2,066 research outputs found

    Hypopituitarism Following Traumatic Brain Injury: Determining Factors for Diagnosis

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    Neuroendocrine dysfunction, long recognized as a consequence of traumatic brain injury (TBI), is a major cause of disability that includes physical and psychological involvement with long-term cognitive, behavioral, and social changes. There is no standard procedure regarding at what time after trauma the diagnosis should be made. Also there is uncertainty on defining the best methods for diagnosis and testing and what types of patients should be selected for screening. Common criteria for evaluating these patients are required on account of the high prevalence of TBI worldwide and the potential new cases of hypopituitarism. The aim of this review is to clarify, based on the evidence, when endocrine assessment should be performed after TBI and which patients should be evaluated. Additional studies are still needed to know the impact of post-traumatic hypopituitarism and to assess the impact of hormone replacement in the prognosis

    Mobile sensing for behavioral research: A component-based approach for rapid deployment of sensing campaigns

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    The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was partially funded by the National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) in Mexico through a scholarship provided to I.R.F. Also, this work was partially funded by the Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora (ITSON) through the PROFAPI program.Collecting experimental data from multiple sensing devices has just recently become quite popular in behavioral and social sciences. Among existing devices, mobile phones stand out as they allow researchers to collect data from individuals in an unbiased, precise, unobtrusive, and timely manner. Current mobile sensing applications are typically developed from scratch, provide no reusable components, and frequently do not take advantage of the devices’ processing capabilities. In light of such limitations, this work presents a novel tool that leverages mobile phones not only to collect data via their sensors but also to process them on the device as soon as they are gathered. The tool provides researchers with easy-to-use services that allow them to configure the required processing routines on the mobile phones. This work proposes a new approach for rapid deployment of sensing campaigns targeted at scientists with basic technical knowledge and requiring low effort. We performed an evaluation aimed at determining whether there is a significant improvement in terms of user effectiveness and efficiency in the definition of new components. The results suggest that the proposed tool speeds up the time and reduces the effort taken for setting up and deploying a sensing campaign

    Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation improves survival in a novel 24-hour pig model of severe acute respiratory distress syndrome

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Pub Med CentralExtracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is increasingly being used to treat severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). However, there is limited clinical evidence about how to optimize the technique. Experimental research can provide an alternative to fill the actual knowledge gap. The purpose of the present study was to develop and validate an animal model of acute lung injury (ALI) which resembled severe ARDS, and which could be successfully supported with ECMO. Eighteen pigs were randomly allocated into three groups: sham, ALI, and ALI + ECMO. ALI was induced by a double-hit consisting in repeated saline lavage followed by a 2-hour period of injurious ventilation. All animals were followed up to 24 hours while being ventilated with conventional ventilation (tidal volume 10 ml/kg). The lung injury model resulted in severe hypoxemia, increased airway pressures, pulmonary hypertension, and altered alveolar membrane barrier function, as indicated by an increased protein concentration in bronchoalveolar fluid, and increased wet/dry lung weight ratio. Histologic examination revealed severe diffuse alveolar damage, characteristic of ARDS. Veno-venous ECMO was started at the end of lung injury induction with a flow > 60 ml/kg/min resulting in rapid reversal of hypoxemia and pulmonary hypertension. Mortality was 0, 66.6 and 16.6% in the SHAM, ALI and ALI + ECMO groups, respectively (p < 0.05). This is a novel clinically relevant animal model that can be used to optimize the approach to ECMO and foster translational research in extracorporeal lung support.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4931177

    Self-Regulated Learning Microanalysis For The Study Of The Performance Of Clinical Examinations By Physiotherapy Students

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    BackgroundStudents require feedback on their self-regulated learning (SRL) processes to improve the performance of clinical examinations. The key SRL processes used by students can be identified by SRL-micro-analysis but this method has not been previously applied to physiotherapy students. The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the potential usefulness of SRL-microanalysis for the identification of key SRL processes used by physiotherapy students during the performance of a clinical examination skill. The objectives of the pilot study were: 1) to evaluate whether SRL-microanalysis could identify differences in the use of key SRL processes between successful and unsuccessful students; 2) to evaluate the reliability of SRL microanalysis ratings produced by different assessors.MethodsSRL-microanalysis was used with second year physiotherapy students of a Spanish university (n= 26) as they performed a goniometric task. The task required students to obtain a goniometric measurement of the shoulder joint of a peer. Two assessors evaluated student performance and conducted the SRL- microanalysis with all students. An analysis of inter-rater reliability was performed to evaluate the degree of agreement between assessors. ResultsThe SRL-microanalysis revealed differences in the use of key SRL processes between successful (n= 15: 57.0%) and unsuccessful performers (n= 11: 43.0%): The differences were particularly evident in strategic planning and self-monitoring skills. There was good inter-rater reliability for scoring of strategic planning (k=0.792), self-monitoring (k=0.946) and self-evaluation (k=0.846).ConclusionThe use of SRL microanalysis characterized the key SRL processes of physiotherapy students performing a clinical skill with reliability between the assessors. This pilot study supports the potential usefulness of SRL-microanalysis for the identification of key SRL processes in physiotherapy education. Therefore, this study paves the way to the development of a full study, with a larger number of students and more diverse clinical tasks, to evaluate the SRL processes in successful and unsuccessful students. <br/

    Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness analysis in normal and glaucomatous dogs using laser polarimetry diagnosis

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    Once the glaucomatous damage is progressive and irreversible, studies on the glaucoma onset as well as its development have been discussed. It is known that the early diagnostisis is extremely important to the stabilization and treatment. The retinal nerve fibers layer thickness analysis ''in vivo'' was proposed in human ophthalmology in order to establish the thickness changing, due to glaucoma, and have shown that such findings can be even detected six years priors to the first clinical signs. However, in Veterinary Medicine, such data need to be investigated and discussed. This study used two groups of dogs, a glaucomatous group and a normal group, that had been submitted to the retinal nerve fibers layer analysis through the GDx Nerve Fiber Analyzer. Statistical data showed that the nerve fiber layer of the glaucomatous group was thinner (p &lt; 0.05), sustaining ganglion cells axons loss in glaucomatous eyes, compared to normal eyes.As lesões glaucomatosas são progressivas e irreversíveis. Estudos sobre o aparecimento e comportamento desta enfermidade vêm sendo discutidos na oftalmologia em geral. O diagnóstico precoce é de extrema importância para o tratamento e estabilização da mesma. A análise da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas retinianas ''in vivo'' foi proposta na oftalmologia humana, para estabelecer as alterações produzidas pelo glaucoma, e tem demonstrado que tais alterações podem ser detectadas até seis anos antes de alterações de campo visual e aumento de pressão intraocular. Entretanto, na Medicina Veterinária, estes dados carecem de estudo e discussão. Neste experimento foram utilizados dois grupos de cães, com olhos normais e olhos glaucomatosos, que foram submetidos à análise das fibras nervosas retinianas através do Analisador de Fibras Nervosas GDx. Os resultados estatísticos demonstraram que a camada de fibras nervosas dos olhos dos cães glaucomatosos estava mais delgada (p &lt; 0,05) quando comparados aos olhos de cães normais, confirmando a perda de axônios das células ganglionares em olhos de cães com glaucoma

    InCense IoT: A Collective Sensing System for Behavior Data in Shared Spaces

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    Behavioral sensing systems collect data from smartphones, wearables, and other devices with the aim of analyzing and making sense of them. In this work, we present InCense IoT, a collective sensing system which uses mobile and ubiquitous sensors for collecting behavior data of groups of participants in shared spaces. This paper describes the concept of collective sensing, an implementation onto InCense called InCense IoT, innovative features, advantages over individual-centric sensing systems. Finally, this paper presents results of a use case using it in monitoring behaviors in mother-child interactions

    Investigación para la evaluación de desempeño de los empleados de la empresa APARCAR S.A.S durante el periodo 2020 al 2021

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    Esta investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar el desempeño para los empleados de la empresa APARCAR S.A.S durante el periodo 2020 al 2021, para ello se planteó el estudio de investigación cualitativa observacional, donde utilizamos la técnica de recolección de datos, fuente primaria la encuesta que consta de 29 preguntas, encaminadas a la evaluación de desempeño por competencias de 90 grados. Por su parte, se realiza un muestreo no probabilístico, debido a que el marco muestral que escogimos fue representativo: 20 empleados con cargos administrativo: auxiliares de oficina, analistas, asistentes, coordinadores, supervisores, jefes y directores, con el fin de obtener un excelente resultado con la técnica escogida. Como resultado de la encuesta aplicada a los trabajadores de la compañía, podemos identificar que la evaluación de desempeño es una herramienta que permite identificar oportunamente las falencias e inconsistencias que se estén presentando, así mismo resaltando la buena gestión, la supervisión de las actividades permite mejorar el recurso humano encaminando a los colaboradores a realizar sus actividades de la manera más transparente y eficiente, provechando el potencial de su grupo de trabajo, utilizando los incentivos como una estrategia para mantener un nivel de productividad alto presentado excelentes resultados en la gestión.The objective of this investigation is to evaluate the performance of the employees of the company Aparcar SAS during the period 2020 to 2021, for this purpose the qualitative observational research study was proposed, where we used the data collection technique, the primary source of the survey consisting of 29 questions, aimed at the evaluation of performance by competencies of 90 degrees. For its part, a non-probabilistic sampling is carried out, because the sampling frame we chose was representative: 20 employees with administrative positions: office assistants, analysts, assistants, coordinators, supervisors, bosses and directors, in order to obtain a excellent result with the chosen technique. As a result of the survey applied to the company's workers, we can identify that performance evaluation is a tool that allows timely identification of shortcomings and inconsistencies that are occurring, also highlighting good management, supervision of activities allows improvement human resources directing employees to carry out their activities in the most transparent and efficient way, taking advantage of the potential of their work group, using incentives as a strategy to maintain a high level of productivity, presenting excellent management results

    Mare stromal endometrial cells differentially modulate inflammation depending on oestrus cycle status: an in vitro study

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    The modulation of inflammation is pivotal for uterine homeostasis. Here we evaluated the effect of the oestrus cycle on the expression of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory markers in a cellular model of induced fibrosis. Mare endometrial stromal cells isolated from follicular or mid-luteal phase were primed with 10 ng/mL of TGFβ alone or in combination with either IL1β, IL6, or TNFα (10 ng/mL each) or all together for 24 h. Control cells were not primed. Messenger and miRNA expression were analyzed using real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). Cells in the follicular phase primed with pro-inflammatory cytokines showed higher expression of collagen-related genes (CTGF, COL1A1, COL3A1, and TIMP1) and mesenchymal marker (SLUG, VIM, CDH2, and CDH11) genes; p &lt; 0.05. Cells primed during the mid-luteal overexpressed genes associated with extracellular matrix, processing, and prostaglandin E synthase (MMP2, MMP9, PGR, TIMP2, and PTGES; p &lt; 0.05). There was a notable upregulation of pro-fibrotic miRNAs (miR17, miR21, and miR433) in the follicular phase when the cells were exposed to TGFβ + IL1β, TGFβ + IL6 or TGFβ + IL1β + IL6 + TNFα. Conversely, in cells from the mid-luteal phase, the treatments either did not or diminished the expression of the same miRNAs. On the contrary, the anti-fibrotic miRNAs (miR26a, miR29b, miR29c, miR145, miR378, and mir488) were not upregulated with treatments in the follicular phase. Rather, they were overexpressed in cells from the mid-luteal phase, with the highest regulation observed in TGFβ + IL1β + IL6 + TNFα treatment groups. These miRNAs were also analyzed in the extracellular vesicles secreted by the cells. A similar trend as seen with cellular miRNAs was noted, where anti-fibrotic miRNAs were downregulated in the follicular phase, while notably elevated pro-fibrotic miRNAs were observed in extracellular vesicles originating from the follicular phase. Pro-inflammatory cytokines may amplify the TGFβ signal in the follicular phase resulting in significant upregulation of extracellular matrix-related genes, an imbalance in the metalloproteinases, downregulation of estrogen receptors, and upregulation of pro-fibrotic factors. Conversely, in the luteal phase, there is a protective role mediated primarily through an increase in anti-fibrotic miRNAs, a decrease in SMAD2 phosphorylation, and reduced expression of fibrosis-related genes

    Research as a pedagogical strategy in the promotion of cultural identity in the municipality of Tasajera

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados derivados de la utilización de la Investigación como Estrategia Pedagógica, empleada como una metodología que favorece el desarrollo del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje y permite generar nuevos conocimientos a partir de la realidad educativa. En la construcción de este proyecto la intención es fundamentar el uso de la investigación como estrategia para afianzar en los estudiantes la identidad cultural propia de su municipio. La población estuvo conformada por los estudiantes de la Institución Educativa Distrital (IED) Rural de Tasajera sede Santiago Montaño. A partir de las entrevistas realizadas a personas de tercera edad, los niños de la IED Santiago Montaño, realizaron un libro de historias de vida de la población de Tasajera en la cual se recopiló información relacionada con la tradición y cultura de este municipio.This article presents the results derived from the Research as Pedagogic Strategy (IEP) becomes a methodology that favors the development of the teaching-learning process, having as intentionality to generate new knowledge from the educational reality. This is why it is a fundamental pillar in the construction of this project, which seeks to use research as a strategy to strengthen students’ cultural identity. Promote cultural identity in the municipality of Tasajera using Research as a Pedagogical Strategy (IEP). The population was conformed by the students of the District Educational Institution (IED) Rural of Tasajera seat Santiago Montaño. From the interviews carried out with elderly people, the children of the IED Santiago Montaño, made a book of life stories of the population of Tasajera in which information related to the tradition and culture of this municipality was collected