101 research outputs found

    As travestis no Programa Saúde da Família da Lapa

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    This text reports the experience of sheltering transvestites in the Family Health Program of Lapa (PSF-Lapa), a health center that provides basic care, situated in the neighborhood of Lapa, in the downtown area of the city of Rio de Janeiro. PSF-Lapa is an integral part of the Medicine program of UNESA (Estácio de Sá University), in partnership with the Municipal Health Department of Rio de Janeiro. It serves as a teaching-learning scenario for students of the Medicine program and of other health areas of the university. Supported by the fact that the transvestites' access to public health services has been characterized by prejudice on the part of professionals and users, this paper discusses the humanization of the relationship student-health professionals-users, concerning the right to health. It reports the strategies used to promote the sheltering of the transvestites by the health team, users and students involved, based on the logic of respect for diversity.Este texto apresenta o relato de experiência sobre o acolhimento das travestis no Programa Saúde da Família Lapa (PSF-Lapa), uma unidade de saúde de atenção básica, situada no bairro da Lapa, centro do Município do Rio de Janeiro. O PSF-Lapa é parte integrante do curso de Medicina da Universidade Estácio de Sá, em parceria com a Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro, servindo de cenário de ensino-aprendizagem dos alunos do curso de Medicina e de outras áreas da saúde da universidade. Apoiada no fato de que o acesso das travestis aos serviços de saúde pública tem sido pautado pelo preconceito tanto de profissionais quanto de usuários, tece considerações sobre a humanização da relação aluno - profissionais de saúde - usuários, no que concerne ao direito à saúde. Relata as estratégias utilizadas para promover o acolhimento das travestis pela equipe de saúde, pelos usuários e alunos envolvidos, a partir da lógica do respeito à diversidade

    Reconstructing social networks of Late Glacial and Holocene hunter–gatherers to understand cultural evolution

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    Culture is increasingly being framed as a driver of human phenotypes and behaviour. Yet very little is known about variations in the patterns of past social interactions between humans in cultural evolution. The archaeological record, combined with modern evolutionary and analytical approaches, provides a unique opportunity to investigate broad-scale patterns of cultural change. Prompted by evidence that a population's social connectivity influences cultural variability, in this article, we revisit traditional approaches used to infer cultural evolutionary processes from the archaeological data. We then propose that frameworks considering multi-scalar interactions (from individuals to populations) over time and space have the potential to advance knowledge in cultural evolutionary theory. We describe how social network analysis can be applied to analyse diachronic structural changes and test cultural transmission hypotheses using the archaeological record (here specifically from the Marine Isotope Stage 3 ca 57–29 ka onwards). We argue that the reconstruction of prehistoric networks offers a timely opportunity to test the interplay between social connectivity and culture and ultimately helps to disentangle evolutionary mechanisms in the archaeological record. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue ‘The emergence of collective knowledge and cumulative culture in animals, humans and machines’.This work was funded by the European Research Council (ref. ERC-CoG 2015) under the European Union's horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 683018). J.F.-L.d.P. was also supported by grant no. 2018/040 from the CIDEGENT Excellence programme of Generalitat Valenciana

    Host genetics and pathogen species modulate infection-induced changes in social aggregation behaviour

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    Identifying how infection modifies host behaviours that determine social contact networks is important for understanding heterogeneity in infectious disease dynamics. Here, we investigate whether group social behaviour is modified during bacterial infection in fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) according to pathogen species, infectious dose, host genetic background and sex. In one experiment, we find that systemic infection with four different bacterial species results in a reduction in the mean pairwise distance within infected female flies, and that the extent of this change depends on pathogen species. However, susceptible flies did not show any evidence of avoidance in the presence of infected flies. In a separate experiment, we observed genetic- and sex-based variation in social aggregation within infected, same-sex groups, with infected female flies aggregating more closely than infected males. In general, our results confirm that bacterial infection induces changes in fruit fly behaviour across a range of pathogen species, but also highlight that these effects vary between fly genetic backgrounds and can be sex-specific. We discuss possible explanations for sex differences in social aggregation and their consequences for individual variation in pathogen transmission

    Tabagismo e relações de poder na produção da saúde

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    O tabagismo e seu enfrentamento como problema de saúde pública tem agenciado estratégias de intervenção na Saúde da Família, impulsionadas pela grande procura de usuários interessados na interrupção do uso do cigarro. Como um relato de experiência, este artigo descreve a evolução de um grupo de apoio de controle do tabagismo, relacionando-o com a discussão sobre Biopolítica, Biomedicina e Micropolítica das Relações.Cigarette smoking and dealing with it, as a public health problem, has touted intervention strategies in family health, driven by strong demand from users interested in stopping cigarette use. As an experience report, this article describes the evolution of a smoking support group, relating it to the discussion of Biopolitcs, Biomedicine and micro relations

    Off-flavours and unpleasantness are cues for the recognition and valorization of organic wines by experienced tasters

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    The drivers of consumer acceptance concerning organic wines are not well understood. In particular, among wine professionals, there are anecdotal evidences claiming that consumers accept off-flavours that would not be tolerated if the wines were conventionally produced. Therefore, the aim of this study was to shed further light on this issue by tasting blind wines of both types of production using a tasting panel comprised by experienced individuals of several nationalities. The tasted wines were both conventional and organic and were with and without off-flavours. The same wines were evaluated in three tasting sessions where the given information was: (1) all wines were conventional, (2) all wines were organic, and (3) tasters were asked to guess the mode of production. A group of untrained tasters also rated the same organic wines in an informed session. The results showed that wines were significantly better scored and were given a higher willingness to pay value in the “organic” session. In addition, the experienced tasting panel produced a list of the most frequent sensory descriptors. When tasters were asked to guess the mode of production, wines that were supposed to be organic received a higher citation of off-flavours, such as “oxidized”, “reductive”, and “animal/undergrowth”. Moreover, an overall emotional response of unpleasantness was associated with the recognition of organic wines in the “guess” session. Untrained tasters rated the same organic wines with lower liking scores and were willing to pay less. In conclusion, off-flavours and their unpleasantness worked as a cue to identify wines supposed to be organic by experienced tasters. Their corresponding higher valorization could be explained by the psychological halo effect induced by the organic label. Contrarily, consumers did not show this halo effect, depreciating wines with unpleasant flavours irrespective of their mode of productioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reconstructing Mesolithic social networks on the Iberian Peninsula using ornaments

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    Archaeologists have been reconstructing interactions amongst hunter-gatherer populations for a long time. These exchanges are materialised in the movements of raw materials and symbolic objects which are found far from their original sources. Social network, i.e. the structure constituted by these interactions, is a well-established concept in archaeology that is used to address the connectivity of hunter-gatherer populations. The heuristic potential of formal network analysis, however, has been scarcely exploited in prehistoric hunter-gatherer archaeology. Here, social network analysis is used to analyse the interactions amongst hunter-gatherers on the Iberian Peninsula in the Early and Late Mesolithic (10,200 to 7600 cal BP). We used ornaments to explore social interaction and constructed one network per phase of the Iberian Mesolithic. We applied a three-steps analysis: First, we characterised the overall structure of the networks. Second, we performed centrality analysis to uncover the most relevant nodes. Finally, we conducted an exploratory analysis of the networks' spatial characteristics. No significant differences were found between the overall network topology of the Early and Late Mesolithic. This suggests that the interaction patterns amongst human groups did not change significantly at a peninsular scale. Moreover, the spatial analysis showed that most interactions between human groups took place over distances under 300 km, but that specific ornament types like Columbella rustica were distributed over more extensive distances. Our findings suggest that Iberian Mesolithic social networks were maintained through a period of environmental, demographic and cultural transformation and that interactions took place at different scales of social integration


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    There were various writers came out of a literature field with the different points of view of the Curitiba in the 1990s and at the beginning of the XXI century, come of them criticizing the city's project of the moment.  We study here whether this literature was absorbed somehow either by the Official Curriculum of the municipal educational structure or by the Curriculum Practice of that period. Different curriculum materials accepted by the municipal schools were analyzed as well as the teachers that had taught  at that period were interviewed for the purpose of the present investigation.  In general way we realized that the Official Curriculum represented ideas of the city and a literature that re-enforced the “established” model of the city (established/outsiders, Norbert Elias's concepts), for example, so-called “paranist” literature. As for the Curriculum Practice, data that were collected until now show us that almost all of the interviewed  teachers weren't aware of pro-paranist character of the ideas as well as didn't work with literature possibilities that would contain opposite to oficial interpretation of the city.    O campo literário produziu diversos escritores que realizaram múltiplas leituras da cidade de Curitiba na década de 1990 e início do século XXI, inclusive, questionando o projeto da cidade daquele momento. Investiga-se se esta literatura foi absorvida tanto pelo currículo oficial da rede municipal de ensino quanto pelo currículo em ação daquele período. Para tal foram analisados diversos materiais curriculares que chegaram às escolas da rede, bem como, entrevistados professores que trabalharam em sala de aula no período analisado. De modo geral percebeu-se que o currículo oficial apresentava ideias de cidade e literatura que reforçavam o modelo “estabelecido” de urbe (estabelecidos/outsiders, conceitos utilizados a partir de Elias), como, por exemplo, a literatura paranista. Sobre o currículo em ação, os dados coletados demonstraram que a maioria dos professores entrevistados, tanto não reconhecia a literatura e as ideias paranistas quanto não trabalhava com possibilidades literárias que fizessem um contraponto às leituras oficiais da cidade


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    RESUMO Este artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre conceitos trabalhados por diversos autores, relacionando o acolhimento como possibilidade de mudança no processo de trabalho dos profissionais na Estratégia da Saúde da Família (ESF). O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir conceitos relacionados ao acolhimento enquanto potencializador no processo de trabalho na ESF. A metodologia adotada foi realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a compreensão do conceito de acolhimento, elaborada a partir da Política Nacional de Humanização (BRASIL, 2004) em sintonia com os pensamentos de Merhy (1997), Campos (1994), Cecílio (2001), Matumoto (1998). O modelo tecno-assistencial de saúde em Defesa da Vida, desenvolvido em Campinas-SP, nos finais dos anos 80, torna-se o precursor do trabalho com acolhimento. Em 2004, a PNH ampliou a proposta de humanização, como política transversal que atravessa as diferentes ações e instâncias gestoras do SUS, atuando em consenso com a proposta do acolhimento, quando estabelece a organização do trabalho com base em equipes multiprofissionais com atuação transdisciplinar. O acolhimento na ESF vem como possibilidade de reverter essa tendência de modelo ainda médico-centrado e não usuário-centrado (CAMPOS, 2003), como propõe o conceito de acolhimento pela Política Nacional de Humanização (BRASIL, 2006). Conclui-se que o acolhimento tem sido um grande desafio, pois é importante que não fique restrito ao local da recepção da demanda espontânea. Ao contrário, espera-se que seja entendido como próprio a um regime de afeto, algo que qualifica uma relação e é, portanto, passível de ser apreendido e trabalhado em todo e qualquer encontro e não apenas numa condição particular de encontro, que é aquele que se dá na recepção. O acolhimento na porta de entrada só ganha sentindo se o entendermos como uma passagem para o acolhimento nos processos de saúde e de produção de saúde.Palavras-Chave: Acolhimento, Humanização, Saúde da Família


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    RESUMO Objetivo: identificar o que significa para as doulas o parto humanizado e quais ações elas desenvolvem no processo de humanização com parturientes e puérperas. Método: estudo descritivo-exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa, realizado em uma maternidade pública estadual pertencente à Secretaria de Estado da Saúde do Amazonas. Foram realizadas cinco entrevistas com doulas. Para análise dos dados, utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo de Lawrence Bardin. Resultados: identificaram-se duas categorias temáticas - significado de parto humanizado na visão das doulas, seu papel frente à assistência à parturiente e puérpera. Conclusão: as ações das doulas convergem para o comprometimento com a humanização das práticas de saúde, respeito e autonomia da mulher no ato de partejar, fazendo-se necessária mais disseminação do conhecimento da legalização da atuação de doulas e a sensibilização da equipe multiprofissional