111 research outputs found

    Hawai'I Kalihi Nu'u Residential Design for the Samoan Way of Life

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    Hawai'i is a place with great ethnic diversity. This diversity is recognized and celebrated in many aspects of life in Hawai'i but it is not reflected in the affordable housing for lowincome families. These ethnicities have unmet cultural values and family needs resulting in the decline of culture and community. This DArch project explores the needs of the Samoan culture and their “way of life” called Fa'a Samoa . The resulting design is a mixed-income residential development in Honolulu taking into account their cultural background and social needs. However, the residence is not limited to Samoan tenants, but will be preferred by those who desire to live a communal lifestyle. The project is an example of the cultural considerations in design and aims to perpetuate culture rather than homogeny

    Quellen als Auswahl - Auswahl aus Quellen

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    In dem Beitrag geht es um die Frage, aus welchen Informationsbestandteilen und mit welcher Reichweite SchlĂŒsse ĂŒber die historische RealitĂ€t und / oder die Struktur historischer Gesellschaften gezogen werden. Es wird erörtert, welche EinflußgrĂ¶ĂŸen und Faktoren sich als Minderung der Aussagemöglichkeiten gegenĂŒber einer gewĂ€hlten oder vorgegebenen empirischen Basis auf den Forschungsprozeß und die darin erzielten Ergebnisse auswirken. Aus der Vielzahl von Quellen werden hypothetische Beispiele herausgegriffen, anhand derer die SelektivitĂ€t aufgrund der Quellenlage gezeigt wird. Die Analyse von Beispielen zeigt, daß immer nur die innere Logik des quantitativen Forschungsansatzes prĂŒfbar ist, der auf der Basis des maschinenlesbaren Datensatzes in eine statistische Analyse mĂŒndet. In einem zweiten Teil werden die Auswahltechniken betrachtet, die die Möglichkeit bieten, verkleinerte Abbilder von Grundgesamtheiten oder Zielgesamtheiten methodisch kontrolliert und nachvollziehbar zu erstellen. Die wichtigsten Vorgehensweisen werden vorgestellt. Drei Grundrichtungen der Auswahltechniken werden unterschieden: (1) Wahrscheinlichkeitsauswahl bzw. systematische Auswahl; (2) bewußte Auswahl; (3) willkĂŒrliche (undefinierte, unklare) Auswahl. (KW)'Starting out with a few brief remarks on what are considered to be 'philosophical implications' of the empirical basis of historical social research, the article mainly deals with two aspects: first possible gaps are discussed, which might occur among the target of a research-project, the set of source-material, and the finally derived machine-readable data. In the second part the reader is provided with just a rough review of the most prominent sampling-techniques. The more advanced reader should skip this part unless he is interested in answers to questions like the following: What are the drawbacks or benefits of selecting and analysing e.g. only 1.000 rather than 2.000.000 units of observations?' (author's abstract

    BeratungstĂ€tigkeit im Zentrum fĂŒr Historische Sozialforschung

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    The following article is a report on experiences that have been collected for three years with the methodological and technical consultation of historical social research. These consultations enabled us to assess the state of the art, especially the statistical analysis of historical source material

    "Appearance potent"? A content analysis of UK gay and straight men's magazines.

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    With little actual appraisal, a more 'appearance potent' (i.e., a reverence for appearance ideals) subculture has been used to explain gay men's greater body dissatisfaction in comparison to straight men's. This study sought to assess the respective appearance potency of each subculture by a content analysis of 32 issues of the most read gay (Attitude, Gay Times) and straight men's magazines (Men's Health, FHM) in the UK. Images of men and women were coded for their physical characteristics, objectification and nudity, as were the number of appearance adverts and articles. The gay men's magazines featured more images of men that were appearance ideal, nude and sexualized than the straight men's magazines. The converse was true for the images of women and appearance adverts. Although more research is needed to understand the effect of this content on the viewer, the findings are consistent with a more appearance potent gay male subculture

    Comparing climate sensitivity, past and present

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    Climate sensitivity represents the global mean temperature change caused by changes in the radiative balance of climate; it is studied for both present/future (actuo) and past (paleo) climate variations, with the former based on instrumental records and/or various types of model simulations. Paleo-estimates are often considered informative for assessments of actuo-climate change caused by anthropogenic greenhouse forcing, but this utility remains debated because of concerns about the impacts of uncertainties, assumptions, and incomplete knowledge about controlling mechanisms in the dynamic climate system, with its multiple interacting feedbacks and their potential dependence on the climate background state. This is exacerbated by the need to assess actuo- and paleoclimate sensitivity over different timescales, with different drivers, and with different (data and/or model) limitations. Here, we visualize these impacts with idealized representations that graphically illustrate the nature of time-dependent actuo- and paleoclimate sensitivity estimates, evaluating the strengths, weaknesses, agreements, and differences of the two approaches. We also highlight priorities for future research to improve the use of paleo-estimates in evaluations of current climate change.E.J.R. and G.M. acknowledge support from the Australian Research Council via Australian Laureate Fellowship FL120100050. A.S.v.d.H. acknowledges support from the Netherlands Earth System Science Centre, financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science. P.K. is funded by Polar Regions and Coasts in the Changing Earth System II (PACES II), the Helmholtz research program to which the Alfred Wegener Institute contributes

    A strategic decision matrix for analyzing food service operations at Air Force Bases

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    MBA Professional ReportFor years, Services organizations have operated dining facilities with little change to strategic direction for the type of operation they should implement. Contracts, regardless of type, often run on auto pilot. Organizations renew the contracts when their option years run out with little change or modification to the contract. The only thing that seems to change is the ever increasing price of the contract and perhaps the contractor. This analysis will attempt to provide a framework for change that provides a tool for decision makers to utilize when faced with a feeding contract that has reached the end of its service life. Through our analysis, we will develop a "decision matrix to select a food service system for Air Force bases." The decision matrix will help answer the question of which food service operation should be implemented at any AFB. The matrix will include criteria to evaluate the options while guiding the type of contract or in-house service that best meets the base requirement. In addition, to be of use to any Services organization at any AFB, it will be a decision tool that any evaluator may adapt to their specific requirements and constraints.http://archive.org/details/astrategicdecisi1094510065US Air Force (USAF) authors.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Promoting Students' Scientific Understanding with the Science Writing Heuristic

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    Color poster with text, image, and graphs.The Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) is a writing-to-learn initiative that has been demonstrated to improve student understanding of disciplinary science. However, none of these investigatins have evaluated its potential to improve student writing in science courses. This project tested the impact of the SWH on the writing performance of students in six laboratory sections of Biology 110: Ecology and Evolution.University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire Office of Research and Sponsored Program

    Countermovement and Media Coverage Outcomes: A Case Study of the Abortion Debate

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    This study examines how ideologically opposed social movement organizations, the National Organization for Women (NOW) and Concerned Women for America (CWA), get media coverage during critical moments of the abortion debate. I analyze how organizational structure and identity facilitate or constrain a social movement organization's ability to get mainstream media coverage. Specifically, I use the social movement framing literature to analyze how the organizations strategically construct media frames and packages in response to opposition, the tactics they use to get media coverage, and the relative success of each organization's efforts in mass media outlets. The analysis suggests that an organization's media strategy matters, but that organizational structure and organizational identity color these strategies
