186 research outputs found

    Índice neutrófilo linfocito como factor asociado a mortalidad en pacientes con trauma craneoencefálico severo

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si el índice neutrófilo linfocito es un factor asociado a mortalidad en pacientes con trauma craneoencefálico severo. Con la finalidad de establecer un marcador rápido de evolución desfavorable y desenlaces adversos en estos pacientes. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de tipo cohorte retrospectivo, longitudinal en el cual se incluyó 238 pacientes con trauma craneoencefálico severo, que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión establecidos, dichos pacientes se incluyeron en el grupo expuesto o no expuesto hasta completar el tamaño muestral, y luego distinguir a los pacientes cuyo registro informa su fallecimiento hasta en los 28 días del ingreso. Resultados: El estudio incluyó un total de 238 pacientes, de los cuales 26 (11%) pacientes fallecieron. El índice neutrófilo-linfocito, no mostró una asociación significativa con mortalidad (HR 1.97 IC95% 0.82 – 4.72, valor p>0.5). Sin embargo, en el análisis bivariado y multivariado donde se asoció la intervención de otras variables, se determinó que la presencia de anisocoria aumentaba en 4 veces el riego de muerte (HR 4.1 IC95% 1.86 – 9.04) de forma significativa (valor p<0.001), en el mismo sentido, se determinó que el shock aumentaba en 6 veces el riesgo de muerte (HR 6.64 IC95% 2.49 – 17.73) de forma significativa (valor p<0.001), también, se determinó que la variable hipernatremia incrementó al doble el riesgo de muerte (HR 2.24 IC95% 1.005 – 4.82) de forma significativa (valor p<0.04). Conclusiones: El índice neutrófilo linfocito elevado no es un factor asociado a mortalidad en pacientes con trauma craneoencefálico severo.The objective of this study was to determine if the neutrophil-lymphocyte index is a factor associated with mortality in patients with severe head trauma. In order to establish a rapid marker of unfavorable evolution and adverse outcomes in these patients. Materials and methods: A longitudinal, retrospective cohort study was carried out, in which 238 patients with severe head trauma were included, who met the established inclusion criteria; these patients were included in the exposed or non-exposed group until completing the sample size, then distinguishing patients whose registry reports their death up to 28 days after admission. Results: The study included a total of 238 patients, of which 26 (11%) patients died. The neutrophil-lymphocyte index did not show a significant association with mortality (HR 1.97 95% CI 0.82 - 4.72, p>0.5). However, in the bivariate and multivariate analysis where the intervention of other variables was associated, it was determined that the presence of anisocoria increased the risk of death by 4 times (HR 4.1 95% CI 1.86 - 9.04) significantly (p value<0.001 ), in the same sense, it was determined that shock increased the risk of death 6 times (HR 6.64 IC95% 2.49 - 17.73) significantly (p value<0.001), also, it was determined that the hypernatremia variable increased twice the risk of death (HR 2.24 95% CI 1.005 – 4.82) significantly (p value<0.04). Conclusions: Elevated neutrophil-lymphocyte index is not a factor associated with mortality in patients with severe head injury.Tesi

    Liderazgo de los padres de familia en la gestión escolar de la I.E. 80511- Vista Florida, Pataz - 2020

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    La investigación tuvo como propósito determinar la relación del liderazgo de padres de familia en la gestión escolar de la institución educativa n° 80511-Vista Florida, Pataz, 2020. Se aplicó instrumentos -cuestionarios para cada variable de tres dimensiones, a una muestra de estudio de 42 padres de familia. El cuestionario aplicado para la variable liderazgo de padres de familia se estructuró en tres dimensiones, lo mismo para la variable gestión escolar. Se tuvo una muestra de 42 padres. El tipo de metodología fue básica -enfoque cuantitativo con diseño -descriptivo correlacional de corte transversal. Entre sus resultados encontrados se tuvo, el nivel de liderazgo de padres de familia, oscila 42,9% medio; 35,7 % alto , y 21, 4% bajo. Mientras que en cuanto a gestión escolar se encontró 42,9% medio; 35,7 % alto , y 21, 4% bajo. Así mismo, de la aplicación Rho de Spearman, se obtuvo r= 0,941 y sig. (P=0.000 < 0.05), lo cual se evidencia una relación significativa alta, aceptándose la hipótesis alternativa

    Salario emocional de los trabajadores de la agrícola Cuyuma S.A. Ica- 2020

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    Objetivo: Identificar el Salario Emocional en los trabajadores de la agrícola Cuyuma S.A. Ica-2020. Métodos: El estudio fue de tipo básica, nivel descriptivo, diseño no experimental y de enfoque cuantitativo. En cuanto al total de la población estuvo conformada por 122 trabajadores de la Agrícola Cuyuma S.A. Ica, que fluctúan entre las edades de 18 años a más. Se utilizó el instrumento cuestionario salario emocional elaborado por Barrón (2020). Resultados: Se obtuvo que el 54,1% es moderada, 33,6% adecuada y el 12,3% inadecuado. En la dimensión motivación el 54,9 moderado, 36,1% adecuado y el 9,0% inadecuado. En la dimensión decisiones se obtuvo el 50,8% moderado, 27,9% adecuado y el 21,3% inadecuado. En la dimensión ambiente laboral se obtuvo que el 50,8%, 37,7% y el 11,5%. Conclusión: Se determinó que los trabajadores de la Agrícola Cuyuma presenta un moderado salario emocional lo que significa que perciben beneficios adicionales al salario económico

    CXCR4(+)-targeted protein nanoparticles produced in the food-grade bacterium Lactococcus lactis

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    Lactococcus lactis is a Gram-positive (endotoxin-free) food-grade bacteria exploited as alternative to Escherichia coli for recombinant protein production. We have explored here for the first time the ability of this platform as producer of complex, self-assembling protein materials. Materials & methods: Biophysical properties, cell penetrability and in vivo biodistribution upon systemic administration of tumor-targeted protein nanoparticles produced in L. lactis have been compared with the equivalent material produced in E. coli. Results: Protein nanoparticles have been efficiently produced in L. lactis, showing the desired size, internalization properties and biodistribution. Conclusion: In vitro and in vivo data confirm the potential and robustness of the production platform, pointing out L. lactis as a fascinating cell factory for the biofabrication of protein materials intended for therapeutic applications.Award-winningPostprint (published version

    The burden of chronic diseases and cost-of-care in subjects with HIV infection in a Health District of Northern Italy over a 12-year period compared to that of the general population

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    The increase in life expectancy of HIV-infected patients has driven increased costs due to life-long HIV treatment and concurrent age-related comorbidities. This population-based study aimed to investigate the burden of chronic diseases and health costs for HIV(+) subjects compared to the general population living in Brescia Local health Agency (LHA) over a 12-year period

    The predictive role of NLR and PLR for solid non-AIDS defining cancer incidence in HIV-infected subjects: a MASTER cohort study

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    Patients’ characteristics according to lost to follow-up at 3-years. Table S2. Distribution of non-AIDS defining cancer. Table S3. Multivariate analysis: time dependent Cox regression model. Variables included in the full model. (DOCX 20 kb

    Oxide wizard : an EELS application to characterize the white lines of transition metal edges

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    Physicochemical properties of transition metal oxides are directly determined by the oxidation state of the metallic cations. To address the increasing need to accurately evaluate the oxidation states of transition metal oxide systems at the nanoscale, here we present Oxide Wizard. This script for Digital Micrograph characterizes the energy-loss near-edge structure and the position of the transition metal edges in the electron energy-loss spectrum. These characteristics of the edges can be linked to the oxidation states of transition metals with high spatial resolution. The power of the script is demonstrated by mapping manganese oxidation states in Fe3O4/Mn3O4 core/shell nanoparticles with sub-nanometer resolution in real space

    Personality changes in patients suffering from drug-resistant epilepsy after surgical treatment : a 1-year follow-up study

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    Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICObjective: To determine changes in dimensions of personality in a sample of patients suffering from drug-resistant epilepsy at the 1-year follow-up following surgery, compared to non-surgically treated controls. Methods: We conducted a prospective comparative controlled study, including drug-resistant epilepsy surgery candidates. Demographic, psychiatric, neurological, and psychological data were recorded. Presurgical and 12-months follow-up evaluations were performed. Personality dimensions were measured by the NEO Five-Factor Inventory, Revised version (NEO-FFI-R), anxiety and depression symptoms were assessed by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS: HADA-Anxiety and HADD-Depression), psychiatric evaluations were performed using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV) Axis-I disorders classification. Statistical analysis consisted of comparative tests, correlation analysis, and the stepwise multiple regression test (ANOVA). Results: A 1-year follow-up was completed by 70 out of 80 patients. Through the study, the surgical group decreased in neuroticism and increased in agreeableness. The controls increased in consciousness, and these changes were predicted by the earlier age of epilepsy onset and lesser score in HADD at the baseline. No personality changes were associated with seizure frequency. The presurgical evaluation concluded that both groups had no differences in demographic, psychiatric, or neurological variables with the only exception being for the number of seizures per month, which was higher in the surgical group. Psychiatric comorbidity in patients was associated with their higher degree of neuroticism and agreeableness at the baseline. Comparing control and surgical groups at the one-year follow-up, the agreeableness personality variable was higher in the surgical group, and as expected, HADS scores were higher in the control group, and seizure frequency was also higher in the control group. Significance: Higher agreeableness was the most relevant difference in personality dimensions in patients who underwent surgical treatment compared with the non-surgical treatment group. After surgery patients decreased in neuroticism and increased in agreeableness scores

    Influence of personality profile in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy on quality of life following surgical treatment : A 1-year follow-up study

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    Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICThe objectives of this study are to determine the influence of personality profile in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy on quality of life (QoL) after surgical treatment and compare the results with a non-surgical control group at the 1-year follow-up. We conducted a prospective, comparative, controlled study, including 70 patients suffering from drug-resistant epilepsy. Demographic, psychiatric, neurological, and psychological data were recorded at the baseline and at the 1-year follow-up. Assessment of personality dimensions was performed using the NEO-FFI-R questionnaire; severity of anxiety and depression were assessed by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and QoL was evaluated using the QOLIE-31. At the 1-year follow-up, comparing the control and the surgical groups, we detected differences in scores of most items of QoL, which were higher in those patients who had undergone surgery. High levels of Conscientiousness and Openness to experience at the baseline in patients who underwent surgery predicted better post-surgical outcomes in the QoL scores, whereas high neurotic patients showed worse QoL results. Postoperative changes in QoL in patients were associated with the personality profile at the baseline. QoL measures significantly improved in the surgical group compared with the non-surgical group but were not associated with baseline or postoperative seizure frequency at 1 year