169 research outputs found

    Conjunctival melanoma: survival analysis in twenty-two Mexican patients

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    Objetivo: Descrever o intervalo livre de doença (DFI) e sobrevida global (OS) de pacientes com melanoma conjuntival (CM). Método: Prontuários de 22 pacientes que foram internados em dois hospitais entre 1985 e 2006 foram revisados para dados pertinentes, incluindo dados demográficos, local de envolvimento na conjuntiva e outros locais de acometimento, tratamento cirúrgico e tratamento adjuvante. Resultados: Dez (45,45%) homens e 12 (54,55%) mulheres foram selecionados. A média de idade foi de 52,3 anos. Em 15 pacientes (68,1%) CM envolveu a conjuntiva bulbar, e em 7 (31,9%) envolveu a conjuntiva palpebral. Dos 22 pacientes, 72,72% tinham história de melanose conjuntival. O tamanho médio do tumor foi de 20,4 mm. Oito (36,36%) pacientes foram submetidos à exenteração orbital, 2 (9,06% ) à enucleação, 5 (22,72%) à ampla excisão da lesão seguida de radioterapia, 2 (9,06%) à exenteração orbital com esvaziamento cervical e os restantes 5 pacientes (22,72%) foram considerados adequadamente tratados apenas com excisão ampla. Oito (36,36%) pacientes receberam tratamento adjuvante. Sobrevida livre de doença em 5 anos foi de 51% e sobrevida global em 5 e 10 anos foi de 50% e 37%, respectivamente. Conclusão: Melanoma conjuntival é uma entidade rara. Comportamento do tumor é agressivo, e o melhor tratamento é a cirurgia com terapia adjuvante

    Infestation assessment with Haematobia irritans in grazing cattle and stress behaviors in tropical regions

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    The objective was to evaluate the infestation with flies in grazing cattle, and its relationship with some behaviors (tail butting, head butting, kicking and rubbing) that alter animal welfare, through direct observation and use of photographs. At two times (7:00 and 14:00 h) the variables were measured on thirty naturally infested cows and randomly distributed in two treatments: TS: control without deworming and TD: chemically dewormed. The fly infestation were higher (P<0.001) in TS cows (483.7 flies/animal), they also, expressed with greater intensity (P<0.001) and frequency of upset behaviors: tail-tapping (10.84 movements/min), head-butting (1.66), kicking (0.51) and rubbing (0.33) in order to drive away the annoying contact and aggression of the ectoparasite. It is concluded that the greater the fly infestation, the movements that alter the welfare of the animals increase; however, more research is required to know the physiological welfare consequences that the infestation of this parasite implies.Objective: To evaluate the infestation with flies in grazing cattle, and its relationship with some behaviors (tail butting, head butting, kicking and rubbing) that alter animal welfare, through direct observation and use of photographs. Design/Methodology/Approach: At two times (7:00 and 14:00 h) the variables were measured on thirty naturally infested cows and randomly distributed in two treatments: TS: control without deworming and TD: chemically dewormed. Results: The fly infestation were higher (p < 0.001) in TS cows (483.7 flies/animal), they also, expressed with greater intensity (p < 0.001) and frequency of upset behaviors: tail-tapping (10.84 movements min-1), head-butting (1.66), kicking (0.51) and rubbing (0.33) in order to drive away the annoying contact and aggression of the ectoparasite. Limitations: More in deep research is needed in order to assess the physiological disorders that this parasite could cause by altering well-being of grazing cattle in the tropics. Findings/Conclusions: It is concluded that the greater the fly infestation, the movements that alter the welfare of the animals’ increase; however, more research is required to know the physiological welfare consequences that the infestation of this parasite implies

    Fertilidade de ovelhas Katahdin inseminadas laparoscopicamente com sêmen refrigerado ou criopreservado nos trópicos

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    El objetivo del estudio fue comparar la fertilidad seminal y taza de preñes en un hato de ovinos katahdin mediante inseminación laparoscópica con semen refrigerado y congelado en ambiente tropical, fueron utilizados el reproductor y veinte vientres de la raza katahdin. Se realizaron dos evaluaciones para valorar la calidad del semen de acuerdo con sus características macroscópicas y microscópicas y las hembras fueron sincronizadas con dispositivos intravaginales con 0.3 g de progesterona natural (CIDR®, Zoetis), más una dosis de 400 UI de gonadotropina coriónica humana (GCH). La fertilidad fue mayor (p< 0,05) (30% de preñez) en borregas inseminadas con semen congelado, comparada al 20% de preñez en las inseminadas con semen frío. Las variables de fertilidad seminal evaluadas demostraron que el semen en el semental katahdin en ambiente tropical fue de buena calidad para su manipulación en la práctica de la inseminación artificial. El grupo racial de los animales utilizados respondieron satisfactoriamente a la sincronización y el semen estuvo dentro de los parámetros establecidos para la especie además toleró la manipulación, en cuanto a la inseminación por laparoscopía, es una técnica de cruzamiento poco diseminada en la región, sin embargo, el estudio desarrollado sugiere mayor investigación para aportar conocimientos suficientes para fortalecer el procedimiento y con ello incrementar la concepción en ovejas servidasThe objective of the study was to compare the semen fertility and pregnancy rate in a katahdin sheep herd by laparoscopic insemination with refrigerated and frozen semen in a tropical environment. The breeder and twenty bellies of the katahdin breed were used. Two evaluations were performed to assess the quality of the semen according to its macroscopic and microscopic characteristics and the females were synchronized with intravaginal devices with 0.3 g of natural progesterone (CIDR®, Zoetis), plus a dose of 400 IU of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Fertility was higher (p< 0.05) (30% pregnancy) in ewes inseminated with frozen semen, compared to 20% pregnancy in those inseminated with cold semen. The evaluated seminal fertility variables demonstrated that the semen in katahdin stallions in a tropical environment is of good quality for handling in the practice of artificial insemination. It is concluded that the breed group of the animals used responded satisfactorily to the synchronization and the semen was within the parameters established for the species, it also tolerated the manipulation, in terms of insemination by laparoscopy, it is a crossbreeding technique that is not widely disseminated in the region however, the study developed suggests further research to provide sufficient knowledge to strengthen the procedure and thereby increase conception in ewes bred.O objetivo do estudo foi comparar a fertilidade seminal e a taxa de prenhez em um rebanho de ovelhas katahdin por meio de inseminação laparoscópica com sêmen refrigerado e congelado em ambiente tropical, foram utilizados o reprodutor e vinte úteros da raça katahdin. Foram realizadas duas avaliações para avaliar a qualidade do sêmen de acordo com suas características macroscópicas e microscópicas, e as fêmeas foram sincronizadas com dispositivos intravaginais com 0,3 g de progesterona natural (CIDR®, Zoetis), mais uma dose de 400 UI de gonadotrofina coriônica humana (HCG) . A fertilidade foi maior (p< 0,05) (30% de prenhez) em ovelhas inseminadas com sêmen congelado, em comparação com 20% de prenhez naquelas inseminadas com sêmen frio. As variáveis ​​de fertilidade seminal avaliadas demonstraram que o sêmen do garanhão katahdin em ambiente tropical era de boa qualidade para sua manipulação na prática da inseminação artificial. O grupo racial dos animais utilizados respondeu satisfatoriamente à sincronização e o sêmen estava dentro dos parâmetros estabelecidos para a espécie, também tolerou a manipulação, no que diz respeito à inseminação por laparoscopia, é uma técnica de cruzamento pouco difundida na região, porém , o estudo desenvolvido sugere novas pesquisas para fornecer conhecimento suficiente para fortalecer o procedimento e, assim, aumentar a concepção em ovelhas criadas

    Can scenario-planning support community-based natural resource management? Experiences from three countries in latin america

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    Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) is a concept critical to managing socio-ecological systems, but whose implementation needs strengthening. Scenario-planning is one approach that may offer benefits relevant to CBNRM, but whose potential is not yet well understood. We therefore designed, trialled and evaluated a scenario-planning method intended to support CBNRM at three cases, located in Colombia, Mexico and Argentina. Implementing scenario-planning was judged as worthwhile in all three cases, although aspects of it could be challenging to facilitate. The benefits generated were relevant to strengthening CBNRM: encouraging the participation of local people and using their knowledge; enhanced consideration and adaption of future change; and supporting the development of systems thinking. Tracing exactly when and how these benefits arise is challenging, but two elements of the method seemed particularly useful. Firstly, using a systematic approach to discuss how drivers of change may affect local socio-ecological systems helped to foster systems thinking and identify connections between issues. Secondly, explicitly focusing on how to use and respond to scenarios helped identify specific practical activities ('response options') that would support CBNRM despite the pressures of future change. Discussions about response options also highlighted the need for support by other actors (e.g. policy groups): this raises the question of when and how other actors and other sources of knowledge should be involved in scenario-planning, so as to encourage their buy-in to actions identified by the process. We suggest other CBNRM initiatives may benefit from adapting and applying scenario-planning. However, these initiatives should be carefully monitored since further research is required to understand how and when scenario-planning methods may produce benefits, and their strengths and weaknesses versus other methods

    Generations No.5: Office of graduates and entrepreneurship

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    La Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, UNAB, con sesenta años de trayectoria en el escenario educativo concentra todos sus esfuerzos para seguir el camino del mejoramiento continuo y de esta forma contribuir al desarrollo de la región y el país. Fieles al legado del doctor Alfonso Gómez Gómez, uno de los fundadores de esta obra educativa, persistiremos en esa búsqueda inagotable de la excelencia en todos nuestros procesos para garantizarle tanto a los estudiantes, los graduados y la ciuda- danía en general que la UNAB trabajará arduamente y a partir de sólidos principios éticos para dar respuesta a las demandas del entorno.Editorial; Por Alberto Montoya Puyana…3 Saludo; Por Marcela Peralta Bautista…4 La voz del graduado…5 Acreditación institucional; Por Laura Camila Romero Martínez…6 Premios a los graduados; Por Redacción Generaciones UNAB…7 Nueva bolsa de empleo; Por Luz Yaqueline Hernández Castañeda…10 Reforma tributaria; Por Carolina Toscano Vargas…13 Artes audiovisuales 10 años; Por Santiago Gómez Mejía…14 Proyecto social del programa de enfermería; Por Olga Lucía Gómez Díaz y Mary Luz Jaimes Valencia…16 El síndrome de Burnout; Por Socorro Astrid Portilla Castellanos…18 La red social de los profesionales; Por Redacción Generaciones UNAB…20 Los hidrocarburos en Colombia; Por Oscar Vanegas Angarita…26 La energía fotovoltaica; Por Ph.D. Yecid Alfonso Muñoz Maldonado…28 Investigación, Centro de investigación en ingeniería y organizaciones; Por PhD. César Darío Guerrero Santander…32 Emprendimiento; Por Redacción Generaciones UNAB…36 Generaciones en cifras…45The Autonomous University of Bucaramanga, UNAB, with sixty years of experience in the educational scene concentrates all its efforts to follow the path of continuous improvement and thus contribute to the development of the region and the country. Faithful to the legacy of Dr. Alfonso Gómez Gómez, one of the founders of this educational work, we will persist in this inexhaustible search for excellence in all our processes to guarantee both students, graduates and citizens In general, the UNAB will work hard and based on solid ethical principles to respond to the demands of the environment

    Management and welfare of working equids in the Guerrero state

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    Abstract The management of farm work equids in Guerrero, Mexico was described and related to animal welfare. Sixty-four equids owners were randomly surveyed. Horses were used more than donkeys and mules. The 89% of owners worked the animals before 5 years of age. Only 5% provide helmet management. The 83% of breeders provide living space >4 m2. In 53% of the units animals socialize. The 45% of breeders feed on forage and grain. The 59% of breeders give access to water 2-4 portions / day and 41% ad libitum. Deworming is partial (44%) and not vaccine is applied. The common diseases are skin lesions (84%), digestive system disorders (77%), respiratory (59%) and locomotor (44%). In conclusion, the management of equids compromises their well-being in different ways, reducing their quality of life.Resumen Se describió el manejo de los équidos de trabajo agrícola en Guerrero, México y se relacionó con el bienestar animal. Fueron encuestados al azar 64 propietarios de équidos. Los caballos fueron más utilizados que burros y mulas. El 89% de los propietarios trabajarón los animales antes de 5 años de edad. Sólo el 5% proporcionan manejo de cascos. El 83% de los criadores proporcionan espacio vital >4 m2. En el 53% de las unidades los animales socializan. El 45% de los criadores alimentan con forraje y grano. El 59% de los criadores dan acceso al agua 2 - 4 veces/día y el 41% dan libre acceso. La desparasitación es parcial (44%) y no se vacuna. Las enfermedad comunes son lesiones en piel (84%), alteraciones en sistema digestivo (77%), respiratorio (59%) y locomotor (44%). En conclusión el manejo de los équidos compromete su bienestar en distintas formas, disminuyendo su calidad de vida

    Uso del fruto de crescentia alata y guazuma ulmifolia en la alimentación de corderos en la región subtropical de Guerrero, México

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    Se determinó la composición química, producción de gas in vitro (PGIV) y digestibilidad de frutos de Guazuma ulmifolia y Crescentia alata en Pungarabato, Guerrero, México, y se usaron para alimentar corderos y se evaluó la aceptabilidad y la respuesta animal. Se utilizaron seis y 15 corderos Pelibuey x Dorper, peso corporal entre 13,9 y 15,6 kg en la prueba de aceptabilidad y respuesta productiva, respectivamente. En el estudio de aceptabilidad desarrollado en 22 días (d), los tratamientos fueron los dos frutos. En el estudio de respuesta productiva desarrollado en 55 d, los tratamientos fueron: T1: heno de avena y 50 g de maíz (Zea mays L.) T2: heno de avena y fruto de G. ulmifolia, T3: heno de avena y fruto C. alata. Los datos de composición química, PGIV, digestibilidad de frutos, el número y duración de visitas al comedero (NVC y DVC), el consumo de materia seca (CMS) y ganancia diaria de peso (GDP) se analizaron completamente al azar. Los datos de la dinámica del consumo de frutos se analizaron completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 2 x 6. En ambos diseños se utilizó Tukey para comparación de medias (P<0,05). El contenido de proteína (82,0 g kg–1 materia seca (MS); P<0,030), energía (5,6 Magajoules (MJ) kg–1 MS; P<0,010) y fenoles totales (22,7 g kg–1 MS; P<0,001) fue mayor para G. ulmifolia. En la aceptabilidad el CMS, NVC y DVC fue mayor (P<0,05) sobre frutos de G. ulmifolia con 189, 4 g d–1, 15,5 visitas y 3,2 minutos, respectivamente. En respuesta productiva, el CMS total fue mayor (P<0,05) en corderos del T2 con 830,0 g–1 d–1, que representó mayor consumo del fruto de G. ulmifolia (686,0 g–1 d–1), lo que aumentó la GDP (81,0 g–1 d–1) de los animales. Se concluyó que el fruto de G. ulmifolia incrementó el CMS y la GDP en los corderos, lo que hace factible utilizarlo como suplemento en épocas crí[email protected] composition, in vitro gas production (PGIV) and digestibility of Crescentia alata and Guazuma ulmifolia fruits in Pungarabato, Guerrero, Mexico, were determined and were used to feeding lambs and evaluated the acceptability and animal response. Six and 15 male lambs Pelibuey x Dorper with body weight between 13.9 and 15.6 kg, respectively were used in the test of acceptability and productive response test. The acceptability study developed in 22 days (d), treatments were the two fruits. In the study of productive response developed in 55 d, treatments were: T1: oat hay and 50 g of corn, (Zea mays L.) T2: oat hay and G. ulmifolia fruit, T3: oat hay and C. alata fruit. The data, chemical composition, PGIV, digestibility of fruits, the number and duration of visits to the feeder (NVF and DVF), dry matter intake (DMI) and daily weight gain (DGW) were analyzed completely random. The data on the dynamics of fruit consumption were analyzed in a factorial design arrangement 2 x 6. In both designs Tukey test was used to compare means (P<0.05). The protein content (82.0 g kg–1 dry matter (DM); P<0.030), energy (5.6 MJ kg–1 DM; P<0.010) and total phenol (22.7 g kg–1 DM; P<0,001) was higher for G. ulmifolia. In the acceptability DMI, NVF and DVF was higher (P<0.05) about fruits of G. ulmifolia with 189.4 g–1 d–1, 15.5 hits and 3.2 minutes, respectively. In productive response the DMI total was higher (P<0.05) in lambs of T2 with 830.0 g a–1 d–1, which represented more consumption of G. ulmifolia fruit (686.0 g a–1 d–1), this increased DGW (81.0 g a–1 d–1) of animals. It was concluded that the G. ulmifolia fruit increased, the DMI and weight gain in lambs, which makes it feasible to use it as a supplement in critical times

    Productive response of lambs fed Crescentia alata and Guazuma ulmifolia fruits in a tropical region of Mexico

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    polyethylene glycol (PEG) of the fruits of Crescentia alata and Guazuma ulmifolia was evaluated, the degradation kinetics of lamb diets with added fruit of the tree was determined, and the ration intake and growth rate of lambs fed these diets were measured. Twenty-five entire male lambs of 23.5± 0.44 kg body weight were used and distributed in treatments: T0 (control without fruit); T1 and T2, 15 and 30 % of the fruit of C. alata; and T3 and T4, 15 and 30 % of the fruit of G. ulmifoli

    Composición de la biomasa en una asociación de pasto señal con clitoria pastoreada a diferentes asignaciones de forraje

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    La asociación forrajera gramínea-leguminosa ha mostrado respuestas favorables bajo pastoreo; sin embargo, es  necesario evaluar su comportamiento en diferentes condiciones de manejo. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la biomasapresente y su composición, en una pradera de pasto señal  asociado con clitoria en trópico seco, pastoreada a asignacionesde forraje de: 2.5, 4.0, 5.5 y 7.0 kg MS por 100 kg-1 PV día-1. La unidad experimental consistió en una pradera de 400 m2. Se utilizaron como defoliadores, becerros en pastoreo  rotacional con 3 días de ocupación y 42 de descanso, en la  época de lluvias. Las variables evaluadas fueron: biomasa total y sus componentes: pasto señal, clitoria, otras especies, hoja, tallo, vaina, y material vivo y material muerto. La distribución de los tratamientos en campo fue en un diseño de bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Las alturas de gramínea y leguminosa, se modificaron por la asignación de forraje (P<0.05). Pastorear a una asignación de 2.5 kg MS por 100 kg-1 PV d-1, produjo más baja cantidad de biomasa (P<0.05) antes y después del pastoreo. El pasto señal y sus componentes estructurales fueron afectados por la asignación de forraje, pero no clitoria. Una asignación de 4.0 kg MS por 100 kg-1 PV d-1 es una opción para el mejor desempeño de esta asociación, permite conservar ambos componentes en comparación con la asignación de 5.5 y 7.0 kg MS por 100 kg-1 PV d-1; además, aporta mayor cantidad de hoja y material vivo de señal, similar a las asignaciones mayores