915 research outputs found

    The economy of Nasrid kingdom through the fatwas compiled in the Mi‘yār by Al-Wansharīsī

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    Economy, Law and Juridical Practice are the three main areas upon which this study is based. It is circumscribed within a specific historical period and geographical region: the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada (1232-1492). The study is focused in some juridical sources, particularly fatwas issued by the muftis who were active by then in Granada

    Análisis de las repercusiones contables de la nueva normativa FIFA sobre derechos de formación de jugadores

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    Los derechos sobre deportistas profesionales constituyen uno de los activos más significativos en las Sociedades Anónimas Deportivas. Por tanto, resulta especialmente relevante toda la problemática relativa a su valoración. En este sentido, debemos destacar que la normativa contable actualmente en vigor en España sólo permite la inclusión en los estados financieros de aquellos derechos sobre deportistas profesionales que se hayan adquirido mediante transacción onerosa, considerándose directamente como gastos del ejercicio los importes destinados a la formación intema de jugadores. La FIFA, a instancias de la Comisión Europea, ha promulgado recientemente un nuevo Reglamento sobre el estatuto y la transferencia de jugadores, en el que se especifican criterios de valoración para los llamados derechos de formación. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en el análisis de las repercusiones que esta nueva normativa puede tener sobre los estados financieros de los clubes de fútbol, a efectos de considerar dichos derechos

    Mitigating energy system vulnerability by implementing a microgrid with a distributed management algorithm

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    This work presents a management strategy for microgrid (MG) operation. Photovoltaic (PV) and wind generators, as well as storage systems and conventional units, are distributed over a wide geographical area, forming a distributed energy system, which is coordinated to face any contingency of the utility company by means of its isolated operation. The management strategy divides the system into three main layers: renewable generation, storage devices, and conventional units. Interactions between devices of the same layer are determined by solving an economic dispatch problem (EDP) in a distributed manner using a consensus algorithm (CA), and interactions between layers are determined by means of a load following strategy. In this way, the complex behaviour of PV and wind generation, the battery storage system, and conventional units has been effectively combined with CA to solve EDP in a distributed manner. MG performance and its vulnerability are deeply analysed by means of an illustrative case study. From the observed results, vulnerability under extreme conditions could be reduced up to approximately 30% by coupling distributed renewable generation and storage capacity with an energy system based on conventional generation

    Análisis de la diversidad genética de papas nativas (Solanum sec. Petota) de la comunidad de Chahuaytire, integrante del Parque de la Papa (Pisaq-Cusco), y de las papas nativas repatriadas por el Centro Internacional de la Papa usando marcadores microsatélites

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    195 native potato cultivars collected in Chahuaytire community and 246 native potatoes repatriated to Potato Park Communities Association (ACPDP) by the International Potato Center (CIP) were characterized using nine primer pairs that amplify the ten most polymorphic microsatellite loci from the potato genetic identification kit (STM0019, STPoAc58, STM0037, STM0030, STM1104, STM1052, STM1106, STM2013, STM2022), located in 9 of the 12 chromosomes of potato. The molecular characterization differentiated the 93.33% of the native potatoes from the Chahuaytire community and the 92.68% of repatriated native potatoes from CIP. 114 and 130 alleles and average diversity index between 0.762 and 0.776 were obtained in the Chahuaytire community and the repatriated potatoes, respectively. The clustering of potato cultivars was performed using the UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic mean) method applied to similarity matrix obtained with Jaccard coefficient. Clustering analysis revealed that no differentiation according to origin was found. Similarly, Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) revealed that the molecular variation between evaluated groups was 0.73% (p- value=0.05), indicating a basically similar genetic constitution between both groups. The main source of molecular variation, 99.27% (p-value=0.05), was found within the native potatoes inside groups. However, the finding of 6 private alleles in the native potatoes from Chahuaytire suggests that some genetic diversity maintained in the Chahuaytire native potatoes is not represented in the 246 repatriated potatoes from CIP.Tesi

    Propuesta de restauración y recuperación del Templo de San Lorenzo Tepatitlán del siglo XIX, Toluca, Edo. de México

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    Estructuras históricas y monumentos patrimoniales.Restauración Arquitectónica del Templo de San Lorenzo Tepatitlán, Estado de México, Méxic

    Estudio comparativo de marcadores bioquímicos de salud, en dos grupos etarios de docentes universitarios, 2017: Comparative study of biochemical health markers, in two groups of university professors of the same age group, 2017

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    Objective: Compare the values of the blood biomakers: uric acid, creatinine, glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides, in two groups of university professors apparently healthy. Methods: The first group, formed by 58 professors aged 60 to 64, and the second formed by 35 professors aged 75 to 81, in order to evaluate if there is a significant statistic difference in both groups. Results: The values of uric acid in group I were between 2,50 mg/dL. and 8,20 mg/dL; in groups II were between 2,50 mg/dL and 8,63 mg/dL, showing a significant difference (p=0.035). The values of creatinine in group I were between 0,64 mg/dL and 1,56 mg/dL; and in group II were between 0,80 mg/dL and 1,61 mg/dL., showing a significant difference (p=0.004). The values of glucose in group I were between 63 mg/dL and 188 mg/dL; and in group II were between 60 mg/dL y 297 mg/dL, not showing significant difference (p=0.671). The values of cholesterol in group I were between 125 mg/dL and 265 mg/dL; and in group II were between 107 mg/dL and 244 mg/dL; not showing significant difference (p=0.053). The values of triglycerides in group I were between 58 mg/dL and 507 mg/dL; and in group II were between 68 mg/dL and 314 mg/dL; not showing significant difference (p=0.104). Conclusion: There is a significant difference in the biomarkers of uric acid and creatinine between the age groups; however, there was not found significant difference in the biomarkers of glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides between the age groups. DOI:10.25176/RFMH.v19.n2.2063Objetivo: Comparar los valores de los marcadores bioquímicos sanguíneos: ácido úrico, creatinina, glucosa, colesterol y triglicéridos, entre dos grupos de docentes universitarios aparentemente sanos. Métodos: El primer grupo, formado por 58 docentes de 60 a 64 años y, el segundo por 35 docentes de 75 a 81 años; para evaluar si hay diferencia estadística significativa entre ambos grupos. Resultados: Los valores de ácido úrico en el grupo I estuvieron entre 2,50 mg/dL. y 8,20 mg/dL, y en el grupo II entre 2,50 mg/dL y 8,63 mg/dL, con diferencia significativa (p=0.035). Los valores de creatinina en el grupo I estuvieron entre 0,64 mg/dL y 1,56 mg/dL, y en el grupo II entre 0,80 mg/dL y 1,61 mg/dL., con diferencia significativa (p=0.004). Los valores de glucosa en el grupo I estuvieron entre 63 mg/dL y 188 mg/dL, y en el grupo II entre 60 mg/dL y 297 mg/dL, sin encontrar diferencia significativa (p=0.671). Los valores de colesterol en el grupo I estuvieron entre 125 mg/dL y 265 mg/dL, y en el grupo II entre 107 mg/dL y 244 mg/dL, sin encontrar diferencia significativa (p=0.053). Los valores de triglicéridos en el grupo I estuvieron entre 58 mg/dL y 507 mg/dL, y en el grupo II entre 68 mg/dL y 314 mg/dL, sin encontrar diferencia significativa (p=0.104). Conclusión: En los marcadores bioquímicos de ácido úrico y creatinina hay diferencia significativa entre ambos grupos etarios. En cambio, en los marcadores de glucosa, colesterol y triglicéridos, no se demuestra diferencia significativa entre ambos grupos etarios. DOI:10.25176/RFMH.v19.n2.206

    From daily life eroticism to the eroticism of power: the "rule of metaphor" in Ibn-al-Jaṭib

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    El texto que nos ocupa, muestra, sin pretensiones dogmáticas, la discursividad que se origina, desde la traducción, en torno a una faceta humana tan vital como es la de la sexualidad y sus ritos. Situada en el contexto de una misiva de época nazarí y a través de la óptica del amigo y del personaje, Ibn al-Jaṭῑb, entramos en el mundo de los significantes y los significados retrotraídos al pasado.Centers on a text showing, far from any dogmatic ambitions, the discursivity derived from translation regarding a human factor as vital as sexuality and its rituals. Set in the context of a missive from the Nasrid period, through the eyes of Ibn al-Jatib we are able to enter the world of signifier and signified carried back to the past

    La erótica de la cotidianidad en la erótica del poder: la Metáfora viva en Ibn al-Jaṭīb

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    Centers on a text showing, far from any dogmatic ambitions, the discursivity derived from translation regarding a human factor as vital as sexuality and its rituals. Set in the context of a missive from the Nasrid period, through the eyes of Ibn al-Jatib we are able to enter the world of signifier and signified carried back to the past.El texto que nos ocupa, muestra, sin pretensiones dogmáticas, la discursividad que se origina, desde la traducción, en torno a una faceta humana tan vital como es la de la sexualidad y sus ritos. Situada en el contexto de una misiva de época nazarí y a través de la óptica del amigo y del personaje, Ibn al-Jaṭῑb, entramos en el mundo de los significantes y los significados retrotraídos al pasado