612 research outputs found


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    Este trabajo se centra principalmente en medir la máxima pérdida esperada en un intervalo de tiempo y un nivel de confianza dado de un portafolio diversificado (VaR). pág. 3 Concluyendo así que, aquel individuo que encuentre un gusto e interés por las inversiones debe contar con una visión más amplia de lo que implica el factor riesgo para el incremento de su capital y de esta manera ampliar su panorama al momento de invertir en cualquier mercado financiero. El presente trabajo está integrado por 4 capítulos: En el primer capítulo se explicará el Sistema Financiero Mexicano y su funcionamiento, así como los organismos y sectores que lo integran. Además detallaremos de manera más profunda los mercados financieros, su clasificación y los activos que se negocian en ellos. Es en el segundo capítulo donde se describe más a detalle el funcionamiento del Mercado de Capitales de México y las leyes que lo regulan, a su vez, se define y explica el concepto de “acción” y sus diferentes tipos de clasificación. Adicionalmente, se explica a manera breve el funcionamiento del SENTRA-Capitales y, finalmente en este apartado se revisa la conformación de dos de los índices de la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores: IPC e INMEX. Esto a manera introductoria para la selección de la muestra como objeto de la presente tesis. En el tercer capítulo se revisa la conceptualización del riesgo y se enfatiza su importancia dentro de la selección de portafolio de inversión. Por tanto, se revisa cada tipo de riesgo en base a la CUB (Circular Única de Bancos) y su relación con el Acuerdo de Basilea II. Por otra parte, se expone la Teoría de Selección de Carteras mediante el modelo de Harry Markowitz para que en el capítulo cuatro se pueda llevar a cabo la conformación de un portafolio de inversión. Por último, en el cuarto capítulo se describirá el concepto del Valor en Riesgo, las variables que intervienen en él y la metodología que se utiliza para su cálculo. También se plantará nuestro caso práctico en donde se creará un portafolio de inversión con acciones cotizantes en la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores y que forman parte del INMEX, las pág. 4 cuales minimicen el riesgo. Se procederá obtener el VaR por ambos métodos de estudio y a comparar sus resultados. Por último y no menos importante, una vez obtenidos los datos cuantitativos del caso práctico se obtendrán las conclusiones del presente trabajo

    Immunotherapy with myeloid cells for tolerance induction

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Understanding the interplay between myeloid dendritic cells and T cells under tolerogenic conditions, and whether their interactions induce the development of antigen-specific regulatory T cells (Tregs) is critical to uncover the mechanisms involved in the induction of indefinite allograft survival. RECENT FINDINGS: Myeloid dendritic cell-T-cell interactions are seminal events that determine the outcome of the immune response, and multiple in-vitro protocols suggest the generation of tolerogenic myeloid dendritic cells that modulate T-cell responses, and determine the outcome of the immune response to an allograft following adoptive transfer. We believe that identifying specific conditions that lead to the generation of tolerogenic myeloid dendritic cells and Tregs are critical for the manipulation of the immune response towards the development of transplantation tolerance. SUMMARY: We summarize recent findings regarding specific culture conditions that generate tolerogenic myeloid dendritic cells that induce T-cell hyporesponsiveness and Treg development, which represents a novel immunotherapeutic approach to promote the induction of indefinite graft survival prolongation. The interpretations presented here illustrate that different mechanisms govern the generation of tolerogenic myeloid dendritic cells, and we discuss the concomitant therapeutic implications.This work was supported by the Programa Ramón y Cajal RYC-2006-1588, Ministerio de Educa-ción y Ciencia SAF2007-63579, Programa José Castillejo JC2008-00065, and Programa de Investigación de Grupos Emergentes del ISCIII (to J.C.O.), and NIH R01 AI-41428, AI-72039, and the Emerald Foundation (to J.S.B.).S

    Research Trends in Disability and Work: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the status, trends and future research potential areas in the literature about "disability and work". We delve into the content of the papers focused on disability and work published in any journal of a large number of interdisciplinary categories of the Social Science Citation Index during the 1991–2016 period. Bibliometric methods are used to describe the evolution of publication activity, the most representative contributors, the methodologies applied, and the content of the articles in order to explore the main themes researched. For this purpose, an innovative co-word analysis was used, using the technique applied by VOSviewer software, which allows creating knowledge maps based on data from a bibliographic nature to visualize scientific information on a specific research topic. These analyses enable the identification of potential venues for future research that could be meaningful to advance in the consolidation of the discipline.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Learning Analytics to Detect Evidence of Fraudulent Behaviour in Online Examinations

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    Lecturers are often reluctant to set examinations online because of the potential problems of fraudulent behaviour from their students. This concern has increased during the coronavirus pandemic because courses that were previously designed to be taken face-to-face have to be conducted online. The courses have had to be redesigned, including seminars, laboratory sessions and evaluation activities. This has brought lecturers and students into conflict because, according to the students, the activities and examinations that have been redesigned to avoid cheating are also harder. The lecturers’ concern is that students can collaborate in taking examinations that must be taken individually without the lecturers being able to do anything to prevent it, i.e. fraudulent collaboration. This research proposes a process model to obtain evidence of students who attempt to fraudulently collaborate, based on the information in the learning environment logs. It is automated in a software tool that checks how the students took the examinations and the grades that they obtained. It is applied in a case study with more than 100 undergraduate students. The results are positive and its use allowed lecturers to detect evidence of fraudulent collaboration by several clusters of students from their submission timestamps and the grades obtained

    Using a causal smoothing to improve the performance of an on-line neural network glucose prediction algorithm

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    This work evaluates a spline-based smoothing method applied to the output of a glucose predictor. Methods:Our on-line prediction algorithm is based on a neural network model (NNM). We trained/validated the NNM with a prediction horizon of 30 minutes using 39/54 profiles of patients monitored with the Guardian® Real-Time continuous glucose monitoring system The NNM output is smoothed by fitting a causal cubic spline. The assessment parameters are the error (RMSE), mean delay (MD) and the high-frequency noise (HFCrms). The HFCrms is the root-mean-square values of the high-frequency components isolated with a zero-delay non-causal filter. HFCrms is 2.90±1.37 (mg/dl) for the original profiles

    The neuronal ischemic tolerance is conditioned by the Tp53 Arg72Pro polymorphism

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    Cerebral preconditioning (PC) confers endogenous brain protection after stroke. Ischemic stroke patients with a prior transient ischemic attack (TIA) may potentially be in a preconditioned state. Although PC has been associated with the activation of prosurvival signals, the mechanism by which preconditioning confers neuroprotection is not yet fully clarified. Recently, we have described that PC-mediated neuroprotection against ischemic insult is promoted by p53 destabilization, which is mediated by its main regulatorMDM2. Moreover, we have previously described that the human Tp53 Arg72Pro single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) controls susceptibility to ischemia-induced neuronal apoptosis and governs the functional outcome of patients after stroke. Here, we studied the contribution of the human Tp53 Arg72Pro SNP on PC-induced neuroprotection after ischemia. Our results showed that cortical neurons expressing the Pro72-p53 variant exhibited higher PC-mediated neuroprotection as compared with Arg72-p53 neurons. PC prevented ischemia-induced nuclear and cytosolic p53 stabilization in Pro72-p53 neurons. However, PC failed to prevent mitochondrial p53 stabilization, which occurs in Arg72-p53 neurons after ischemia. Furthermore, PC promoted neuroprotection against ischemia by controlling the p53/active caspase-3 pathway in Pro72-p53, but not in Arg72-p53 neurons. Finally, we found that good prognosis associated to TIA within 1 month prior to ischemic stroke was restricted to patients harboring the Pro72 allele. Our findings demonstrate that the Tp53 Arg72Pro SNP controls PC-promoted neuroprotection against a subsequent ischemic insult bymodulatingmitochondrial p53 stabilization and then modulates TIA-induced ischemic tolerance.This work was funded by The Instituto de Salud Carlos III grants CP14/00010 (M.D.-E.); PI15/00473 and RD12/0014/ 0007 (A.A.); CM14/00096 (ME.R.-A.); RD16/0019/0018 (C.R.); and Junta de Castilla y Leon grant BIO/SA35/15 (M.D.-E.), and the European Regional Development Fund (R.V.) was funded by the FPU program (Ministerio de Educación)

    Diseñar un sistema de recolección de aguas lluvias y aguas grises denominado “Ecotank” para disminuir el uso del agua potable en actividades secundarias en el municipio de Girardot Cundinamarca

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    Diseñar el sistema de recolección de aguas grises y aguas lluvias “EcoTank” como aprovechamiento de reutilización en actividades secundarias, para mitigar el impacto ambiental y económico en los habitantes de Girardot CundinamarcaEl presente proyecto tiene por objetivo diseñar un sistema de recolección de aguas lluvias y aguas grises denominado (EcoTank) para la ciudad de Girardot Cundinamarca, con el propósito de disminuir el uso del agua potable en actividades secundarias, para usos generales diferentes al consumo humano, como las descargas de los sanitarios, lavado de pisos, al riego de plantas, etc. Se recolectaron los datos meteorológicos del IDEAM correspondientes a las estaciones meteorológicas: Universidad de Cundinamarca en Girardot, y, Nataima en el Espinal. Con las precipitaciones máximas se calcula el caudal máximo que recibirá el tanque de filtro. De igual forma, se calcula el caudal de agua tratada que llevara el sistema. Para el sistema de bombeo se plantea un sistema hidroneumático tipo hidroflo, para el cual se le calcula la potencia de la bomba, suficiente para impulsar el agua hasta el tanque aéreo donde se almacenará el agua tratada para ser utilizada en descarga del inodoro, lavado de pisos y autos, y riego de jardín y plantas. En conclusión, este proyecto es funcional para recolectar agua en las épocas del año donde hay abundantes lluvias y poderse abastecer en las temporadas donde hay poca precipitación en Girardot Cundinamarca. l costo del sistema ecotank para ser implementado en una vivienda unifamiliar estrato 3 es de 5.004.100.Teniendoencuentaqueelahorromensualesde5.004.100. Teniendo en cuenta que el ahorro mensual es de 26.130, esto quiere decir que anualmente se ahorraría 313.560,porlotanto,en15an~osaproximadamenteseestarıˊarecuperandolainversioˊninicial.Losbeneficiosquetieneimplementarestesistemaesquegenerareduccioˊndeconsumodeaguapotable,tambieˊntraebeneficiosparasubsanarlosproblemasambientalesqueafectanalplanetaactualmente.Theobjectiveofthisprojectistodesignarainwaterandgraywatercollectionsystemcalled(EcoTank)forthecityofGirardotCundinamarca,withthepurposeofreducingtheuseofdrinkingwaterinsecondaryactivities,forgeneralusesotherthanhumanconsumption,suchasdischargesfromtoilets,washingfloors,wateringplants,etc.ThemeteorologicaldataoftheIDEAMcorrespondingtothemeteorologicalstationswerecollected:UniversityofCundinamarcainGirardot,andNataimainEspinal.Withthemaximumrainfall,themaximumflowthatthefiltertankwillreceiveiscalculated.Inthesameway,theflowoftreatedwaterthatthesystemwillcarryiscalculated.Forthepumpingsystem,ahydropneumaticsystemofthehydrophilictypeisproposed,forwhichthepowerofthepumpiscalculated,sufficienttodrivethewatertotheairtankwherethetreatedwaterwillbestoredtobeusedinflushingthetoilet,washingthefloorsandcars,andgardenandplantwatering.Inconclusion,thisprojectisfunctionaltocollectwaterinthetimesoftheyearwhenthereisabundantrainfallandtobeabletosupplyitintheseasonswherethereislittleprecipitationinGirardotCundinamarca.hecostoftheecotanksystemtobeimplementedinastratum3singlefamilyhomeis313.560, por lo tanto, en 15 años aproximadamente se estaría recuperando la inversión inicial. Los beneficios que tiene implementar este sistema es que genera reducción de consumo de agua potable, también trae beneficios para subsanar los problemas ambientales que afectan al planeta actualmente.The objective of this project is to design a rainwater and gray water collection system called (EcoTank) for the city of Girardot Cundinamarca, with the purpose of reducing the use of drinking water in secondary activities, for general uses other than human consumption, such as discharges from toilets, washing floors, watering plants, etc. The meteorological data of the IDEAM corresponding to the meteorological stations were collected: University of Cundinamarca in Girardot, and Nataima in Espinal. With the maximum rainfall, the maximum flow that the filter tank will receive is calculated. In the same way, the flow of treated water that the system will carry is calculated. For the pumping system, a hydropneumatic system of the hydrophilic type is proposed, for which the power of the pump is calculated, sufficient to drive the water to the air tank where the treated water will be stored to be used in flushing the toilet, washing the floors and cars, and garden and plant watering. In conclusion, this project is functional to collect water in the times of the year when there is abundant rainfall and to be able to supply it in the seasons where there is little precipitation in Girardot Cundinamarca. he cost of the ecotank system to be implemented in a stratum 3 single-family home is 5,004,100. Taking into account that the monthly saving is 26,130,thismeansthat 26,130, this means that 313,560 would be saved annually, therefore, in approximately 15 years the initial investment would be recovered. The benefits of implementing this system is that it generates a reduction in the consumption of drinking water, it also brings benefits to correct the environmental problems that currently affect the planet

    Diseñar un sistema de recolección de aguas lluvias y aguas grises denominado “Ecotank” para disminuir el uso del agua potable en actividades secundarias en el municipio de Girardot Cundinamarca

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    Diseñar el sistema de recolección de aguas grises y aguas lluvias “EcoTank” como aprovechamiento de reutilización en actividades secundarias, para mitigar el impacto ambiental y económico en los habitantes de Girardot CundinamarcaEl presente proyecto tiene por objetivo diseñar un sistema de recolección de aguas lluvias y aguas grises denominado (EcoTank) para la ciudad de Girardot Cundinamarca, con el propósito de disminuir el uso del agua potable en actividades secundarias, para usos generales diferentes al consumo humano, como las descargas de los sanitarios, lavado de pisos, al riego de plantas, etc. Se recolectaron los datos meteorológicos del IDEAM correspondientes a las estaciones meteorológicas: Universidad de Cundinamarca en Girardot, y, Nataima en el Espinal. Con las precipitaciones máximas se calcula el caudal máximo que recibirá el tanque de filtro. De igual forma, se calcula el caudal de agua tratada que llevara el sistema. Para el sistema de bombeo se plantea un sistema hidroneumático tipo hidroflo, para el cual se le calcula la potencia de la bomba, suficiente para impulsar el agua hasta el tanque aéreo donde se almacenará el agua tratada para ser utilizada en descarga del inodoro, lavado de pisos y autos, y riego de jardín y plantas. En conclusión, este proyecto es funcional para recolectar agua en las épocas del año donde hay abundantes lluvias y poderse abastecer en las temporadas donde hay poca precipitación en Girardot Cundinamarca. l costo del sistema ecotank para ser implementado en una vivienda unifamiliar estrato 3 es de 5.004.100.Teniendoencuentaqueelahorromensualesde5.004.100. Teniendo en cuenta que el ahorro mensual es de 26.130, esto quiere decir que anualmente se ahorraría 313.560,porlotanto,en15an~osaproximadamenteseestarıˊarecuperandolainversioˊninicial.Losbeneficiosquetieneimplementarestesistemaesquegenerareduccioˊndeconsumodeaguapotable,tambieˊntraebeneficiosparasubsanarlosproblemasambientalesqueafectanalplanetaactualmente.Theobjectiveofthisprojectistodesignarainwaterandgraywatercollectionsystemcalled(EcoTank)forthecityofGirardotCundinamarca,withthepurposeofreducingtheuseofdrinkingwaterinsecondaryactivities,forgeneralusesotherthanhumanconsumption,suchasdischargesfromtoilets,washingfloors,wateringplants,etc.ThemeteorologicaldataoftheIDEAMcorrespondingtothemeteorologicalstationswerecollected:UniversityofCundinamarcainGirardot,andNataimainEspinal.Withthemaximumrainfall,themaximumflowthatthefiltertankwillreceiveiscalculated.Inthesameway,theflowoftreatedwaterthatthesystemwillcarryiscalculated.Forthepumpingsystem,ahydropneumaticsystemofthehydrophilictypeisproposed,forwhichthepowerofthepumpiscalculated,sufficienttodrivethewatertotheairtankwherethetreatedwaterwillbestoredtobeusedinflushingthetoilet,washingthefloorsandcars,andgardenandplantwatering.Inconclusion,thisprojectisfunctionaltocollectwaterinthetimesoftheyearwhenthereisabundantrainfallandtobeabletosupplyitintheseasonswherethereislittleprecipitationinGirardotCundinamarca.hecostoftheecotanksystemtobeimplementedinastratum3singlefamilyhomeis313.560, por lo tanto, en 15 años aproximadamente se estaría recuperando la inversión inicial. Los beneficios que tiene implementar este sistema es que genera reducción de consumo de agua potable, también trae beneficios para subsanar los problemas ambientales que afectan al planeta actualmente.The objective of this project is to design a rainwater and gray water collection system called (EcoTank) for the city of Girardot Cundinamarca, with the purpose of reducing the use of drinking water in secondary activities, for general uses other than human consumption, such as discharges from toilets, washing floors, watering plants, etc. The meteorological data of the IDEAM corresponding to the meteorological stations were collected: University of Cundinamarca in Girardot, and Nataima in Espinal. With the maximum rainfall, the maximum flow that the filter tank will receive is calculated. In the same way, the flow of treated water that the system will carry is calculated. For the pumping system, a hydropneumatic system of the hydrophilic type is proposed, for which the power of the pump is calculated, sufficient to drive the water to the air tank where the treated water will be stored to be used in flushing the toilet, washing the floors and cars, and garden and plant watering. In conclusion, this project is functional to collect water in the times of the year when there is abundant rainfall and to be able to supply it in the seasons where there is little precipitation in Girardot Cundinamarca. he cost of the ecotank system to be implemented in a stratum 3 single-family home is 5,004,100. Taking into account that the monthly saving is 26,130,thismeansthat 26,130, this means that 313,560 would be saved annually, therefore, in approximately 15 years the initial investment would be recovered. The benefits of implementing this system is that it generates a reduction in the consumption of drinking water, it also brings benefits to correct the environmental problems that currently affect the planet

    Can the Holmes-Rahe Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) Be Used as a Suicide Risk Scale? An Exploratory Study

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    The objective of this research was to examine whether the Holmes-Rahe Social Readjustment Rating Scale, a life event scale, can be used to identify suicide attempters. The Holmes-Rahe Social Readjustment Rating Scale\u27s ability to identify suicide attempters was tested in 1183 subjects (478 suicide attempters, 197 psychiatric inpatients, and 508 healthy controls) using the Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis and traditional psychometric methods. The Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis outperformed traditional psychometric approaches (area under the curve: 0.85 vs. 0.78; p \u3c 0.05) and indicated that this scale may be used to identify suicide attempters. The life events that better characterized suicide attempters were change in frequency of arguments, marital separation, and personal injury. The Holmes-Rahe Social Readjustment Rating Scale may help identify suicide attempters

    Stability of childhood anxiety disorder diagnoses: a follow-up naturalistic study in psychiatric care

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    Few studies have examined the stability of major psychiatric disorders in pediatric psychiatric clinical populations. The objective of this study was to examine the long-term stability of anxiety diagnoses starting with pre-school age children through adolescence evaluated at multiple time points. Prospective cohort study was conducted of all children and adolescents receiving psychiatric care at all pediatric psychiatric clinics belonging to two catchment areas in Madrid, Spain, between 1 January, 1992 and 30 April, 2006. Patients were selected from among 24,163 children and adolescents who received psychiatric care. Patients had to have a diagnosis of an ICD-10 anxiety disorder during at least one of the consultations and had to have received psychiatric care for the anxiety disorder. We grouped anxiety disorder diagnoses according to the following categories: phobic disorders, social anxiety disorders, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), stress-related disorders, and "other" anxiety disorders which, among others, included generalized anxiety disorder, and panic disorder. Complementary indices of diagnostic stability were calculated. As much as 1,869 subjects were included and had 27,945 psychiatric/ psychological consultations. The stability of all ICD-10 anxiety disorder categories studied was high regardless of the measure of diagnostic stability used. Phobic and social anxiety disorders showed the highest diagnostic stability, whereas OCD and "other" anxiety disorders showed the lowest diagnostic stability. No significant sex differences were observed on the diagnostic stability of the anxiety disorder categories studied. Diagnostic stability measures for phobic, social anxiety, and "other" anxiety disorder diagnoses varied depending on the age at first evaluation. In this clinical pediatric outpatient sample it appears that phobic, social anxiety, and stress-related disorder diagnoses in children and adolescents treated in community outpatient services may have high diagnostic stability