53 research outputs found

    Present state of investment casting technology

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    Rešerše zaměřená na nejmodernější zařízení a suroviny používané v technologii vytavitelného modelu se zaměřením na výrobu voskového modelu, keramické skořepiny, vytavování vosku a tepelného zpracování keramické formy před odlitím.Survey of the most modern trends in investment casting technology focused to manufacture of wax pattern and ceramic shell, de-wax process and final heat treatment of the shell prior pouring.

    Optimalisation of casting and solidification behaviour axial turbo wheels to achieve fine-grained structure in the castings

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    Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na ovlivňování struktury odlitků z niklové superslitiny Inconel 713 LC s využitím rotace a cyklování licího stolu. Cílem práce je změnou parametrů oscilace při krystalizaci odlitku dosáhnout jemnozrnné struktury a co nejlepších mechanických vlastností. Pro účely diplomové práce bylo odlito nejprve šest odlitků turbínových axiálních kol. Po vyhodnocení makrostruktury, mikrostruktury a mechanických vlastností byla odlita čtyři další axiální turbínová kola pro ověření výsledků.The aim of this thesis is to investigate the influence of the structure of castings from the nickel superalloy Inconel 713 LC using rotation and cycling by casting table. The aim is to achieve a fine-grained structure and the best mechanical properties through varying the oscillation parameters during casting crystallization. Six castings of axial turbine wheel were initially casted for the purpose of this thesis. After evaluating their macrostructure, microstructure and mechanical properties, four additional axial turbine wheels were casted in order to validate the results.

    A topological central point theorem

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    In this paper a generalized topological central point theorem is proved for maps of a simplex to finite-dimensional metric spaces. Similar generalizations of the Tverberg theorem are considered.Comment: In this version some typos were corrected after the official publicatio

    Cutting the same fraction of several measures

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    We study some measure partition problems: Cut the same positive fraction of d+1d+1 measures in Rd\mathbb R^d with a hyperplane or find a convex subset of Rd\mathbb R^d on which d+1d+1 given measures have the same prescribed value. For both problems positive answers are given under some additional assumptions.Comment: 7 pages 2 figure

    Analogues of the central point theorem for families with dd-intersection property in Rd\mathbb R^d

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    In this paper we consider families of compact convex sets in Rd\mathbb R^d such that any subfamily of size at most dd has a nonempty intersection. We prove some analogues of the central point theorem and Tverberg's theorem for such families

    Projective center point and Tverberg theorems

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    We present projective versions of the center point theorem and Tverberg's theorem, interpolating between the original and the so-called "dual" center point and Tverberg theorems. Furthermore we give a common generalization of these and many other known (transversal, constraint, dual, and colorful) Tverberg type results in a single theorem, as well as some essentially new results about partitioning measures in projective space.Comment: 10 page

    The possibilities of satisfying an exclusive debt of the spouse from the marital property

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    Odborná stať pojednává o možnostech uspokojení výlučného dluhu manžela ze společného jmění manželů. Právní úprava umožňuje, aby se věřitel domáhal uspokojení pravomocné a vykonatelné pohledávky, kterou má za jedním z manželů, z majetku náležejícího do společného jmění manželů. Zde platí, že dluh, ze kterého je výlučně zavázán jeden z manželů, je možné uspokojit z majetku náležejícího do společného jmění manželů pouze v případě, pokud toto společné jmění manželů existovalo v době, kdy daný závazek vznikl. Věřitel se může uspokojení svojí pohledávky jdoucí výlučně za jedním z manželů domoci i z majetku zaniklého společného jmění, které doposud nebylo vypořádáno, neboť zaniklé (a současně nevypořádané společné jmění manželů) je indikátorem toho, že zde stále existuje společný majetek, který nebyl pouze formálně mezi bývalé manžele rozdělen, který lze jako takový exekučně postihnout, byť na základě exekučního titulu vydaného pouze na jednoho z manželů.This expert article is about the possibilities of satisfying an exclusive debt of the spouse from the marital property. The legislation allows the creditor to demand a satisfaction of his enforceable claim against one of the spouses from the marital property. A debt from which only one of the spouses is liable can be satisfied from the marital property only if this marital property had existed in the moment of incurrence of the debt. The creditor can also demand a satisfaction of such debt from a marital property that is defunct but hasn’t yet been settled. Defunct and unsettled marital property is an indication that the property still exists but hasn’t been formally split between the ex-spouses. Such marital property can be subject to an execution oven though the execution title was issued only to one of the spouses

    Nová výstavba obecního bydlení, rozhodování a rizika segregace: případová studie Rudoltice =New Municipal Housing Construction, Decision-making, and Risks of Segregation: A Case Study in Rudoltice

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    Czech municipalities were given important responsibilities for housing policies during the post-communist transformation processes after 1989, which resulted in a diversification of strategies. Rudoltice near Lanškroun in Pardubice is a specific case of a municipality that chose to prioritise extensive municipal housing construction. The municipality used government subsidies to construct a new neighbourhood called Zámeček, which, with its nearly 1000 inhabitants, caused the local population to double between 2006 and 2009. In this article, the author explores the roots of this large-scale project of municipal housing construction by specifically combining its national, regional, and local contexts. The local municipality’s decisions and its ambitions and expectations for growth and prosperity were embedded in the micro-regional context of the successful economic transformation and development it had experienced since the 1990s and were made possible by changes in national housing policies and the devolution of policy decisions to the municipalities. Using the concept of (new) socio-spatial formation this article analyses the neighbourhood of Zámeček as a case of residential segregation. It argues that, even though its population is still relatively heterogeneous compared to other segregated localities in the Czechia, the neighbourhood is being shaped by an ongoing process of segregation. The specific supply of affordable housing in Zámeček meets a demand for housing from low income households in other regions where municipalities do not provide affordable housing.21123

    Municipal Elections in the Czech Republic - Elections to the City Council of Pilsen in 2014

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    Tato diplomová práce pojednává o problematice voleb do zastupitelstev obcí. Jejím cílem bylo shromáždění všech důležitých informací o procesu voleb. Práce je členěna na 19 kapitol. První polovina práce se věnuje právní úpravě procesu před samotnou volbou. Druhá polovina se věnuje přímo průběhu voleb, úpravě hlasování, sčítání hlasů a zveřejnění výsledků. Práce taktéž obsahuje informace o institutech s volbami souvisejícími, jako je např. financování voleb, soudní přezkum voleb popř. i trestněprávní odpovědnost za maření přípravy nebo průběhu voleb. Práce na konkrétním příkladu voleb do Zastupitelstva města Plzně prakticky demonstruje teoretickou právní úpravu, přičemž poukazuje na její nedostatky a pokouší se navrhnout nová řešení.ObhájenoThe thesis deals with the issue of municipal elections. Its objective is to collect all important information about the election process. The thesis is divided into 19 chapters. First, the thesis describes the legal rules of the process before the election itself. The second part of the thesis deals with the election course, voting adjustment, vote counting and publication of results. The thesis also contains facts about institutes connected with elections as e.g. election funding, judicial review or criminal liability for obstruction of election preparation or the process itself. At the end the thesis demonstrates on the example of the election to The Pilsen City Board of Representatives the theoretical legislation, pointing to its imperfections, and it tries to suggest new solutions

    Efficiency of sports betting markets: are betting odds of KHL biased according to distance?

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    This thesis examines, if Continental hockey league betting market is efficient and if betting odds are biased according to distance (up to 7500 km). Research is based on 2700 matches between 2008-2012 and odds set by 5 Czech betting companies. Market inefficiency was not found by statistical tests. There was found by using regression analysis that bettors overestimate home teams with respect to distance that visiting team's fans have to travel. It is significant only at 10% significance level. Then there was carried out a simulation of betting on various strategies and there was found the least losing strategy at betting on away teams, which travel more than 1497 km. At this strategy, there is an average return 0,97 CZK inset 1 CZK. Weak form of efficiency cannot be rejected