1,111 research outputs found

    MHCP: Multimedia Hybrid Cloud Computing Protocol and Architecture for Mobile Devices

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    [EN] Multimedia cloud computing has appeared as a very attractive environment for the business world in terms of providing cost-effective services with a minimum of entry costs and infrastructure requirements. There are some architecture proposals in the related literature, but there is no multimedia cloud computing architecture with hybrid features specifically designed for mobile devices. In this article, we propose a new multimedia hybrid cloud computing architecture and protocol. It merges existing private and public clouds and combines IaaS, SaaS and SECaaS cloud computing models in order to find a common platform to deliver real time traffic from heterogeneous multimedia and social networks for mobile users. The developed protocol provides suitable levels of QoS, while providing a secure and trusted cloud environment.Jimenez, JM.; Díaz Santos, JR.; Lloret, J.; Romero Martínez, JO. (2019). MHCP: Multimedia Hybrid Cloud Computing Protocol and Architecture for Mobile Devices. IEEE Network. 33(1):106-112. https://doi.org/10.1109/MNET.2018.1300246S10611233

    Energy Savings Consumption on Public Wireless Networks by SDN Management

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    [EN] In order to use the energy more efficiently, network algorithms and protocols must incorporate in their decision mechanisms some functions focused on saving energy. In this paper we have studied different features and parameters of wireless networks to establish their relationship with the power consumption. First, we have analyzed the variation of power consumption of access points (APs) in function of the antenna transmission power. Second, we have collected user information from real public wireless network to determine the real requirements of network resources in real time basis. Based on this information, a new extension for Openflow protocol over Software-Defined Networking (SDN) networks will be proposed to manage the wireless network, with the aim to keep the optimal network performance with minimal power consumption. This extension introduces new Openflow messages and a new function to be incorporated in SDN controllers and Openflow enabled devices. The proposal will be validated by appropriated simulations based on real scenarios: a shopping center and a municipal wireless network.This work has been supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad , through the Convocatoria 2014. Proyectos I + D - Programa Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia in the Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento , Project TIN2014-57991-C3-1-P and the Programa para la Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI-2015-S2-884) by the Universitat Politècnica de València .Jimenez, JM.; Romero Martínez, JO.; Lloret, J.; Díaz Santos, JR. (2019). Energy Savings Consumption on Public Wireless Networks by SDN Management. Mobile Networks and Applications. 24(2):667-677. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11036-016-0784-7S667677242Khoa Nguyen K, Jaumard B (2009) Routing engine architecture for next generation routers: evolutional trends. Network Protocols and Algorithms 1(1):62–85. doi: 10.5296/npa.v1i1.151Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2015–2020 White Paper (2016). Available at: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/collateral/service-provider/visual-networking-index-vni/mobile-white-paper-c11-520862.html . Accessed 3 Nov 2016Recommended Power Management Settings (2016). Available at https://web.archive.org/web/20071125104605/http://www.climatesaverscomputing.org/tools/pwr_mgmt.html . Accessed 3 Nov 2016WWF International website (2016). Available at http://wwf.panda.org /. Accessed 3 Nov 2016ENERGY STAR (2016). The simple choice for energy efficiency. Available at https://www.energystar.gov /. 3 Nov 2016Definition WHAT IS SDN? (2016). Available at https://www.opennetworking.org/sdn-resources/sdn-definition . Accessed 3 Nov 2016OpenFlow (2016). Available at: https://www.opennetworking.org/sdn-resources/openflow . Accessed 3 Nov 2016McKeown N, Anderson T, Balakrishnan H, Parulkar G, Peterson L, Rexford J, Shenker S, Turner J (2008) OpenFlow: enabling innovation in campus networks. ACM SIGCOMM Comput Commun Rev 38(2):69–74Dely P, Kassler A, Bayer N (2011) OpenFlow for wireless mesh networks. In 2011 proceedings of 20th international conference on computer communications and networks (ICCCN), July 31-Aug 4 2011, pp 1–6. doi: 10.1109/ICCCN.2011.6006100Guidance document_Lot 26_networked standby_clean FIN.pdf. Available at https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/Guidance%20document_Lot%2026_Networked%20Standby_clean%20FIN.pdf . Accessed 3 Nov 2016Yang H, Zhang J, Zhao Y, Ji Y, Han J, Lin Y, Qiu YL (2014) Time-aware software defined networking for OpenFlow-based datacenter optical networks. Netw Protocol Algorithm 6(4):77–91Jimenez JM, Romero O, Rego A, Dilendra A, Lloret J (2015) Study of multimedia delivery over software defined networks. Netw Protocol Algorithm 7(4):37–62Jimenez JM, Romero O, Rego A, Dilendra A, Lloret J (2016) Performance study of a software defined network emulator. The twelfth advanced international conference on telecommunications (AICT 2016), May 22–26, 2016, Valencia, SpainMininet An Instant Virtual Network on your Laptop (or other PC) (2016). Available at http://mininet.org /. Accessed 3 Nov 2016Nedevschi S, Popa L, Iannaccone G, Ratnasamy S, Wetherall D (2008) Reducing network energy consumption via sleeping and rate-adaptation. Proceeding NSDI’08 proceedings of the 5th USENIX symposium on networked systems design and implementation, April 16–18, 2008, San Francisco (USA), pp 323–336Feeney LM, Nilsson M (2001) Investigating the energy consumption of a wireless network interface in an Ad Hoc networking environment. In: proceedings of the twentieth annual joint conference of the IEEE computer and communications societies, INFOCOM 2001, vol 3, Anchorage, Alaska, April 22–26, pp. 1548–1557. IEEE (2001)Andrade-Morelli S, Ruiz-Sanchez E, Granell E, Lloret J (2012) Energy consumption of wireless network access points. In second international conference, Gree Nets 2012, Gandia, Spain, October 25–26, 2012, pp 81–91. doi: 10.1007/978–3–642-37977-2_8Chen T, Yang Y, Zhang H, Haesik K, Horneman K (2011) Network energy saving technologies for green wireless access networks. IEEE Wirel Commun 18(5):30–38Tapia A, Maitland C, Stone M (2006) Making IT work for municipalities: Buildingmunicipal wireless networks. Gov Inf Q 23(3):359–380van Drunen R, Koolhaas J, Schuurmans H, Vijn M (2003) Building a wireless community network in the netherland. In: USENIX 2003/Freenix Annual technical conference proceedings, San Antonio, Texas, USA, June 9–14, pp 219–230Vu TH, Nam PN, Thanh T, Hung LT, Van LA, Linh ND, Thien TD, Thanh NH (2012) Power aware OpenFlow switch extension for energy saving in data centers. In international conference on advanced technologies for communications, ATC 2012, IEEE, Hanoi, Vietnam, 10–12 Oct 2012, pp 309–313. doi: 10.1109/ATC.2012.6404282Kaup F, Melnikowitsch S, Hausheer D (2014) Measuring and modeling the power consumption of OpenFlow switches. In IEEE international conference on network and service management (CNSM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 17–21 Nov 2014, pp 181–186DATA SHEET. ARUBA 103 SERIES ACCESS POINTS (2016). Available at: http://www.arubanetworks.com/assets/ds/DS_AP103Series.pdf . Accessed 3 Nov 2016DATA SHEET. ARUBA RAP-100 SERIES REMOTE ACCESS POINTS (2016). Available at: http://www.arubanetworks.com/assets/ds/DS_RAP-100.pdf . Accessed 3 Nov 2016Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series 802.11A/B/G Access Point Data Sheet (2016). Available at: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/collateral/collaboration-endpoints/unified-ip-phone-7900-series/product_data_sheet0900aecd8031c844.html . Accessed 3 Nov 2016Cisco Aironet 1230AG Series 802.11A/B/G Access Point Data Sheet (2016). Available at: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/collateral/wireless/aironet-1230-ag-series/product_data_sheet0900aecd801b9068.html . Accessed 3 Nov 2016Cisco Aironet 1130AG IEEE 802.11 A/B/G Access Point (2016). Available at: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/collateral/collaboration-endpoints/unified-ip-phone-7900-series/product_data_sheet0900aecd8031c844.html . Accessed 3 Nov 2016Aerohive AP121 (2016). Available at: http://media.aerohive.com/documents/Aerohive_Datasheet_AP121 . Accessed 3 Nov 2016Aerohive AP230 (2016). Available at: http://media.aerohive.com/documents/Aerohive_Datasheet_AP230.pdf . Accessed 3 Nov 2016Aerohive AP330 (2016). Available at: http://media.aerohive.com/documents/Aerohive_Datasheet_AP330.pdf . Accessed 3 Nov 201

    Contaminación sonora en el paradero Benavides, en la ciudad de Lima, y el impacto en poblaciones aledañas

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    La presente investigación comprende el estudio sobre de la contaminación sonora producida en el paradero del puente de la avenida Benavides, en la ciudad de Lima, lugar donde concurren muchos de los estudiantes de la Universidad Ricardo Palma. El estudio tuvo por finalidad analizar la realidad objetiva, con ayuda de un instrumento científico como es el sonómetro. De esa manera, se efectuaron mediciones diariamente, para capturar los sonidos causados por fuentes vehiculares de transporte público y privado. Además, se detectaron los altos niveles de contaminación a los que se llega y a los que están expuestos, tanto los usuarios del transporte público como son los alumnos de la universidad Ricardo Palma, que utilizan este paradero, así como, las personas que realizan actividades económicas como son, vendedores ambulantes y trabajadores asociados a la labor de transporte y otros transeúntes. Este trabajo investigativo tuvo dos fases, primero la realización de una encuesta, donde se aplicó un instrumento a una muestra de 151 individuos entre alumnos , personal administrativo de las Facultades de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, el cual evidenció que, el 96% de los encuestados manifestó ser consciente que la contaminación sonora les causa malestar a su salud, produciendo estrés, dolores de cabeza y pérdida de audición, y en una segunda fase, se realizaron mediciones con apoyo de un sonómetro en el área de trabajo, de las mediciones observadas se infiere que todas las que corresponden a las producidas por el claxon de las unidades de transporte público superaron los 100 dB. y que el día viernes 14 de junio, se tuvo el registro más alto, 109 dB. el mismo que afectaba a 56 individuos que se encontraban en el punto de medición. En tal sentido, la realización de esta investigación se justifica porque, nos permite alertar sobre los altos niveles de contaminación sonora, a la que están expuestos todos aquellos que emplean el servicio de transporte, en el área objetivo y el impacto ambiental que se produce. &nbsp

    Reseña. Desarrollo, disputas socio-territoriales y violencia en México

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    Resumen. Esta reseña establece una descripción especializada de los aspectos más importantes del volumen que aquí se presenta, que se refiere a las diferentes aristas en que se puede analizar el fenómeno de la violencia en México, y las mismas disputas socio-territoriales, vinculadas a la idea de desarrollo regional. En este sentido, es que se hace una relación pormenorizada de los aspectos más escenciales de los apartados con sus capítulos a modo de tener un panorama general del volumen.   Palabras clave. Región, evolución, sociedad, comunidad, población

    Mercado español de deuda pública

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    Los dos volumenes de que consta este trabajo ofrecen una detallada descripcion de los distintos aspectos organizativos del mercado español de deuda publica. Su reciente creacion, en 1987, significo la introduccion de las estructuras mas convenientes para financiar los deficit publicos con recurso al mercado de valores. La obra analiza el diseño y evolucion del mercado primario, en el que el gobierno capta financiacion emitiendo bonos de acuerdo con criterios de mercadoestudia como se produce su transmision en el mercado secundario, identificandose los miembros, los tipos de operaciones y el perfil general de actividaddescribe los procedimientos de liquidacion y registro de operaciones en el marco del sistema de anotaciones en cuenta (SACDE) gestionado por el Banco de España. Asimismo, examina la organizacion y funcionamiento del mercado español de derivados sobre deuda publica, dada su importante funcion estabilizadora. La obra se cierra con un apartado dedicado a la fundamentacion legal de las distintas cuestiones tratadas. (jmr) (mac)Vol. 1: 132 pVol. 2: 175

    Fasting Upregulates npy, agrp, and ghsr Without Increasing Ghrelin Levels in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Larvae

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    Food intake in fish and mammals is orchestrated by hypothalamic crosstalk between orexigenic (food intake stimulation) and anorexigenic (food intake inhibition) signals. Some of these signals are released by peripheral tissues that are associated with energy homeostasis or nutrient availability. During the fish larva stage, orexigenic stimulation plays a critical role in individual viability. The goal of this study was to assess the mRNA levels of the main neuropeptides involved in food intake regulation (npy, agrp, carppt, and pomc), in concert with the mRNA levels and peptide levels of ghrelin, under a fasting intervention at the larval stage in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Prior to the fasting intervention, the zebrafish larva cohort was reared for 20 days post fertilization (dpf) and then randomly divided into two groups of 20 individuals. One group was subjected to a fasting intervention for 5 days (fasted group), and the other group was fed normally (fed group); this experimental protocol was performed twice independently. At the end of the fasting period, individuals from each experimental group were divided into different analysis groups, for evaluations such as relative gene expression, immunohistochemistry, and liquid chromatography coupled to nano high-resolution mass spectrometry (nLC-HRMS) analyses. The relative expression levels of the following genes were assessed: neuropeptide Y (npy), agouti-related peptide (agrp), proopiomelanocortin (pomc), cocaine and amphetamine-regulated transcript (cartpt), ghrelin (ghrl), ghrelin O-acyltransferase (mboat4), growth hormone secretagogue receptor (ghsr), and glucokinase (gck). In the fasted group, significant upregulation of orexigenic peptides (npy – agrp) and ghsr was observed, which was associated with significant downregulation of gck. The anorexigenic peptides (pomc and cartpt) did not show any significant modulation between the groups, similar to mboat4. Contrary to what was expected, the relative mRNA upregulation of the orexigenic peptides observed in the fasted experimental group could not be associated with significant ghrelin modulation as assessed by three different approaches: qPCR (relative gene expression of ghrelin), nLC-HRMS (des-acyl-ghrelin levels), and immunohistochemistry (integrated optical density of prepropeptides in intestinal and hepatopancreas tissues). Our results demonstrate that zebrafish larvae at 25 dpf exhibit suitable modulation of the relative mRNA levels of orexigenic peptides (npy and agrp) in response to fasting intervention; nevertheless, ghrelin was not coregulated by fasting. Therefore, it can be suggested that ghrelin is not an essential peptide for an increase in appetite in the zebrafish larva stage. These results give rise to new questions about food intake regulation factors in the early stages of fish

    Temas Socio-Jurídicos. Volumen 23 No. 49 Diciembre 2005

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    El texto que se ofrece a continuación se ha estructurado en función del estudio de dos momentos claves en la configuración del institucionalismo. En un primer momento se retoman las iniciales ideas de Veblen, Commons y Mitchell, buscando identificar en ellas el tópico que las conecta con el proceso de construcción de este marco analítico. En un segundo momento, se examina cómo la ideas de los protoinstitucionalistas mencionados, son retomadas por Coase, Williamson y North en tiempos y contextos relativamente lejanos a los que se plantearon los primeros enfoques, dándole forma a un enfoque analítico concebido para afianzar el rol de las organizaciones y promover la eficiencia en las transacciones sobre las que descansan el bienestar social, la transparencia política y el desarrollo económico.The text offered below has been structured based on the study of two key moments in the configuration of institutionalism. At first, the initial ideas of Veblen, Commons and Mitchell are taken up, seeking to identify in them the topic that connects them with the construction process of this analytical framework. In a second moment, it is examined how the ideas of the aforementioned proto-institutionalists are taken up by Coase, Williamson and North in times and contexts relatively distant from those of the first approaches, giving shape to an analytical approach designed to strengthen the role of organizations and promote efficiency in the transactions on which social welfare, political transparency rest and economic development

    HLA association with the susceptibility to anti-synthetase syndrome.

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    Objective: To investigate the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) association with anti-synthetase syndrome (ASSD). Methods: We conducted the largest immunogenetic HLA-DRB1 and HLA-B study to date in a homogeneous cohort of 168 Caucasian patients with ASSD and 486 ethnically matched healthy controls by sequencing-based-typing. Results: A statistically significant increase of HLA-DRB1*03:01 and HLA-B*08:01 alleles in patients with ASSD compared to healthy controls was disclosed (26.2% versus 12.2%, P = 1.56E–09, odds ratio–OR [95% confidence interval–CI] = 2.54 [1.84–3.50] and 21.4% versus 5.5%, P = 18.95E–18, OR [95% CI] = 4.73 [3.18–7.05]; respectively). Additionally, HLA-DRB1*07:01 allele was significantly decreased in patients with ASSD compared to controls (9.2% versus 17.5%, P = 0.0003, OR [95% CI] = 0.48 [0.31–0.72]). Moreover, a statistically significant increase of HLA-DRB1*03:01 allele in anti-Jo-1 positive compared to anti-Jo-1 negative patients with ASSD was observed (31.8% versus 15.5%, P = 0.001, OR [95% CI] = 2.54 [1.39–4.81]). Similar findings were observed when HLA carrier frequencies were assessed. The HLA-DRB1*03:01 association with anti-Jo-1 was unrelated to smoking history. No HLA differences in patients with ASSD stratified according to the presence/absence of the most representative non-anti-Jo-1 anti-synthetase autoantibodies (anti-PL-12 and anti-PL-7), arthritis, myositis or interstitial lung disease were observed. Conclusions: Our results support the association of the HLA complex with the susceptibility to ASSD.This study was partially supported by grants from the Foundation for Research in Rheumatology (FOREUM); SR-M is supported by funds of the RETICS Program [grant number RD16/0012/0009] from the `Instituto de Salud Carlos III´ (ISCIII), co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); BA-M is a recipient of a ‘López Albo’ Post-Residency Programme funded by Servicio Cántabro de Salud; VP-C is supported by a pre-doctoral grant from IDIVAL [grant number PREVAL 18/01]; LL-G is supported by funds of ISCIII, co-funded by ERDF [grant number PI18/00042]; OG is beneficiary of a grant funded by Xunta de Galicia, Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional and Consellería de Economía, Emprego e Industria (GAIN), GPC IN607B2019/10; EAR is partially supported by Versus Arthritis [grant number 20719] and by Scleroderma and Raynaud's UK [grant number BR11]; RL-M is a recipient of a Miguel Servet type I programme fellowship from the ISCIII, co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF, ‘Investing in your future’) [grant number CP16/00033]

    HLA association with the susceptibility to anti-synthetase syndrome

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    Objective: To investigate the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) association with anti-synthetase syndrome (ASSD). Methods: We conducted the largest immunogenetic HLA-DRB1 and HLA-B study to date in a homogeneous cohort of 168 Caucasian patients with ASSD and 486 ethnically matched healthy controls by sequencing-based-typing. Results: A statistically significant increase of HLA-DRB1*03:01 and HLA-B*08:01 alleles in patients with ASSD compared to healthy controls was disclosed (26.2% versus 12.2%, P=1.56E-09, odds ratio-OR [95% confidence interval-CI]=2.54 [1.84-3.50] and 21.4% versus 5.5%, P=18.95E-18, OR [95% CI]=4.73 [3.18-7.05]; respectively). Additionally, HLA-DRB1*07:01 allele was significantly decreased in patients with ASSD compared to controls (9.2% versus 17.5%, P=0.0003, OR [95% CI]=0.48 [0.31-0.72]). Moreover, a statistically significant increase of HLA-DRB1*03:01 allele in anti-Jo-1 positive compared to anti-Jo-1 negative patients with ASSD was observed (31.8% versus 15.5%, P=0.001, OR [95% CI]=2.54 [1.39-4.81]). Similar findings were observed when HLA carrier frequencies were assessed. The HLA-DRB1*03:01 association with anti-Jo-1 was unrelated to smoking history. No HLA differences in patients with ASSD stratified according to the presence/absence of the most representative non-anti-Jo-1 anti-synthetase autoantibodies (anti-PL-12 and anti-PL-7), arthritis, myositis or interstitial lung disease were observed. Conclusions: Our results support the association of the HLA complex with the susceptibility to ASSD