Perceived Competence and Agreeableness Predict Positive Behaviors Toward Mexican Immigrants: Less Acculturated Hispanics are More Welcoming of Immigrants


The resettlement of immigrants who have fled their countries because of dire consequences at home and better opportunities elsewhere, has given rise to a range of prejudices toward them in their host countries. We examined prejudices and discrimination toward immigrants, specifically Mexican immigrants, as a function of their perceived competence and warmth within the context of the Stereotype Content Model. We also examined perceiver’s agreeableness, openness to experience, attitudes and acculturation level, and their links with prejudices toward immigrants. We found that an immigrant’s competence elicited strong and more positive feelings and responses than warmth. More competent immigrants were more likely to be liked and welcomed. Of the Big Five variables, Agreeableness was strongly linked with positive sentiments and actions toward immigrants. However, Attitudes toward immigrants showed the strongest correlations with the criterion variables, of how individuals will feel and intend to behave toward immigrants. Finally, acculturation within Latinos correlated negatively with positive feelings and actions toward immigrants. More acculturated Latinos were less welcoming of immigrants. The findings serve to inform policymakers of the varied prejudices held of immigrants and the types of discrimination they are likely to face in order to help them implement humane policy options

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