20 research outputs found

    Taaskoolis: Täiskasvanud kõrgharidust omandamas: Õpingute ühildamine töö ja eraeluga

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    Taas koolis programmi eesmärk on selgitada, kas ja kuidas on Eestis tasemeharidus omandavad täikasvanud teadvustanud vajadust aja paindlikumaks korraldamiseks ning kas ja kuidas on nad leidnud võimalusi oma õpingute, töö ja eraelu paindlikuks ja tasakaalustatud ühendamiseks ning millised on nende strateegias õpingute ühildamiseks elu teiste sfääridega

    Doktorantide teadustöö keele valikutest

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    On language choices amongEstonian doctoral studentsEve-Liis Roosmaa, Triin Roosalu, Peep NemvaltsTallinn UniversityTo explain language choices in Estonian doctoral theses we conducteda survey on the views of doctoral students regarding the usage ofEstonian language in research and how this relates to their attitudestowards the usage of English language. We rely on the conceptof intercultural strategies, introduced by John Berry (1997) as anextension of his earlier concept of acculturation strategies. In ourstudy we consider Estonian doctoral students as members of smallEstonian language research community embedded in large albeit diverseEnglish language academic culture. We also assume that integrationwith academic world presumes in addition to understandingand knowledge building in English, wish to understand and expressscientific thoughts in Estonian too. It appears that doing researchin Estonian poses difficulties because doctoral students, especiallythose in natural sciences as compared to social sciences, cannot findright terms or concepts. However, doctoral students feel that scientificwriting is easier, more logical and nuanced in mother tongue.Still, more than third of all respondents admit having problems withsentence construction. We find that doctoral students who have practiceddifferent ways of doing science in Estonian (reading, writing,attending conferences), tend to assess their languages skills better.These are more likely social sciences doctoral students, as their researchtopics more often relate to studying Estonian specificity andthus overall scientific communication in Estonian is more intensein this field. Hence we find that doctoral students need systematicsupport in developing academic language in both Estonian and a foreign(often English) language

    PLUS.WP7 Sopolabs.Estonia

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    The dataset consists of summaries of the two social policy laboratory (Sopolab) sessions conducted in Tallinn. The goal of the labs was to engage variety of stakeholders and to trigger a debate on problems, challenges and possible policy solutions related to platform work, including to disseminate PLUS results and to produce shared policy proposals and disseminate best practices. “PLUS_16E_PLUS.WP7 Tallinn Sopolabs_Labour_20220509” gives an overview of the local level SoPo lab on the topic "Labour Rights and organization in Platform Economy” that took place 6 November 2020. Several stakeholders engaged with platform economy were recruited to discuss issues related to labour organization and platform workers’ rights in the context of COVID19 pandemic. “PLUS_16E_PLUS.WP7 Tallinn Sopolabs_Welfare_20220509” gives an overview of the local level SoPo lab on the topic “How to innovate Welfare for Platform Workers” that took place in two parts: 16 December 2021 and 29 December 2021. It aimed to identify practical initiatives that can be taken to extend welfare and social security coverage for platform workers

    Mittetraditsiooniline tudeng kõrgkoolis

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    Primus projekti Õppija 2.0 uuring.Käesolev uuringuaruanne on üles ehitatud järgnevalt. Kõigepealt anname ülevaate uuringu kontseptuaalsest taustast ja analüüsi aluseks olevatest andmetest. Seejärel tutvustame empiirilise analüüsi tulemusi, seda kolmes osas. Esmalt kirjeldame, keda kõrgkoolide esindajad peavad oma õppeprogrammi sihtgrupiks ja kuidas kõrgkoolid üldse näevad mittetraditsioonilist õppijat. Seejärel analüüsime õppimisvõimaluste kättesaadavust, arvestades täiskasvanud õppijate kogemust ja kõrvutades seda kõrgkoolide esindajate intervjuudest kuulduga. Kolmandas osas lahkame põhjalikumalt vahetut õpikeskkonda ja õpetamisprotsessi, tuginedes siingi ühelt poolt täiskasvanud õppijate kogemusele ja teisalt koolide esindajate intervjuudele. Uuringu põhijäreldused toome ära kokkuvõttes. Uuring annab teavet õpetamisprotsessi kujundamiseks ja hariduspoliitiliste otsuste langetamiseks nii kõrgkooli kui riigi tasemel, et selle kaudu arendada kolmanda taseme õppe kvaliteeti lähtuvalt elukestval õppel põhineva ühiskonna vajadustest

    Täiskasvanud õppijad Eesti kõrgharidussüsteemis

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    Siinse uuringu ülesandeks oli analüüsida täiskasvanud õppijate kogemusi ja ootusi seoses kõrgkoolis õppimisega, õpikeskkonnaga, ning õpingute ja muu elu ühendamisega. Eestis on sarnast, spetsiaalselt täiskasvanud õppijate kogemusele keskenduvat uuringut varem läbi viidud 2007. aastal, mil Tallinna Ülikooli professor Ellu Saare juhtimisel töötati Euroopa Liidu 6. raamprogrammi rahvusvahelise uurimisprojekti „Elukestval õppel põhineva ühiskonna poole Euroopas: haridussüsteemi roll” ehk LLL2010 raames välja ja viidi kolmeteistkümnes Euroopa riigis läbi esimene formaalharidussüsteemis õppivate täiskasvanute uuring. Eestis küsitleti 2007. aastal toimunud uuringu raames 1000 õppijat, kellest 250 omandas kõrgharidust. Nende andmete põhjal on avaldatud mitmeid originaalseid uuringuid ja analüüse. Nüüdseks on toonased, veel majanduskasvu ajal kogutud andmed kaotanud oma aktuaalsuse – enamus siis õppinuid on juba kooli lõpetanud, uute õppijate kooli astumine on aga langenud globaalse majanduskriisi aega. Kuidas mõjutab see kontekst tänaseid täiskasvanud õppijaid? Mil moel erinevad eri tüüpi kõrgkoolides õppivad tudengid? Kas lastega ja lasteta tudengid pühendavad õpingutele ühepalju aega? Kui töötaval tudengil on samal ajal täita nii koolitöö kui palgatöö ülesandeid, siis kumma seab ta oma prioriteediks? Mida tähendab täiskasvanud õppijatele kõrgharidus – miks nad seda omandavad? Millised on nende ettepanekud kõrgkoolide õppijasõbralikumaks muutmiseks?http://primus.archimedes.ee/sites/default/files/Taiskasvanud_oppija_2.pd

    Üldpädevuste kujundamine ja osaliste agentsus mitteformaalõppes

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    Artiklis anname ülevaate üldpädevuste käsitlemisest mitteformaalõppes. Eesmärk on välja selgitada, kuidas mitteformaalõppe poliitikadokumentides ja praktikas avaldub üldpädevuste arendamine ja osaliste agentsus. Selleks analüüsime üldpädevuste avaldumist kuue valdkondliku raja 23 poliitikadokumendis ja nende radade praktikute arusaamades. Mitteformaalõppe põhimõtete rakendajatega tehtud 12 fookusgrupiintervjuu  põhjal selgitasime välja, kuidas toetatakse ja arendatakse üldpädevusi ning konstrueeritakse osaliste  agentsust. Kriitilisel diskursuseanalüüsil selgus, et üldpädevusi poliitikadokumentides otseselt ei nimetata, ent sisuliselt need mitteformaalõppele seatud eesmärkides siiski väljenduvad. Ka praktikud kirjeldavad  üldpädevuste arendamist oma igapäevatöös, kuid ei nimeta neid riiklikust õppekavast tuttavate terminitega ega mõtesta üldpädevustena. Praktikute kirjeldustes konstrueeritakse mitteformaalõpet õppija agentsuse toetajana, mis annab õppe eesmärgi seadel ja hindamisel vastutuse õppijale. Praktikute enesekäsitluses on läbi põimunud osaleja, arendaja ja õppimise võimaldaja rollid.  Summar

    Jätkusuutlikud teadlaskarjääri kontseptsioonid ja mudelid Eesti kontekstis : lõpparuanne

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    Uuringu tellis SA Eesti Teadusagentuur. Uuringu tegi Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia koostöös Tallinna Ülikooli ja Tallinna Tehnikaülikooliga.Esitatakse ülevaade kaasaegsete teadlaskarjääri mudelite põhimõtetest, peamistest elemen-tidest, nende teisenemisest viimastel aastakümnetel ning erinevate mudelite rakendamisel ilmnenud kitsaskohtadest teaduskirjanduses 2011–2017 ilmunud artiklite, üksikutes riikides rakendatud mudelite võrdlevate ülevaadete ja neis esitatud materjalide ekspertarutelude alusel. Sama andmestiku alusel analüüsitakse teadlaskarjääride kujunemise dünaamikat ja teadlaskarjääri iseärasuste seoseid teadlaste mõjukuse ja teadussüsteemi toimimisega. Tõdetakse, et optimaalne teadlaskarjääri mudel on üks teadmispõhise ühiskonna tugedest ning ideaalis mehhanism, mis realiseerib parimal moel teadlaste potentsiaali ühiskonna vaja-dusteks. Identifitseeritakse Eesti jaoks sobivate mudelite kontseptuaalsed alused, soovitus-likud ülesehituse printsiibid ja võimalikud proportsioonid ning ajaline dünaamika. Leitakse, et Eestis tuleks käivitada selge ja läbipaistev ning samas piisavalt paindlik ja erisusi aktsepteeriv karjäärimudel, mis annaks julgustava signaali võimekatele noorteadlastele, võimaldaks selekteerida välja säravad teadlased juba suhteliselt varases staadiumis ning aitaks kaasa võrdsete võimaluste tagamisele. Mudeli eesmärk on väga häid tippe Eesti akadeemilisele maastikule juurde saada ja neid siin hoida. Sellise mudeli selgroona soovitatakse luua tenuurisüsteem (tähtajalised ametikohad tenuu-rirajal, millele järgnevad tähtajatud tenuuri ametikohad) olemasoleva süsteemi täiendusena. Süsteem peaks haarama väikese hulga tippteadlasi (ligikaudu 1/5 teadlastest ja õppejõudu-dest) ning toimima lävendipõhiselt õigustatud ootuse printsiibi alusel. Tenuurisüsteem eel-dab stabiilset rahastust, mis peab olema garanteeritud asutuste, mitte teadlaste endi ega nende allüksuste poolt. Tenuurisüsteemi põhimõtted tuleks sätestada seaduse tasemel, jättes ülikoolidele ulatusliku otsustusõiguse detailide kujundamisel. Jõutakse järeldusele, et taoline süsteem teeb teadlaskarjääri atraktiivseks, pakkudes tenuuri jõudnutele töökohakindlust ja rahvusvaheliselt konkurentsivõimelisi töötingimusi. Paralleel-selt tenuurisüsteemiga tuleb käigus hoida laiapõhjaline akadeemiline kogukond, mille ole-masolu tagab teadusmaastiku paindlikkuse. Analüüsitakse tenuuri tüüpi mudelite spetsiifikat teadlaste mobiilsuse, tippteaduse toeta-mise, teaduskoostöö kujunemise ja pärssivate tegurite seisukohalt. Antakse ülevaade soolise ebavõrdsuse problemaatikast karjäärimudeli kontekstis. Peetakse vajalikuks lähtuda teadlas-te soorituse hindamisel nende saavutustest selle aja vältel, mil nad on olnud aktiivselt tege-vad teadusmaastikul. Formuleeritakse soovitused karjääri üksikute elementide rakendamiseks Eesti tingimustes. Skitseeritakse tenuurisüsteemi rahastamise võimalused. Leitakse, et süsteemi tõrgeteta funktsioneerimiseks on vaja tagada õigeaegne väärikas väljumine nii, et pensionile jäämisega ei kaasne olulist elukvaliteedi langust. Kirjeldatakse võimalusi kujundada Eestis laiendatud akadeemiline tööturg. Soovitatakse jätkata tööstusdoktorantuuri institutsionaliseerimist ning käivitada teemapõhise uurija-professori institutsioon.The principles of contemporary research career models are outlined together with descriptions of their chief elements, modifications in the recent past, and known bottlenecks. The study is based on research papers published in scholarly journals in 2011–2017, comparative surveys of various models, and expert discussions over materials from these sources. The same dataset serves as the basis for analysing the dynamics of research career formation and links of research career peculiarities with researchers’ scientific prestige and functionality of the R&D system. An optimal research career model is found to be among the cornerstones of a knowledge-based society. Ideally, it is also a transfer mechanism of scientists’ capacity into practices meeting societal needs in the best possible way. The conceptual framework, recommended basic principles, as well as possible proportions of models suitable for Estonia are identified. The best suited career model to be implemented in Estonia has to be clear and transparent and, at the same time, sufficiently flexible and exception-tolerant. It is expected to communicate a motivating message to talented young scientists, enable creaming off excellent researchers in a relatively early stage of their careers, and contribute to promoting equal opportunities. The chief aim of the model is to attract the very best (top) scientists into the Estonian academic landscape and to keep them here. It is recommended that the core of such a model is formed by a tenure system (temporary positions on the tenure track followed by permanent tenure positions), launched as an extension to the currently existing R&D system. Desirably, the tenure system should encompass a relatively small cohort of top scientists (about 1/5 of research scientists and university teachers). Career paths in the tenure system should be threshold-based and follow the principle of legitimate expectation. Stable funding is an undisputed prerequisite for the tenure system and must be the responsibility of the entire institution. While the principles of the tenure system should be established by law, it makes good sense to give universities a wide span of control for determining the details. In all probability this kind of a system will make research careers attractive, offering enhanced job security and internationally competitive working conditions to the successful candidates. A broad-based academic community has to be upheld in parallel with the tenure system to ensure the flexibility of the research landscape. The specific features of tenure-type models are analysed with respect to research mobility, fostering of cutting edge science, evolution of research collaboration, and hindering factors. Also, the issues of gender inequality in context of career models are described. For evaluation of researchers’ performance it would be fair to take into account their achievements during the period of time when they were actively involved in the research. Recommendations for implementing single elements of such a system in Estonia are formulated and possible sources for its funding are indicated. Smooth functioning of the system is guaranteed only if the researchers’ exit occurs in a timely and dignified manner. The possible solutions for shaping an extended academic labour market in Estonia are described. Continuing the institutionalisation of the so-called industrial PhD education and launching topical Academy Research Professors’ institution are recommended.Tööd rahastatakse „Valdkondliku teadus- ja arendustegevuse tugevdamise (RITA)“ tegevuse 4 raames Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondist

    Inclusiveness of Access Policies to Maternity Care for Migrant Women Across Europe: A Policy Review

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    Introduction Despite the interconnectedness of the European Union, there are significant variations in pregnant women’s legal status as migrants and therefore their ability to access maternity care. Limited access to maternity care can lead to higher morbidity and mortality rates in migrant women and their babies. This study aimed to investigate and compare maternal health access policies and the context in which they operate across European countries for women who have migrated and are not considered citizens of the host country. Methods The study adopted a mixed-methods research design exploring policies on migrant women’s access to maternity care across the migration regimes. Data were extracted from legal documents and research reports to construct a new typology to identify the inclusiveness of policies determining access to maternity care for migrant women. Results This study found inconsistency in the categorisation of migrants across countries and significant disparities in access to maternity care for migrant women within and between European countries. A lack of connection between access policies and migration regimes, along with a lack of fit between policies and public support for migration suggests a low level of path dependency and leaves space for policy innovation. Discussion Inequities and inconsistencies in policies across European countries affect non-citizen migrant women’s access to maternity care. These policies act to reproduce structural inequalities which compromise the health of vulnerable women and newborns in reception countries. There is an urgent need to address this inequity, which discriminates against these already marginalised women

    Sõjakäsitlus tavateadvuses: Esimene maailmasõda tänapäeva noorte silme läbi / Lay Representations of War: The First World War through the Eyes of Today’s Youth

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    Teesid: Sõjakäsitlus tavateadvuses on paljukihiline: selles on nii isikliku/perekondliku kogemuse elemente kui ka kollektiivsete ajalookujutluste ühtlustavaid mõjusid. Esimene maailmasõda on meist ajas sellisel kaugusel, kus see on muundunud sündmuse esialgsest kommunikatiivse mälu vormis meenutamisest institutsionaliseeritud kultuurimälu osaks. 2014. aastal viidi kahekümnes Euroopa riigis läbi üliõpilaste küsitlus, selgitamaks tänapäeva noorte kollektiivseid kujutlusi Esimesest maailmasõjast. Artiklis kirjeldame Eesti noorte Esimese maailmasõjaga seotud arusaamu ja võrdleme neid teistes Euroopa riikides elavate noorte arusaamadega. Eraldi analüüsime vastuseid küsimusele „Mida saame õppida Esimese maailmasõja kogemusest?“.   Lay understanding of war is multi-layered containing elements of personal or family experience as well as the unifying effects of collective memory (representations). The First World War is at such a distance from us that a change in the form of collective historical representation has taken place, from the initial commemoration of the event in the form of communicative memory to part of institutionalised cultural memory (Assmann 2008). According to today’s view, the First World War is second most important global historical event (Liu et al. 2005). In 2014, one hundred years after the beginning of the First World War, a survey of students was conducted in twenty European countries (within the framework of COST Action IS1205 Social Psychological Dynamics of Historical Representations in the Enlarged European Union) to investigate the commonalities and differences in social representations of the War among young Europeans. Young people were asked about their factual knowledge of the War, their family war experiences, feelings related to the War, and more general interpretations of the war such as what they considered the main causes of the War to be, who was attributed the responsibility for the outbreak of the War, how they evaluate the violence of the different parties, how they perceive the distribution of the roles of aggressor and victim, etc. Background characteristics included cultural and national identity, anti-war attitudes, etc. In Estonia, the survey was conducted in both Estonian and Russian. In the article, we describe the main results of these studies. Previous analysis found that Europeans share a common representation of the causes of the First World War, although young people in Western and Eastern European countries have different interpretative frameworks when thinking about this war (Bouchat et al. 2019a; Pawliczek 2014). While in Western Europe it is the tragic Great War, with a definite beginning and end, in Eastern Europe there is not such a clear collective perception. The First World War led to various other wars in these countries, as a result of which empires fell apart and many small countries, including Estonia, gained independence, paradoxically a positive consequence of the War for these nations. Awareness of family or national war victimhood is linked to anti-war attitudes today; for more pacifist young people the First World War is associated with real and emotional human suffering, while less pacifist young people think more abstractly about the geopolitical results of the War (Bouchat et al. 2019b). Young people growing up in peacetime Europe after the Second World War have generally been free from militaristic propaganda. There has been a purposeful attempt to shape young people’s approach to history in schools, the trend of which in most European countries has been to reconcile former enemies (Rosoux et al. 2019). The survey discussed in the article showed considerable commonality and consensus in the representation of the First World War. The descendants of the former hostile parties evaluate this war in the same way, can reproduce the same facts, events, and characters, and interpret the causes and consequences of the war similarly. Looking back, young people primarily see the futility of War and the unnecessary human suffering. Thus, pacifism as one of the cultural consequences of the War is a viable common sense way of thinking today. Analysing Estonian war literature, Jaan Undusk (2016) has come to the conclusion that ‘passive pacifism’ and indifference to war are characteristic of Estonians. Unlike the communicative memory of the Second World War, where former intergroup enmity is still alive at times, in the collective cultural memory of the First World War, emotionality has faded and transformed; for example former war excitement or rage has become sadness and grief. Instead of enmity between countries and peoples, one sees rather a social conflict between greedy and reckless elites and ordinary people sacrificed for their interests (Bouchat et al. 2019a). One hundred years later, the First World War appears to the youth of Europe as a warning, a negative symbol that is contrasted with united Europe as a peace project (Bouchat et al. 2023). In this way, history has been transformed into a shared symbolic resource, war in collective memory acting as a supporter of international peace. Young people have developed a homogeneous anti-war-oriented collective image of the First World War. Estonian youth’s factual knowledge of the First World War was surprisingly good, considering the marginality of this war from the point of view of Estonian identity or current inter-group relations: Estonians do not feel like victims or war criminals, they do not feel the desire for revenge, there is no need to forgive anyone or demand an apology from anyone. We separately analysed Estonian young people’s answers to the question "What can we learn from the experience of the First World War?" Generalising the answers, we can conclude that most young people took a progressive, linear view of history, according to which war is an anomaly, a disease of society that can and should be prevented. The lessons of the First World War were primarily perceived as ways of preventing future conflict and avoiding the mistakes made in the past, both at the level of individuals, social groups (the elite), and society as a whole. A stable and peaceful world was perceived as the norm