111 research outputs found

    Debates sociais da Espanha nos anos 50, a partir do enfoque narrativo em Últimas Tardes con Teresa (1966), de Juan Marsé

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    Juan Marsé nasceu em oito de janeiro de 1933, na cidade de Barcelona, Espanha. Escritor autodidata define-se como um romancista catalão que escreve em castelhano. Pertence ao grupo de jovens escritores que entre 1955 e 1970 procuram a superação da narrativa espanhola do ponto de vista das técnicas vigentes em seu tempo, e da visão crítica da realidade espanhola que eles próprios viveram, pois esses autores presenciaram a Guerra Civil Espanhola, sofreram as perdas de familiares e amigos e alguns foram exilados em outros países da Europa ou da América Latina. Relaciona-se com autores como Martín Santos, Juan e Luis Goytisolo, García Hortelano, compartilhando as suas características narrativas. Em 1966 publica Últimas tardes con Teresa, seu primeiro grande romance, que o faz ganhar o Prêmio Biblioteca Breve de Seix Barral. Suas obras, traduzidas para a maior parte de línguas do mundo, fizeram com que Barcelona ficasse conhecida até nos países mais distantes, pois a cidade é o cenário principal de suas obras

    O impacto de biofilmes microbianos na higiene e segurança alimentar

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    Em 2012 foram reportados na União Europeia 5363 surtos de origem alimentar, resultando em 55453 casos humanos, os quais causaram 5118 hospitalizações e 41 mortes [1]. A maioria dos surtos notificados foi provocada por Salmonella, toxinas bacterianas, vírus e Campylobacter. Além destes microrganismos, Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli e Staphylococcus aureus estão também entre os patogénicos alimentares mais problemáticos. A formação de biofilmes nas superfícies de processamento de alimentos é uma das principais causas destes surtos. De facto, todos estes microrganismos apresentam uma grande capacidade para formar biofilmes e estes podem desenvolver-se em todo o tipo de superfícies na indústria alimentar, incluindo aço inoxidável, polipropileno, vidro, etc. Os biofilmes constituem uma fonte de contaminação dos alimentos com que contactam e o seu desprendimento das superfícies causa ainda a contaminação do ambiente circundante. Pode definir-se biofilme como um agregado de células microbianas formado sobre uma superfície ou interface frequentemente envolto numa matriz de substâncias poliméricas, a maioria de origem microbiana [2]. Estas estruturas apresentam uma grande tolerância a agressões externas, nomeadamente a agentes antimicrobianos químicos. A tolerância inerente dos biofilmes a biocidas químicos tem suscitado o interesse no desenvolvimento de métodos alternativos de controlo de patogénicos alimentares. Neste artigo serão abordados os princípios fundamentais de adesão e persistência de patogénicos alimentares nas superfícies alimentares e de contacto com alimentos. Será referido o papel dos biofilmes na resistência cruzada e por fim serão apresentados 2 métodos inovadores de controlo de biofilmes

    Programa Nacional para a Promoção da Atividade Física 2017

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    Este documento faz um ponto de situação sobre a atividade física em 2016, um resumo das previsão do que vai ser feito em 2017 e o que se prevê fazer até 2020. Como principal conclusão, observa-se que a maioria dos portugueses não cumpre as recomendações internacionais para a prática de atividade física, devendo ser produzido um plano de ação nacional, com indicadores definidos, que envolva vários Ministérios.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The relative importance of shear forces and surface hydrophobicity on biofilm formation by coccoid cyanobacteria

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    Understanding the conditions affecting cyanobacterial biofilm development is crucial to develop new antibiofouling strategies and decrease the economic and environmental impact of biofilms in marine settings. In this study, we investigated the relative importance of shear forces and surface hydrophobicity on biofilm development by two coccoid cyanobacteria with different biofilm formation capacities. The strong biofilm-forming Synechocystis salina was used along with the weaker biofilm-forming Cyanobium sp. Biofilms were developed in defined hydrodynamic conditions using glass (a model hydrophilic surface) and a polymeric epoxy coating (a hydrophobic surface) as substrates. Biofilms developed in both surfaces at lower shear conditions contained a higher number of cells and presented higher values for wet weight, thickness, and chlorophyll a content. The impact of hydrodynamics on biofilm development was generally stronger than the impact of surface hydrophobicity, but a combined effect of these two parameters strongly affected biofilm formation for the weaker biofilm-producing organism. The antibiofilm performance of the polymeric coating was confirmed at the hydrodynamic conditions prevailing in ports. Shear forces were shown to have a profound impact on biofilm development in marine settings regardless of the fouling capacity of the existing flora and the hydrophobicity of the surface.This research was funded by Base Funding - UIDB/00511/2020 of the Laboratory for Process Engineering, Environment, Biotechnology and Energy - LEPABE—funded by national funds through the FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC), “CVMAR+i - Industrial Innovation and Marine Biotechnology Valorization” project, funded by INTERREG V Espanha Portugal (POCTEP) (0302_CVMAR_I_1_P), and UIDB/04423/2020

    the Portuguese model

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    Genome-scale metabolic model of the human pathogen Candida albicans: a promising platform for drug target prediction

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    Candida albicans is one of the most impactful fungal pathogens and the most common cause of invasive candidiasis, which is associated with very high mortality rates. With the rise in the frequency of multidrug-resistant clinical isolates, the identification of new drug targets and new drugs is crucial in overcoming the increase in therapeutic failure. In this study, the first validated genome-scale metabolic model for Candida albicans, iRV781, is presented. The model consists of 1221 reactions, 926 metabolites, 781 genes, and four compartments. This model was reconstructed using the open-source software tool merlin 4.0.2. It is provided in the well-established systems biology markup language (SBML) format, thus, being usable in most metabolic engineering platforms, such as OptFlux or COBRA. The model was validated, proving accurate when predicting the capability of utilizing different carbon and nitrogen sources when compared to experimental data. Finally, this genome-scale metabolic reconstruction was tested as a platform for the identification of drug targets, through the comparison between known drug targets and the prediction of gene essentiality in conditions mimicking the human host. Altogether, this model provides a promising platform for global elucidation of the metabolic potential of C. albicans, possibly guiding the identification of new drug targets to tackle human candidiasis.“Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia” (FCT) [Contract PTDC /BII-BIO/28216/2017] and by Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa 2020 [LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-022231], through the Biodata.pt Research Infrastructure. Funding received by iBB-Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences from FCT [Contract UIDB/04565/2020]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A computational approach to finding new drug targets for pathogenic Candida species

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    Candida species are among the most impactful fungal pathogens, normally associated with very high mortality rates. With the rise in frequency of multidrug-resistant clinical isolates, the identification of new drug targets and new drugs is crucial to overcome the increase in therapeutic failure. In this study, we present the first validated genome-scale metabolic models for three pathogenic Candida species, Candida albicans, Candida auris and Candida parapsilosis. These models were reconstructed using the open-source software tool merlin 4.0.2 and are provided in the well-established systems biology markup language (SBML) format, thus, being usable in most metabolic engineering platforms, such as OptFlux or COBRA. These models were used as a platform for the discovery of new drug targets, through the determination of gene essentiality in conditions mimicking the human host. Using predictive computational techniques, Homology Modelling and Molecular Docking, we were able to identify potential inhibitory compounds for the identified drug targets, whose experimental validation is underway. This computational approach provides a promising platform for the identification of new drug targets and new antifungal drugs to tackle human candidiasis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Genome-scale metabolic model of the human pathogen C. albicans: aiming the identification of promising new drug targets

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    Candida albicans is the most common cause of invasive candidiasis, partly due to its ability to acquire drug resistance. With the rise in frequency of multidrug resistant clinical isolates, therapeutic options are running low. The identification of new drug targets and new drugs is crucial to overcome the increase in therapeutic failure. Currently, genome-scale metabolic models can be considered established tools for drug targeting. In this study, we propose the first genome-scale metabolic model for Candida albicans, iRV1930. The model consists of 1556 reactions, 1344 metabolites, 1053 genes, and 5 compartments. This model, currently under validation, proved accurate when predicting the capability of utilizing different carbon and nitrogen sources when compared to experimental data. This model was reconstructed using open source software tool, merlin 3.9.6, and is provided in the well-established systems biology markup language (SBML) format, thus, it can be used in most metabolic engineering platforms, such as OptFlux or Cobra. Altogether, this model provides a promising platform for global elucidation of the metabolism of C. albicans, currently being used to guide the identification of new drug targets to tackle human candidiasis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Os militares e a ordem constitucional republicana: de 1898 a 1964

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    No presente artigo busca-se avaliar o papel dos militares na ordem constitucional brasileira, durante o período compreendido entre a proclamação da República e o golpe de 1964. Neste sentido serão analisadas as inúmeras fases de irrendentismo e revoltas militares ocorridas ao longo do processo histórico, bem como a ação intervencionista das Forças Armadas, que sempre atuaram institucionalmente como árbitros - legais ou supra legais - entre as elites econômicas, sociais e políticas no interior do Estado Nacional