92 research outputs found

    Adaptabilidad de especies vegetales modales y potenciales al agroclima de la región de la Mojana :informe final

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    La región de La Mojana, ubicada en la Costa Caribe Colombiana, comprende unas 498.000 ha. de ecosistemas sujetos a inundaciones periódicas, en donde la actividad agrícola se concentra en el desarrollo de sistemas de producción que involucran principalmente las especies arroz, sorgo, maíz y frutales; sobresaliendo, por área sembrada, producción y número de productores involucrados, la rotación arroz secano mecanizado - sorgo de sereno, denominado así porque se siembra en la época seca aprovechando la humedad residual del suelo, después de los periodos de inundación

    Características de la comercialización de los frutos de berenjena en las principales ciudades de consumo en Colombia

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    The present study was carried out in order to know the quality requirements for the commercialization and consumption of eggplant fruits in the main cities in Colombia. For this, semi-structured surveys were carried out that considered aspects of the commercialization, market, use, consumption, and quality of the fruits concerning the preferences of the fruit marketers and restaurants of Arab and Syrian-Lebanese food. Descriptive statistics, principal component, and multiple correspondences analysis were performed. The results made it possible to identify the characteristics of the traders, the origin of the fruits, prices, presentations, destination markets, and the most relevant aspects associated with the extrinsic quality of the fruit. It was found that, although there is a market for all types of fruits, in the cities of the interior of the country, black, shiny, firm, and shaped fruits are preferred, while in the Caribbean region, lilac or purple fruits longer than wide, bulbshaped fruits are preferred. The results allowed us to conclude that the quality aspects that determine most purche decisions in restaurants are the size, firmness, shape, and brightness of the fruits, while in marketplaces and supply centers, color, size, and health of the fruits are more determinant. It is recommended that genetic improvement programs in the country should be oriented to obtain varieties with colors, shape, and size according to the preferences of the regional and local market, highlighting the importance of obtaining fruits with greater firmness to improve shelf life.El presente estudio se realizó con el objeto de conocer características del mercado y los requisitos de la calidad de los frutos de berenjena en las principales ciudades de consumo en Colombia. Para ello, se realizaron encuestas que contemplaban aspectos sobre la comercialización, mercado, uso, consumo y calidad de los frutos en relación con las preferencias de los comercializadores de la fruta y los restaurantes de comida árabe y sirio-linabesa. Se realizó estadística descriptiva, análisis de componentes principales y correspondencias múltiples. Los resultados permitieron identificar las características de los comercializadores, procedencia de frutos, precios, presentaciones, mercados de destino y aspectos más relevantes asociados a la calidad del fruto. Se encontró que, aunque existe un mercado para todo tipo de frutos, en las ciudades del interior del país prefieren frutos de color negro, brillante, firmes y con forma aperada, mientras que en la región caribe se prefieren frutos de color lila o morado, más largos que anchos, con forma tipo bombillo. Los resultados permitieron concluir que los aspectos de calidad que más determinan las decisiones de compra en los restaurantes son el tamaño, la firmeza, forma y brillo de los frutos, mientras que en las plazas de mercado y centros de acopio, son el color, tamaño y la sanidad de los frutos. Se recomienda que los programas de mejoramiento genético en el país se orienten hacia la obtención variedades acordes a las preferencias del mercado, con frutos de mayor firmeza, vida de anaquel y uniformidad

    Caracterización del sistema de producción de arroz criollo en La Mojana, en Colombia

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    La Mojana is a subregion with landscapes dominated by large bodies of water, interconnected by a network of pipes and swamps. One of the productive systems of greater social importance is that of Creole rice, to which small producers of the peasant economy are dedicated. Given that socio-economic and technical aspects of this system are unknown, a characterization of the system was carried out using the structured survey method that captured social, technical, and economic aspects. The sampling method used was non-probabilistic and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, with measures of central tendency and dispersion. The results showed that Creole rice farmers have been engaged in this productive activity for more than 40 years, in small areas of land on the farm. Part of the production is commercialized in local markets and another part is used to feed the family nucleus, which makes it of great importance in food security. Despite the existence of a supply of improved varieties, with higher yields, a good part of the farmers prefers this type of rice for their food because they attribute a better culinary and nutritional quality to it. At least 46 varieties are used for manually planting, with very low inputs of chemical origin. The main technological limitations of the system were identified and the costs and yields were determined, which allowed calculating a unit cost of US 0.40kg1.Themainriskfacedbythisproductivesystemisthelossofancestralseeds,whichiswhytheconservation,purification,andscalingofthecreolevarietiesisproposed,toreturnthemtothecommunityandthuscontributetofoodsecurity.LaMojana,esunasubregioˊnconpaisajesdominadosporgrandescuerposdeagua,interconectadosporunareddecan~osycieˊnagas.Unodelossistemasproductivosdemayorimportanciasocialeselarrozcriollo,alcualsededicanpequen~osproductoresdeeconomıˊacampesina.Dadoaquesedesconocenaspectossocioeconoˊmicosyteˊcnicosdeestesistema,serealizoˊunacaracterizacioˊndelsistemamedianteelmeˊtododeencuestasestructuradasquecaptaronaspectossociales,teˊcnicosyeconoˊmicos.Elmeˊtododemuestreousadofueelnoprobabilıˊsticoylosdatosseanalizaronmedianteestadıˊsticadescriptiva,conmedidasdetendenciacentralydispersioˊn.Losresultadosmostraronquelosagricultoresdearrozcriollollevanmaˊsde40an~osdedicadosaestaactividadproductiva,enpequen~asaˊreasdeterrenodelafinca.Partedelaproduccioˊnescomercializadaenlosmercadoslocalesyotraparteesusadaparalaalimentacioˊndelnuˊcleofamiliar,porloquetienegranimportanciaenlaseguridadalimentaria.Apesardeexistirofertadevariedadesmejoradas,demayorrendimiento,buenapartedelosagricultoresprefierenparasualimentacioˊnestetipodearrozdebidoaqueleatribuyenunamejorcalidadculinariaynutricional.Seidentificaronalmenos46variedadesutilizadasparalasiembra,lacualserealizadeformamanualconmuybajaentradadeinsumosdeorigenquıˊmico.Seidentificaronlasprincipaleslimitantestecnoloˊgicasdelsistemaysedeterminaronloscostosyrendimientos,locualpermitioˊcalcularuncostounitariodeUS 0.40 kg-1. The main risk faced by this productive system is the loss of ancestral seeds, which is why the conservation, purification, and scaling of the creole varieties is proposed, to return them to the community and thus contribute to food security.La Mojana, es una subregión con paisajes dominados por grandes cuerpos de agua, interconectados por una red de caños y ciénagas. Uno de los sistemas productivos de mayor importancia social es el arroz criollo, al cual se dedican pequeños productores de economía campesina. Dado a que se desconocen aspectos socioeconómicos y técnicos de este sistema, se realizó una caracterización del sistema mediante el método de encuestas estructuradas que captaron aspectos sociales, técnicos y económicos. El método de muestreo usado fue el no probabilístico y los datos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva, con medidas de tendencia central y dispersión. Los resultados mostraron que los agricultores de arroz criollo llevan más de 40 años dedicados a esta actividad productiva, en pequeñas áreas de terreno de la finca. Parte de la producción es comercializada en los mercados locales y otra parte es usada para la alimentación del núcleo familiar, por lo que tiene gran importancia en la seguridad alimentaria. A pesar de existir oferta de variedades mejoradas, de mayor rendimiento, buena parte de los agricultores prefieren para su alimentación este tipo de arroz debido a que le atribuyen una mejor calidad culinaria y nutricional. Se identificaron al menos 46 variedades utilizadas para la siembra, la cual se realiza de forma manual con muy baja entrada de insumos de origen químico. Se identificaron las principales limitantes tecnológicas del sistema y se determinaron los costos y rendimientos, lo cual permitió calcular un costo unitario de US0,40 kg-1. El principal riesgo que enfrenta este sistema productivo es la pérdida de semillas ancestrales, por lo que se propone la conservación, purificación y escalamiento de las variedades criollas, para devolverlas a la comunidad y así contribuir a la seguridad alimentaria de la población de pequeños productores vinculados a este sistema.&nbsp

    Temperaturas de pared y punto de rocío en gases de combustión del generador de vapor BKZ-340-140-M/29

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    Background: Cuban oil increases the condensation temperature of H2SO4 vapors, causing corrosion and fouling in structural elements of all thermoelectric power plants in Cuba. Objective: To determine the behavior, for different loads, of the minimum temperature of the wall of the baskets of the regenerative air heater and the dew point of the gases produced by the combustion of Cuban crude oil and Mazut 20, in the Thermoelectric Power Plant "Antonio Maceo Grajales”. Methods: The equations were used to determine several parameters of the processes that occur in the steam generator, as well as the graphs that link the variables related to the corrosion process, when considering the use of sulfurous fuel in the Thermoelectric Power Plant "Antonio Maceo Grajales". Results: For all loads, when the air for combustion is preheated to 100 ºC, the dew point temperature for Cuban crude oil is higher than that of the minimum wall of the baskets in the cold zone, subjecting them to a process of corrosion and increasing the need for frequent replacement. Conclusions: The thermal difference between the wall of the cold baskets and the dew point of the H2SO4 vapors, when burning Cuban crude oil, together with other variables, lead to the corrosion of the baskets. To avoid this, it is necessary to increase the temperature of the preheated air before it enters.Contexto: El petróleo cubano aumenta la temperatura de condensación de los vapores de H2SO4, causando corrosión y ensuciamiento en elementos estructurales de todas las centrales termoeléctricas de Cuba. Objetivo: Determinar el comportamiento, para diferentes cargas, de la temperatura mínima de la pared de los cestos del calentador de aire regenerativo y el punto de rocío de los gases producto de la combustión de crudo cubano y Mazut 20, en la Central Termoeléctrica “Antonio Maceo Grajales”. Métodos: Se utilizaron las ecuaciones para determinar varios parámetros de los procesos que ocurren en el generador de vapor, así como los gráficos que vinculan las variables relacionadas al proceso de corrosión, al considerar el uso de combustible sulfuroso en la Central Termoeléctrica “Antonio Maceo Grajales”. Resultados: Para todas las cargas, cuando el aire para la combustión se precalienta hasta 100 ºC, la temperatura del punto de rocío para el crudo cubano, es superior al de la pared mínima de los cestos en la zona fría, sometiéndolos a un proceso de corrosión y aumentando la necesidad de su cambio frecuente. Conclusiones: La diferencia térmica entre la pared de los cestos fríos y el punto de rocío de los vapores de H2SO4, al quemar crudo cubano, junto a otras variables, conducen a la corrosión de los cestos. Para evitarlo, es debe aumentar la temperatura del aire precalentado antes de su entrada

    Calcium partially relieves the deleterius effects of hypoxia on a maize cultivar selected for waterlogging tolerance

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    Low soil oxygen concentrations due to waterlogging or transient flooding severely reduce maize production. However, genotypes with tolerance or even resistance to hypoxia develop morphological and biochemical adaptation mechanisms which may prove to be useful criteria for the selection and breeding of new improved genotypes. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of levels and modes of application of calcium sources on biomass yield, the contents of total soluble sugars and reduced sugars and on the activities of invertase isoforms and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, in a maize variety (BRS 4154) derived from the 14th selection cycle for tolerance to transient soil flooding conditions, when cultivated under waterlogging conditions. The study was carried out in a greenhouse, utilizing 20 kg pots, filled with a lowland soil. The effects of two sources of calcium (CaCl2 , 300 kg ha-1 and CaSO4 , 500 and 1.500 kg ha-1) and three modes of application (applied 8 cm below surface, mixed with the whole soil volume and surface application) were tested in soils kept at field capacity and waterlogged after plants reached growth stage V6. Above ground biomass yield, the contents of total soluble sugars and reducing sugars and the activities of the neutral citosol (INC), acid vacuolar (IAV), acid cell wall invertases and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase were determined at the onset of flowering. Calcium application partially relieved the deleterious effect of waterlogging on biomass yield and the activities of INC, IAPC and PEPcase.Maíz-Zea may

    Influencia do calcio na tolerancia do milho ¨Saracura¨ BRS-4154 ao encharcamento do solo

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    The Saracura maize BRS – 4154 was introduced as an alternative for swamp land areas subjected to temporary flooding. Evidences are usually obtained with CaCl2 presence in flooding germination buffer which increases the tolerance of Saracura. However, such experiments were carried out in controlled conditions, during germination and initial development phases of seedlings. There have been no papers, so far, showing the influence of calcium during the maize development cultivated at field conditions. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate, during the vegetative and reproductive development of Saracura maize, the effect of different levels, sources and mode of calcium application in flooding conditions. For this purpose, this experiment conducted in field conditions. The following treatments were used: calcium sources and dosages (CaCl2 , 300.0 kg.ha-1 and gypsum, 500.0 and 1500.0 kg.ha-1) and ways of application (incorporated in the first 8.0 cm from surface, on the entire soil profile and on surface), in normal irrigation and under flooding conditions imposed at V6 growth stage throughout physiological maturity. A fully randomized block design with four replications was used, and the evaluations were accomplished at harvesting by analyzing traits related to growth and development, as well as yield and its components. Considering each environment it was not able to detect statistic differences among the variables, probably due the calcium content in soil which was sufficient for plant growth and development. However, when one compares characteristics between environments it was possible to detect higher effect from regular irrigation compared to flooding

    Efeito do cálcio sobre as características anátomicas de raízes de milho (Zea mays L.) ¨Saracura¨ BRS-4154 submetido ao alagamento em casa de vegetacao

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    Saracura” BRS-4154 maize is an alternative for the areas subject to temporary flooding. Researches have been demonstrating that CaCl2 presence in flooded germination atmosphere increases “Saracura” maize tolerance to that condition. This work was conducted in greenhouse at Embrapa Milho e Sorgo, located in Sete Lagoas – MG, with the objective of obtaining better knowledge of anatomical alterations in “Saracura” BRS-4154 maize under the effect of calcium and flooding. Plants were submitted to treatments with and without addition of 300 kg ha-1 calcium chloride, incorporated in the whole soil. Each treatment was evaluated under regular irrigation conditions and under flooding imposed from stage V6 until flowering; the control treatment had normal irrigation and no calcium application. Assay evaluations were accomplished during flowering. Five to eight cm detached roots fragments were submitted to classic micro techniques to make and analyze tissues. Anatomical differences were observed among treatments - flooded and with normal irrigation - in relation to epidermis thickness, thicker in normal conditions. The aerenchyma presence only occurred in plants in flooded conditions, proving that those are not constituent of this species. The aerenchyma proportion decreased with calcium application, showing the participation of this ion in cell wall structure, avoiding disordered collapse and increasing the survival of the plant in flooded conditions. Calcium application influenced cellular epidermis arrangement and promoted a smaller exoderm thickness in normal irrigation conditions

    The angiotensin-(1-7)/Mas receptor a xis protects from endothelial cell senescence via klotho and Nrf2 activation

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    Endothelial cell senescence is a hallmark of va scular aging that pre disposes to vascular disease. We aimed to explore the capacity of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) heptapeptide angiotensin (Ang)-(1-7) to counteract human endothelial cell senescence and to identify intracellular pathways mediati ng its potential protective action. In human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) cult ures, Ang II promoted cell senescence, as revealed by the enhancement in se nescence-associated galactosidase (SA- -gal+) positive staining, total and telomeric DNA damage, adhesion molecules expression and human mononuclear adhesion to HUVEC monolaye rs. By activating the G-coupled receptor Mas, Ang-(1-7) inhibit ed the pro-senescence action of Ang II, but also of a non- RAS stressor such as the cytokine IL-1 . Moreover, Ang-(1-7) enhanced endothelial klotho levels, while klotho silencing resulted in th e loss of the anti-senescence action of the heptapeptide. Indeed, both Ang-(1-7) and recombinant klotho activated the cytoprotective Nrf2/heme-oxygenase-1 (HO)-1 pathway. The HO-1 inhibitor tin protoporphyrin IX prevented the anti-senescence action evoked by Ang-(1-7) or recombinant klotho. Overall, the present study ide ntifies Ang-(1-7) as an anti-senescence peptide displaying its protectiv e action beyond the RAS by consecutively activating klotho and Nrf2/HO-1. Ang-(1-7) mimetic dru gs may thus prove useful to prevent endothelial cell senescence and its re lated vascular complications

    Análisis económico de la producción de berenjena (Solanum melongena L.) en dos zonas productoras del Caribe colombiano: Sabanas de Sucre y Valle del Sinú en Córdoba

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    This paper describes the socioeconomic and technological characteristics of the eggplant production system in the microregions of the Sinú Valley and Sucre Savannas in Colombia. Through the simple random sampling technique, we selected 62 farmers. It was collected data using a formal structured survey previously tested and analyzed.  Small producers plant the crop in an average area of ​​0.6 hectares. The average age is 53 years with more than 30 years of experience in cultivation. It is less expensive to produce eggplant in the state of Sucre than in Córdoba, due to the proportion in which labor is involved in production costs, because they are higher for Sucre State with 75% of the total costs, on the contrary, in Córdoba State the labor force participates in 63%. The net income is higher in the case of Córdoba owing to the difference in yields, which are 35 t/ha-1 while for Sucre they are 25 t/ha-1. With regard to marketing margins, for each monetary unit that the consumer pays, 0.82constitutesprofitsthatareintheintermediationchaindistributed.Theparticipationof53 0.82 constitutes profits that are in the intermediation chain distributed. The participation of 53 % intermediation is very high. We conclude that the farmer is the one who risks the most and who receives the least from this difference in the price between the farmer and the final consumer.Este estudio describe las características socioeconómicas y tecnológicas del sistema de producción de berenjena en las microrregiones del Valle del Sinú y Sabanas de Colombia. A través de la técnica de muestreo aleatorio simple se seleccionaron 62 agricultores. Los datos fueron recolectados utilizando una encuesta formal estructurada, previamente probada y analizada. Se encontró que el cultivo es sembrado por pequeños productores en un área promedio de 0,6 hectáreas. La edad promedio de los productores es de 53 años con más de 30 años de experiencia en el cultivo. Resulta menos costoso producir berenjena en el departamento de Sucre que en Córdoba, lo que se explica por la proporción en que participa la mano de obra en los costos de producción, debido a que es mayor para el departamento de Sucre con el 75 % del total de los costos; por el contrario, en el departamento de Córdoba la mano de obra participa en un 63 %. Los ingresos netos son mayores en el caso del departamento de Córdoba por la diferencia de los rendimientos, los cuales son de 35 t ha-1, en tanto que para el departamento de Sucre son de 25 t ha-1. Con relación a los márgenes de comercialización, por cada unidad monetaria que paga el consumidor, 0,82 constituyen utilidades que se distribuyen en la cadena de intermediación, la cual corresponde a un valor muy alto, siendo este de un 53 %. Se concluye que el agricultor es el que más arriesga y el que menos recibe de esta diferencia del precio entre el agricultor y el consumidor final

    Economic analysis of the production of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) in two producing areas of the Colombian Caribbean: Sucre Savannas and Sinú Valley in Córdoba

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 17-34).This paper describes the socioeconomic and technological characteristics of the eggplant production system in the microregions of the Sinú Valley and Sucre Savannas in Colombia. Through the simple random sampling technique, we selected 62 farmers. It was collected data using a formal structured survey previously tested and analyzed. Small producers plant the crop in an average area of 0.6 hectares. The average age is 53 years with more than 30 years of experience in cultivation. It is less expensive to produce eggplant in the state of Sucre than in Córdoba, due to the proportion in which labor is involved in production costs, because they are higher for Sucre State with 75% of the total costs, on the contrary, in Córdoba State the labor force participates in 63%. The net income is higher in the case of Córdoba owing to the difference in yields, which are 35 t/ha-1 while for Sucre they are 25 t/ha-1. With regard to marketing margins, for each monetary unit that the consumer pays, 0.82constitutesprofitsthatareintheintermediationchaindistributed.Theparticipationof53 0.82 constitutes profits that are in the intermediation chain distributed. The participation of 53 % intermediation is very high. We conclude that the farmer is the one who risks the most and who receives the least from this difference in the price between the farmer and the final consumer.Este estudio describe las características socioeconómicas y tecnológicas del sistema de producción de berenjena en las microrregiones del Valle del Sinú y Sabanas de Colombia. A través de la técnica de muestreo aleatorio simple se seleccionaron 62 agricultores. Los datos fueron recolectados utilizando una encuesta formal estructurada, previamente probada y analizada. Se encontró que el cultivo es sembrado por pequeños productores en un área promedio de 0,6 hectáreas. La edad promedio de los productores es de 53 años con más de 30 años de experiencia en el cultivo. Resulta menos costoso producir berenjena en el departamento de Sucre que en Córdoba, lo que se explica por la proporción en que participa la mano de obra en los costos de producción, debido a que es mayor para el departamento de Sucre con el 75 % del total de los costos; por el contrario, en el departamento de Córdoba la mano de obra participa en un 63 %. Los ingresos netos son mayores en el caso del departamento de Córdoba por la diferencia de los rendimientos, los cuales son de 35 t ha-1, en tanto que para el departamento de Sucre son de 25 t ha-1. Con relación a los márgenes de comercialización, por cada unidad monetaria que paga el consumidor, 0,82 constituyen utilidades que se distribuyen en la cadena de intermediación, la cual corresponde a un valor muy alto, siendo este de un 53 %. Se concluye que el agricultor es el que más arriesga y el que menos recibe de esta diferencia del precio entre el agricultor y el consumidor final.Bibliografía y webgrafía: páginas 33-34