic actions. The seismic behaviour of the Church of Monastery of Jerónimos, Portugal, is discussed here with a numerical simulation, using artificial seismic acceleration time histories in agreement with three seismic hazard scenarios for 475, 975 and 5000 years return periods, allowing to assess its seismic safety

    Occurrence and removal of pharmaceuticals in wastewater treatment plants at the Spanish Mediterranean area of Valencia

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    A survey on the presence of pharmaceuticals in urban wastewater of a Spanish Mediterranean area (Castellon province) was carried out. The scope of the study included a wide variety of pharmaceuticals belonging to different therapeutical classes. For this purpose, 112 samples, including influent and effluent wastewater, from different conventional wastewater treatment plants were collected. Two monitoring programmes were carried out along several seasons. The first was in June 2008 and January 2009, and the second in April and October 2009. During the first monitoring, the occurrence of 20 analytes in 84 urban wastewater samples (influent and effluent) was studied. The selection of these pharmaceuticals was mainly based on consumption. From these, 17 compounds were detected in the samples, with analgesics and anti-inflammatories, cholesterol lowering statin drugs and lipid regulators being the most frequently detected groups. 4-Aminoantipyrine, bezafibrate, diclofenac, gemfibrozil, ketoprofen, naproxen and venlafaxine were the compounds most frequently found. In the highlight of these results, the number of analytes was increased up to around 50. A lot of antibiotic compounds were added to the target list as they were considered “priority pharmaceuticals” due to their more potential hazardous effects in the aquatic environment. Data obtained during the second monitoring programme (spring and autumn) corroborated the results from the first one (summer and winter). Analgesics and anti-inflammatories, lipid regulators together with quinolone and macrolide antibiotics were the most abundant pharmaceuticals. Similar median concentrations were found over the year and seasonal variation was not clearly observed. The removal efficiency of pharmaceuticals in the wastewater treatment plants was roughly evaluated. Our results indicated that elimination of most of the selected compounds occurred during the treatment process of influent wastewater, although it was incomplete

    Possibilidades de intervenção estrutural para mitigar o risco sísmico da Igreja do Mosteiro dos Jerónimos

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    De acordo com um diagnóstico previamente estabelecido, o comportamento dinâmico da Igreja do Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, para acções horizontais, é condicionado pelo comportamento dos pilares da nave que aparecem como os elementos mais vulneráveis [1]. Os resultados de simulações numéricas do comportamento sísmico da Igreja sugerem mesmo a possibilidade de colapso dos pilares para cenários de casualidade sísmica com períodos de retorno iguais ou superiores a 5000 anos. Os resultados para estes cenários sugerem também a eminência de colapso do campanário da torre Sul. Neste contexto, tendo presente o elevado valor patrimonial do monumento – Igreja do Mosteiro dos Jerónimos – apresentam-se neste trabalho um conjunto de possibilidades de intervenção estrutural, compatíveis com o valor arquitectónico da construção, com vista à melhoria do desempenho dinâmico e à mitigação do risco sísmico da Igreja. As soluções de intervenção propostas visam essencialmente a melhoria do desempenho sísmico dos pilares, pela incidência das vulnerabilidades detectadas no diagnóstico e pela sua importância na segurança global da nave da Igreja. Com base em resultados de ensaios de simulação numérica, discutem-se as vantagens e as desvantagens das diferentes estratégias de solução e indica-se aquela que conduz ao melhor desempenho dos pilares de forma a salvaguardar a integridade estrutural da Igreja para aqueles cenários sísmicos