118 research outputs found

    La importancia del clima emocional del aula desde la perspectiva del alumnado universitario

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    En el presente trabajo describimos las tareas realizadas por un grupo de profesoras –tres noveles y una mentora- del dpto. de psicología evolutiva y de la educación de la universidad de sevilla, como participantes del programa de equipos docentes para la Formación de profesores noveles, en su fase de consolidación (2009-2010). se elaboró un cuestionario que nos permitiera identificar las competencias docentes más valoradas, así como explorar la importancia de las claves emocionales positivas en la docencia. este cuestionario fue cumplimentado por 224 estudiantes universitarios, que cursaban titulaciones relacionadas con la docencia. nuestros resultados indican que, junto a los aspectos relacionados con la metodología desarrollada en clase, el alumnado universitario valora ampliamente la capacidad del profesorado para crear un buen clima emocional. este dato es interesante en la medida en que proporciona algunas claves para la formación de futuros educadores. en este sentido, no sólo deben ser buenos transmisores de contenido, sino que deben contar con estrategias dirigidas a crear un buen clima emocional en el aula.This paper describes the tasks performed by a group of teachers (three novices and a mentor) from the department of developmental psychology and education in the university of seville, as participants in a teacher training programme during their consolidation phase (academic year 2009-2010). a questionnaire was developed that allowed us to identify the most valuable teaching skills and explore the importance of positive emotional cues in teaching. this questionnaire was completed by 224 university students who were studying for degrees related to teaching. our results indicate that, along with aspects of the methodology developed in class, university students valued highly the ability of teachers to create a good emotional climate. this finding is interesting as it provides some clues towards the training of future teachers. Hence, not only must they be good communicators of content, but they must also be armed with strategies towards the creation of a good emotional climate in the classroo

    Numerical search for the stationary quasi-breather of the graphene superlattice equation.

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    The propagation of electromagnetic solitons in a graphene superlattice device is governed by a modified sine-Gordon equation, referred to as the graphene superlattice equation. Kink-antikink collisions suggest the existence of a quasi-breather solution. Here, a numerical search for static quasi-breathers is undertaken by using a new initial condition obtained by a regular perturbation of the null solution. Our results show that the frequency of the initial condition has a minimum critical value for the appearance of a robust quasi-breather able to survive during more than one thousand periods. The amplitude and energy of the quasi-breather solution decrease, but its frequency increases, as time grows. The robustness of the new quasi-breather supports its experimental search in real graphene superlattice devices.The authors thank the reviewers for their thoughtful comments and efforts toward improving our manuscript. The research reported here was supported by Project RoCoSoyCo (UMA18-FEDERJA-248) of the Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento, Junta de Andalucía, Spain. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Injection of Anabolic Steroids in Men Who Had Sex with Men in Madrid and Barcelona: Prevalence Correlates and Role as a Risk Factor for Transmitted Infections

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    Inyección; Conducta de riesgo; EsteroidesInjecció; Conducta de risc; EsteroidesInjection; Risk behaviour; SteroidsThis study describes the prevalence of anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) injection, their main correlates, and the prevalence of specific AAS injection risk behaviours among men who have sex with men (MSM), an area insufficiently addressed in scientific research. Participants were HIV-negative MSM attending four HIV/STI diagnosis services: two clinics and two community programmes in Madrid and Barcelona. Participants answered an online self-administered questionnaire. Crude and adjusted lifetime prevalence and prevalence ratios (PRs) were calculated by different factors and using Poisson regression models with robust variance. Of the 3510 participants, 6.1% (95% CI: 5.3–6.9) had injected AAS before and 3.5% (95% CI: 2.9–4.2) had done so in the last 12 months. In the multivariate analysis, AAS injection was independently associated with being over 40 years old (aPR = 3.6; 95% CI: 2.0–6.5) and being born in Latin America (aPR = 2.5; 95% CI:1.9–3.4), and was less strongly associated (aPRs of around two) with having been recruited into STI clinics, having ever been paid for sex before, injected drugs, used drugs for sex, having been diagnosed with an STI before, and having been diagnosed with HIV at the recruitment consultation. Only three participants, 1.4%, of those who had injected AAS before had shared AAS or equipment for preparation or injecting before. Conclusions: In contrast to drugs, AAS injecting behaviours do not play a relevant, direct role in the transmission of blood-borne infections among MSM. However, AAS injectors have a higher prevalence of sexual risk behaviours. These findings should be confirmed using new studies that employ other sampling procedures.This study was supported by the Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (2019I017). The Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas had no further role in study design, in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, in the writing of the report, and in the decision to submit the paper for publication

    EI desarrollo del Lenguaje articulado en niños Salvadoreños del sexo femenino y masculino comprendido en las edades Crono1ógicas de 4 años a 6 años 11 meses y que asisten a Kindergarten de la Zona Metropolitana de San Salvador

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    Este trabajo se enfoca hacia la población infantil preescolar ya que es muy notorio que en las escuelas parvularias algunos niños presentan dificultades en el lenguaje articulado, lo que obstacullza generalmente el aprendizaje escolar

    Cuidados de enfermería en situaciones complejas de salud. Proceso oncológico, cuidados paliativos, muerte y duelo

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    La cronicidad y complejidad forman parte ineludible de nuestro ámbito sanitario actual. Es en este contexto, donde el profesional de enfermería se enfrenta de forma habitual a situaciones de sufrimiento, dolor e incluso de muerte. En tales condiciones, el paciente experimenta impotencia, siendo consciente de sus limitaciones y fnitud, y poniendo a disposición de enfermería su cuidado. Aunque actualmente los profesionales de enfermería debemos estar capacitados para desempe- ñar diferentes competencias, como relación de ayuda entre otras, la realidad es que no nos sentimos preparados para abordar situaciones complejas. No son pocas las ocasiones en que la impotencia ante determinadas situaciones nos desborda, porque no tenemos recursos ni estrategias para hacerles frente. La falta de adaptación del hospital a la realidad social, que tanta insatisfacción produce en el profesional, no debe redundar en la atención al paciente y en la realización de nuestro trabajo de forma óptima. El saber que nuestra praxis, realizada a partir de los conocimientos adecuados, conlleva el bienestar y confort del paciente, es nuestro principal objetivo, y habría de ser nuestro mayor reconocimiento. Dicho reconocimiento debe ser asumido también por el estudiante de enfermería. Estos futuros profesionales deben no solo recibir una formación teórico-práctica específca, si no que dicha formación debe completarse con valores y actitudes personales que enmarquen nuestro quehacer diario. Los nuevos profesionales de enfermería deben aprender a enfrentarse a los aspectos más íntimos, emocionales y potencialmente perturbadores de su rol profesional, para así alcanzar una mayor satisfacción en su trabajo; satisfacción que debe surgir desde el paciente y hacía el paciente al que asistimos. El propósito de este manual es ayudar al alumno de Enfermería en su formación desde los conocimientos que ha de adquirir sobre los cuidados en situaciones complejas de salud, pero sin dejar de lado algo de extrema importancia, que es una reflexión sobre el ser humano en sus diferentes dimensiones y circunstancias, permitiendo ofrecerle un cuidado integral. Solo así podrá nuestra actuación responder y acompañar ante el impacto personal ocasionado por la enfermedad en el paciente y familia, y a la posible adaptación a ella

    Added value of intraoperative real-time imaging in searches for difficult-to-locate sentinel nodes.

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    Localization of sentinel lymph nodes can be challenging if they are in difficult anatomic locations or near high radiotracer activity The purpose of this study was to assess the value of intraoperative real-time imaging using a portable gamma-camera in conjunction with a conventional gamma-counting probe when it is difficult to localize the sentinel node

    Chrononutrition and Polyphenols: Roles and Diseases

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    Biological rhythms can influence the activity of bioactive compounds, and at the same time, the intake of these compounds can modulate biological rhythms. In this context, chrononutrition has appeared as a research field centered on the study of the interactions among biological rhythms, nutrition, and metabolism. This review summarizes the role of phenolic compounds in the modulation of biological rhythms, focusing on their effects in the treatment or prevention of chronic diseases. Heterotrophs are able to sense chemical cues mediated by phytochemicals such as phenolic compounds, promoting their adaptation to environmental conditions. This is called xenohormesis. Hence, the consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in phenolic compounds exerts several health benefits, mainly attributed to the product of their metabolism. However, the profile of phenolic compounds present in plants differs among species and is highly variable depending on agricultural and technological factors. In this sense, the seasonal consumption of polyphenol-rich fruits could induce important changes in the regulation of physiology and metabolism due to the particular phenolic profile that the fruits contain. This fact highlights the need for studies that evaluate the impact of these specific phenolic profiles on health to establish more accurate dietary recommendations.España MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA, INDUSTRIA Y COMPETITIVIDAD (AGL2016-77105-R

    Estrategias de comunicación de la municipalidad distrital Víctor Larco para promover la cultura tributaria en Vista Alegre, Trujillo 2022

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    Esta investigación tuvo como finalidad identificar las Estrategias de Comunicación orientadas a promover la Cultura Tributaria en los vecinos de Vista Alegre, Trujillo, 2022. Para la recolección de datos e información se operacionalizaron nuestras dos variables, la variable cultura tributaria en ocho indicadores contenidos en tres dimensiones: Conocimiento tributario, valores tributarios y actitud tributaria. Mientras que la variable estrategias de comunicación mediante cuatro indicadores comprendidos en las dimensiones de diagnóstico comunicacional y estrategia creativa. Se llevó a cabo una investigación con enfoque cuantitativo y diseño descriptivo simple. Se aplicaron encuestas, a la muestra de estudio, que fueron 332 contribuyentes, de una población de 2487, obtenida mediante la fórmula de muestreo aleatorio simple. Así mismo se aplicó una entrevista a una funcionaria del área de tributación de la Municipalidad de Victor Larco Herrera para ampliar el contexto y diagnóstico sobre la problemática de evasión tributaria de la zona de Vista Alegre. Al procesar los datos se concluyó que los contribuyentes de la zona de Vista Alegre poseen un bajo conocimiento tributario por lo cual su nivel de cultura tributaria es medio, y que las acciones de comunicación que aplica la Municipalidad tienen un alcance medio. Se sugiere implementar nuevas estrategias de comunicación divididas en tres fases. La primera de sensibilización, que tiene como objetivo concientizar a los usuarios de la importancia de la tributación para la sociedad y país, la segunda que consiste en brindar información sobre formas, fechas y promociones para el pago de tributos. Por último, la estrategia de evaluación que medirá los resultados de las acciones aplicadas para conocer el grado de efectividad de estas.The purpose of this research was to identify the Communication Strategies aimed at promoting Tax Culture in the residents of Vista Alegre, Trujillo, 2022. For the collection of data and information our two variables were operationalized, the tax culture variable in eight indicators contained in three dimensions: Tax knowledge, tax values and tax attitude. The communication strategies variable was operationalized through four indicators included in the dimensions of communication diagnosis and creative strategy. A research with quantitative approach and simple descriptive design was carried out. Surveys were applied to the study sample, which consisted of 332 contributors, obtained through the simple random sampling formula. An interview was also conducted with an official from the taxation area of the Municipality of Victor Larco Herrera to broaden the context and diagnosis of the problem of tax evasion in the area of Vista Alegre. Upon processing the data, it was concluded that taxpayers in the Vista Alegre area have a low level of tax knowledge, so their level of tax culture is average, and that the communication actions applied by the Municipality have an average reach. It is suggested to implement new communication strategies divided into three phases. The first is awareness-raising, which aims to make users aware of the importance of taxation for society and the country; the second consists of providing information on forms, dates and promotions for the payment of taxes. Finally, the evaluation strategy will measure the results of the actions implemented to know the degree of effectiveness of these actions.Tesi

    Injection of Anabolic Steroids in Men Who Had Sex with Men in Madrid and Barcelona: Prevalence Correlates and Role as a Risk Factor for Transmitted Infections

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    This study describes the prevalence of anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) injection, their main correlates, and the prevalence of specific AAS injection risk behaviours among men who have sex with men (MSM), an area insufficiently addressed in scientific research. Participants were HIV-negative MSM attending four HIV/STI diagnosis services: two clinics and two community programmes in Madrid and Barcelona. Participants answered an online self-administered questionnaire. Crude and adjusted lifetime prevalence and prevalence ratios (PRs) were calculated by different factors and using Poisson regression models with robust variance. Of the 3510 participants, 6.1% (95% CI: 5.3-6.9) had injected AAS before and 3.5% (95% CI: 2.9-4.2) had done so in the last 12 months. In the multivariate analysis, AAS injection was independently associated with being over 40 years old (aPR = 3.6; 95% CI: 2.0-6.5) and being born in Latin America (aPR = 2.5; 95% CI:1.9-3.4), and was less strongly associated (aPRs of around two) with having been recruited into STI clinics, having ever been paid for sex before, injected drugs, used drugs for sex, having been diagnosed with an STI before, and having been diagnosed with HIV at the recruitment consultation. Only three participants, 1.4%, of those who had injected AAS before had shared AAS or equipment for preparation or injecting before. Conclusions: In contrast to drugs, AAS injecting behaviours do not play a relevant, direct role in the transmission of blood-borne infections among MSM. However, AAS injectors have a higher prevalence of sexual risk behaviours. These findings should be confirmed using new studies that employ other sampling procedures.This study was supported by the Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (2019I017). The Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas had no further role in study design, in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, in the writing of the report, and in the decision to submit the paper for publication.S

    Orbital-scale environmental and climatic changes recorded in a new ∼200,000-year-long multiproxy sedimentary record from Padul, southern Iberian Peninsula

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    Padul is one of the few wetland sites in southern Europe and the Mediterranean region that exhibits an unusually large temporal span (>100 kyr) and continuous Quaternary sedimentary record. Previous core-based studies from Padul yielded paleoecological datasets (i.e., pollen and organic geochemistry), but with a poor age control that resulted in rather arbitrary climate inferences. Therefore, precise age control and a multidisciplinary approach is necessary to understand long-term regional environmental and climate change and the associated local response of the Padul wetland environment. Here we present a new long sediment record (Padul-15-05) from this wetland in the southern Iberian Peninsula with the aim of improving the age control of the sedimentary sequence and carrying out up-to-date high-resolution multiproxy analyses. In this study the age control is based on 61 AMS radiocarbon dates for the last ca. 50 kyr BP and on the extent of amino acid racemization (AAR) in mollusc shells extending back ∼118 kyr BP. No numerical ages are available for the bottom part of the core but the sediment accumulation rates (SAR) and the cyclostratigraphic analysis of the multiproxy data suggest that the core preserves a continuous record of the last ∼197 kyr (from late MIS 7 to present) with millennial-scale time resolution. Sedimentological (lithology, magnetic susceptibility, XRD, color), geochemical (XRF, TOC, C/N, % carbonate content) and paleontological (pollen, charophytes, gastropods) data show co-varying cyclical paleoenvironmental changes linked to orbital-scale climatic variability. Silicon, magnetic susceptibility (MS) and total organic carbon (TOC) data show periodicities between ∼26.2–19.6 kyr linked to insolation, which is strongly dominated by precession cycles at this latitude. High values of Si and MS data have been related to high siliciclastic/detrital input from Sierra Nevada range during minima in insolation due to enhanced soil weathering/erosion during regional aridity and lower forest cover recorded by the arboreal pollen, which could also be favored by a minor biogenic productivity. In addition, warm climate conditions during maxima in insolation mostly resulted in negative precipitation/evapotranspiration balance and low lake levels, while cold glacial and stadial periods were mainly characterized by positive precipitation/evapotranspiration balance, and therefore, high lake levels. The improved chronology of the Padul sedimentary sequence along with a multiproxy study permitted us to better relate environmental and vegetation changes to climatic events and to demonstrate how both local (i.e., lake level, sedimentation) and regional (i.e., vegetation) environments responded to orbital-scale climate changes