345 research outputs found

    Aplicación de técnicas avanzadas de interferometría diferencial SAR para la detección de deformaciones del terreno en Madrid

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    El uso de técnicas avanzadas de interferometría diferencial en un conjunto de imágenes SAR permite la detección de movimientos en el terreno con mayor precisión que las técnicas clásicas. En este documento se presentan los resultados de aplicar una de estas técnicas avanzadas en la ciudad de Madrid, donde ha sido detectada una deformación del terreno asociada a la variación del nivel de agua del acuífero detrítico del Terciario.The advanced Differential INterferometry SAR (DInSAR) techniques are able to detect terrain deformations more accurately than classic DInSAR ones. In this paper, the results obtained with one of this advanced techniques in Madrid city are presented, where an up-down movement has been detected and associated to the water level variation in the aquifer located under Madrid city

    The mobility in a Mexican metropolitan area, case study: Querétaro, México

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    El fenómeno metropolitano afecta hoy en día a la mayor parte de los países latinoamericanos, produciendo asentamientos humanos en la periferia de las ciudades, los cuales presentan características de integración funcional a su núcleo central. La presente investigación se centra en el análisis de las características de los desplazamientos de personas en la Zona Metropolitana de Querétaro (ZMQ), como caso de estudio. Mediante el empleo de estadística descriptiva y de regresiones logísticas, analiza las características socioeconómicas de los individuos que influyen en su elección de un medio de transporte. Los resultados muestran cómo el ingreso del individuo es un factor determinante en la elección del medio de transporte y cómo ese ingreso, al incrementarse, influye de manera determinante en la tasa de viajes de los habitantes estudiados. The metropolitan growth of cities affects most Latin-American countries nowadays, producing human settlements on the outskirts of the cities. Sprawled areas reveal a number of important characteristics of functional integrity with respect to downtowns. Mobility of people within the Queretaro Metropolitan Area (QMA) is our case study, so this research analyzes the characteristics of the movement of people within this medium-sized Mexican city. By using survey data and both descriptive statistics and logistic regression methods, we examine the socioeconomic characteristics of individuals which most influence the choice of urban means of transportation. The results achieved show the way in which individual income is a crucial factor when speaking about the choice of means of transportation: the more income increase, the more significant influence produces on the travel rate of the people studied.


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    Comunicación presentada a FENS Forum 2022Alzheimer¿s disease (AD) is pathologically characterised by the presence of amyloid-beta plaques, neurofibrillary tangles containing hyperphosphorylated Tau protein, neuroinflammation and neuronal death leading to progressive cognitive impairment. The ¿4 allele of the gene encoding apolipoprotein E (APOE), which is mainly expressed in glial cells, is the strongest genetic risk factor for sporadic AD. Increasing evidence has shown that APOE4 may disrupt normal astrocyte activity, potentially contributing to AD pathology, but the impact of different APOE alleles on astrocyte differentiation, maturation and function is not yet fully understood. To go in depth on these questions, we obtained induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from fibroblasts of AD patients carrying ¿3 and ¿4 alleles (in homozygosis) and from healthy patients. We also used gene-edited iPSC lines homozygous for the main APOE variants and an APOE knock-out line. iPSC-derived human astrocytes were generated by establishing a differentiation protocol through the consecutive addition of small molecules and growth factors, and the expression of typical markers (GFAP, GLT1, AQP4 and S100beta) and APOE was analysed. In addition, astrocytes exhibited functional features like glutamate uptake capacity and calcium waves production. They also responded to an inflammatory stimulus (IL-1beta and TNF-alpha) or to the presence of amyloid-beta 1-42 peptide by changing their morphology and increasing the expression levels of pro-inflammatory factors and cytokines. Our results shed light on the potential dual role of APOE polymorphism and the individual¿s genetic background in favouring or perhaps preventing AD pathology


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    Comunicación presentada en Global Summit on Neurodegenerative Diseases NEURO 2020/22The ε4 allele of the gene encoding apolipoprotein E (APOE), which is mainly expressed in glial cells, is the strongest genetic risk factor for sporadic AD. Increasing evidence has shown that APOE4 may disrupt normal astrocyte activity, potentially contributing to AD pathology, but the impact of different APOE alleles on astrocyte maturation and function as well as their inflammatory profile is not yet fully understood. To answer these questions, we obtained induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from fibroblasts of AD patients carrying ε3 and ε4 alleles (in homozygosis) and from healthy patients. We also used gene-edited iPSC lines homozygous for the main APOE variants and an APOE knock-out line. iPSC-derived human astrocytes were generated through the consecutive addition of small molecules and growth factors to the culture medium, and the expression of typical markers (GFAP, GLT1, AQP4 and S100beta) was analysed. In addition, astrocytes exhibited functional features like glutamate uptake capacity and calcium waves. They also responded to an inflammatory stimulus (IL-1beta and TNF-alpha) or to the presence of amyloid-beta 1-42 peptide by changing their morphology and increasing the expression levels of pro-inflammatory factors and cytokines. Our results shed light on the potential dual role of APOE polymorphism and the individual's genetic background in favouring or perhaps preventing AD pathology

    Efficacy and safety of a hexanic extract of Serenoa repens (Permixon (R)) for the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (LUTS/BPH): systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials and observational studies

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    Objectives To comprehensively evaluate the efficacy and safety of the hexanic extract of Serenoa repens (HESr, Permixon (R); Pierre Fabre Medicament, Castres, France), at a dose of 320 mg daily, as monotherapy for the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (LUTS/BPH). Materials and methods We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and prospective observational studies in patients with LUTS/BPH identified through searches in Medline, Web of Knowledge (Institute for Scientific Information), Scopus, the Cochrane Library, and bibliographic references up to March 2017. Articles studying S. repens extracts other than Permixon were excluded. Data were collected on International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), maximum urinary flow rate (Qmax), nocturia, quality of life, prostate volume, sexual function, and adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Data obtained from RCTs and observational studies were analysed jointly and separately using a random effects model. A sub-group analysis was performed of studies that included patients on longer-term treatment (= 1 year). Results Data from 27 studies (15 RCTs and 12 observational studies) were included for meta-analysis (total N = 5 800). Compared with placebo, the HESr was associated with 0.64 (95% confidence interval [CI] -0.98 to -0.31) fewer voids/ night (P < 0.001) and an additional mean increase in Q(max) of 2.75 mL/s (95% CI 0.57 to 4.93; P = 0.01). When compared with a-blockers, the HESr showed similar improvements on IPSS (weighted mean difference [WMD] 0.57, 95% CI -0.27 to 1.42; P = 0.18) and a comparable increase in Q(max) to tamsulosin (WMD -0.02, 95% CI -0.71 to 0.66; P = 0.95). Efficacy assessed using the IPSS was similar after 6 months of treatment between the HESr and 5a-reductase inhibitors (5ARIs). Analysis of all available published data for the HESr showed a mean improvement in IPSS from baseline of -5.73 points (95% CI -6.91 to -4.54; P < 0.001). HESr did not negatively affect sexual function and no clinically relevant effect was observed on prostate-specific antigen. Prostate volume decreased slightly. Similar efficacy results were seen in patients treated for = 1 year (n = 447). The HESr had a favourable safety profile, with gastrointestinal disorders being the most frequent ADR (mean incidence of 3.8%). Conclusion The present meta-analysis, which includes all available RCTs and observational studies, shows that the HESr (Permixon) reduced nocturia and improved Q(max) compared with placebo and had a similar efficacy to tamsulosin and short-term 5ARI in relieving LUTS. HESr (Permixon) appears to be an efficacious and well-tolerated therapeutic option for the longterm medical treatment of LUTS/BPH

    Functional Frailty, Dietary Intake, and Risk of Malnutrition. Are Nutrients Involved in Muscle Synthesis the Key for Frailty Prevention?

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    Frailty is a reversible condition, which is strongly related to physical function and nutri tional status. Different scales are used to screened older adults and their risk of being frail, however, Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) may be more adequate than others to measure physical function in exercise interventions and has been less studied. Thus, the main aims of our study were: (1) to describe differences in nutritional intakes by SPPB groups (robust, pre-frail and frail); (2) to study the relationship between being at risk of malnourishment and frailty; and (3) to describe differences in nutrient intake between those at risk of malnourishment and those without risk in the no-frail individuals. One hundred one participants (80.4 ± 6.0 year old) were included in this cross sectional study. A validated semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire was used to determine food intake and Mini Nutritional Assessment to determine malnutrition. Results revealed differences for the intake of carbohydrates, n-3 fatty acids (n3), and saturated fatty acids for frail, pre-frail, and robust individuals and differences in vitamin D intake between frail and robust (all p < 0.05). Those at risk of malnutrition were approximately 8 times more likely to be frail than those with no risk. Significant differences in nutrient intake were found between those at risk of malnourishment and those without risk, specifically in: protein, PUFA n-3, retinol, ascorbic acid, niacin equivalents, folic acid, magnesium, and potassium, respectively. Moreover, differences in alcohol were also observed showing higher intake for those at risk of malnourishment (all p < 0.05). In conclusion, nutrients related to muscle metabolism showed to have different intakes across SPPB physical function groups. The intake of these specific nutrients related with risk of malnourishment need to be promoted in order to prevent frailty

    Compromising between European and US allergen immunotherapy schools: Discussions from GUIMIT, the Mexican immunotherapy guidelines

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    Background: Allergen immunotherapy (AIT) has a longstanding history and still remains the only disease-changing treatment for allergic rhinitis and asthma. Over the years 2 different schools have developed their strategies: the United States (US) and the European. Allergen extracts available in these regions are adapted to local practice. In other parts of the world, extracts from both regions and local ones are commercialized, as in Mexico. Here, local experts developed a national AIT guideline (GUIMIT 2019) searching for compromises between both schools. Methods: Using ADAPTE methodology for transculturizing guidelines and AGREE-II for evaluating guideline quality, GUIMIT selected 3 high-quality Main Reference Guidelines (MRGs): the European Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (EAACI) guideines, the S2k guideline of various German-speaking medical societies (2014), and the US Practice Parameters on Allergen Immunotherapy 2011. We formulated clinical questions and based responses on the fused evidence available in the MRGs, combined with local possibilities, patient's preference, and costs. We came across several issues on which the MRGs disagreed. These are presented here along with arguments of GUIMIT members to resolve them. GUIMIT (for a complete English version, see Supplementary data) concluded the following: Results: Related to the diagnosis of IgE-mediated respiratory allergy, apart from skin prick testing complementary tests (challenges, in vitro testing and molecular such as species-specific allergens) might be useful in selected cases to inform AIT composition. AIT is indicated in allergic rhinitis and suggested in allergic asthma (once controlled) and IgE-mediated atopic dermatitis. Concerning the correct subcutaneous AIT dose for compounding vials according to the US school: dosing tables and formula are given; up to 4 non-related allergens can be mixed, refraining from mixing high with low protease extracts. When using European extracts: the manufacturer's indications should be followed; in multi-allergic patients 2 simultaneous injections can be given (100% consensus); mixing is discouraged. In Mexico only allergoid tablets are available; based on doses used in all sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) publications referenced in MRGs, GUIMIT suggests a probable effective dose related to subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) might be: 50–200% of the monthly SCIT dose given daily, maximum mixing 4 allergens. Also, a table with practical suggestions on non-evidence-existing issues, developed with a simplified Delphi method, is added. Finally, dissemination and implementation of guidelines is briefly discussed, explaining how we used online tools for this in Mexico. Conclusions: Countries where European and American AIT extracts are available should adjust AIT according to which school is followed

    Autoantibodies against type I IFNs in patients with critical influenza pneumonia

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    In an international cohort of 279 patients with hypoxemic influenza pneumonia, we identified 13 patients (4.6%) with autoantibodies neutralizing IFN-alpha and/or -omega, which were previously reported to underlie 15% cases of life-threatening COVID-19 pneumonia and one third of severe adverse reactions to live-attenuated yellow fever vaccine. Autoantibodies neutralizing type I interferons (IFNs) can underlie critical COVID-19 pneumonia and yellow fever vaccine disease. We report here on 13 patients harboring autoantibodies neutralizing IFN-alpha 2 alone (five patients) or with IFN-omega (eight patients) from a cohort of 279 patients (4.7%) aged 6-73 yr with critical influenza pneumonia. Nine and four patients had antibodies neutralizing high and low concentrations, respectively, of IFN-alpha 2, and six and two patients had antibodies neutralizing high and low concentrations, respectively, of IFN-omega. The patients' autoantibodies increased influenza A virus replication in both A549 cells and reconstituted human airway epithelia. The prevalence of these antibodies was significantly higher than that in the general population for patients 70 yr of age (3.1 vs. 4.4%, P = 0.68). The risk of critical influenza was highest in patients with antibodies neutralizing high concentrations of both IFN-alpha 2 and IFN-omega (OR = 11.7, P = 1.3 x 10(-5)), especially those <70 yr old (OR = 139.9, P = 3.1 x 10(-10)). We also identified 10 patients in additional influenza patient cohorts. Autoantibodies neutralizing type I IFNs account for similar to 5% of cases of life-threatening influenza pneumonia in patients <70 yr old

    IV Foro Internacional de Ganadería Sustentable: conectividad ecosistémica y articulación territorial hacia la Agenda 2030

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    En este espacio plural de análisis y reflexiones, buscamos articular conceptos y posibilidades para los territorios de montaña del centro de México, dando importancia a medios de vida vinculados a la ganadería y su interacción ecosistémica, fundamentado en innovaciones, casos de éxito e iniciativas emblemáticas nacionales e internacionales. La socialización de experiencias es uno de los pilares para transitar hacia la sostenibilidad de los sistemas productivos ganaderos: compartir logros e iniciativas, crear sinergias e identificar vulnerabilidades desde distintos enfoques.GIZ, Agencia de Cooperación Aleman