7,243 research outputs found

    Fractura-luxación posterior de hombro tratada mediante la técnica de McLaughlin

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    Se presenta un caso de luxación posterior de hombro, con fractura por impactación de la cabeza humeral, ocasionada por crisis convulsivas. Estas lesiones no son fáciles de reconocer en los primeros momentos, y en nuestro caso se precisó de un estudio radiográfico en distintas proyecciones y una TAC. Se realizó tratamiento quirúrgico mediante la técnica original de McLaughlin. A los 7 meses de la intervención el paciente ha recuperado casi totalmente la movilidad en dicho hombro y está libre de dolor.A case of posterior dislocation of the shoulder with locked fracture of the humeral head after a convulsive seizure is reported. At first stages, this type is very difficult to recognize. In our case, a radiographic study in different views and a CT-scan were needed. Surgical treatment were carried out according to McLauglin's original technique. Seven months after surgery the patient had regained almost complete range of shoulder motion and was pain-free

    Estudio del apoyo metatarsal en bipedestación mediante podoscopio electrónico de alta resolución.

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    Con el jin de estudiar el apoyo metatarsal en bipedestación se han realizado 780 registros en la plataforma PDS 93, correspondientes a 390 individuos, no seleccionados, sin patología de la marcha, 234 varones y 156 mujeres, con edades comprendidas entre 24 y 41 años (edad media de 29,9 años). En cada registro se ha recogido la presión ejercida por cada metatarsiano, relacionando la carga obtenida con el peso, conjiguración mecánica del pie y huella plantar: Los resultados obtenidos se han procesado estadísticamente por medio del programa SPSS. El porcentaje de las cargas medias obtenidas para cada metatarsiano han sido: 16,85, 21,25, 23,88, 20,24 y 17,78%, existiendo dqerencias sign$cativas para el apoyo de los metatarsianos centrales (p < 0,001). Todos los metatarsianos soportan carga en bipedestación, de acuerdo con las teorías actuales. Sin embargo, aunque la distribución del peso para el primer metatarsiano se aproxima al doble de los otros, la carga máxima en g/cm2 se realiza en los metatarsianos centrales

    Spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion in focusing, scattering, and imaging systems

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    We present a general theory of spin-to-orbital angular momentum (AM) conversion of light in focusing, scattering, and imaging optical systems. Our theory employs universal geometric transformations of non-paraxial optical fields in such systems and allows for direct calculation and comparison of the AM conversion efficiency in different physical settings. Observations of the AM conversions using local intensity distributions and far-field polarimetric measurements are discussed

    Resorcinolic Lipids from Yucatecan Propolis

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    Propolis is a material produced by bees from a combination of plant exudates and wax, used to fill out cracks in the beehive and to defend against intruders and pathogenic microorganisms; it is recognized for its many biological activities and its chemical composition depends on the botanical sources close to the beehive. The objective of this investigation was to isolate and identify metabolites with antioxidant activity present in a propolis sample collected in Yucatan, Mexico. Purification of the bioactive metabolites was carried out using argentation chromatography, while the combination of 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), laser desorption ionization (LDI), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and biosynthetic origin data allowed their identification as resorcinolic lipids. Finally, the resin of Mangifera indica was identified as the botanical source of these metabolite

    Suplementación con Trichantera gigantea en toretes Brahaman pastoreando Panicum maximun, en trópico medio

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    El trabajo se realizó en la finca los Guayabos de la vereda capotes de la inspección de Cumaca en el municipio de Tibacuy, a 1250 m.s.n.m., temperatura promedio de 2l°C y precipitación anual de 1.092 mm de precipitación anual, en la región del Sumapaz..

    Leucaena leucocephala in ruminant nutrition

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    It is a common situation in extensive ruminant production systems in tropical countries to have low production indicators due to nutrient deficiencies in the diet. An economic alternative to increase animal production is the incorporation of legumes (fodder and fruits) in the diet. This review, presents an analysis of the positive and negative effects of Leucaena leucocephala consumption by ruminants, with particular emphasis on the secondary compound mimosine. Leucaena due to its high nutrient content, rumen by-pass protein supply and its possible effect on the reduction of greenhouse gas (attributed to tannins) has become one of the legumes most commonly used in ruminant feeding practices. However, in countries where leucaena has been introduced, its use is still limited to levels below 30% inclusion in the diet, due to the secondary compound mimosine and its isomers (3,4 and 2,3 DHP), which can induce toxicity, even when animals are inoculated with rumen fluid containing the bacteria Synergistes jonesii reported as responsible for degrading these compounds in the rumen. In the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, ruminants consuming leucaena can tolerate more than 50% inclusion in the diet, without having a negative impact on production, attributed intake to mimosine and its isomers. We conclude that in animals not adapted, the intake would be limited to low inclusion levels (less than 30% inclusion in the diet), mainly because of mimosine and its derivatives. The decrease in intake or diet digestibility seem to better explain the reduction in methane production, however, in vivo studies are required to clearly establish the mechanism of action. It has been reported the presence of different bacteria to S. jonessi that would have the ability to degrade mimosine and its derivatives, however, the activity of these bacteria and its effectiveness must be confirmed in vivo

    Lightning Impulse Current Tests on Conductive Fabrics

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    Submitted to "Journal of Industrial Textiles"The large amount of electric current associated to lightning discharges is hazardous for living beings, equipment, structures and buildings. To protect those targets against lightning are used Lightning Protection Systems (LPS). However, there are some temporary outdoor activities and backcountry places where an adequate LPS cannot be set up mainly due to the large dimensions of its components and its heavy weight. On the search of light weight lightning protection materials that can be used as part of special LPS, we research some types of electroconductive fabrics by applying high lightning impulse currents in laboratory. The fabric samples checked were pieces of 10 cm x 10 cm: two rip-stop type, a plain-weave, a non-woven and a carbon-impregnated polymeric, all of them obtained commercially. Under laboratory conditions, these samples were subject to subsequent lightning impulse currents registering the voltage and current signals. Optical and scanning electron microscope inspections were performed after tests. Despite some changes visualized as marks left on the fabric surface, the results show that investigated conductive textiles can endure ground currents produced by atmospheric lightning since they withstand the several applied laboratory lightning impulse currents. The outcomes suggest that the weave pattern of the conductive fabric influences the lightning current tolerance, enabling some conductive fabrics to be used in heavy-current applications and as part of personal LPS for outdoor, backcountry and mobile shelters, particularly when lightweight and portability are mandatory

    Health care costs of copd in Colombia

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    Describe the average age of sexual life onset from young people and adolescents, the prevalence of contraceptive methods and explore determinants of pregnancy. A retrospective cohort (2014-2018) was followed by a health insurer of the subsidized regime in Colombia. The study sample consisted of 35,214 young people aged 10-24 years living in 21 municipalities of the Colombian Caribbean region. For the social determinants of pregnancy, a multivariate probit model was estimated using as explanatory variables, housing area, education, family functionality and sexual behavior. 10.3% of women and 14.1% of men had their first sexual encounter before age 14 and 43.5% of women and 37.4% of men began their sex life after age 17. From the young people who claimed to have started their sexual life, 70.9% of the men made use of the condom as a contraceptive method, while the women divided on average 27.2% for the pills and / or injections followed by 16 , 1% in the use of the subdermal implant. As determinants of pregnancy in young people under 20, it was found that variables such as suspending school years [Yes (β = 0.6, p = 0.006)], being planned with hormonal method [Yes (β = 0.5, p = 0.000)] or start sexual life [Between 10 to 14 years (β = 0.14, p = 0.000)], increase the likelihood of young women becoming pregnant at some time in their life. These results also showed that the schooling of the young [University (β = -0.4, p = 0.038)] and always use condoms in sexual intercourse [Yes (β = -0.5, p = 0.042)] help prevent the pregnancy event from occurring. The age of sexual onset establishes a basis on which decision makers should intervene for promote a safe sex life, from use of anticonceptives in young people and thus avoiding unplanned pregnancy

    Ethical challenges in genetic research among Philippine Indigenous Peoples: Insights from fieldwork in Zamboanga and the Sulu Archipelago

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    The Philippines, with the recent discovery of an archaic hominin in Luzon and an extensive ethnolinguistic diversity of more than 100 Indigenous peoples, is crucial to understanding human evolution and population history in Island Southeast Asia. Advances in DNA sequencing technologies enable the rapid generation of genomic data to robustly address questions about origins, relatedness, and population movements. With the increased genetic sampling in the country, especially by international scientists, it is vital to revisit ethical rules and guidelines relevant to conducting research among Indigenous peoples. Our team led fieldwork expeditions between 2019 and February 2020 in Zamboanga and the Sulu Archipelago, a chain of islands connecting the Mindanao and Borneo landmasses. The trips concluded with a collection of 2,149 DNA samples from 104 field sites. We present our fieldwork experience among the mostly sea-oriented Sama-Bajaw and Tausug-speaking communities and propose recommendations to address the ethical challenges of conducting such research. This work contributes toward building an enabling research environment in the Philippines that respects the rights and autonomy of Indigenous peoples, who are the rightful owners of their DNA and all genetic information contained therein