1,088 research outputs found

    Comparación de tres metodologías para la construcción de intervalos de confianza de los índices de capacidad del proceso bajo datos autocorrelacionados

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    Los ındices de  capacidad de  un  proceso han  sido  ampliamente utilizados en  la industria, los cuales suministran una  informacion numerica acerca de como el proceso se a justa a unos  l´ımites de especificaci´on establecidos.   Los  procedimientos existentes para construir intervalos de  confianza para los ındices  de  capacidad Cpm y  C en  procesos estacionarios  gaussianos muestran ba jos porcenta jes de cobertura. Este artıculo presenta dos  metodologıas alternativas para construir inter- valos  de  confianza para los ´ındices  C pm y C pmk, ademas  de  los ındices  Cp y  C,  en  procesos estacionarios  gaussianos.   La  comparacion de  las  tres metodolog´ıas  se  realiza mediante  simulacion, analizando el  pk porcenta je  de cobertura para procesos autorregresivos de orden uno

    Challenges and opportunities for mining adverse drug reactions: perspectives from pharma, regulatory agencies, healthcare providers and consumers

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    Monitoring drug safety is a central concern throughout the drug life cycle. Information about toxicity and adverse events is generated at every stage of this life cycle, and stakeholders have a strong interest in applying text mining and artificial intelligence (AI) methods to manage the ever-increasing volume of this information. Recognizing the importance of these applications and the role of challenge evaluations to drive progress in text mining, the organizers of BioCreative VII (Critical Assessment of Information Extraction in Biology) convened a panel of experts to explore ‘Challenges in Mining Drug Adverse Reactions’. This article is an outgrowth of the panel; each panelist has highlighted specific text mining application(s), based on their research and their experiences in organizing text mining challenge evaluations. While these highlighted applications only sample the complexity of this problem space, they reveal both opportunities and challenges for text mining to aid in the complex process of drug discovery, testing, marketing and post-market surveillance. Stakeholders are eager to embrace natural language processing and AI tools to help in this process, provided that these tools can be demonstrated to add value to stakeholder workflows. This creates an opportunity for the BioCreative community to work in partnership with regulatory agencies, pharma and the text mining community to identify next steps for future challenge evaluations.M.K.: This work was supported in part through the collaboration between the Spanish Plan for the Advancement of Language Technology (Plan TL) and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center; we also acknowledge the 2020 Proyectos de I+D+i - RTI Tipo A (PID2020-119266RA-I00) for support. Ö.U.: This study was supported in part by the National Library of Medicine under Award Number R15LM013209 and R13LM013127.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Multiagent Systems in Automotive Applications

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    The multiagent systems have proved to be a useful tool in the design of solutions to problems of distributed nature. In a distributed system, it is possible that the data, the control actions or even both, be distributed. The concept of agent is a suitable notion for capturing situations where the global knowledge about the status of a system is complex or even impossible to acquire in a single entity. In automotive applications, there exist a great number of scenarios of distributed nature, such as the traffic coordination, routes load balancing problems, traffic negotiation among the infrastructure and cars, to mention a few. Even more, the autonomous driving features of the new generation of cars will require the new methods of car to car communication, car to infrastructure negotiation, and even infrastructure to infrastructure communication. This chapter proposes the application of multiagent system techniques to some problems in the automotive field

    Variabilidad genética de Triatoma flavida y Triatoma bruneri (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) mediante la técnica de RAPD-PCR

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    The Triatominae (Hemiptera:Reduviidae) contains the principal and potential Chagas disease vectors present in Mexico, Central America and South America. Triatoma flavida and T. bruneri are Cuban species. These species are closely related according to morphology and were considered synonyms until 1981, when they were separated on the grounds of external characters of the body and the morphology of male genitalia. The present study seeks to analyze genetic polymorphism of T. flavida and T. bruneri populations using RAPD techniques, and to assess the genetic relationship between these species. Ten random primers were used to evaluate the genetic variability among species using RAPD-PCR. The genetic flow among them was calculated. The dendrogram based on calculated Jaccard distances showed two clearly distinguishable clusters which coincided with the studied species. Within each species, moderate genetic differentiation (Fst 0.05-0.15) and migration rates (N >; 1) were found among populations, that reveal gene flow and genetic homogeneity. Between species, the Fst value showed a high genetic differentiation and the migration rate was insufficient to maintain genetic homogeneity, and confirmed the absence of gene flow between them. Our results confirm the genetic variability among T. flavida and T. bruneri species.La subfamilia Triatominae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) agrupa a los vectores principales y potenciales de la Enfermedad de Chagas, presente en México, Centroamérica y Sudamérica, Triatoma flavida y T. bruneri son especies autóctonas cubanas. Estas especies están muy relacionadas desde el punto de vista morfológico y por ello fueron consideradas sinonimas hasta el 1981, cuando fueron separadas teniendo en cuenta los caracteres externos del cuerpo y la morfología de la genitalia del macho. El presente trabajo pretende confirmar el polimorfismo genético entre las poblaciones selváticas de T. flavida y domiciliadas de T. bruneri utilizando la técnica de RAPD-PCR. Un total de 10 cebadores al azar fueron usados para evaluar la variabilidad genética entre las especies usando la técnica de RAPD-PCR, calculándose el flujo genético entre las especies. El dendrograma obtenido, basado en la distancia genética de Jaccard, mostró dos grupos que coinciden con las especies estudiadas. Dentro de cada especie estudiada se encontró una moderada diferenciación genética (Fst 0.05-015) y tasas de migración (N >; 1) que revelan flujo genético y homogeneidad genética. Entre las especies estudiadas los valores de Fst muestran una alta diferenciación genética y tasas de migración insuficientes para mantener homogeneidad genética y confirman la ausencia de flujo genético entre ellas. Estos resultados confirman la variabilidad genética entre ambas especies

    La cuenca lechera caprina Robles tras dos décadas de historia: Su análisis desde la perspectiva del Desarrollo Rural Sustentable

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    Este trabajo analiza el impacto territorial de la actividad caprina lechera en Santiago del Estero, República Argentina, donde desde 1987 productores reconvirtieron su actividad para la instalación de tambos caprinos. El análisis, realizado desde la perspectiva del Desarrollo Rural Sustentable, se focaliza en el aspecto productivo, del capital social y del accionar del Estado, con el objeto de identificar aquellos elementos potenciales catalizadores del desarrollo. La obtención de datos, se realizó mediante entrevistas, análisis de documentos y observación directa. El trabajo concluye indicando que el intercambio no mercantil permitió la permanencia de los productores, pese a los vaivenes del mercado; e invita al estado a indagar sobre formas de intervención innovadoras, que potencien estas dinámicas. Finalmente se sugiere que el DRS no puede lograrse de la aplicación de recetas pensadas desde afuera, sino que se nutre de la confianza y cooperación entre las comunidades y el Estado.This work analices the territorial impact of milky goatish activity in Santiago del Estero, Argentina, where since 1987, farmers reconverterted their activity to produce goatish milk. The analisys was driven trhough the perspective of Sustainable Rural Development and it is focused in productive, social capital and State’s actions aspects, with the aim of identifying those potentially catalytic elements of the development. The data were collected through interviews, analisys of documents and direct observation. This paper concludes that non-commodities practices allowed the permanence of farmers in spite of the inestability of markets and invites to the State to look for new forms of intervention to fortify these dynamics. Finally it suggests that SRD can’t be reach through the application of external recipies but it nutters with trust and cooperation between communities and State.Fil: Gonzalez, Viviana Graciela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez Sperat, Ramiro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Paz, Raul Gustavo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    La cuenca lechera caprina Robles tras dos décadas de historia: Su análisis desde la perspectiva del Desarrollo Rural Sustentable

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    Este trabajo analiza el impacto territorial de la actividad caprina lechera en Santiago del Estero, República Argentina, donde desde 1987 productores reconvirtieron su actividad para la instalación de tambos caprinos. El análisis, realizado desde la perspectiva del Desarrollo Rural Sustentable, se focaliza en el aspecto productivo, del capital social y del accionar del Estado, con el objeto de identificar aquellos elementos potenciales catalizadores del desarrollo. La obtención de datos, se realizó mediante entrevistas, análisis de documentos y observación directa. El trabajo concluye indicando que el intercambio no mercantil permitió la permanencia de los productores, pese a los vaivenes del mercado; e invita al estado a indagar sobre formas de intervención innovadoras, que potencien estas dinámicas. Finalmente se sugiere que el DRS no puede lograrse de la aplicación de recetas pensadas desde afuera, sino que se nutre de la confianza y cooperación entre las comunidades y el Estado.This work analices the territorial impact of milky goatish activity in Santiago del Estero, Argentina, where since 1987, farmers reconverterted their activity to produce goatish milk. The analisys was driven trhough the perspective of Sustainable Rural Development and it is focused in productive, social capital and State’s actions aspects, with the aim of identifying those potentially catalytic elements of the development. The data were collected through interviews, analisys of documents and direct observation. This paper concludes that non-commodities practices allowed the permanence of farmers in spite of the inestability of markets and invites to the State to look for new forms of intervention to fortify these dynamics. Finally it suggests that SRD can’t be reach through the application of external recipies but it nutters with trust and cooperation between communities and State.Fil: Gonzalez, Viviana Graciela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez Sperat, Ramiro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Paz, Raul Gustavo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    High Trait Anger, Interpersonal Context, and the Recognition of Anger Problems

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    Background: High trait anger is usually destructive for individuals and their relationships. This proneness to anger is reflected in frequent angry feelings, for longer periods of time, and with higher levels of physical arousal and negative expressions (e.g., insulting or arguing with others). Unfortunately, not all individuals with high trait anger recognize the problem. Objective: This research assessed the contribution of the interpersonal context (e.g., family members, friends, and boyfriend/girlfriend) to recognize anger problems. Methods: We recruited 192 individuals with high trait anger who completed questionnaires about 1) recognition of anger problems, 2) how they are perceived by others in terms of anger (i.e., “being irascible”), and 3) if they care about what others think about their anger. Research Design: Cross-sectional. Results: Individuals who recognized their anger problems perceived they have received more messages of “You are very irascible” from their social contexts, while those who do not recognize anger problems, have received these messages less often. Moreover, the higher the extent to which the individuals care about what other people think or say about their anger (i.e., higher importance attached to messages from others), the more it contributed to a higher recognition of anger problems. In addition, a lower importance attached to such messages was related to a lower recognition of such problems. Recognition of anger problems was higher in participants who had a boyfriend/girlfriend (versus those who did not have one), and in female (versus male) participants

    Mobile Voices: Projecting the Voices of Immigrant Workers by Appropriating Mobile Phones for Popular Communication

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    Mobile Voices, also known as VozMob (www.vozmob.net), is a digital storytelling platform for first generation, low-wage immigrants in Los Angeles to create and publish stories about their communities, directly from cell phones. The project is a partnership between the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Southern California (USC) and the Institute of Popular Education of Southern California (IDEPSCA), a nonprofit that organizes low-income immigrants in Los Angeles. Founded in 1984, IDEPSCA's programs are focused on education, economic development, health access and reform, popular communication, and worker rights. Currently IDEPSCA runs six day laborer and household worker centers and two day laborer corners where workers look for jobs in a more humane and dignified way while learning about their rights and gaining valuable leadership skills. The Annenberg School for Communication (the research partner) and IDEPSCA (the community partner) came together around the shared goal of designing communication systems and processes that promote media justice and help those without computer access gain greater participation in the digital public sphere. This chapter is a reflection on popular communication, participatory design, andcommunity-based multimedia practice from the Mobile Voices project team. It was collaboratively written by 13 members of the project and includes a project overview and an exploration of themes including the pedagogy of popular communication, participatory technology design, and the dynamic

    EGF-Coupled Gold Nanoparticles Increase the Expression of CNPase and the Myelin-Associated Proteins MAG, MOG, and MBP in the Septal Nucleus Demyelinated by Cuprizone

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    ARTICULO DE ACCESO ABIERTOCurrent pharmacological therapies against demyelinating diseases are not quite satisfactory to promote remyelination. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) can expand the population of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) that may help with the remyelination process, but its delivery into the injured tissue is still a biomedical challenge. Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) may be a useful tool for drug delivery into the brain. To evaluate remyelination in the septal nucleus, we administered intracerebral GNPs coupled with EGF (EGF–GNPs). C57BL6/J mice were demyelinated with 0.4% cuprizone (CPZ) and divided into several groups: Sham, Ctrl, GNPs, EGF, and EGF–GNPs. We evaluated the remyelination process at two time-points: 2 weeks and 3 weeks post-injection (WPI) of each treatment. We used the rotarod for evaluating motor coordination. Then, we did a Western blot analysis myelin-associated proteins: CNPase, MAG, MOG, and MBP. EGF–GNPs increase the expression of CNPase, MAG, and MOG at 2 WPI. At 3 WPI, we found that the EGF–GNPs treatment improves motor coordination and increases MAG, MOG, and MBP. EGF–GNPs enhance the expression of myelin-associated proteins and improve the motor coordination in mice. Thus, EGF-associated GNPs may be a promising pharmacological vehicle for delivering long-lasting drugs into the brain.S/

    Automated Axial Right Ventricle to Left Ventricle Diameter Ratio Computation in Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiography

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    Background and Purpose Right Ventricular to Left Ventricular (RV/LV) diameter ratio has been shown to be a prognostic biomarker for patients suffering from acute Pulmonary Embolism (PE). While Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiography (CTPA) images used to confirm a clinical suspicion of PE do include information of the heart, a numerical RV/LV diameter ratio is not universally reported, likely because of lack in training, inter-reader variability in the measurements, and additional effort by the radiologist. This study designs and validates a completely automated Computer Aided Detection (CAD) system to compute the axial RV/LV diameter ratio from CTPA images so that the RV/LV diameter ratio can be a more objective metric that is consistently reported in patients for whom CTPA diagnoses PE. Materials and Methods The CAD system was designed specifically for RV/LV measurements. The system was tested in 198 consecutive CTPA patients with acute PE. Its accuracy was evaluated using reference standard RV/LV radiologist measurements and its prognostic value was established for 30-day PE-specific mortality and a composite outcome of 30-day PE-specific mortality or the need for intensive therapies. The study was Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved and HIPAA compliant. Results The CAD system analyzed correctly 92.4% (183/198) of CTPA studies. The mean difference between automated and manually computed axial RV/LV ratios was 0.03±0.22. The correlation between the RV/LV diameter ratio obtained by the CAD system and that obtained by the radiologist was high (r=0.81). Compared to the radiologist, the CAD system equally achieved high accuracy for the composite outcome, with areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves of 0.75 vs. 0.78. Similar results were found for 30-days PE-specific mortality, with areas under the curve of 0.72 vs. 0.75. Conclusions An automated CAD system for determining the CT derived RV/LV diameter ratio in patients with acute PE has high accuracy when compared to manual measurements and similar prognostic significance for two clinical outcomes.Madrid-MIT M+Vision Consortiu