3,534 research outputs found


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    Improving the reading comprehension of low proficiency students

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    84 Páginas.Este reporte describe los efectos que tienen la aplicación de algunas estrategias de pre lectura en un grupo de estudiantes de grado 11(estudiantes de bajo nivel de competencia) del colegio José de San Martin de Tabio Cundinamarca Colombia. El objetivo del proyecto es mejorar la comprensión de lectura de los estudiantes considerando los principios de auto aprendizaje. Se realizó teniendo en cuenta las necesidades, gustos, intereses y nivel de los estudiantes. Se implementaron cinco estrategias de pre lectura: lluvia de ideas, ayudas visuales, interrogatorio anterior, enseñanza de vocabulario previo y K-L-W en doce intervenciones. Se aplicó un test al inicio y al final del estudio y se compararon sus resultados. Los datos para el estudio fueron recopilados usando los siguientes instrumentos: diario estudiantil, un formato de registro de observaciones del docente y una entrevista a un grupo focal. Al final del estudio se pudo observar mejora en la comprensión lectora de los estudiantes, como disfrutaron de las actividades y como empezaron un proceso de auto dirección

    Intervención cognitiva conductual para ansiedad en niños y adolescentes para la reducción de ataques asmáticos

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    Asthma is the most common chronic respiratory disease in childhood and it is known that psychological factors such as anxiety have an important effect on it (Benéitez, et al., 2005). Emotional factors can determine the course of this disease as well as its maintenance. Despite of this most of the treatments currently focus on the use of medicine and not on psychological interventions as complementary treatment (Stone, et al., 2005)...El asma es la enfermedad crónica respiratoria más común en la infancia y se sabe que los factores psicológicos como la ansiedad tienen un efecto importante en la misma (Benéitez, et al., 2005). Los factores emocionales pueden determinar el curso de esta enfermedad así como su mantenimiento. A pesar de esto actualmente la mayoría de tratamientos se enfocan únicamente en el uso de fármacos y no en las intervenciones psicológicas como tratamiento complementario (Stone, et al., 2005). Metodología: Para esta investigación se ha seleccionado una muestra de 378 niños entre los 10 y 14 años que padezcan asma..

    Black States of Desire: Josephine Baker, Identity and the Sexual Black Body

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    La puesta en escena de josephine baker del cuerpo de color femenino en los escenarios de parís en los años 20 y 30 es un ejemplo de la comodificación de la sexualidad femenina. Tiene su precedente en el siglo xix en saartjie baartman, conocida como la ve

    Identity As a Construct: Reading Blackness In Eugene O’Neill’sThe Emperor Jones

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    This paper aims to explore how racialized identities are typified as a modernist construct in Eugene O’Neill’s The Emperor Jones(1920). To this end, the notion of whiteness is identified as a mediated construct and contextualizedin the proliferation of American minstrel shows. This popular entertainment projected to white audiences the racial means of differentiation from black caricatures and clichés at the time of segregation. The echoes of minstrel showsand modernists’ instrumentalization of 1920s primitivism serve to initially address the characterization of blackness in Brutus Jones’ identity. Assessed through this in-between construction of symbolic borderlands in which the protagonist is both colonizer and colonized, his blackness becomes a metaphorical mask of otherness while his whiteness shapes the colonial performance of material whiteness. Although he envisions the white ideal in his systematic practices in the Caribbean island, his fragmented identity and his hybridity subject him to a primeval racialized past, to primitivism and atavism.Este artículo tiene como objetivo examinar la medida en que las identidades racializadas son tipificadas como un constructo modernista en El Emperador Jones(1920)de Eugene O’Neill. Para tal fin, la noción de blanquitudes identificada como un constructo mediado y contextualizado en la proliferación de los minstrel shows americanos. Esta forma de entretenimiento popular proyectó a las audiencias blancas los medios raciales de diferenciación frente a las caricaturas negras y clichés durante la segregación. Los ecos de los minstrel shows y la instrumentalización modernista del primitivismo de la década de 1920 sirven para inicialmente abordar la caracterización de la negritud en la identidad de Brutus Jones. Evaluado a través de esta construcción intermedia de los márgenes simbólicos en los que el protagonista es tanto, colonizador como colonizado, su negritud se convierte en una máscara metafórica de otredad mientras que su blanquitud moldea la interpretación colonial de la blanquitud material. Aunque él aspira al ideal blanco en sus prácticas sistemáticas en la isla caribeña, su identidad fragmentada e híbrida lo somete a un pasado primigenio y racializado, al primitivismo y atavismo

    Women’s Bodies and Emotions: Desertion, Illegitimacy and the Cambridge Union Workhouse in the late Victorian period.

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    Cambridge Union Workhouse was built a mile away from the city, surrounded by fields to avoid any interference with members of the University or with commercial life. The site was located at 81A, Milton Road, quite close to where the railway station was later built in 1845. On many occasions the workhouse became a necessity rather than a place of temporary relief for women. At difficult times because of unemployment or because of the need for medical assistance in cases of illness (venereal disease) or pregnancy, the workhouse represented the only possibility for survival for many women, among whom there were many prostitutes. Also, single mothers or deserted mothers got a foothold in the workhouse as they were provided with help and support when they found themselves and their children with no other place to go. Illegitimate births provoked disapproval among overseers and boards of guardians as single mothers were considered ‘fallen women’ and the personification of immorality. Unions were allowed to seek affiliation orders against the fathers of illegitimate children being beneficiaries of poor relief within their walls. Also, abandoned wives and mothers were an important part of the workhouse population. There are several examples of cases of this kind in the archives of the Cambridge Poor-Law Union. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to prove that Victorian poor women resorted to the workhouse in situations of vulnerability and precarity because of their condition as ‘fallen’ and because of men’s lack of responsibility towards their wives and children. Consequently, their bodies and emotions were just carriers of stigma. In this sense, the Cambridge Poor Law Union was an example of an institution in Cambridge that formed part of the city’s architecture of containment of immorality and of working-class women’s makeshift economy in the last decades of the nineteenth century.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Frederick W. Lowndes, MRCSE and Surgeon to the Liverpool Lock Hospital: Prostitution and Venereal Disease in the 1880s

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the perpetuation of the myth of the fallen woman in the rescue work and the cure of prostitutes in Liverpool in the 1880s. To this end, Frederick Lowndes’ 1886 publication, Prostitution and Venereal Diseases in Liverpool, will be discussed as an example of a text written by a medical authority concerned with sexual promiscuity and the spread of venereal disease. Prostitution had cultural and moral implications for Victorians, and prostitutes represented a threat to middle-class society as the very image of vice and public disorder itself. Lowndes offers an overview of the issue for the years leading up to the publication of his pamphlet, dealing with issues like the role of brothels, the causes of prostitution in Liverpool and the classification of these women into different categories, thus echoing some of the ideas of moral reformers and medical men concerning the Great Social Evil. The role played by local laws in the containment of this public vice and of the Liverpool Lock Hospital in the treatment of the diseases considered to be the result of prostitution will be analysed in the light of Lowndes’ text and ideas. My intention is to prove that seclusion of deviant elements of society together with their classification and indoctrination were still present in the medical and moral discourses of the latter part of the Victorian period. Similarly, Foucauldian notions concerning deviancy and discipline will be discussed together with Butlerian ideas about gender and sexuality in the context of Victorian respectability and womanhood

    “Porque los muertos ya no pueden absolverme”: violencia de género, precariedad y el estilo gótico neo-victoriano en The Whores’ Asylum (2012), de Katy Darby

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    Katy Darby’s neo-Victorian novel The Whores’ Asylum (2012) is set in Oxford in the 1880s. The Gothic plays an important role in the process of re-writing the Victorian period as a mirror of our contemporary societies where depravity and lack of humanity co-exist with modernity and civilisation. The protagonists—Stephen, Edward and Diana—are involved in the process of showing sympathy for the lives and deaths of the destitute and the dispossessed. Under the stance of Judith Butler’s theories of mourning and violence, my analysis has a two-fold aim: to discuss issues of the Victorian past such as venereal disease, prostitution and gender violence in the text, and to question to what extent the novel can be an attempt to hear the voices of the victims of sexual exploitation, giving them restoration and agency. However, my conclusion is that the text does not grant the victims of sexual exploitation real voice or agency.The Whores’ Asylum (2012) es una novela neo-victoriana de Katy Darby situada en Oxford en la década de 1880. La tradición de la novela gótica desempeña un papel importante en el proceso de re-escritura del período victoriano como un espejo de nuestras sociedades contemporáneas donde la depravación y falta de humanidad coexisten con la modernidad y la civilización. Los protagonistas (Stephen, Edward y Diana) están involucrados en el proceso de mostrar empatía hacia las vidas y muertes de los desamparados y desposeídos. Bajo el prisma de las teorías de Judith Butler sobre el luto y la violencia, mi análisis tiene un doble objetivo: discutir cuestiones del pasado victoriano como las enfermedades venéreas, la prostitución y la violencia de género en el texto, y cuestionar hasta qué punto la novela puede ser un intento de escuchar las voces de las víctimas de explotación sexual, proporcionándoles compensación y agencialidad. No obstante, mi conclusión es que el texto no da una agencialidad o una voz real a las víctimas de explotación sexual

    Construcción social del concepto de número real en alumnos de secundaria : aspectos cognitivos y actitudinales

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    During the school year 1993-94, we carried out an action-research experience with 14-15 year-old students aimed to study their understanding of real numbers. One of the main features in the introduction of the topic was the work on problematic situations. In the treatment and resolution of these situations, we assumed that social interaction and communication processes in the classroom setting have a great relevance for the development of mathematical understanding in the students. In this article, we explain the assumptions and the methodology that we used in our experience and interpret some of its results, which show the advantages of this approach in the construction of advanced numerical thinking