410 research outputs found

    Les propriétés grammaticales du genre de l'offre d'emploi aux fondements d'une méthode de classement automatique.

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    Nous présentons un projet de fouille de textes qui vise à développer une méthode de classement automatique d'offres d'emploi et d'identification des impératifs de compétences ; la méthode s'appuie sur l'étude des termes au sein de constructions grammaticales prototypiques (Bourrigault et Jacquemin, 2000 ; Tutin, 2007) permettant de saisir la sémantique lexicale et ce d'autant mieux au sein de l'horizon interprétatif défini par un genre spécifique (Condamines, 2006). Notre corpus se compose de 13375 offres d'emploi couvrant l'ensemble des métiers et secteurs, et annotées automatiquement en dépendances suivant une technique décrite dans (De La Clergerie et al., 2009 ; Erk & Padó, 2008 ; Padó & Lapata, 2007). Les patrons relevés, qui associent un jargon des ressources humaines et un lexique spécifique au métier concerné, permettent de distinguer les " compétences " d'autres classes de locutions emblématiques (par ex. l'intitulé du poste etc.) (Loth, 2010), ainsi que de classer les compétences (savoir-faire, personnalité, formation etc.). L'étude questionne ainsi la caractérisation multi-dimensionnelle des genres (Biber, 1988, 1993 ; Malrieu & Rastier, 2001 ; Rastier, 2001) et les liens entre syntaxe et sémantique (paradigmes constructionnels typiques et sémantique résultante)

    L’imaginaire fluvial contemporain : un antidote urbain ?

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    Les projets actuels de paysages fluviaux sont-ils l’expression d’une nouvelle offre en termes d’espaces publics ? Deux approches complémentaires permettent d’esquisser une réponse à cette question : l’une observe la mise en œuvre des « aménagements » réalisés (Romain, 2014), l’autre, adoptée pour cet article, analyse les discours oraux et écrits produits sur eux. L’imaginaire véhiculé par ces discours des maîtres d’œuvre et d’ouvrage dans les deux terrains sélectionnés (le Lez vert à Montpellier et la Têt à Perpignan) est construit autour de trois thèmes fédérateurs articulés ainsi : le rejet d’un milieu fluvial en surcontrôle hydraulique, architectural, botanique et horticole, contrebalancé par la patrimonialisation d’une végétation indigène qualifiée de sauvage, car productrice d’usages et d’images effaçant le cadre urbain dans lequel l’espace public fluvial s’insère.Do current fluvial landscape projects present a new offer in terms of public spaces ? Two complementary approaches provide a possible answer to this question : one studies the implementation of development projects (Romain, 2014), the other, adopted for this article, analyses the spoken and written discourses concerning these projects. The representations imagined by the clients and the project managers for the two sites selected (the Lez vert in Montpellier and the Têt in Perpignan) are built around three unifying themes based on the following principle : the rejection of a river environment in which the hydraulic, architectural, botanical and horticultural elements are completely controlled in favour of the preservation of indigenous plants qualified as wild because they generate uses and images erasing the urban context of the fluvial public space

    Genetic evolution of equine influenza virus strains (H3N8) isolated in France from 1967 to 2015 and the implications of several potential pathogenic factors

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    International audienceEquine influenza virus (EIV) is a major respiratory pathogen of horses despite the availability of equine influenza vaccines. This study aimed to determine genetic evolution of EIV strains in France between 1967 to present. A whole genome comparative analysis was also conducted on recent French strains in order to identify potential factors of pathogenicity. Comparison of French EIV sequences with vaccine and worldwide epidemic strains revealed amino acid substitutions in both haemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase, especially within the antigenic sites and/or close to receptor binding sites (HA). Amino acid substitutions were also identified in other genes, mainly the polymerase complex proteins and PB1-F2. Viruses belonging to Eurasian and American lineages have circulated until 2003 and Florida sub-lineage Clade 2 strains predominates since 2005. The last French strain (2015) displayed several specificities in HA suggesting the occurrence of antigenic drift with presence of pathogenic markers in the PA and PB1-F2 genes

    The glutamate receptor GluK2 contributes to the regulation of glucose homeostasis and its deterioration during aging

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    OBJECTIVE: Islets secrete neurotransmitters including glutamate which participate in fine regulation of islet function. The excitatory ionotropic glutamate receptor GluK2 of the kainate receptor family is widely expressed in brain and also found in islets, mainly in alpha and gamma cells. alpha cells co-release glucagon and glutamate and the latter increases glucagon release via ionotropic glutamate receptors. However, neither the precise nature of the ionotropic glutamate receptor involved nor its role in glucose homeostasis is known. As isoform specific pharmacology is not available, we investigated this question in constitutive GluK2 knock-out mice (GluK2-/-) using adult and middle-aged animals to also gain insight in a potential role during aging. METHODS: We compared wild-type GluK2+/+ and knock-out GluK2-/- mice using adult (14-20 weeks) and middle-aged animals (40-52 weeks). Glucose (oral OGTT and intraperitoneal IPGTT) and insulin tolerance as well as pyruvate challenge tests were performed according to standard procedures. Parasympathetic activity, which stimulates hormones secretion, was measured by electrophysiology invivo. Isolated islets were used invitro to determine islet beta-cell electrical activity on multi-electrode arrays and dynamic secretion of insulin as well as glucagon was determined by ELISA. RESULTS: Adult GluK2-/- mice exhibit an improved glucose tolerance (OGTT and IPGTT), and this was also apparent in middle-aged mice, whereas the outcome of pyruvate challenge was slightly improved only in middle-aged GluK2-/- mice. Similarly, insulin sensitivity was markedly enhanced in middle-aged GluK2-/- animals. Basal and glucose-induced insulin secretion invivo was slightly lower in GluK2-/- mice, whereas fasting glucagonemia was strongly reduced. Invivo recordings of parasympathetic activity showed an increase in basal activity in GluK2-/- mice which represents most likely an adaptive mechanism to counteract hypoglucagonemia rather than altered neuronal mechanism. Invitro recording demonstrated an improvement of glucose-induced electrical activity of beta-cells in islets obtained from GluK2-/- mice at both ages. Finally, glucose-induced insulin secretion invitro was increased in GluK2-/- islets, whereas glucagon secretion at 2mmol/l of glucose was considerably reduced. CONCLUSIONS: These observations indicate a general role for kainate receptors in glucose homeostasis and specifically suggest a negative effect of GluK2 on glucose homeostasis and preservation of islet function during aging. Our observations raise the possibility that blockade of GluK2 may provide benefits in glucose homeostasis especially during aging.Transistors multimodaux sensibles aux ions à polymères ambivalents pour biocapteurs hybridesIdentification de biomarqueurs du stress et de l'inflammation des cellules B pancréatiques en explorant les communications inter-organes dans des modèles précliniques d'obésité et de diabète de type

    Benchmark, les réseaux sociaux en bibliothèque de lecture publique - 2014

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    Assurer une présence sur les réseaux sociaux est aujourd’hui incontournable pour les bibliothèques d’une certaine taille. Cette démarche permet de toucher un public étendu, d’assurer une médiation vers ses ressources et celles de ses partenaires, de développer la participation des usagers, et de montrer la connexion entre l’établissement et son quartier. La bibliothèque Canopée souhaite assurer une forte présence sur les réseaux sociaux. Il en est de même pour la bibliothèque en préfiguration Saint-Lazare. Cette étude à un instant T doit servir de base pour déterminer quelles sont les plateformes sociales les plus intéressantes dans une bibliothèque de lecture publique. Les fonctionnalités, l’attrait de certains réseaux évoluant à la hausse ou à la baisse entraînera une réévaluation possible de ce benchmark. Après une première édition en juin 2013, cette nouvelle mouture intègre de nouvelles plateformes (Flipboard, Issuu, Snapchat, Flipagram, Libfly) et met à jour l’évaluation des critères pour les autres

    Accelerated global glacier mass loss in the early twenty-first century

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    Glaciers distinct from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are shrinking rapidly, altering regional hydrology1, raising global sea level2 and elevating natural hazards3. Yet, owing to the scarcity of constrained mass loss observations, glacier evolution during the satellite era is known only partially, as a geographic and temporal patchwork4,5. Here we reveal the accelerated, albeit contrasting, patterns of glacier mass loss during the early twenty-first century. Using largely untapped satellite archives, we chart surface elevation changes at a high spatiotemporal resolution over all of Earth’s glaciers. We extensively validate our estimates against independent, high-precision measurements and present a globally complete and consistent estimate of glacier mass change. We show that during 2000–2019, glaciers lost a mass of 267 ± 16 gigatonnes per year, equivalent to 21 ± 3 per cent of the observed sea-level rise6. We identify a mass loss acceleration of 48 ± 16 gigatonnes per year per decade, explaining 6 to 19 per cent of the observed acceleration of sea-level rise. Particularly, thinning rates of glaciers outside ice sheet peripheries doubled over the past two decades. Glaciers currently lose more mass, and at similar or larger acceleration rates, than the Greenland or Antarctic ice sheets taken separately7,8,9. By uncovering the patterns of mass change in many regions, we find contrasting glacier fluctuations that agree with the decadal variability in precipitation and temperature. These include a North Atlantic anomaly of decelerated mass loss, a strongly accelerated loss from northwestern American glaciers, and the apparent end of the Karakoram anomaly of mass gain10. We anticipate our highly resolved estimates to advance the understanding of drivers that govern the distribution of glacier change, and to extend our capabilities of predicting these changes at all scales. Predictions robustly benchmarked against observations are critically needed to design adaptive policies for the local- and regional-scale management of water resources and cryospheric risks, as well as for the global-scale mitigation of sea-level rise.ISSN:0028-0836ISSN:1476-468

    Chroniques de l’éphémère

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    Les livres de fête sont parmi les plus spectaculaires des nombreux documents rassemblés par Jacques Doucet pour sa bibliothèque d’Art et d’Archéologie, rattachée depuis 2003 à l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art. Comme les fêtes destinées à solenniser chaque acte de la vie publique des souverains, ces livres étaient le produit de la contribution de tous les grands artistes du temps. Baptêmes, mariages, funérailles, couronnements, victoires ou entrées solennelles dans les « bonnes » villes du royaume donnaient lieu à des déploiements de fastes dont les livres se veulent les traces tout aussi fastueuses. L’exposition sur les livres de fête du XVIIe au XVIIIe siècle organisée à l’INHA (galerie Colbert à Paris IIe, du 15 septembre au 15 décembre 2010) présente des livres de cette période illustrant des fêtes versaillaises et parisiennes. Ce catalogue accompagne et éclaire la visité et l’étude de ces ouvrages. Dominique Morelon, commissaire de l’exposition et conservatrice en chef, responsable du service du patrimoine de la bibliothèque de l’INHA

    An obesogenic feedforward loop involving PPARÎł, acyl-CoA binding protein and GABAA receptor

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    Acyl-coenzyme-A-binding protein (ACBP), also known as a diazepam-binding inhibitor (DBI), is a potent stimulator of appetite and lipogenesis. Bioinformatic analyses combined with systematic screens revealed that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARÎł) is the transcription factor that best explains the ACBP/DBI upregulation in metabolically active organs including the liver and adipose tissue. The PPARÎł agonist rosiglitazone-induced ACBP/DBI upregulation, as well as weight gain, that could be prevented by knockout of Acbp/Dbi in mice. Moreover, liver-specific knockdown of Pparg prevented the high-fat diet (HFD)-induced upregulation of circulating ACBP/DBI levels and reduced body weight gain. Conversely, knockout of Acbp/Dbi prevented the HFD-induced upregulation of PPARÎł. Notably, a single amino acid substitution (F77I) in the Îł2 subunit of gamma-aminobutyric acid A receptor (GABAAR), which abolishes ACBP/DBI binding to this receptor, prevented the HFD-induced weight gain, as well as the HFD-induced upregulation of ACBP/DBI, GABAAR Îł2, and PPARÎł. Based on these results, we postulate the existence of an obesogenic feedforward loop relying on ACBP/DBI, GABAAR, and PPARÎł. Interruption of this vicious cycle, at any level, indistinguishably mitigates HFD-induced weight gain, hepatosteatosis, and hyperglycemia
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