3,589 research outputs found

    Quantum-coherent dynamics in photosynthetic charge separation revealed by wavelet analysis

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    Experimental/theoretical evidence for sustained vibration-assisted electronic (vibronic) coherence in the Photosystem II Reaction Center (PSII RC) indicates that photosynthetic solar-energy conversion might be optimized through the interplay of electronic and vibrational quantum dynamics. This evidence has been obtained by investigating the primary charge separation process in the PSII RC by two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES) and Redfield modeling of the experimental data. However, while conventional Fourier transform analysis of the 2DES data allows oscillatory signatures of vibronic coherence to be identified in the frequency domain in the form of static 2D frequency maps, the real-time evolution of the coherences is lost. Here we apply for the first time wavelet analysis to the PSII RC 2DES data to obtain time-resolved 2D frequency maps. These maps allow us to demonstrate that i) coherence between the excitons initiating the two different charge separation pathways is active for more than 500 fs, and ii) coherence between exciton and charge-transfer states, the reactant and product of the charge separation reaction, respectively, is active for at least 1 ps. These findings imply that the PSII RC employs coherence i) to sample competing electron transfer pathways, and ii) to perform directed, ultrafast and efficient electron transfer.Comment: Scientific reports 201

    The prosumer in the construction of the radio speech: analysis of the case of the Ecuadorian radios of Cotopaxi and Tungurahua

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    Las plataformas digitales de la web 2.0 ofrecen ser herramientas para la comunicación bidireccional y el fomento de la participación de la audiencia en los contenidos radiofónicos. El desarrollo de formatos multimedia permite la creación de nuevos modelos de presentación para las producciones radiofónicas, además, el servicio de streaming en Internet, ha posibilitado a la radio expandir sus ideas muchas más allá del espectro radioeléctrico y de la imagen acústica; obteniendo así una cobertura mundial. La presente investigación utiliza metodologías cuantitativas y cualitativas para establecer la presencia de las radios ecuatorianas de las provincias de Cotopaxi y Tungurahua en la era digital, reflexionando sobre el uso de redes sociales y servicios de mensajería para propender a la participación de la audiencia como prosumer en el discurso radiofónico. Finalmente se manifiesta que las radios ecuatorianas tienen presencia en plataformas web, pero no son utilizadas para enriquecer el producto radiofónico, en tanto que el emisor radial desconoce del manejo social media para crear audiencias sociales fieles y propender a la participación y colaboración en los programas.The digital platforms of the web 2.0 offer to be tools for the bidirectional communication and the promotion of the participation of the hearing in the radio contents. The development of multimedia formats allows the creation of new models of presentation for the radio productions, in addition, the service of streaming in Internet, has enabled the radio to expand its ideas many beyond the radioelectric spectrum and the acoustic image; Thus, obtaining worldwide coverage. The present research uses quantitative and qualitative methodologies to establish the presence of the Ecuadorian radios of the provinces of Cotopaxi and Tungurahua in the digital age, reflecting on the use of social networks and courier services to promote the participation of the audience as prosumer in the radio speech. Finally, it is stated that Ecuadorian radios have a presence on web platforms, but they are not used to enrich the radio product, while the radio broadcaster is not aware of the social media management to create faithful social audiences and to encourage participation and collaboration in the programs

    Proposición de un modelo para el análisis de confiabilidad en la empresa Productos Fernández. Caso línea de producción de paté

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    78 p.El siguiente estudio consiste en aplicar un modelo de cálculo de confiabilidad en la empresa Productos Fernández S.A; en particular en sus plantas de producción situadas en la ciudad de Talca. La forma de desarrollo del proyecto se divide en tres grandes grupos; introducción desarrollo y conclusión. En la introducción se muestra el objetivo principal a tratar además de bosquejar cuales serán los pasos a seguir para cumplir el objetivo acompañado de su respectivo sustento teórico. El desarrollo esta divido en dos etapas; primero la presentación del modelo explicando las diferentes etapas a seguir, la segunda etapa contempla la aplicación del modelo en la línea de producción de paté, obteniendo no solo su confiabilidad sino también otros indicadores de clase mundial. Las conclusiones muestran las respuestas a los diferentes objetivos planteados en la introducción, además de decidir si el proyecto tiene un Viene a lugar recordar que este estudio se basa en la fuente información entregada por producción y los resultados obtenidos poseen como base esta fuente, es por eso que dentro de las actividades de trabajo se incluye evaluar la fiabilidad de la fuente a través de un diagrama de flujo

    On the solution of strong nonlinear oscillators by applying a rational elliptic balance method

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    AbstractA rational elliptic balance method is introduced to obtain exact and approximate solutions of nonlinear oscillators by using Jacobi elliptic functions. To illustrate the applicability of the proposed rational elliptic forms in the solution of nonlinear oscillators, we first investigate the exact solution of the non-homogenous, undamped Duffing equation. Then, we introduce first and second order rational elliptic form solutions to obtain approximate solutions of two nonlinear oscillators. At the end of the paper, we compare the numerical integration values of the angular frequencies with approximate solution results, based on the proposed rational elliptic balance method

    Does Money Help Elections? Analysis of the Impact of Campaign Spending and Incumbency in Ecuador

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    Restricting policies on electoral spending are intended to equalize the conditions of participation of candidates for a seat in a popular election. However, does the application of these restrictions generate equity in the electoral contest, or the opposite? There is much evidence about the advantage of the candidate who is reelected (incumbent) against his contender (challenger), which questions whether the budget restriction on electoral spending is effective in itself. For this research, we used a multiple linear regression method that measures the effects of the effectiveness of campaign spending in attracting votes from candidates for mayor of Ecuador, resulting in incumbency providing a degree of advantage over challengers. much more than the efficiency of spending, all in a highly restrictive scenario in electoral budgets and political campaign time

    Presentación de la asignatura: Sistemas operativos

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    Anàlisi estadística dels “Papers de Panamà”

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    Treballs Finals de Grau en Estadística UB-UPC, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa (UB) i Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística (UPC), Curs: 2016-2017, Tutor: Montserrat Guillen Estany(cat) En els últims anys, gràcies a l’avanç imparable de la tecnologia i dels nous mètodes de comunicació, el nombre de filtracions i escàndols que surten a la llum cada any és major. I cada cop, d’àmbits que tradicionalment han estat molt opacs o desconeguts per la majoria de la població. Dintre dels últims escàndols més sonats, trobem el portal Wikileaks, conegut per la filtració massiva de documents militars classificats dels EUA i la filtració que dóna peu a aquest treball, el Panama Leaks, que va destapar centenars de milers de societats registrades a desenes de paradisos fiscals. Exposant les pràctiques utilitzades per importants i influents polítics, cases reials, grans empreses i tot tipus de personalitats mundials per evadir impostos, blanquejar capital i d’altres pràctiques il·legals o poc ètiques. Dintre del Panama Leak, hi ha un bufet d’advocats que destaca en la creació d’aquestes societats, el Bufet Mossack Fonseca, font d’informació a partir de la qual es desenvolupa aquest treball. On es realitzarà mitjançant una anàlisi amb el software estadístic R, una comparació entre el comportament anual de les societats espanyoles amb el comportament de la globalitat de les societats del bufet.(eng) In recent years, thanks to the unstoppable advance of technology and new methods of communication, the number of leaks and scandals that come to light is higher and there are increasingly cases of areas that have traditionally been opaque and unknown to most of the population. Within recent scandals, we find portal Wikileaks, known for its massive filtration of classified US military documents and known also for the filtration that gives rise to this work, the Panama Leaks, that uncovered hundreds of thousands of companies registered in dozens of tax havens. Exposing the practices used by important and influential politicians, royal families, main companies and all kinds of world personalities to evade taxes, launder capital and other illegal or unethical practices. Within the Panama Leak, there is a law firm that excels in the creation of these companies, the Buffet Mossack Fonseca, the source of information from which this work is develop. A statistical analysis will be made with the software R, an annual comparison between the behavior of the Spanish societies and the behavior of worldwide buffet societies’.(eng) In recent years, thanks to the unstoppable advance of technology and new methods of communication, the number of leaks and scandals that come to light is higher and there are increasingly cases of areas that have traditionally been opaque and unknown to most of the population. Within recent scandals, we find portal Wikileaks, known for its massive filtration of classified US military documents and known also for the filtration that gives rise to this work, the Panama Leaks, that uncovered hundreds of thousands of companies registered in dozens of tax havens. Exposing the practices used by important and influential politicians, royal families, main companies and all kinds of world personalities to evade taxes, launder capital and other illegal or unethical practices. Within the Panama Leak, there is a law firm that excels in the creation of these companies, the Buffet Mossack Fonseca, the source of information from which this work is develop. A statistical analysis will be made with the software R, an annual comparison between the behavior of the Spanish societies and the behavior of worldwide buffet societies’