15 research outputs found

    Kirol alternatiboen eta bereziki Artzikirolaren ezagutza eta interesa bigarren hezkuntzako ikasleetan

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    49 p. -- Bibliogr.: p. 42-44[EUS] Lan honen bitartez hain erabilgarriak eta era berean ezezagunak diren kirol alternatiboetara hurbilduko gara. Kirol alternatiboen eta zehazki Artzikirolaren inguruko berrikuspen bibliografiko bat egiteaz aparte, lan honetan Aiaraldeko Derrigorrezko Bigarren Hezkuntzako (DBH) 2. eta 3.mailako ikasleek Artzikirolaren inguruan duten ezagutza eta interesa aztertu nahi da. Lanaren beste helburu bat Artzikirolaren unitate didaktiko bat aurrera eramateak Artzikirolaren eta kirol alternatiboen inguruko ezagutza eta interesean eraginik duen aztertzea izan da. Bukatzeko, Euskal Herriko ondarea ezagutu, kirol alternatiboen ezagutza bultzatu eta hauen inguruan interesa piztea ere izan du helburu lan honek. Horretarako, Urduñan (Bizkaia) kokatuta dagoen Antzinako Andra Mari ikastetxeko DBH-ko 2. eta 3.mailako kirol alternatiboen inguruko galdera-sorta pasa zaie Artzikirol kirol alternatiboaren unitate didaktiko bat aurrera eraman aurretik, ondoren eta hilabete batera. Modu honetan, Artzikirolaren bitartez eragin pedagogiko ezberdinak jorratu dituzte, hala nola, afektibo, kognitibo eta erlazionatzekoa. Joko alternatiboen inguruko ezagutza handiagoa garatu dute unitate didaktikoa (UD) gauzatu ondoren (P=0.04; Efektuaren tamaina, ET, 0.12) UD-aren aurreko ezagutzarekin konparatuz ET ertaina izan zelarik. Bestalde, Artzikirolaren inguruko ezagutzari dagokionez ez da ezberdintasun esanguratsurik eman (P=0.73) eta UD aurreko eta ondorengo balioen artean efektuaren tamaina txikia izan zelarik (ET = 0.001). Aplikazio praktikoari dagokionez, lana nahiz eta Derrigorrezko Bigarren Hezkuntzako (DBH) 3. mailan aurrera eraman DBH-ko maila guztietan aurrera eraman daiteke zenbait aldaerekin.[ES] A través de este trabajo nos acercaremos a los deportes alternativos tan útiles e igualmente desconocidos. Además de realizar una revisión bibliográfica de los deportes alternativos, en este trabajo se ha querido analizar el conocimiento e interés del alumnado de los cursos de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) de Aiaraldea en torno al deporte alternativo Artzikirol. Otro de los objetivos del trabajo ha sido analizar si el desarrollo de una unidad didáctica de Artzikirol influye en el conocimiento e interés del mismo y de los deportes alternativos. Por último, se ha querido fomentar el patrimonio del Pais Vasco, el conocimiento de los deportes alternativos y el interés por ellos. Para ello, se ha realizado y pasado un cuestionario sobre deportes alternativos antes, después y al de un mes de llevar a cabo una unidad didáctica del deporte alternativo Artzikirol a las chicas y chicos de 2º y 3º de ESO del colegio de Nuestra Señora de La Antigua que se sitúa en Orduña (Vizcaya). De este modo, a través del Artzikirol han abordado diferentes influencias pedagógicas, como las afectivas, cognitivas y relacionales. Los alumnos han desarrollado un mayor conocimiento de los juegos alternativos después de la ejecución de la unidad didáctica (UD; P = 0.04; Tamaño de efecto, ET, 0.12). Por otro lado, no se han dado diferencias significativas en el conocimiento del deporte Artzikirol (P = 0.73), siendo el tamaño del efecto bajo entre los valores antes y después de la UD (ET = 0.001). En cuanto a su aplicación práctica, aunque el trabajo se haya llevado a cabo en 3º de ESO se puede llevar a cabo en todos los cursos de la ESO con algunas variantes.[EN] Through this work we will approach alternative sports as useful and equally unknown. In addition to carrying out a bibliographical review of alternative sports, the aim of this work has been to analyze the knowledge and interest of students of the Basic Secondary Education courses of Aiaraldea in the alternative sport Artzikirol. Another objective of the work has been to analyze whether the development of a didactic unit of Artzikirol influences the knowledge and interest in Artzikirol and alternative sports. Finally, the aim was to promote the heritage of the Basque Country, the knowledge of alternative sports and interest in them. For this purpose, a questionnaire on alternative sports was carried out before, after and after a month of carrying out a didactic unit of the alternative sport Artzikirol to the girls and boys of 2nd and 3rd of ESO (Compulsory Secondary Education) of the school of Nuestra Señora de La Antigua, located in Orduña (Vizcaya). In this way, through Artzikirol they have approached different pedagogical influences, such as affective, cognitive and relational ones. Significant results have been obtained since they have developed a greater knowledge of alternative games after the execution of the didactic unit (UD; P = 0.04; Effect size, ET, 0.12). On the other hand, there were no significant differences in the knowledge of Artzikirol sport (P = 0.73), and the effect size was low between the values before and after the UD (ET = 0.001). As for its practical application, although the work is carried out in the 3rd year of ESO, it can be carried out in all ESO courses with some variations

    Emozioak lantzen literaturaren bidez: lehen hezkuntzako bigarren mailarako proposamen didaktikoa

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    91 p. : il. -- Bibliogr.: p. 42-48[EUS] Proposamen didaktikoaren helburua Así es mi corazón (Witek, 2004) liburuan oinarrituta, lehen hezkuntzako bigarren mailan gaitasun eta trebetasun emozionalen garapena lantzea izan da. Honakoa aurrera eramateko lau bloke sortu eta emozioen inguruko jarduera ezberdinak burutu dira. Hasieran ikasleek aurre ezagutzetan egokitutako jarduerak jorratu dituzte; ondoren, liburuarekin jardun dute; geroago, bizitzan zehar izaten dituzten egoera ezberdinetan oinarrituz role playing bat gauzatu dute. Horretaz gain, egoera eta istorio ezberdinak idatzi dituzte. Amaitzeko, ikasle bakoitzak jorratutakoaren inguruko autoebaluazioa egin du. Ikerlan honetatik ateratako ondorioen artean nabarmendu behar da hasieran ikasleek zailtasun handiak erakutsi dituztela emozioak antzemateko orduan, baita ere euskaraz egoera desberdinak adierazteko. Hala ere, saioak aurrera egin ahala egunerokotasunean bizi izaten dituzten egoeretan oinarrituz sentitzen dutena hitzen bidez adierazteko gaitasuna garatu dute.[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido elaborar una propuesta didáctica centrada en promover el desarrollo de capacidades y habilidades emocionales en 2o curso de educación primaria a partir del cuento Así es mi corazón (Witek, 2004). Mediante las actividades programadas se trabajan las emociones siguiendo una progresión de cuatro bloques: el primer bloque se centra en los conocimientos previos; en el segundo, se trabaja el libro; el siguiente bloque se centra en el role playing, llevando a cabo diferentes situaciones de la vida diaria y escribiendo pequeñas historias, y el cuarto bloque finaliza con una autoevaluación del procedimiento hecho por cada alumno. Entre las consecuencias extraídas de este trabajo de investigación hay que destacar que los alumnos al principio tuvieron problemas para reconocer sus propias emociones y también, para expresar diferentes situaciones en euskera. Aun así, han desarrollado la capacidad de expresar mediante palabras lo que sienten a partir de situaciones cotidianas

    Emozioak lantzen literaturaren bidez: lehen hezkuntzako bigarren mailarako proposamen didaktikoa

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    91 p. : il. -- Bibliogr.: p. 42-48[EUS] Proposamen didaktikoaren helburua Así es mi corazón (Witek, 2004) liburuan oinarrituta, lehen hezkuntzako bigarren mailan gaitasun eta trebetasun emozionalen garapena lantzea izan da. Honakoa aurrera eramateko lau bloke sortu eta emozioen inguruko jarduera ezberdinak burutu dira. Hasieran ikasleek aurre ezagutzetan egokitutako jarduerak jorratu dituzte; ondoren, liburuarekin jardun dute; geroago, bizitzan zehar izaten dituzten egoera ezberdinetan oinarrituz role playing bat gauzatu dute. Horretaz gain, egoera eta istorio ezberdinak idatzi dituzte. Amaitzeko, ikasle bakoitzak jorratutakoaren inguruko autoebaluazioa egin du. Ikerlan honetatik ateratako ondorioen artean nabarmendu behar da hasieran ikasleek zailtasun handiak erakutsi dituztela emozioak antzemateko orduan, baita ere euskaraz egoera desberdinak adierazteko. Hala ere, saioak aurrera egin ahala egunerokotasunean bizi izaten dituzten egoeretan oinarrituz sentitzen dutena hitzen bidez adierazteko gaitasuna garatu dute.[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido elaborar una propuesta didáctica centrada en promover el desarrollo de capacidades y habilidades emocionales en 2o curso de educación primaria a partir del cuento Así es mi corazón (Witek, 2004). Mediante las actividades programadas se trabajan las emociones siguiendo una progresión de cuatro bloques: el primer bloque se centra en los conocimientos previos; en el segundo, se trabaja el libro; el siguiente bloque se centra en el role playing, llevando a cabo diferentes situaciones de la vida diaria y escribiendo pequeñas historias, y el cuarto bloque finaliza con una autoevaluación del procedimiento hecho por cada alumno. Entre las consecuencias extraídas de este trabajo de investigación hay que destacar que los alumnos al principio tuvieron problemas para reconocer sus propias emociones y también, para expresar diferentes situaciones en euskera. Aun así, han desarrollado la capacidad de expresar mediante palabras lo que sienten a partir de situaciones cotidianas

    Wait time reality check: The convergence of process, perception, and expectation

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    There are few experiences as ubiquitous to patients as the experience of waiting. It is an occurrence that transcends diagnosis, is common to all demographics, and is shared across the continuum of care. The experience can be frustrating and full of ambiguity for patients and their families. Wait time and delays can lead to patients sensing a loss of control and magnify the feelings of anxiety they may already be suffering. In an effort to improve patient experience, a framework was developed to examine patient satisfaction as a function of expectations, perceptions, and reality. The process domain focused on the objective reality of the pre-surgical lead times; while the expectation and perception domains focused on the family understanding of the timeliness of the pre-surgical process prior to, and directly following the experience. Guided by this framework, data was collected and analyzed at surgical units throughout the Texas Children’s Hospital system. Insights gained from this analysis identified distinct needs where focused improvement approaches could be implemented. Throughout this paper, we will provide insight into the framework developed, case studies illustrating its effectiveness and insights as to how it can be applied at any healthcare organization to improve patient satisfaction

    Molecular profiling of circulating tumor cells links plasticity to the metastatic process in endometrial cancer

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    Background About 20% of patients diagnosed with endometrial cancer (EC) are considered high-risk with unfavorable prognosis. In the framework of the European Network for Individualized Treatment in EC (ENITEC), we investigated the presence and phenotypic features of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC) in high-risk EC patients. Methods CTC isolation was carried out in peripheral blood samples from 34 patients, ranging from Grade 3 Stage IB to Stage IV carcinomas and recurrences, and 27 healthy controls using two methodologies. Samples were subjected to EpCAM-based immunoisolation using the CELLection™ Epithelial Enrich kit (Invitrogen, Dynal) followed by RTqPCR analysis. The phenotypic determinants of endometrial CTC in terms of pathogenesis, hormone receptor pathways, stem cell markers and epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) drivers were asked. Kruskal-Wallis analysis followed by Dunn’s post-test was used for comparisons between groups. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Results EpCAM-based immunoisolation positively detected CTC in high-risk endometrial cancer patients. CTC characterization indicated a remarkable plasticity phenotype defined by the expression of the EMT markers ETV5, NOTCH1, SNAI1, TGFB1, ZEB1 and ZEB2. In addition, the expression of ALDH and CD44 pointed to an association with stemness, while the expression of CTNNB1, STS, GDF15, RELA, RUNX1, BRAF and PIK3CA suggested potential therapeutic targets. We further recapitulated the EMT phenotype found in endometrial CTC through the up-regulation of ETV5 in an EC cell line, and validated in an animal model of systemic dissemination the propensity of these CTC in the accomplishment of metastasis. Conclusions Our results associate the presence of CTC with high-risk EC. Gene-expression profiling characterized a CTC-plasticity phenotype with stemness and EMT features. We finally recapitulated this CTC-phenotype by over-expressing ETV5 in the EC cell line Hec1A and demonstrated an advantage in the promotion of metastasis in an in vivo mouse model of CTC dissemination and homing

    Disseny d un joguet adaptat a xiquets amb necessitats especials

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    [ES] Este trabajo final de grado consiste en el diseño de un juguete adaptado a niños con necesidades especiales, en concreto, niños con trastorno del espectro autista. Se pretende con este juguete ayudar en alguna de las terapias necesarias, consiguiendo desde el juego superar adversidades que este trastorno plantea.[EN] This final degree project consists of the design of a toy adapted to children with special needs, specifically, children with autism spectrum disorder. It is intended with this toy to help in some of the necessary therapies, getting from the game to overcome adversities that this disorder poses.Honrubia Romay, A. (2023). Diseño de un juguete adaptado a niños con necesidades especiales. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/19567

    Regulation of Epithelial–Mesenchymal Plasticity by the E3 Ubiquitin-Ligases in Cancer

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    The epithelial&ndash;mesenchymal plasticity (EMP) is a process by which epithelial cells acquire the ability to dynamically switch between epithelial and mesenchymal phenotypic cellular states. Epithelial cell plasticity in the context of an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) confers increased cell motility, invasiveness and the ability to disseminate to distant sites and form metastasis. The modulation of molecularly defined targets involved in this process has become an attractive therapeutic strategy against cancer. Protein degradation carried out by ubiquitination has gained attention as it can selectively degrade proteins of interest. In the ubiquitination reaction, the E3 ubiquitin-ligases are responsible for the specific binding of ubiquitin to a small subset of target proteins, and are considered promising anticancer drug targets. In this review, we summarize the role of the E3 ubiquitin-ligases that control targeted protein degradation in cancer-EMT, and we highlight the potential use of the E3 ubiquitin-ligases as drug targets for the development of small-molecule drugs against cancer

    Regulation of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Plasticity by the E3 Ubiquitin-Ligases in Cancer

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    The epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity (EMP) is a process by which epithelial cells acquire the ability to dynamically switch between epithelial and mesenchymal phenotypic cellular states. Epithelial cell plasticity in the context of an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) confers increased cell motility, invasiveness and the ability to disseminate to distant sites and form metastasis. The modulation of molecularly defined targets involved in this process has become an attractive therapeutic strategy against cancer. Protein degradation carried out by ubiquitination has gained attention as it can selectively degrade proteins of interest. In the ubiquitination reaction, the E3 ubiquitin-ligases are responsible for the specific binding of ubiquitin to a small subset of target proteins, and are considered promising anticancer drug targets. In this review, we summarize the role of the E3 ubiquitin-ligases that control targeted protein degradation in cancer-EMT, and we highlight the potential use of the E3 ubiquitin-ligases as drug targets for the development of small-molecule drugs against cancer

    Role of the E3 Ubiquitin-Ligase Hakai in Intestinal Inflammation and Cancer Bowel Disease

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    [Abstract] The E3 ubiquitin-ligases are important for cellular protein homeostasis and their deregulation is implicated in cancer. The E3 ubiquitin-ligase Hakai is involved in tumour progression and metastasis, through the regulation of the tumour suppressor E-cadherin. Hakai is overexpressed in colon cancer, however, the implication in colitis-associated cancer is unknown. Here, we investigated the potential role of Hakai in intestinal inflammation and cancer bowel disease. Several mouse models of colitis and associated cancer were used to analyse Hakai expression by immunohistochemistry. We also analysed Hakai expression in patients with inflamed colon biopsies from ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. By Hakai interactome analysis, it was identified Fatty Acid Synthase (FASN) as a novel Hakai-interacting protein. Moreover, we show that Hakai induces FASN ubiquitination and degradation via lysosome, thus regulating FASN-mediated lipid accumulation. An inverse expression of FASN and Hakai was detected in inflammatory AOM/DSS mouse model. In conclusion, Hakai regulates FASN ubiquitination and degradation, resulting in the regulation of FASN-mediated lipid accumulation, which is associated to the development of inflammatory bowel disease. The interaction between Hakai and FASN may be an important mechanism for the homeostasis of intestinal barrier function and in the pathogenesis of this disease.This work was supported by Plan Estatal I + D + I 2013−2016, co-funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII, Spain) under grant agreements PI18/00121 and PI21/00238 and by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) “A way of Making Europe”. The project that gave rise to these results has received funding from ”la Caixa” Foundation and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, EIT (body of the European Union that receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program), un-der the grant agreements LCF/TR/CI19/52460016 and LCF/TR/CC21/52490003. Also supported by Consolidation of Competitive Research (IN607B2020/14) from GAIN from Xunta de Galicia. DRL was supported by a post-specialization fellowship from Fundación Profesor Novoa Santos and a public grant from Deputación de A Coruña (Spain), ADD by FPU contract (FPU014/02837) from Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte (Spain), MQ was supported by supported by Consolidation of Competitive Research (IN607B2020/14) from GAIN from Xunta de Galicia and AR was supported by a predoctoral contract (PRDLC21591RODR) from Fundación Científica AECC/AECC.Fundación La Caixa; LCF/TR/CI19/52460016Fundación La Caixa; LCF/TR/CC21/52490003Xunta de Galicia; IN607B2020/14Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer; PRDLC21591ROD

    Heat Shock Protein 90 Chaperone Regulates the E3 Ubiquitin-Ligase Hakai Protein Stability

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    The E3 ubiquitin-ligase Hakai binds to several tyrosine-phosphorylated Src substrates, including the hallmark of the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition E-cadherin, and signals for degradation of its specific targets. Hakai is highly expressed in several human cancers, including colon cancer, and is considered as a drug target for cancer therapy. Here, we report a link between Hakai and the heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) chaperone complex. Hsp90 participates in the correct folding of its client proteins, allowing them to maintain their stability and activity. Hsp90 inhibitors specifically interfere with the association with its Hsp90 client proteins, and exhibit potent anti-cancer properties. By immunoprecipitation, we present evidence that Hakai interacts with Hsp90 chaperone complex in several epithelial cells and demonstrate that is a novel Hsp90 client protein. Interestingly, by overexpressing and knocking-down experiments with Hakai, we identified Annexin A2 as a Hakai-regulated protein. Pharmacological inhibition of Hsp90 with geldanamycin results in the degradation of Hakai in a lysosome-dependent manner. Interestingly, geldanamycin-induced Hakai degradation is accompanied by an increased expression of E-cadherin and Annexin A2. We also show that geldanamycin suppresses cell motility at least in part through its action on Hakai expression. Taken together, our results identify Hakai as a novel Hsp90 client protein and shed light on the regulation of Hakai stability. Our results open the possibility to the potential use of Hsp90 inhibitors for colorectal cancer therapy through its action on Hakai client protein of Hsp90