992 research outputs found

    Suicide Attempts among Latinas who Experienced Early Sex Were Largely Mediated by Substance Abuse

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the role of substance abuse as a mediating factor between early sexual experiences and suicide attempts among adult Latinas. In our study participants (n=158), nearly 15% had attempted suicide and 39% experienced their first sexual encounter at an age of 15 or younger (referred to hereafter as “early sex”). Latinas who experienced early sex were more likely to attempt suicide [OR=2.4, p\u3c0.05], and this relationship was largely mediated by substance abuse. An early sexual debut may indicate an environmental adversity on the child that calls for long term intervention for prevention of substance abuse as well as promotion of psychological well-being later in life

    A Study of Checkpointing in Large Scale Training of Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep learning (DL) applications are increasingly being deployed on HPC systems, to leverage the massive parallelism and computing power of those systems for DL model training. While significant effort has been put to facilitate distributed training by DL frameworks, fault tolerance has been largely ignored. In this work, we evaluate checkpoint-restart, a common fault tolerance technique in HPC workloads. We perform experiments with three state-of-the-art DL frameworks common in HPC Chainer, PyTorch, and TensorFlow). We evaluate the computational cost of checkpointing, file formats and file sizes, the impact of scale, and deterministic checkpointing. Our evaluation shows some critical differences in checkpoint mechanisms and exposes several bottlenecks in existing checkpointing implementations. We provide discussion points that can aid users in selecting a fault-tolerant framework to use in HPC. We also provide takeaway points that framework developers can use to facilitate better checkpointing of DL workloads in HPC

    Catalizador heteropoliácido soportado, procedimiento de obtención y utilización

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    El objeto de la invención son varios catalizadores heteropoliácidos soportados, su procedimiento de obtención y su uso como catalizador ácido en procesos de fase heterogénea, en concreto en la producción de dimetil éter a partir de metanol. Al soportar los catalizadores heteropoliácidos en sólidos inorgánicos mediante la técnica de impregnación se consigue que el área de los heteropoliácidos (muy baja en su forma pura) aumente drásticamente y, por tanto, se favorezcan los procesos catalíticos en fase heterogénea. Este proceso de síntesis no es complicado y es fácilmente escalable. Estos catalizadores son extremadamente activos y selectivos en la producción de dimetil éter a temperaturas sensiblemente inferiores a las de los catalizadores usados en el proceso industrial. La producción de dimetil éter tiene un rendimiento de casi el 100% y la desactivación es muy baja.Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones CientíficasB1 Patente sin examen previ

    HPLC–(Q)-TOF-MS-Based Study of Plasma Metabolic Profile Differences Associated with Age in Pediatric Population Using an Animal Model

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    [EN] A deep knowledge about the biological development of children is essential for appropriate drug administration and dosage in pediatrics. In this sense, the best approximation to study organ maturation is the analysis of tissue samples, but it requires invasive methods. For this reason, surrogate matrices should be explored. Among them, plasma emerges as a potential alternative since it represents a snapshot of global organ metabolism. In this work, plasma metabolic profiles from piglets of different ages (newborns, infants, and children) obtained by HPLC–(Q)-TOF-MS at positive and negative ionization modes were studied. Improved clustering within groups was achieved using multiblock principal component analysis compared to classical principal component analysis. Furthermore, the separation observed among groups was better resolved by using partial least squares-discriminant analysis, which was validated by bootstrapping and permutation testing. Thanks to univariate analysis, 13 metabolites in positive and 21 in negative ionization modes were found to be significant to discriminate the three groups of piglets. From these features, an acylcarnitine and eight glycerophospholipids were annotated and identified as metabolites of interest. The findings indicate that there is a relevant change with age in lipid metabolism in which lysophosphatidylcholines and lysophoshatidylethanolamines play an important role.This research was funded by UPV/EHU (Project GIU16/04) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project CTQ2013-46179-R)

    The Impact of the Eye in Dementia: The Eye and its Role in Diagnosis and Follow‐up

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    Over the last few decades, the importance of ophthalmic examination in neurodegenerative diseases of the CNS has reportedly increased. The retina is an extension of the CNS and thus should not be surprising to find abnormal results in both the test exploring visual processing and those examining the retina of patients with CNS degeneration. Current in vivo imaging techniques are allowing ophthalmologists to detect and quantify data consistent with the histopathological findings described in the retinas of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients and may help to reveal unsuspected retinal and optic‐nerve repercussions of other CNS diseases. In this chapter, we perform an analysis of the physiological changes in ocular and cerebral ageing. We analyse the ocular manifestations in CNS disorders such as stroke, AD and Parkinson’s disease. In addition, the pathophysiology of both the eye and the visual pathway in AD are described. The value of the visual psychophysical tests in AD diagnosis is reviewed as well as the main findings of the optical coherence tomography as a contribution to the diagnosis and monitoring of the disease. Finally, we examine the association of two neurodegenerative diseases, AD and glaucoma, as mere coincidence or possible role in the progression of the neurodegeneration

    Maladaptive facet trait profiles and psychopathology: a person‑centered assessment approach

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    Person-centered approaches in personality allow greater understanding of how different subpopulations with specific person- ality profiles are linked with relevant outcomes. Studies under the Five Factor Model agree on the observation of a Resilient, an Undercontrolled and an Overcontrolled profile. However, studies using maladaptive traits are much more limited. The present research identify personality profiles based on the 25 maladaptative facet and examined the relationships with per- sonality dysfunctioning, internalizing and externalizing symptoms. A mixed sample composed of community adults (n = 742) and patients (n = 312) completed the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 Short Form, the Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms-II, Externalizing Spectrum Inventory–Brief From, the 12 items Spanish version of the WHO Disability Assessment Schedule II and Level of Personality Functioning Scale- Brief Form 2.0. Latent profile analysis was performed on PID-5-SF score. The scores on internalizing, externalizing and functioning were compared across the profiles. Four profiles emerged: Resilient, Undercontrolled, Overcontrolled, and Ordinary type. The Overcontrolled and Undercon- trolled types showed higher scores on pathology scales. While the Overcontrolled profile appeared more related to inter- nalizing symptoms and impairment in self-functioning, the Undercontrolled profile was more linked to higher scores on externalizing symptoms and interpersonal dysfunctioning.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Huelva/ CBUA This work was supported by the grant “Reliable and clinical relevant change of Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms II – IDAS-II: a longitudinal clinical utility study (RELY-IDAS-II)”, project PID2020-116187RB-I00 on Proyectos I + D + i 2020 “Retos del Conocimiento” provided by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain)

    Anatomy of the Human Optic Nerve: Structure and Function

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    The optic nerve (ON) is constituted by the axons of the retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). These axons are distributed in an organized pattern from the soma of the RGC to the lateral geniculated nucleus (where most of the neurons synapse). The key points of the ON are the optic nerve head and chiasm. This chapter will include a detailed and updated review of the ON different parts: RGC axons, glial cells, connective tissue of the lamina cribrosa and the septum and the blood vessels derivate from the central retina artery and from the ciliary system. There will be an up-to-date description about the superficial nerve fibre layer, including their organization, and about prelaminar, laminar and retrolaminar regions, emphasizing the axoplasmic flow, glial barriers, biomechanics of the lamina cribrosa and the role of the macro- and microglia in their working

    Impact of Implementing a Dyslipidemia Management Guideline on Cholesterol Control for Secondary Prevention of Ischemic Heart Disease in Primary Care

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the main cause of death worldwide. The control of CVD risk factors, such as dyslipidemia, reduces their mortality rate. Nonetheless, fewer than 50% of patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD) have good cholesterol control. Our objective is to assess whether the level of participation of general practitioners (GPs) in activities to implement a dyslipidemia management guideline, and the characteristics of the patient and physician are associated with cholesterol control in IHD patients. We undertook a quasi-experimental, uncontrolled, before-and-after study of 1151 patients. The intervention was carried out during 2010 and 2011, and consisted of a face-to-face training and online course phase (Phase 1), and another of face-to-face feedback (Phase 2). The main outcome variable was the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) control, whereby values of <100 mg/dL (2.6 mmol/L) were set as a good level of control, according to the recommendations of the guidelines in force in 2009. After Phase 1, 6.7% more patients demonstrated good cholesterol control. With respect to patient characteristics, being female and being older were found to be risk factors of poor control. Being diabetic and having suffered a stroke were protective factors. Of the GPs' characteristics, being tutor in a teaching center for GP residents and having completed the online course were found to be protective factors. We concluded that cholesterol control in IHD patients was influenced by the type of training activity undertook by physicians during the implementation of the GPC, and patient and physician characteristics. We highlight that if we apply the recent targets of the European guideline, which establish a lower level of LDL-C control, the percentage of good control could be worse than the observed in this study

    Caracterización biométrica de Bothriochloa laguroides ssp laguroides (dc.) Herter para un manejo pastoril sustentable

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    Grasses morphological knowledge, in space and time, is important in agronomic management actions. Bothriochloa laguroides is a key species in the grasslands of the hills region by higher prevalence of high forage value. The objective was to establish management guidelines to define more precisely the grazing intensity for that species. In a area of 95 ha, grazed breeding farm, were placed randomly distributed 4 closures. In every closing we selected 5 individuals of that species and every 7 days was measured total plant height (AT) and the height of the peduncle of the inflorescence visible (APVI) in both vegetative and reproductive stage. According to the results obtained showed that the growing period was maintained until mid-January. The start, peak and end of flowering occurred in midJanuary, late February - early March and late April respectively. On the other hand, there was a significant positive correlation (R = 0.8, α = 0.05) between AT and APVI. As a result, it could be recommend that grazing in the vegetative stage is of low intensity to favor the formation of bunches. From mid-January, when starts the reproductive stage, grazing may be of greater intensity until early March which should remove the animals. This manage ment would have a large supply of biomass to ensure the perpetuity of the species in time.El conocimiento morfológico de las gramíneas en el espacio y en el tiempo tiene importancia en las acciones de manejo agronómico. Bothriochloa laguroides es una especie clave en los pastizales de la región serrana del sur de la provincia de Córdoba por su predominio y alto valor forrajero. El objetivo del trabajo fue establecer pautas de manejo que definan con mayor precisión la intensidad de pastoreo para dicha especie. En un lote de 95 ha, pastoreado con hacienda de cría, se colocaron 4 clausuras distribuidas al azar. En cada clausura se seleccionaron 5 individuos de dicha especie y cada 7 días se tomaron diversas características morfométricas tanto en la etapa vegetativa como reproductiva. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos se observó que el período vegetativo se mantuvo hasta mediados de enero. El inicio, máximo y final de la floración se produjo a mediados de enero, fines de febrero - principios de marzo y fines de abril respectivamente. Por otro lado, se observó una correlación positiva significativa (R=0,8, α=0,05) entre AT y APVI. Debido a ello, podría recomendarse que el pastoreo en la etapa vegetativa sea de baja intensidad para favorecer la formación de macollos. A partir de mediados de enero, cuando da comienzo la etapa reproductiva, el pastoreo podría ser de mayor intensidad hasta principio de marzo donde se deberían retirar los animales. Este manejo permitiría tener una alta oferta de biomasa asegurando la perpetuidad de la especie en el tiempo