2,251 research outputs found

    How is overall survival assessed in randomised clinical trials in cancer and are subsequent treatment lines considered? A systematic review

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    Background: Overall survival is the “gold standard” endpoint in cancer clinical trials. It plays a key role in determining the clinical- and cost-effectiveness of a new intervention and whether it is recommended for use in standard of care. The assessment of overall survival usually requires trial participants to be followed up for a long period of time. In this time, they may stop receiving the trial intervention and receive subsequent anti-cancer treatments, which also aim to extend survival, during trial follow-up. This can potentially change the interpretation of overall survival in the context of the clinical trial. This review aimed to determine how overall survival has been assessed in cancer clinical trials and whether subsequent anti-cancer treatments are considered. Methods: Two searches were conducted using MEDLINE within OVID© on the 9th of November 2021. The first sought to identify papers publishing overall survival results from randomised controlled trials in eight reputable journals and the second to identify papers mentioning or considering subsequent treatments. Papers published since 2010 were included if presenting or discussing overall survival in the context of treating cancer. Results: One hundred and thirty-four papers were included. The majority of these were presenting clinical trial results (98, 73%). Of these, 45 (46%) reported overall survival as a (co-) primary endpoint. A lower proportion of papers including overall survival as a (co-) primary endpoint compared to a secondary endpoint were published in recent years. The primary analysis of overall survival varied across the papers. Fifty-nine (60%) mentioned subsequent treatments. Seven papers performed additional analysis, primarily when patients in the control arm received the experimental treatment during trial follow-up (treatment switching). Discussion: Overall survival has steadily moved from being the primary to a secondary endpoint. However, it is still of interest with papers presenting overall survival results with the caveat of subsequent treatments, but little or no investigation into their effect. This review shows that there is a methodological gap for what researchers should do when trial participants receive anti-cancer treatment during trial follow-up. Future research will identify the stakeholder opinions, on how this methodological gap should be addressed

    Podocotyle atomon (Trematoda: Digenea) impacts reproductive behaviour, survival and physiology in Gammarus zaddachi (Amphipoda)

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    The Trematoda are a group of phylogenetically diverse metazoan parasites that exhibit complex life cycles that often pass through invertebrate and vertebrate hosts. Some trematodes influence their host’s behaviour to benefit transmission. Their parasitic influence may impact host population size by inhibiting an individual’s reproductive capacity. We assessed the impact of infection by Podocotyle atomon on the reproductive behaviour and fecundity of its amphipod intermediate host, Gammarus zaddachi, using laboratory and field studies. Parasite prevalence was high in the field, with males more likely to be infected (prevalence in males 64%, in females 39%). Males also suffered a higher parasite burden than females. Infected females were less active, but we found no evidence for a reduction in female reproductive success. Infected females also had comparable pairing success to uninfected females. In males, infection reduced survival and fecundity, with mortality being highest, and sperm numbers lowest, in heavily infected individuals. Trematode parasites are sometimes associated with altered host fecundity, but studies often lack the relevant experimental data to explore the evolution of the trait. We discuss this among information specific to the effect of P. atomon infection in G. zaddachi

    Simulations and experimental demonstrations of encoding for X-ray coherent scattering

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    Diffraction data may be measured using approaches that lead to ambiguity in the interpretation of scattering distributions. Thus, the encoding and decoding of coherent scattering distributions have been considered with a view to enabling unequivocal data interpretation. Two encoding regimes are considered, where encoding occurs between the X-ray source and sample, and where the encoder is placed between the sample and detector. In the first case, the successful recovery of diffraction data formed from the interrogation of powder samples with annular incident beams is presented using a coded aperture approach. In the second regime, encoding of Debye cones is shown to enable recovery of the sample position relative to the detector. The errors associated with both regimes are considered and the advantages of combining the two discussed

    The Effect of Acetaminophen on Temperature in Critically Ill Children: A Retrospective Analysis of Over 50,000 Doses

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    Objectives: Acetaminophen is widely used in PICUs. Although randomized controlled trials suggest that acetaminophen significantly reduces body temperature in adults, the effect of acetaminophen on temperature in critically ill children has not been previously quantified. Design: Retrospective observational cohort study. Setting: Single-center general and cardiac PICU in a specialist children’s hospital. Patients: All children who received acetaminophen or had a fever (temperature ≥ 38°C) while on the ICU over a 40-month period (September 2012 to December 2015). Interventions: None. Measurements and Main Results: In total, 58,177 doses of acetaminophen were administered, with temperature data available for analysis for 54,084 doses. Temperature decreased by 0.11°C (95% CI, 0.09–0.14°C) 4 hours post acetaminophen dose, after adjustment for weight and illness severity. In children who had a fever and were given acetaminophen, temperature decreased by 0.78°C (95% CI, 0.74–0.82°C). Temperature decreased by 0.88°C (95% CI, 0.85–0.92°C) in children who had fever but did not receive acetaminophen. The change in temperature associated with fever was significantly different between those who did and did not receive acetaminophen (likelihood ratio statistic 246.06; p < 2.2×10–16). Conclusions: Acetaminophen is associated with a significant decrease in temperature in children with fever. However, temperature may decrease following fever without acetaminophen in the PICU. The threshold to use acetaminophen must be understood to determine the true effect on temperature in any future trials

    Subcompartmentalisation of Proteins in the Rhoptries Correlates with Ordered Events of Erythrocyte Invasion by the Blood Stage Malaria Parasite

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    Host cell infection by apicomplexan parasites plays an essential role in lifecycle progression for these obligate intracellular pathogens. For most species, including the etiological agents of malaria and toxoplasmosis, infection requires active host-cell invasion dependent on formation of a tight junction - the organising interface between parasite and host cell during entry. Formation of this structure is not, however, shared across all Apicomplexa or indeed all parasite lifecycle stages. Here, using an in silico integrative genomic search and endogenous gene-tagging strategy, we sought to characterise proteins that function specifically during junction-dependent invasion, a class of proteins we term invasins to distinguish them from adhesins that function in species specific host-cell recognition. High-definition imaging of tagged Plasmodium falciparum invasins localised proteins to multiple cellular compartments of the blood stage merozoite. This includes several that localise to distinct subcompartments within the rhoptries. While originating from the same organelle, however, each has very different dynamics during invasion. Apical Sushi Protein and Rhoptry Neck protein 2 release early, following the junction, whilst a novel rhoptry protein PFF0645c releases only after invasion is complete. This supports the idea that organisation of proteins within a secretory organelle determines the order and destination of protein secretion and provides a localisation-based classification strategy for predicting invasin function during apicomplexan parasite invasion. © 2012 Zuccala et al

    Super-Resolution Dissection of Coordinated Events during Malaria Parasite Invasion of the Human Erythrocyte

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    Erythrocyte invasion by the merozoite is an obligatory stage in Plasmodium parasite infection and essential to malaria disease progression. Attempts to study this process have been hindered by the poor invasion synchrony of merozoites from the only in vitro culture-adapted human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. Using fluorescence, three-dimensional structured illumination, and immunoelectron microscopy of filtered merozoites, we analyze cellular and molecular events underlying each discrete step of invasion. Monitoring the dynamics of these events revealed that commitment to the process is mediated through merozoite attachment to the erythrocyte, triggering all subsequent invasion events, which then proceed without obvious checkpoints. Instead, coordination of the invasion process involves formation of the merozoite-erythrocyte tight junction, which acts as a nexus for rhoptry secretion, surface-protein shedding, and actomyosin motor activation. The ability to break down each molecular step allows us to propose a comprehensive model for the molecular basis of parasite invasion. © 2011 Elsevier Inc

    Improving Risk Adjustment for Mortality After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery: The UK PRAiS2 Model

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    BACKGROUND: Partial Risk Adjustment in Surgery (PRAiS), a risk model for 30-day mortality after children's heart surgery, has been used by the UK National Congenital Heart Disease Audit to report expected risk-adjusted survival since 2013. This study aimed to improve the model by incorporating additional comorbidity and diagnostic information. METHODS: The model development dataset was all procedures performed between 2009 and 2014 in all UK and Ireland congenital cardiac centers. The outcome measure was death within each 30-day surgical episode. Model development followed an iterative process of clinical discussion and development and assessment of models using logistic regression under 25 × 5 cross-validation. Performance was measured using Akaike information criterion, the area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUC), and calibration. The final model was assessed in an external 2014 to 2015 validation dataset. RESULTS: The development dataset comprised 21,838 30-day surgical episodes, with 539 deaths (mortality, 2.5%). The validation dataset comprised 4,207 episodes, with 97 deaths (mortality, 2.3%). The updated risk model included 15 procedural, 11 diagnostic, and 4 comorbidity groupings, and nonlinear functions of age and weight. Performance under cross-validation was: median AUC of 0.83 (range, 0.82 to 0.83), median calibration slope and intercept of 0.92 (range, 0.64 to 1.25) and -0.23 (range, -1.08 to 0.85) respectively. In the validation dataset, the AUC was 0.86 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.82 to 0.89), and the calibration slope and intercept were 1.01 (95% CI, 0.83 to 1.18) and 0.11 (95% CI, -0.45 to 0.67), respectively, showing excellent performance. CONCLUSIONS: A more sophisticated PRAiS2 risk model for UK use was developed with additional comorbidity and diagnostic information, alongside age and weight as nonlinear variables
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