499 research outputs found

    Measuring the droplet-size and velocity distribution in binary phase separation

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    The idea of moral panic – ten dimensions of dispute

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    This paper explores the open and contested concept of moral panic over its 40-year history, exploring the contributions made by the concept’s key originators, as well as contemporary researchers. While most moral panic researchers are critical, humanist, interpretivist, interventionist and qualitative, this paper highlights ten areas of productive dispute within and around the meaning of moral panic theory’s ‘common sense’. Such diversity of interpretation creates multiple possibilities for convergent and divergent theorization and research within a supposedly singular conceptual framework. This lack of closure and consequent diversity of political standpoints, intellectual perspectives and fields of empirical focus, rather than representing the weakness of the concept of moral panic, reflects and contributes to its successful diffusion, escalation and innovation

    PANIC: the new panoramic NIR camera for Calar Alto

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    PANIC is a wide-field NIR camera, which is currently under development for the Calar Alto observatory (CAHA) in Spain. It uses a mosaic of four Hawaii-2RG detectors and covers the spectral range from 0.8-2.5 micron(z to K-band). The field-of-view is 30x30 arcmin. This instrument can be used at the 2.2m telescope (0.45arcsec/pixel, 0.5x0.5 degree FOV) and at the 3.5m telescope (0.23arcsec/pixel, 0.25x0.25 degree FOV). The operating temperature is about 77K, achieved by liquid Nitrogen cooling. The cryogenic optics has three flat folding mirrors with diameters up to 282 mm and nine lenses with diameters between 130 mm and 255 mm. A compact filter unit can carry up to 19 filters distributed over four filter wheels. Narrow band (1%) filters can be used. The instrument has a diameter of 1.1 m and it is about 1 m long. The weight limit of 400 kg at the 2.2m telescope requires a light-weight cryostat design. The aluminium vacuum vessel and radiation shield have wall thicknesses of only 6 mm and 3 mm respectively.Comment: This paper has been presented in the SPIE of Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008 in Marseille (France


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    Based on autonomous software agents capable of calculating individual numerical field problems, a distributed method for solving transient field problems is presented. The software agents are running on distributed resources connected via a network and represent a dynamic calculation environment. Communication and data exchange between multiple agents enables their collaboration and allows decisions based on distributed overall knowledge. As unique characteristics, no central unit influences the solution process at any time. The presented simulation example and its evaluated calculation process proves the method to benefit from redundant resources.W oparciu o autonomiczne agenty programowe zdolne do obliczania indywidualnych numerycznych problemów pola, przedstawiono rozproszoną metodę rozwiązywania stanów przejściowych pola. Agenty programowe działają na zasobach rozproszonych połączonych za pośrednictwem sieci i reprezentują środowisko obliczeń dynamicznych. Komunikacja i wymiana danych między wieloma agentami umożliwia ich współpracę i pozwala podejmować decyzje w oparciu o rozproszoną wiedzę ogólną. Jako unikalna charakterystyką jest fakt, że żadna jednostka centralna nie wpływa w żadnym momencie na proces rozwiązania. Przedstawiony przykład symulacji i jej oszacowany proces obliczeniowy dowodzi, że metoda umożliwia korzystanie z nadmiarowych zasobów