909 research outputs found

    Avalanche criticality in the martensitic transition of Cu67.64Zn16.71Al15.65 shape-memory alloy: a calorimetric and acoustic emission study

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    The first-order diffusionless structural transition in Cu67.64Zn16.71Al15.65 is characterized by jerky propagation of phase fronts related to the appearance of avalanches. In this paper, we describe a full analysis of this avalanche behavior using calorimetric heat-flux measurements and acoustic emission measurements. Two different propagation modes, namely, smooth front propagation and jerky avalanches, were observed in extremely slow measurements with heating and cooling rates as low as a few 10−3 K/h. Avalanches show criticality where each avalanche leads to a spike in the heat flux. Their statistical analysis leads to a power law [P(E)∼E−ε, where P(E)dE is the probability to observe an avalanche with energy E in an interval between E and E+dE] with an energy exponent of ε=2.15±0.15 in excellent agreement with the results of acoustic emission measurements. Avalanches appear to be more common for heating rates faster than 5×10−3 K/h whereas smooth front propagation occurs in all calorimetric measurements and (almost) exclusively for slower heating rates. Repeated cooling runs were taken after a waiting time of 1 month (and an intermediate heating run). Correlations between the avalanche sequences of the two cooling runs were found for the strongest avalanche peaks but not for the full sequence of avalanches. The memory effect is hence limited to strong avalanches

    A computational modeling for real ecosystems based on P systems

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    In this paper, a P systems based general framework for modeling ecosystems dynamics is presented. Particularly, ecosystems are specified by means of multienvironment P systems composed of a finite number of environments, each of them having an extended P system with active membranes. The semantics is of a probabilistic type and it is implemented by assigning each rule of the system a probabilistic constant which depends on the environment and the run time. As a case study, two real ecosystems are described: scavenger birds in the Catalan Pyrenees and the zebra mussel (Dreissena Polymorpha) in Ribarroja reservoir (Spain).Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009–13192Junta de Andalucía P08–TIC-0420

    E-assessment of relational database skills by means of LearnSQL

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    LearnSQL is a software system that allows the automatic and efficient e-learning and e-assessment of relational database skills. It has been used at the Barcelona School of Informatics for 18 semesters with an average of 200 students per semester. This paper shows the functionalities of LearnSQL subsystems by means of specific and understandable examples.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Aprenentatge 2.0

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    [p.4] Escola 2.0[p.8] Aprenentatge digital: oportunitats i conflictes[p.14] La cara oculta de la tecnologia[p.16] La Fortuna dels Commons[p.22] "El Coneixement us farà lliures"[p.28] Salvant la Terra amb el teclat[p.34] De l’educació a l’aprenentatgePeer Reviewe

    Integració i avaluació de la competència genèrica transversal actitud adequada davant el treball en assignatures de bases de dades

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    El canvi al nou Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior va portar a la Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelona de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya a incorporar competències genèriques tranversals en els seus plans d’estudi. En aquest article es presenta com s’ha integrat la competència actitud adequada davant el treball en les assignatures de bases de dades del Grau en Enginyeria Informàtica en la especialitat d’Enginyeria del Software, el mètode d’avaluació utilitzat i es comenten els resultats obtinguts en els darrers tres anys.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Impacts on the Deep-Sea Ecosystem by a Severe Coastal Storm

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    Major coastal storms, associated with strong winds, high waves and intensified currents, and occasionally with heavy rains and flash floods, are mostly known because of the serious damage they can cause along the shoreline and the threats they pose to navigation. However, there is a profound lack of knowledge on the deep-sea impacts of severe coastal storms. Concurrent measurements of key parameters along the coast and in the deep-sea are extremely rare. Here we present a unique data set showing how one of the most extreme coastal storms of the last decades lashing the Western Mediterranean Sea rapidly impacted the deep-sea ecosystem. The storm peaked the 26th of December 2008 leading to the remobilization of a shallow-water reservoir of marine organic carbon associated with fine particles and resulting in its redistribution across the deep basin. The storm also initiated the movement of large amounts of coarse shelf sediment, which abraded and buried benthic communities. Our findings demonstrate, first, that severe coastal storms are highly efficient in transporting organic carbon from shallow water to deep water, thus contributing to its sequestration and, second, that natural, intermittent atmospheric drivers sensitive to global climate change have the potential to tremendously impact the largest and least known ecosystem on Earth, the deep-sea ecosystem

    RFID: Noves experiències al CRAI de la UB

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    Podeu consultar el programa complet de la jornada: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/11824

    Depletion of abscisic acid levels in roots of flooded Carrizo citrange (Poncirus trifoliata L. Raf. x Citrus sinensis L. Osb.) plants is a stress-specific response associated to the differential expression of PYR/PYL/RCAR receptors

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    [EN] Soil flooding reduces root abscisic acid (ABA) levels in citrus, conversely to what happens under drought. Despite this reduction, microarray analyses suggested the existence of a residual ABA signaling in roots of flooded Carrizo citrange seedlings. The comparison of ABA metabolism and signaling in roots of flooded and water stressed plants of Carrizo citrange revealed that the hormone depletion was linked to the upregulation of CsAOG, involved in ABA glycosyl ester (ABAGE) synthesis, and to a moderate induction of catabolism (CsCYP707A, an ABA 8'-hydroxylase) and buildup of dehydrophaseic acid (DPA). Drought strongly induced both ABA biosynthesis and catabolism (CsNCED1, 9-cis-neoxanthin epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase 1, and CsCYP707A) rendering a significant hormone accumulation. In roots of flooded plants, restoration of control ABA levels after stress release was associated to the upregulation of CsBGLU18 (an ABA beta-glycosidase) that cleaves ABAGE. Transcriptional profile of ABA receptor genes revealed a different induction in response to soil flooding (CsPYL5) or drought (CsPYL8). These two receptor genes along with CsPYL1 were cloned and expressed in a heterologous system. Recombinant CsPYL5 inhibited Delta NHAB1 activity in vitro at lower ABA concentrations than CsPYL8 or CsPYL1, suggesting its better performance under soil flooding conditions. Both stress conditions induced ABA-responsive genes CsABI5 and CsDREB2A similarly, suggesting the occurrence of ABA signaling in roots of flooded citrus seedlings. The impact of reduced ABA levels in flooded roots on CsPYL5 expression along with its higher hormone affinity reinforce the role of this ABA receptor under soil-flooding conditions and explain the expression of certain ABA-responsive genes.This work was supported by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO), Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) and Universitat Jaume I through grants No. AGL201676574-R, UJI-B2016-23/UJI-B2016-24 to A.G-C. and V.A. and MINECO, FEDER and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) through grant BIO2014-52537-R to P.L.R. S.I.Z. and M.M. were supported by predoctoral grants from Universitat Jaume I and Generalitat Valenciana, respectively. M.G.G. was recipient of a "JAE-DOC" contract from the CSIC. Mass spectrometry analyses were performed at the central facilities (Servei Central d'Instrumentacio Cientifica, SCIC) of Universitat Jaume I.Arbona, V.; Zandalinas, SI.; Manzi, M.; González Guzmán, M.; Rodríguez Egea, PL.; Gómez-Cadenas, A. (2017). Depletion of abscisic acid levels in roots of flooded Carrizo citrange (Poncirus trifoliata L. Raf. x Citrus sinensis L. Osb.) plants is a stress-specific response associated to the differential expression of PYR/PYL/RCAR receptors. Plant Molecular Biology. 93(6):623-640. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11103-017-0587-7S623640936Agarwal PK, Jha B (2010) Transcription factors in plants and ABA dependent and independent abiotic stress signalling. Biol Plant 54:201–212Agustí J, Merelo P, Cercós M, Tadeo FR, Talón M (2008) Ethylene-induced differential gene expression during abscission of citrus leaves. J Exp Bot 59:2717–2733. doi: 10.1093/jxb/ern138Antoni R, Gonzalez-Guzman M, Rodriguez L, Rodrigues A, Pizzio G, Rodriguez PL (2012) Selective inhibition of clade a phosphatases type 2 C by PYR/PYL/RCAR abscisic acid receptors. Plant Physiol 158:970–980. doi: 10.1104/pp.111.188623Antoni R, Gonzalez-Guzman M, Rodriguez L, Peirats-Llobet M, Pizzio G, Fernandez M, De Winne N, De Jaeger G, Dietrich D, Bennett MJ, Rodriguez PL (2013) PYRABACTIN RESISTANCE1-LIKE8 plays an important role for the regulation of abscisic acid signaling in root. Plant Physiol 161:491–931. doi: 10.1104/pp.112.208678Arbona V, Gómez-Cadenas A (2008) Hormonal modulation of citrus responses to flooding. J Plant Growth Regul 27:241–250. doi: 10.1007/s00344-008-9051-xArbona V, López-climent MF, Pérez-Clemente RM, Gómez-cadenas A (2009) Maintenance of a high photosynthetic performance is linked to flooding tolerance in citrus. Environ Exp Bot 66:135–142. doi: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2008.12.011Argamasilla R, Gómez-Cadenas A, Arbona V (2013) Metabolic and regulatory responses in citrus rootstocks in response to adverse environmental conditions. J Plant Growth Regul 33:169–180. doi: 10.1007/s00344-013-9359-zBaron KN, Schroeder DF, Stasolla C (2012) Transcriptional response of abscisic acid (ABA) metabolism and transport to cold and heat stress applied at the reproductive stage of development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Sci 188–189:48–59. doi: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2012.03.001Benschop JJ, Millenaar FF, Smeets ME, Van Zanten M, Voesenek LACJ, Peeters AJM (2007) Abscisic acid antagonizes ethylene-induced hyponastic growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 143:1013–1023Chen R, Jiang H, Li L, Zhai Q, Qi L, Zhou W, Liu X, Li H, Zheng W, Sun J, Li C (2012) The Arabidopsis mediator subunit MED25 differentially regulates jasmonate and abscisic acid signaling through interacting with the MYC2 and ABI5 transcription factors. Plant Cell 24:2898–2916. doi: 10.1105/tpc.112.098277De Ollas C, Hernando B, Arbona V, Gómez-Cadenas A (2013) Jasmonic acid transient accumulation is needed for abscisic acid increase in citrus roots under drought stress conditions. Physiol Plant 147:296–306. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.2012.01659.xDupeux F, Santiago J, Betz K, Twycross J, Park S-Y, Rodriguez L, Gonzalez-Guzman M, Jensen MR, Krasnogor N, Blackledge M, Holdsworth M, Cutler SR, Rodriguez PL, Márquez JA (2011) A thermodynamic switch modulates abscisic acid receptor sensitivity. EMBO J 30:4171–4184. doi: 10.1038/emboj.2011.294Finkelstein RR, Rock CD (2002) Abscisic Acid biosynthesis and response. Arabidopsis Book 1:e0058. doi: 10.1199/tab.0058Fuchs S, Tischer SV, Wunschel C, Christmann A, Grill E (2014) Abscisic acid sensor RCAR7/PYL13, specific regulator of protein phosphatase coreceptors. 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    Treatment of Complex Cutaneous Leishmaniasis with Liposomal Amphotericin B

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    Leishmania; Anfotericina B liposomal; Terapia sistémicaLeishmania; Liposomal amphotericin B; Systemic therapyLeishmania; Amfotericina B liposomal; Teràpia sistèmicaBackground: There is no consensus for the best treatment of complex cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). We aimed to describe a cohort of CL, focusing on liposomal amphotericin B (L-AmB) treatment outcome. Methods: We performed a retrospective study in Vall d’Hebron University Hospital (Barcelona, Spain). All patients with parasitologically proven CL diagnosed from 2012 to 2018 were included. Results: The analysis included 41 patients with CL. The median age was 39 years (IQR 12- 66); 12 (29%) were children, and 29 (71%) were men. Regarding treatment, 24 (59%) received local treatment, whereas 17 (41%) had complex CL and were offered intravenous systemic treatment. Sixteen patients received L-AmB; eight (50%) had adverse events, and three (19%) discontinued treatment for safety reasons. All cases were considered cured within the first year post-treatment. Conclusions: L-AmB for complex CL showed no treatment failures, offering an alternative treatment option for patients with complex CL. Clinicians should pay close attention to the potential adverse events of L-AmB and adopt an active drug safety surveillance scheme to rapidly detect reversible side effects.This research received no external funding