11 research outputs found

    FORECAST: a flexible software to forward model cosmological hydrodynamical simulations mimicking real observations

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    We present FORECAST, a new flexible and adaptable software package that performs forward modeling of the output of any cosmological hydrodynamical simulations to create a wide range of realistic synthetic astronomical images. With customizable options for filters, field of view size and survey parameters, it allows users to tailor the synthetic images to their specific requirements. FORECAST constructs light-cone exploiting the output snapshots of a simulation and computes the observed flux of each simulated stellar element, modeled as a Single Stellar Population, in any chosen set of pass-band filters, including k-correction, IGM absorption and dust attenuation. As a first application, we emulated the GOODS-South field as observed for the CANDELS survey exploiting the IllustrisTNG simulation. We produce images of 200 sq. arcmin., in 13 bands (eight Hubble Space Telescope optical and near-infrared bands from ACS B435 to WFC3 H160, the VLT HAWK-I Ks band, and the four IRAC filters from Spitzer), with depths consistent with the real data. We analysed the images with the same processing pipeline adopted for real data in CANDELS and ASTRODEEP publications, and we compared the results against both the input data used to create the images, and real data, generally finding good agreement with both, with some interesting exceptions which we discuss. As part of this work, we release the FORECAST code and two datasets: the CANDELS dataset analyzed in this study, and 10 JWST CEERS survey-like images (8 NIRCam and 2 MIRI) in a field of view of 200 sq. arcmin. between z=0-20. FORECAST is a flexible tool: it creates images that can then be processed and analysed using standard photometric algorithms, allowing for a consistent comparison among observations and models, and for a direct estimation of the biases introduced by such techniques.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, 6 tables, submitted to A&

    Trieste e il porto digitale del FVG: idea o prospettiva concreta

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    L’incontro vuole stimolare una riflessione sul concetto di porto digitale ed in particolare di porto digitale in Friuli Venezia Giulia, partendo dal ruolo centrale del porto di Trieste. Alla discussione prenderanno parte due personalità di rilievo dal mondo della ricerca tecnologica e da quello dell'amministrazione portuale. Durante l'evento, verranno toccati diversi temi: dal concetto stesso di porto digitale, alla sua contestualizzazione sul territorio regionale e cittadino, passando per differenze e sinergie con un porto merci. Incontro e dibattito a cura di Science Industries. Intervengono: Roberto Siagri, presidente Eurotech, Vittorio Torbianelli, relazioni internazionali Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Orientale. Moderano: Erik Romelli, Science Industries, Daniele Tavagnacco, Science Industries

    A dedicated end-to-end simulator for Euclid instrument operations

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    Euclid is a mission selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) at the end of 2011 to understand the nature of the dark Universe. It will investigate the distance-redshift relationship and the evolution of cosmic structures by means of two instruments: the Visual Imager (VIS) and the Near-Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer (NISP). Euclid Instruments are maintened and operated by the Instrument Operation Teams (IOTs), as a connection point between the EC Science Ground Segment (SGS), to whom it belongs, and the Science Operation Centre (SOC), run by ESA. The IOTs shall play a crucial role in the successful execution of the Euclid mission; they are in charge of the monitoring, control and maintenance of the Euclid payload, from initial diagnostics of field quality to detailed trend analysis of instrument characteristics and calibration. The simulation of synthetic data is commonly used by scientist and engineers to consolidate the instrument configuration and to define retrieval strategies on such complex missions. The IOTs will be equipped with dedicated software tools to allow a quasi-automatic monitoring and manage operational activities. Such simulator enables the generation of simulated output data for selected test scenarios to support the assessment of instrument configuration changes on the mission performance and allow to analyse the impact of individual error sources on the output of an ideal system, both separately and simultaneously. This paper describes the Euclid End-to-End Mission Performance Simulator (Euclid E2ES) which includes both the NISP and VIS instruments, to be run separately, to assess the synergy between the two instruments embarked on the mission, the impact on the observation strategy and the operations. An overview of Euclid E2ES design and current status is given, with a demonstration of some preliminary results. It is expected that Euclid E2ES will serve to consolidate the mission concept and instrument design as well as it will support IOTs during satellite operations and the first space mission phases (Performance Verification)

    Planck/LFI measures of Planets Spectral Energy Distribution

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    The spectral energy distribution at millimetric wavelengths of planets is an important benchmark to inter-calibrate different CMB experiments and a source of information on the atmospheric structure of planets. Planck/LFI observed Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune from three to eight times during its mission. In particular, as a calibrator Jupiter allows accurate comparison due to its high S/N ratio. Since planets are moving objects, the measure must account for their proper motion as well as a number of second order effects. Here we present the results of accurate measurements of brightness temperature Tb of planets, and we compare them with WMAP

    FORECAST: A flexible software to forward model cosmological hydrodynamical simulations mimicking real observations

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    Context. Comparing theoretical predictions to real data is crucial to properly formulate galaxy formation theories. However, this is usually done naively considering the direct output of simulations and quantities inferred from observations, which can lead to severe inconsistencies. Aims. We present FORECAST, a new flexible and adaptable software package that performs forward modeling of the output of any cosmological hydrodynamical simulations to create a wide range of realistic synthetic astronomical images, and thus providing a robust foundation for accurate comparison with observational data. With customizable options for filters, field-of-view size, and survey parameters, it allows users to tailor the synthetic images to their specific requirements. Methods. FORECAST constructs a light cone centered on the observer’s position exploiting the output snapshots of a simulation and computes the observed flux of each simulated stellar element, modeled as a single stellar population, in any chosen set of passband filters, including k correction, intergalactic medium absorption, and dust attenuation. These fluxes are then used to create an image on a grid of pixels, to which observational features such as background noise and PSF blurring can be added. This allows simulated galaxies to be obtained with realistic morphologies and star formation histories. Results. As a first application, we present a set of images obtained exploiting the ILLUSTRI

    Euclid SGS MER Processing Function Requirements Specification Document

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    Version 0.9 reviewed by ESA at the Euclid SGS System Requirements Review (2015) Version 0.97 provided as reference document for the ESA Euclid SGS Design Review (2017) Version 1.0 provided as reference document for the ESA Euclid SGS Implementation Review (2021)The MER Processing Function realises the merging of all the level 2 information and provides source catalogues containing object information relevant in the Euclid project. It starts from level 2 data provided by related OUs (VIS/NIR/EXT stacks or single epoch images, related PSF models and ancillary information); an object detection is performed in VIS and NIR, and the detected objects are combined. A multi-wavelength flux determination is performed on detected objects with suitable photometric techniques. The final output of the MER processing function is a catalogue of sources with unique identification number and multi-wavelength photometric information; the MER PF will also provide the required input (object identification number, position, fluxes, galactic extinction, effective wavelength of EXT passbands at objects’ positions) for photometric redshifts computation and spectra extraction. The Euclid SGS requirements specification produces the Euclid SGS Requirements Specification Document and a set of Requirements Specification Documents for specific SGS products such as the Processing Functions. The present document is part of this set. To ensure completeness and consistency with applicable documents, traceability and verification matrices complement the SGS Requirements Specification Documents

    Euclid SGS MER Software Design Document

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    Version 1.0 reviewed by ESA at the Euclid SGS Design Review (2017) Version 1.3 provided as reference document for the ESA Euclid SGS Implementation Review (2021) and Readiness Review (2022)This Software Design Document aims at the describing design methodology and architectural overview of the MER Processing Function (PF). The document presents the system overview and where MER PF is in the Euclid Science Ground Segment, the high-level architectural overview of the PF as whole and the design of each element of the PF. It also includes the traceability matrix from software component to the requirements. This document covers the functional architecture of MER PF. It addresses a general overview of scientific issues, explains what the software does and how, but it does not explain how to operate it

    Modelling of Zodiacal Light Emission for Space Missions

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    Accurate planning of forthcoming missions requires an accurate knowledge of diffuse sources in order to optimize mission parameters and the scanning strategy. Zodiacal Light (ZL or Zody) is a well known contaminant for ground based and space-borne observations and contributes to determine the limit magnitude of a survey. Despite the physical origin of ZL is well known, predicting and modeling Zody contamination is complicated by a number of subtleties. The cloud of Interplanetary Dust Particles has a quite complex 3D structure, whose main geometrical parameters have been assessed in the last two decades, but their photometrical properties are affected by a significant level of uncertainty. The observer orbiting the Sun is moving within the cloud of IDPs, leading to an important time dependence in the perturbing signal and asking for a precise knowledge of the expected trajectory and scanning strategy of the mission. This work illustrates this problem taking the ESA Euclid mission as a case study and presenting the Zody EUclid Simulator (ZEUS) developed for this mission

    VizieR Online Data Catalog: C3R2-KMOS zsp & galaxy physical properties (Euclid Coll., 2020)

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    Spectroscopic redshifts assigned during a VLT/KMOS Large Programme (88h) in three extragalactic fields (COSMOS, VVDS, SXDF) as part of the spectroscopic calibration survey for weak lensing cosmological analysis (C3R2); the catalogue also contains relevant physical information regarding the observed targets, derived either using SED fitting analysis and spectral line analysis. The released catalogue collects 424 high-quality (Q>=3) redshift measurements. The properties of a sub-sample of galaxies are given in Table 5 of the related manuscript. (1 data file)...

    Euclid preparation XIII. Forecasts for galaxy morphology with the Euclid Survey using deep generative models

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    We present a machine learning framework to simulate realistic galaxies for the Euclid Survey, producing more complex and realistic galaxies than the analytical simulations currently used in Euclid. The proposed method combines a control on galaxy shape parameters offered by analytic models with realistic surface brightness distributions learned from real Hubble Space Telescope observations by deep generative models. We simulate a galaxy field of 0.4 deg2 as it will be seen by the Euclid visible imager VIS, and we show that galaxy structural parameters are recovered to an accuracy similar to that for pure analytic SĂ©rsic profiles. Based on these simulations, we estimate that the Euclid Wide Survey (EWS) will be able to resolve the internal morphological structure of galaxies down to a surface brightness of 22.5 mag arcsec−2, and the Euclid Deep Survey (EDS) down to 24.9 mag arcsec−2. This corresponds to approximately 250 million galaxies at the end of the mission and a 50% complete sample for stellar masses above 1010.6 M⊙ (resp. 109.6 M⊙) at a redshift z ∌ 0.5 for the EWS (resp. EDS). The approach presented in this work can contribute to improving the preparation of future high-precision cosmological imaging surveys by allowing simulations to incorporate more realistic galaxies