2,550 research outputs found

    Estabilidad y propiocepción en atletismo

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    [ES]El objetivo de esta Tesis fue analizar la influencia del tipo, la intensidad y el volumen de entrenamiento en la estabilometría y propiocepción de atletas a medio - largo plazo y a corto plazo. Al mismo tiempo, se analizó la influencia de la estabilidad postura! en la aparición de lesiones y se diseñó un programa de entrenamiento para mejorar la estabilometría y otras habilidades motoras, teniendo en cuenta los efectos inmediatos de ese entrenamiento. Los resultados mostraron que la estabilidad y la propiocepción son parámetros clave en la prevención de lesiones de atletas. A medio-largo plazo, éstos se modifican con el volumen e intensidad de entrenamiento y se benefician del trabajo en superficie inestable. A corto plazo, los entrenamientos de alta intensidad constituyen una situación de 'potencial riesgo lesivo. A nivel de rendimiento, es necesaria la realización de trabajos futuros para aclarar si las mejoras obtenidas con el entrenamiento propioceptivo son transferibles al terreno deportivo.[EN]The purpose of this Thesis was to analyze the short-term and medium and long-term effects of type, intensity and volume of training on stabilometry and proprioception of athletes. Also, we analyzed of influence of postural stability on subsequent sports injuries and designed a proprioceptive training program that improves stability and other motor skills, by taking into account the short-term effects of the proprioceptive training in athletes. The findings highlight proprioception and postural stability are essential parameters to prevent injuries in track and field athletes. In medium-long terms, these parameters might be modified due to volume and intensity of training, and be benefit from proprioceptive training on unstable platform. In short-terms, high intensity trainings involve potential risk. Refering to sports skills, future researches are needed to clear if ímprovernents from proprioceptive training are transferable to performance.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud, leída el 2 de diciembre de 201

    Knee Kinematics During Landing: Is It Really a Predictor of Acute Noncontact Knee Injuries in Athletes? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    Background: Although knee kinematics during landing tasks has traditionally been considered to predict noncontact knee injuries, the predictive association between noncontact knee injuries and kinematic and kinetic variables remains unclear. Purpose: To systematically review the association between kinematic and kinetic variables from biomechanical evaluation during landing tasks and subsequent acute noncontact knee injuries in athletes. Study Design: Systematic review; Level of evidence, 2. Methods: Databases used for searches were MEDLINE, LILACS, IBECS, CINAHL, SPORTDiscus, SCIELO, IME, ScienceDirect, and Cochrane from database inception to May 2020. Manual reference checks, articles published online ahead of print, and citation tracking were also considered. Eligibility criteria included prospective studies evaluating frontal and sagittal plane kinematics and kinetics of landing tasks and their association with subsequent acute noncontact knee injuries in athletes. Results: A total of 13 studies met the eligibility criteria, capturing 333 acute noncontact knee injuries in 8689 participants. A metaanalysis revealed no significant effects for any kinematic and kinetic variable with regard to subsequent noncontact knee injuries. Conclusion: No kinetic or kinematic variables from landing tasks had a significant association with acute noncontact knee injuries. Therefore, the role and application of the landing assessment for predicting acute noncontact knee injuries are limited and unclear, particularly given the heterogeneity and risk of bias of studies to date

    Anaerobic Speed Reserve, Sprint Force–Velocity Profile, Kinematic Characteristics, and Jump Ability among Elite Male Speed-and Endurance-Adapted Milers

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    This study aimed to compare sprint, jump performance, and sprint mechanical variables between endurance-adapted milers (EAM, specialized in 1500–3000-m) and speed-adapted milers (SAM, specialized in 800–1500 m) and to examine the relationships between maximal sprint speed (MSS), anaerobic speed reserve (ASR), sprint, jump performance, and sprint mechanical characteristics of elite middle-distance runners. Fifteen participants (8 EAM; 7 SAM) were evaluated to obtain their maximal aerobic speed, sprint mechanical characteristics (force–velocity profile and kinematic variables), jump, and sprint performance. SAM displayed greater MSS, ASR, horizontal jump, sprint performance, and mechanical ability than EAM (p < 0.05). SAM also showed higher stiffness in the 40-m sprint (p = 0.026) and a higher ratio of horizontal-to-resultant force (RF) at 10 m (p = 0.003) and RFpeak (p = 0.024). MSS and ASR correlated with horizontal (r = 0.76) and vertical (r = 0.64) jumps, all sprint split times (r ≤ −0.85), stiffness (r = 0.86), and mechanical characteristics (r ≥ 0.56) during the 100-m sprint, and physical qualities during acceleration (r ≥ 0.66) and sprint mechanical effectiveness from the force–velocity profile (r ≥ 0.69). Season-best times in the 800 m were significantly correlated with MSS (r = −0.86). Sprint ability has a crucial relevance in middle-distance runners’ performance, especially for SA

    Validação intercultural em português de um questionário para avaliar a síndrome visual do computador em trabalhadores expostos a dispositivos digitais

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    Purpose: As digital devices are increasingly used at work, valid and reliable tools are needed to assess their effect on visual health. This study aimed to translate, cross-culturally adapt, and validate the Computer Vision Syndrome Questionnaire (CVS-Q©) into Portuguese. Methods: A 5-phase process was followed: direct translation, synthesis of translation, back-translation, consolidation by an expert committee, and pretest. To run the pretest, a cross-sectional pilot study was conducted with 26 participants who completed the prefinal Portuguese version of the CVS-Q© and were asked about difficulties, comprehensibility, and suggestions to improve the questionnaire. To evaluate the reliability and validity of the Portuguese version of the CVS-Q©, a cross-sectional validation study was performed in a different sample (280 workers). Results: In the pretest, 96.2% had no difficulty in completing it, and 84.0% valued it as clear and understandable. CVS-Q© in Portuguese (Questionário da Síndrome Visual do Computador, CVS-Q PT©) was then obtained. Validation revealed the scale’s good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha=0.793), good temporal stability (intraclass correlation coefficient=0.847; 95% CI 0.764-0.902, kappa=0.839), adequate sensitivity and specificity (78.5% and 70.7%, respectively), good discriminant capacity (area under the curve=0.832; 95% CI 0.784-0.879), and adequate convergent validity with the ocular surface disease index (Spearman correlation coefficient=0.728, p<0.001). The factor analysis provided a single factor accounting for 37.7% of the explained common variance. A worker who scored ≥7 points would have computer vision syndrome. Conclusions: CVS-Q PT© can be considered an intuitive and easy-to-understand tool with good psychometric properties to measure computer vision syndrome in Portuguese workers exposed to digital devices. This questionnaire will assist in making decisions on preventive measures, interventions, and treatment and comparing exposed populations in different Portuguese-speaking countries.Objetivos: À medida que a utilização de equipamentos digitais no emprego aumenta, a avaliação do seu efeito na saúde visual necessita de ferramentas válidas e robustas. Este estudo teve como objetivo traduzir, adaptar culturalmente e validar para português o Questionário da Síndrome Visual do Computador (CVS-Q©). Métodos: O procedimento foi realizado em 5 fases: tradução direta, síntese da tradução, tradução inversa, consolidação por um painel de especialistas, e pré-teste. Para fazer o pré-teste foi realizado um estudo piloto transversal aplicado a uma amostra de 26 participantes que completaram a versão pré-final da versão portuguesa do CVS-Q©, questionando por dificuldades, compreensão e sugestões de melhoria do questionário. Para avaliar a confiança e validade da versão portuguesa do CVS-Q© foi realizado um estudo transversal de validação em uma amostra diferente (280 funcionários). Resultados: No préteste, 96.2% dos participantes não apresentaram dificuldades no preenchimento do questionário, enquanto 84.0% indicaram que era claro e compreensível. Obteve-se, então, o CVS-Q© em português (Questionário da Síndrome Visual do Computador, CVS-Q PT©). A sua validação revelou uma boa consistência interna da sua escala (Cronbach’s alpha=0.793), boa estabilidade tem poral (coeficiente de correlação interclasse=0.847; 95% CI 0.764-0.902, kappa=0.839), sensibilidades e especificidades adequadas (78.5% e 70.7%, respetivamente), boa capacidade de discriminação (área abaixo da curva=0.832; 95% CI 0.784-0.879), e uma adequada validade da convergência com o índice de doença da superfície ocular (ocular surface disease index - OSDI; coeficiente de correlação de Spearman=0.728, p<0.001). A análise fatorial revelou um único fator responsável por explicar a variância comum em 37.7%. Um funcionário com uma pontuação ≥7 pontos sofria de síndrome visual do computador. Conclusão: O CVS-Q PT© pode ser considerada uma ferramenta intuitiva, de fácil interpretação e com boas pro priedades psicométricas para avaliar a síndrome visual do computador em funcionários portugueses expostos a ecrãs digitais. Este questionário facilitará as decisões sobre medidas preventivas, intervenções e tratamento, e a comparação entre as populações expostas em diferentes países de língua portuguesa.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology in the framework of the Strategic Funding UIDB/04650/2020. The authors thank the Vice-Rectorate of Research of the University of Alicante for the pre-doctoral training contract for the first author (UAFPU2019-08). This article will form part of the first author’s doctoral thesis

    Sprint performance and mechanical outputs computed with an iPhone app: Comparison with existing reference methods

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    The purpose of this study was to assess validity and reliability of sprint performance outcomes measured with an iPhone application (named: MySprint) and existing field methods (i.e. timing photocells and radar gun). To do this, 12 highly trained male sprinters performed 6 maximal 40-m sprints during a single session which were simultaneously timed using 7 pairs of timing photocells, a radar gun and a newly developed iPhone app based on high-speed video recording. Several split times as well as mechanical outputs computed from the model proposed by Samozino et al. [(2015). A simple method for measuring power, force, velocity properties, and mechanical effectiveness in sprint running. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. https://doi.org/10.1111/sms.12490] were then measured by each system, and values were compared for validity and reliability purposes. First, there was an almost perfect correlation between the values of time for each split of the 40-m sprint measured with MySprint and the timing photocells (r = 0.989–0.999, standard error of estimate = 0.007–0.015 s, intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = 1.0). Second, almost perfect associations were observed for the maximal theoretical horizontal force (F0), the maximal theoretical velocity (V0), the maximal power (Pmax) and the mechanical effectiveness (DRF – decrease in the ratio of force over acceleration) measured with the app and the radar gun (r = 0.974–0.999, ICC = 0.987–1.00). Finally, when analysing the performance outputs of the six different sprints of each athlete, almost identical levels of reliability were observed as revealed by the coefficient of variation (MySprint: CV = 0.027–0.14%; reference systems: CV = 0.028–0.11%). Results on the present study showed that sprint performance can be evaluated in a valid and reliable way using a novel iPhone app.Actividad Física y Deport

    Physiotherapists' evidence-based practice profiles by HS-EBP questionnaire in Spain: a cross-sectional normative study

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    Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is a cost-effective approach for improving the quality of clinical care and implementing only well-tested evidence. Health professions, especially physiotherapy, must embrace EBP principles. This paper presents normative data from the Spanish physiotherapist population using the Health-Sciences Evidence-Based Practice questionnaire and explores EBP clusters/profiles of professionals in practice. An intentional sample of 419 practicing physiotherapists was recruited from the Spanish Professional Council of Physiotherapy. Participants completed a cross-sectional online survey with 60 Likert items (scale 1¿10) measuring 5 dimensions: 1) Beliefs and attitudes, 2) Results from literature, 3) Professional practice, 4) Assessment of results, and 5) Barriers and Facilitators. The protocol also included sociodemographic, training, and practice-related contrast variables. Normative data were estimated and tabulated for each dimension and then a K-means clustering procedure was implemented using the contrast variables. Results for normative data showed, in descending order, the following 50th percentile values for the five EBP factors: Beliefs and attitudes (8.25), Professional practice (8.00), Assessment of results (7.42), Results from literature (6.71), and EBP Barriers and Facilitators (5.17); all expressed on a scale of 1 to 10. Academic degree, EBP training level, and work time shared in healthcare activity, research, or teaching activity were all statistically significant for discriminating EBP dimension scores. Finally, six different clusters showed that when EBP level is low, the scores in all dimensions are equally low, and vice-versa. The EBP dimensions "Beliefs and attitudes", "Professional practice", and "Evaluation of results" obtained better normative scores overall than "Search for bibliographic evidence and its inclusion in practice" and especially "Perception of EBP barriers", which had the worst score. Normative data are useful for comparing individual scores and the reference population, and information about clusters will enable appropriate global EBP intervention programs to be designed and implemented.This work was supported by the Health Research Fund of the Institute of Health Carlos III [PI12/02456], Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Government of Spain and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 'A Way of Making Europe', the European Union

    Evaluation of Ventral Laparoscopic Abomasopexy Using Surgical Staples Associated with Suture Material in Dairy Cattle

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    Background: Displaced Abomasum is known for being on of the main illnesses that affect milking cows. Increase in diagnosis of this illness is due to advancement in diagnosis techniques. Increase in incidence of this illness can be explained by genetic selection of animals with high production, breed systems and changes to the diet with a higher level of protein. For laparoscopic treatment, several surgical changes were performed to optimize the procedure and thus achieve better results. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate applicability of the ventral laparoscopic abomasopexy technique, using surgical clamps attached to the suture thread, to milking cows.Materials, Methods & Results: Six adult cows were placed under anesthesia with isoflurane and placed in dorsal decubitus. Animals were kept with no water for 24 h and no food for 48 h. Four laparoscopic accesses were performed. The first one was created with the intention of inspecting the abdominal cavity and the remaining three for access of surgical instruments. Serous membrane of the abomasum was cauterized, combined with suture threads and placed at the greater abomasal curvature. The free part of suture threads was kept out of the abdominal cavity and after traction of the abomasum against the abdominal wall was tied to the skin. Ultrasound exam was performed for abdominal evaluation after abomasopexy. Anesthesia time and surgery time were recorded and analyzes through average and standard deviation (SD). The average anesthesia time recorded was 94 min (SD 14.63 min) and average surgery time was 51 min (SD 14.71 min). The fasting period was considered adequate, however all animals had to undergo intubation with orogastric tube to drain liquids and gas during the procedure. Four of the six animals had lineal adhesion. Three of the four animals that had adhesion did not keep the abomasum at the retroperitoneal area, however viscera movement was stopped in the abdominal cavity.Discussion: Abomasopexy through laparoscopy is a safe technique, especially when compared with other invasive methods of abomasopexy. However, to perform this type of surgery availability of adequate equipment and a well trained surgical team are required. This study was performed at a surgery room under full anesthesia. In a field situation, the veterinarian can have some difficulties but such adversities must not be considered and impediment for performance of surgery on the field as its performance is possible. Even though surgical clamps were small, they were considered adequate for what was suggested. The applied 0 degree laparoscopic optic presented restrictions for cavity inspection, therefore we believe that an optical lenses with 30 degree angle could facilitate this laparoscopy inspection. To induce greater and more lasting adherence we suggest cauterizing a greater area of the serous membrane of the abomasum. We also suggest not performing this procedure during lactation peak, when fasting and surgery can cause economic losses. Complications associated with this technique could not be avoided. The technique has shown favorable results, but its clinical applicability depends on application on animals subjected to the conditions of a milk production cycle

    Hugo Chávez: una década en el poder

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    Una década de Hugo Chávez Frías y su proyecto político en Venezuela trajo consigo un cambio de paradigmas que llama la atención de la sociedad en general. Este libro es el resultado del esfuerzo conjunto de un grupo de académicos de distintas nacionalidades que desde sus líneas de investigación realizan análisis que le brindan al lector elementos para comprender de manera global lo que significa una década de gobierno del Presidente Chávez en Venezuela.Este libro es el resultado del esfuerzo conjunto de un grupo de académicos de distintas nacionalidades que desde sus líneas de investigación realizan análisis que le brindan al lector elementos para comprender de manera global lo que significa una década de gobierno del Presidente Chávez en Venezuela

    Izaña Atmospheric Research Center. Activity Report 2015-2016

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    This report is a summary of the many activities at the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center to the broader community. The combination of operational activities, research and development in state-of-the-art measurement techniques, calibration and validation and international cooperation encompass the vision of WMO to provide world leadership in expertise and international cooperation in weather, climate, hydrology and related environmental issues